08/13/1990 - Regular - Agenda Page 1 of 2 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA AUGUST 13, 1990 7:30 PM 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of July 23, 1990 Regular Council meeting Minutes of July 30, 1990 Special Council meeting Minutes of August 6, 1990 Special Council meeting 3. Ron Henshaw, Misquito Fleet Days, request use of waterfront parking lot area on Sept 15 & 16, 1990 (Misquito Fleet Days is being held in conjunction with Port Orchard Centennial celebration this year) 4. 7:45 PM public Hearing: Application for Special Use Permit submitted by US West New Vector Group to allow construction of an 80 foot communications tower in the empty lots across from South Kitsap High School on Mitchell Ave. 5. 8:00 pm Public Hearing: Application for Special Use Permit submitted by Tom Jeatran and Richard Granquist to allow ministorage warehousing to be constructed in the northwest corner of SR160 and High School Access Road 6. 8:15 pm Public Hearing: Application for Land Use Zone Reclassification from Residential Low to Residential High submitted by Big Tree Land Company. Property located at 910 and 912 Taylor Street. 7. Letter from Richard Mitchusson, Chairman of the Traffic Safety Council, regarding CENCOM staffing requirements and prorata share of budget increase. 8. Proposed Interlocal Agreement regarding emergency communications and other services (CENCOM). 9. Proposed ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1014 and designating the Deputy City Clerk as auditing officer for the city as required by RCW 42.24 10. Proposed Ordinance vacating a portion of Alder Lane as approved at Public Hearing held 6/11/90. ***NOTE: Next Ordinance No. 1489 Next Resolution No. 1541 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA AUGUST 13, 1990 7:30 PM CITY COUNCIL AGENDA  Continued UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND CORRESPONDENCE: 1. TABLED MOTION: Councilman Morrison move to adopt proposed Resolution No. 1547 establishing a policy for the installation of street lights, seconded by Councilman Clauson. (motion to table, Councilman Geiger 7/9/90). 4. Letter from Dolores Barringer, Fur, Fin & Feathers requesting renewal of lease of city property on Old Clifton Road (low cost spay & neuter clinic). Lease expired April 30, 1990. (Referred to Property Committee for negotiation 7/9/90) 4. Proposed relocation of Farmers Market to east waterfront parking lot; 7/9/90. Proposal to extend Farmers Market hours to 9 am to 3 pm; 7/23/90. (Street/Alley Committee) 5. Review of Water/Sewer hookup fees for "MotherinLaw" apartments. (Water/Sewer Committee 3/26/90) 5. Review waterfront parking lot usage, rates and fines. (Street/Alley Committee 3/26/90) 6. Howard Minor request to lease City property on Old Clifton Road. (Property Committee 2/26/90) 7. Proposed amendments to Water/Sewer Ordinance waiving surcharges for governmental facilities. (Water/Sewer Committee 2/12/90)