05/16/2001 - Special - Minutes• • Port Orchard, Washington May 16,2001 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington was called to order by Mayor Protem Geiger at 7:00 P.M., in a joint special Town Hall meeting with the Kitsap County Commissioners. The joint Town Hall Meeting was held in City Council Chambers, 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA. Councilmembers present: John Clauson, Don Morrison, Robert Geiger, Carolyn Powers, Warren Van Zee and Tom Stansbery. Kitsap County Commissioners present: Jan Angel Staff present: City Engineer Curies, Deputy Clerk Merlino and County Administrator Fleming. Mayor Protem Geiger welcomed those present and asked the City Engineer to give an update on the purpose of this meeting. City Engineer Curies announced the purpose of this Town Hall Meeting is to provide an opportunity for the community to speak to their elected officials and voice their concerns regarding the proposed Governance Center. Prior to audience comments the City Engineer presented a summary of the proposed Governance Center and the concerns of the City of Port Orchard. Vivian Henderson, PO Box 2133, Port Orchard, spoke in opposition to the Governance Center, stating there have been many developments proposed in Bremerton but nothing has every become of them. Ms. Henderson is worried about money the taxpayers will be spending, concerned about Kitsap County securing loans, and the economy of Port Orchard. Ms. Henderson wants to keep the government center in Port Orchard. Gil Michael, 228 Seattle, questioned the validity that the proposed Governance Center will help in revitalizing Bremerton. Mr. Michael also expressed a concern with spending this kind of money on the proposed Governance Center and stating it truly is a waste of government spending. There are better ways to serve the people. Mr. Michael proposed a satellite office in Bremerton, but keeping the main office in Port Orchard. Jim Avery, County Assessor, commented by moving his office and staff to Bremerton, this move will not improve the service that he already delivers to the citizens of Kitsap County. Mr. Avery would like to see a satellite office built in Bremerton, moving the proposed offices out of Port Orchard is just not a good move. Mr. Avery also commented out of 36 employees in his office, 30 employees would rather stay in Port Orchard. Phil McCormick, President Port Orchard Bay Street Association, expressed a concern with the Port Orchard economy losing $1,000,000. This will be devastating for Port Orchard. Mr. McCormick questioned the Economic Impact Statement and wondered what businesses in Port Orchard were studied. He is not aware of any businesses in Port Orchard that were contacted. Mr. McCormick would like to see the proposed Governance Center and the cost to build this facility placed on a ballot • for the vote of the people. • May 16, 2001 Page 2 of 5 Frank Haberlach, 225 Sidney Ave., spoke in opposition to the Governance Center and identified on the zoning map several areas the County Courthouse could expand their facility. Ron Ryder, 919 Prospect, Vice President, Port Orchard Bay Street Association, expressed a concern with the magnitude of this project and the decision to move forward with the project is in the hands of only three people. David Card, PO Box 402, Manchester, expressed a concern with the findings of the Economic Impact Statement. Mr. Card stated the study did not mention the location of the project, did not mention the necessary infrastructure that needs to be accomplished, and did not mention traffic issues. The study only showed what would benefit Bremerton and not what would benefit the other citizens of Kitsap County. Dave Berta, Courthouse Cafe and Espresso, spoke against moving any of the courthouse offices. Mr. and Mrs. Berta have invested approximately $60,000 in the revitalization of the cafe in the courthouse. Mr. Berta emphasized with this extensive move in personnel this will be very devastating for his business. Chris Bell, Bremerton resident, infomned those present, fighting this matter in court would only benefit the attorneys. A vote of the people is not necessary, as the funds for capital improvements for the project is in place. This one project will not revitalize Bremerton; it will take all of Kitsap County. Richard Brown, local realtor, stated more thought needs to go into this project, specifically the location and the unnecessary expenses for this project. Mel Holgerson, 713 Bay Street, commented this project should be presented to the citizens of Kitsap County for a vote. · Beth Cottrell, 530 Taylor Street, reiterated the same concerns as the prior speakers, specifically due to lack of parking, poor location, and expansion can be accommodated in Port Orchard. Pat Wright, 5336 Pine Ridge Drive, located in Central Kitsap, expressed a concern with the threats and harassment regarding this issue. Leadership on this project needs to come from the three Commissioners. This needs to be resolved in the best interest of all citizens and should not be about money. Bryan Petro, 2969 Mile Hill Drive, pointed out if this project take away $1,000,000 from the small businesses in Port Orchard, it will be a devastation to Port Orchard. This will not hurt the big businesses in Port Orchard. Mr. Petro suggested building a new city hall in Bremerton and a convention center, the convention center will be a benefit for Port Orchard as well. • • May 16, 2001 Page 3 of 5 Lee Caldwell, 922 Sidney Avenue, stated a vote of the people needs to