12/12/2001 - Work Study - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington Decemoer 12, 2001 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order for a Study Session IJy Protem Mayor RoiJert Geiger at 7:30PM at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council memoers present: John Clauson, Don Morrison, Rick Wyatt, Rooert Geiger, Carolyn Powers, and Warren Van Zee. Staff present: City Engineer Curies, City Planner Wenman, and Deputy Clerk Merlino. Representing Kitsap County: Rick Kimoall, SEPA Environmental Official; Darryl Piercy, Assistant Planning Director; and Jason Rice, Senior Planner. Protem Mayor Rooert Geiger welcomed those present and opened the joint meeting stating the purpose of this Special Session is to provide an opportunity for puiJiic discussion, questions, and comments on the South Kitsap Uroan Growth Area, ULID #6, Suo Area Plan. Protem Mayor Geiger asked City Planner Wenman to IJring Council up to date on the proposed plan. City Planner Wenman advised the Suo Area Plan intends to layout a preferred alternative through the integration of an environmental review process and direct growth to the area referred to as McCormick Woods UGA. City Planner Wenman referred to four main oojectives, which are presented in the draft sub area plan. • How to best accommodate an appropriate share of the Urban Growth; • How to preserve and enhance the ecological functions and values found within the sub area; • The need to achieve a !Jetter balance IJetween jobs and housing needs; • Make sure adequate public facilities and services will be available. City Planner Wenman discussed the four preferred alternatives as provided in this plan. Mr. Kimball advised the Sub Area Plan ouUines the environmental impacts that could occur in each of the four preferred alternatives, such as impacts to traffic, impacts on capital facilities, impact on salmon streams, and wildlife haoitats. Mr. Kimball gave a brief history of the Environmental Impact Statement and stated that Kitsap County is anticipating issuing the final statement towards the end of next week (December 21, 2001 ). The EIS will then be forwarded to the city for their review. Darryl Piercy, Assistant Kitsap County Planning Director, advised the Sub Area Plan, as it is presented, is a result from many puolic hearings, review by the Kitsap County staff and city staff. This Plan was presented by the Kitsap County Planning Department to the Kitsap County Planning Commission. The Kitsap County Planning Commission presented two motions as follows: • Recommendation of Alternate No. 1 -No action alternative. December 12, 2001 Page 2 of 3 • Secondly, the Planning Commission recommended the County Commissioners direct staff to revisit the Sub Area Planning process for South Kitsap and to further review the entire South Kitsap area comprehensively to determine where growth should go within all areas of the South Kitsap Joint Planning Areas. Mr. Piercy reconfirmed the Kitsap County Planning staff recommendation -if growth is going to be reviewed in South Kitsap the whole area should be reviewed as a unit rather than the phased approach that was provided for under the Memorandum of Agreement. Mr. Pierce presented the three alternatives. 1 -No Action Alternative 2-Using the UGA as a residential area 3 -Instituting a mixed-use element, i.e, self sufficient area, which would provide for employment base opportunities. The consensus of the Kitsap County Planning Commission was not to support the preferred alternative #3 for the following reasons: • The need for additional analysis specific to the East Port Orchard area in regards to the holding capacity. The Planning Commission expressed a concern with the lack of study on mixed urban densities rather than recognize the area as mostly Urban Low Density. • The Planning Commission expressed a concern with a "piece meal" approach to planning and the further stated the phasing plan represented a fragmented approach to the planning process. • The Planning Commission also expressed a concern with the proposed UGA separated from the City of Port Orchard physically. Ron Rice, 369 Sedgwick Road, questioned and suggested the private sector come forward to promote growth within the East Port Orchard area. Linda Neibank, representing McCormick Woods Land Company, discussed in detail the plan as it relates to McCormick Woods. Ms. Neibank urged the City to attend the Kitsap County Commissioners meeting in January 2002 and present the proposed Resolution supporting the McCormick UGA Sub Area Plan to the Commissioners. William M. Palmer, Land Use Planning Consultant, representing the South Sidney Business Park Area, also reiterated the same message from Ms. Neibank regarding presenting the proposed Resolution to the County Commissioners supporting the Mccormick UGA Sub Area Plan. Mr. Palmer presented the following suggestions to the city: • That the two entities consider the adoption of the plan jointly. December 12, 2001 Page 3 of 3 • The city include in the proposed Resolution the annexation of the McCormick East area. • The city and county need to continue with the timetable as referred to in the Memorandum of Understanding and further suggested the private sector business located in the South Sidney Business Park Area may be willing to participate. Kim Abel, 338 Goldenrod, requested the Council not adopt the proposed Resolution at this meeting, however put it on the next Council agenda to allow for more public input. At this time of the meeting the Council concurred with representation at the Kitsap County Commissioners meeting and present a Resolution which supports the McCormick UGA Sub Area Plan and also to amend the proposed Resolution to incorporate suggestions received from the audience, and present the final draft at the next city council meeting, which will be held December 20, 2001. At 9:10PM Mayor Protem Geiger adjourned the meeting. Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk