06/24/1991 - Regular - Agenda CITY OF PORT ORCHARD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JUNE 24, 1991 7:30 PM 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of June 10, 1991 Council meeting 3. Dennis Hayden, HewlittIsley: Division Street Improvements 4. Letter from Debby Huntington, Recreation Director, South Kitsap Parks, requesting permission to use sports equipment, from Active Club Building, between August 510, 1991 5. Letter from Richard L. Peterson, Attorney at Law, regarding sewer bill for building formerly owned by Myron Freyd (823 1/2 Bay Street). 6. 7:45 PM Public Meeting regarding proposed Ordinance No. 1516 amending Ordinance No. 1469, Chapter Thirteen  fee schedule. 7. Proposed Resolution establishing new development fees for comprehensive plan amendments, rezone, subdivision, planned unit development, drainage plan review, environment review, shoreline review, technical assistance, site plan review, sign permit, home occupation and street development applications. 8. Proposed Ordinance adopting the 1991 Washington State Energy Code and the Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code and repealing the Northwest Energy Code.4. 9. Proposed Ordinance vacating a portion of Bay Street abutting the 1400 and 1500 block of Bay Street (Westbay Center). 10. Proposed Ordinance vacating a portion of an unnamed alleyway between Mitchell and Bethel Avenues (700 Block) as submitted by G. Bud Buckley on behalf of Dr. Browning, et al. 11. Proposed Resolution approving the issuance of a Special Use Permit to Bill Rill for property located at 1151 Mitchell Avenue to allow construction of a funeral home. NOTE: Next Ordinance No. 1517 Next Resolution No. 1578 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JUNE 24, 1991 7:30 PM UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND CORRESPONDENCE: 1. TABLED: Letter from Paula Wissinger, CoPresident of Bay Street Merchant's Assn requesting use and closure of Frederick Street, Water Street and one half of the city parking area behind the Sidedoor Mall on August 3 & 4 for the Country Street Fair. (Street/Alley Committee 5/13/91) 2. Letter from Patty Olson, Asst. Coordinator PSNS Centennial Committee requesting sponsorship or contribution for Centennial Celebration. (Finance Committee 5/28/91) 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 1514 amending Ordinance No. 1469 to establish landscape standards. (Growth Management Committee 5/28/91) 4. TABLED MOTION: Authorizing the Mayor to sign document in which the City agrees that in the event Agape Unlimited fails to operate the property at 810 Bay Street as an emergency shelter the City of Port Orchard shall operate a shelter on the property or make arrangements to have a shelter operated on the property until January 1, 1998. (Seafirst Bank has requested this document as additional security for Agape Unlimited loan.) Motion presented by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Geiger. Motion to table: Councilwoman Powers 6/10/91.