be taken for this project to continue, and also there is not enough parking in Bremerton. Fred Chang, 319 Sidney Avenue, commented that Bremerton is a large enough and should have their own city hall and not have to share with Kitsap County. Placing a satellite office in Bremerton would make better sense. Roxanne Brismon, Long Lake resident, and past member of the Kitsap County Multi-Use Facilities Task Force, which reviews public buildings and multi uses, commented all public buildings are utilizing public funds and spoke in favor of any project and would endorse any project that would provide for multiple purpose collaboration efforts. The Port Orchard Municipal Building in under utilized, government needs to concentrate on multi purpose facilities. Mark Miller, 915 DeKalb Street, urged the Commissioners to place this project on a ballot and give the citizens of Kitsap County the opportunity to speak. Russ Nelson, Olalla resident, noted delivery of service is the most important issue and placing this project in Bremerton does not appear to be easily accessible or a logical place. Put it to the vote of the people. Susan Bell, resident of Kitsap County, stated it makes good sense to move the county offices to Bremerton. Kitsap County offices need expansion as well as Bremerton City Hall. Sharing facilities will save government money, funding is already in place, no bond or levy taxes will be asked of the citizens. Merton Cooper, 1248 Crossway Court, Port Orchard, all of the courthouse business should remain in Port Orchard, keep the county seat in the county seat. Ed Wolfe, President Bremerton Chamber of Commerce, asked the City of Port Orchard to work with Bremerton to assist them in reaching their vision. Mr. Wolfe commented the Bremerton Chamber of Commerce is working with the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce, Bremerton city hall continues to work with Port Orchard city hall, Bremerton all the communities and organizations need to work together. Laura Lee Hanson, Bremerton resident, spoke in opposition to the proposed Governance Center. Ms. Hanson stated this building should be built to benefit all of Kitsap County and should not be built if the proposed Governance Center is going to hurt Port Orchard. Ms. Hanson commended Port Orchard for holding this town meeting. Sylvia Klatman. Executive Director for the Bremerton Chamber of Commerce, encouraged both cities, Port Orchard and Bremerton to continue to work together, no matter how this project ends up. At 8:40PM Mayor Protem Geiger called for a 7 minute recess with meeting reconvening at 8:50PM. • • May 16, 2001 Page 4 of 5 Lynn Horton, City of Bremerton Mayor, addressed those present, this issue has never been a secret, this issue should not be about Port Orchard and Bremerton. The City of Bremerton has been working cooperatively with Kitsap County to try and pool resources together for both entities. Mayor Horton further stated no matter how this issues is resolved the City of Bremerton will still try and work cooperatively with Port Orchard and hopes Port Orchard will do the same. Helen Miller, Bremerton resident, spoke in favor of the project, however expressed disappointment on the lack of civility among the citizens regarding this issue. This project needs to move forward. Steve Sharbado, Port Orchard merchant, expressed a concern with splitting up the County offices between Port Orchard and Bremerton and asked how can they both run efficiently. H. Emily Moshay, Marketing Director for the Bremerton Chamber of Commerce, spoke in favor of the project and hope all the communities can work together. Pat Drew, 944 Bay Street, urged the elected officials to put this issue on the ballot for the vote of the people. Jan Angel, Kitsap County Commissioner, gave a brief statement citing she is trying to stay in the middle of the road and listen to both sides and trying to keep and open mind. Commissioner Angel made the following comments: c A legal issue is still unresolved o The cost of the move is unresolved c Traffic studies and infrastructure issues are unresolved c Parking problems are unresolved o No environmental issues were presented o No assurance that government buildings have aided in the revitalization of any community In conclusion Commissioner Angel stated we all have problems, we all need to work together to make Kitsap County a better place. Commissioner Angel further commended she will not cut taxes to take a $35 + million dollar risk. Councilman Morrison indicated Port Orchard and Bremerton do work together and need to continue and work together and resolve this issue. Councilman Morrison also expressed a concern with the many unresolved issues. Councilman Clauson expressed a concern with dividing the two communities, Bremerton and Port Orchard can not battle each other. Bremerton needs to be revitalized, however he is not in favor of this project. Councilman Van Zee stated the two communities need to continue to work together and further noted the 1% in loss revenue is an impact to the local economy of Port Orchard. • • May 16, 2001 Page 5 of 5 Councilman Stansbery thanked everyone for coming to this meeting and supporting the City of Port Orchard on this very controversial issue. Councilwoman Powers also thanked everyone for attending this meeting and stressing to the audience it is very important for the citizens to speak up in support of Port Orchard and the south end of Kitsap County Mayor Protem Geiger adjourned meeting at 9:10PM Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk