01/17/2001 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 17, 2001 Mayor Weatherill called to order the continued regular session from January 8, 2001. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Wyatt, Geiger, Powers, VanZee and Stansbery. Councilman Morrison not available to attend the continued meeting. Staff present: Deputy Clerk Merlino, City Engineer Curies and City Attorney Combs. Councilman Clauson led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill welcomed those present and confirmed this meeting is a continuation of the January 8, 2001 City Council meeting. Mayor Weatherill further stated this meeting has been continued to allow Kitsap County and the Housing Authority the opportunity to present and discuss the relocation of County offices. Kitsap County Commissioner Jan Angel acknowledged the City of Port Orchard and Kitsap County have not in the past had good communication, however it is time to open communication between the two entities. Commissioner Angel commented the County and Housing Authority are here to answer questions on what the plan and concept is for the proposed relocation of County offices. Kitsap County Commissioner Tim Botkin presented a brief history of failed attempts at the prospect of rejuvenating the City of Bremerton, specifically the last proposed development project known as "Sinclair Landing". Commissioner Botkin stated the project was funded through private investors and lacked the necessary funding. Currently Kitsap County is working with the Housing Authority and City of Bremerton to place a multi-complex facility in Bremerton to help strengthen the downtown area economic base. Commissioner Botkin acknowledged currently the County houses approximately 780 employees and is proposing to relocate approximately 250 employees. Norm Mcloughlin, Executive Director, Kitsap County Housing Authority, acknowledged the purpose of the Housing Authority is to track money for urban development and has successfully located some funding to help in the development of this project. Mr. Mclaughlin spoke in favor of the co-location facility, stating this is a very positive idea. Mr. Mcloughlin presented a model of a type of facility, which had been considered for the property between Fifth and Sixth Avenue and Washington and Pacific Avenue. Mr. Mclaughlin stated developers will not invest in the future of Bremerton until more people are located downtown. Mr. Mcloughlin discussed the many parking facilities in the area, the zoning, expansion of the Bremerton Marina, and the need for pedestrian open space. A meeting with property owners and investors is being planned with the possibility of deferring property taxes for a specific time frame. The County will fund their portion of the proposed multi-complex through Real Estate Excise Taxes. Zoltan Szigethy, representing the Economic Development Council, expressed a concern with the economic development of Kitsap County and the City of Bremerton. Mr. Szigethy stated, in his past experience he has worked with the City of Seattle in revitalizing portions of First Avenue and the Public Market in downtown Seattle. Mr. Szigethy stressed the need for people on the street and the plan the Housing Authority is proposing is a sound project for this development. In conclusion Mr. Szigethy spoke in favor of the governance center. Commissioner Angel asked each Councilmember to state their questions and concerns and in return the County and Housing Authority would be willing to answer their questions. Councilman Clauson asked for clarification on the definition of what is the County Seat and is the County Seat moving? Councilman Clauson expressed a concern with the impression that, the City of Port Orchard will be known as the jail for Kitsap County. Councilman Clauson also stated the City of Port Orchard has helped with the vitalization of Kitsap County with the expansion of the juvenile detention facility; work release facility and currently the expansion of the Kitsap County jail. January 17,2001 Page 2 of 3 Councilman Wyatt reiterated the same concerns and questions as Councilman Clauson and stated the County should stay intact in Port Orchard and not move any of its offices. Mayor Weatherill also asked for the definition of what is the County Seat as defined by the RCW and asked what specific offices will be moving and what will be considered the official hall of record. Mayor Weatherill stated it does not appear the County has put into place the process outlined within the Comprehensive Plan, such as following procedures and what studies have been completed and the course of action. When did the public have a chance to study the proposal? When does the city get the evaluation of the economic impact on the City of Port Orchard? Mayor Weatherill also stated according to the Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan the county is required to develop regulations and procedures for citing essential county buildings. This has not been presented to the city. Mayor Weatherill also stated the City of Bremerton lost its economic development due to an entrepreneur starting the development in Silverdale. As Mayor, he does not want the same situation to happen in Port Orchard. Commissioner Angel advised the evaluation on Port Orchard's economic impact has not been completed, but it will be and presented to the city. Councilman Geiger expressed a concern with potential increase in commuter traffic traveling between Port Orchard and Bremerton. Councilwoman Powers voiced a concern with shifting people from one area of Kitsap County to another area and also questioned the legality of moving the County Seat to Bremerton. Councilwoman Powers also expressed a concern with the City of Port Orchard being viewed as the jail for Kitsap County. Councilwoman Powers mentioned for the record, the City of Port Orchard has always been willing to work with the county regarding their expansion needs. Councilman VanZee expressed a concern with the economic development being taken out of Port Orchard, specifically citing all the major merchants are currently located outside the city limits. Councilman Stansbery stated shifting economic development from one city to another is not the answer. Developing residential housing units first will bring the people into the city, then the investors will be willing to invest in the downtown area. Russ Hauge, Kitsap County Prosecutor, stated for the record Port Orchard is the County Seat and the County Seat is not moving, however certain functions of the County can be located elsewhere in the County. At this time it is unclear if the auditors and assessors offices need to remain in the county seat. However if this issue goes to litigation, the city and county will lose. Mr. Hauge reiterated Councilman Clauson's concern that a definition of the county seat needs to be established. Mr. Hauge stated the County is not just the criminal justice system, it is the justice system where the courthouse is a vibrant part of Port Orchard. Currently the civil division is the only department within the Prosecutor's Office that could move and at this time it is not a definite plan. Malcom Flemming, Kitsap County Administrator, advised the proposed contract, which has been drafted by the Housing Authority is being presented to the City of Bremerton for their consideration. After approval by the City of Bremerton this proposed contract would be forwarded to Kitsap County Commissioners for their consideration. The agreement is a three party agreement between the City of Bremerton, Kitsap County Housing Authority, and Kitsap County. The contract outlines provision for the Housing Authority to contract with an architect to prepare a schematic design of the building and to proceed with acquiring land for the facility. County Commissioner Botkin, stated the County is not moving the County Seat out of Port Orchard and January 17, 2001 Page 3 of 3 further stated Port Orchard is not considered a jail town, it is the law and justice facility. More than the majority of the county employees will remain in Port Orchard. Commissioner Botkin stated the County Commissioners offices will be moving to Bremerton, and at some point will ask to use the Port Orchard City Hall facilities and possibly invest in Port Orchard facilities by placing live cable hook-up for their commissioners meetings. Commissioner Botkins reaffirmed his commitment to move forward with this project. At 9:45 PM Mayor Weatherill called for a 10 minute recess, with the meeting reconvening at 9:55 PM. At this time of the meeting, Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments. Ron Ross, resident of Kitsap County, discussed the economic downfall of Bremerton and believes building a new building in Bremerton will not help the economics of Bremerton. Mr. Ross would like an impact statement preprared and presented in a public forum. The infrastructure needs to be studied, such as will the current water lines be adequate for this structure? Richard Brown, local realtor, expressed a concern in how the County has presented this project. Mr. Brown wondered if the citizens could justify the expense of this project. Mr. Brown further stated this project needs to be presented to the Regional County and all players need to be informed. Phil McCormick, President of the Port Orchard Downtown Merchants Association and local business owner, voiced a serious concern regarding how Port Orchard was notified on the process; suggested an impact statement be prepared; questioned what will happen to Port Orchard and what are future plans for Port Orchard. Mr. McCormick also questioned what else will be moving out of town. In conclusion Mr. McCormick urged the Mayor and Council to stop this process. Ron Ryder, Vice-president Port Orchard Downtown Merchants Association and local business owner, reiterated the same concerns as Mr. McCormick and further stated the downtown merchants are trying to improve Port Orchard and the businesses in Port Orchard count on the working people to maintain a positive economic base. Bryan Petro, Boardmember of Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce, stated it is a good idea to help Bremerton, however not a good idea to swap jobs from Port Orchard to Bremerton. Mr. Petro also questioned why construct new buildings in Bremerton when there are many vacant buildings in Bremerton. Mayor Weatherill asked for further comments from the audience, as no further comments were received, Mayor Weatherill and Commissioner Angel set February 21, 2001 at 7:30 PM for a continued discussion on this issue. At 10:25 PM Mayor Weatherill adjourned Council into Executive Session for 1 0 minutes regarding a pending litigation issue. ~:\:J::ed Council intoregulars~~g Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR