04/27/2000 - Work Study - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April27, 2000 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order for a Study Session by Protem Mayor John Clauson at 7:30 PM at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: John Clauson, Robert Geiger, Carolyn Powers, Warren Van Zee, and Tom Stansbery. Staff present: City Engineer Curies, Police ChiefTownsend and Deputy Clerk Merlino. Representing Kitsap County: Commissioner Charlotte Garrido; County Administrator Malcolm Fleming; Superintendent of Corrections Larry Bertholf; Administrative Services Director William Nogle and Kitsap County Undersheriff Dennis Bonneville. Commissioner Garrido introduced the County representatives and stated the purpose of this Study Session is to present an overview of the jail expansion project since it was approved by the voters in February 1999. County Administrator Malcolm Fleming discussed the time line phases specifically to the request for architect proposals, the selection, contract negotiations and preliminary design. Mr. Fleming also discussed the property acquisitions on Sidney Avenue and Taylor Street. Councilwoman Powers expressed a concern with the purchase of property along Sidney Avenue as it appears to be outside the allowable boundaries as outlined in Resolution No. 1636. Commissioner Garrido advised Kitsap County has purchased this building for the expansion project, and upon completion of the jail project the County will sell the property. Superintendent of Corrections Larry Bertholf, presented a conceptual design of the jail expansion project. Mr. Bertholf advised the jail expansion costs are not nearly as costly as compared to the operations of the facility. Designing this facility to keep operations costs down has been increasingly difficult. City Engineer Curies asked if water, sewer and storm drainage issues have been discussed, since many of the water and sewer lines travel under the current and proposed structures. Mr. Bertholf advised the construction firm is currently working on these issues. Administrative Services Director William Nogle advised the County is still working on the Conditional Use Permit Application which needs to be submitted to the city for approval. City Engineer advised these applications take time and if the County wants to keep moving forward on this project, this application needs to be presented as soon as possible. Mr. Nogle stated the biggest issue they are facing is parking. Mr. Nogle advised Kitsap County is encouraging their employees to either car pool, telecommunicate and/or allow for flex time. They are hoping to have the parking plans in place by July 2000 with the major construction to start in the fall of 2000. Commissioner Garrido advised the County will keep the citizens up to date of the project by the use of a web page. Councilman Clauson commended the County on this plan. Councilwoman Powers expressed a concern with the proposed ingress and egress on Sidney Avenue. April 27, 2000 Page Two of Two Commissioner Garrido assured Councilwoman Powers these issues will be reviewed very closely. City Engineer Curies commented on the possibility of fire and/or police service calls increasing due to an increase in the jail size and how this will become an added expense to the city. Mr. Bertholf advised he was not aware of this possibility and stated he will investigate the city's concern. City Engineer Curies also expressed a concern with the type of facilities Uail facility, work release facility and the juvenile detention facility) that are becoming prominent in the City of Port Orchard. Mr. Curies is concerned the city is gaining the perception of becoming a poor community. Councilman Geiger suggested the County review several different architectural designs for the new project to minimize the impact and allow for a pleasing appearance. Commissioner Garrido advised they will review and look at several designs before the final plans are selected. At this time of the meeting CommissionerGarrido introduced the proposed Courthouse relocation plans and asked County Administrator Malcolm Fleming to address this issue. Mr. Fleming advised due to the increase in Kitsap County's operations several expansion options have been discussed. (a) Utilizing the downtown Bremerton Government Center Concept; {b) move existing operations offsite, i.e., Public Works, Department of Community Development; or (c) expand the current courthouse campus facilities. The preliminary plans are to move approximately 200 employees out of the current facility. Councilman Geiger and other councilmembers expressed a desire to see the County expand their current facility and keep all operations here in Port Orchard. Mr. Fleming asked if the city would be interested in helping Kitsap County fund the Givens Community Facility, since City of Port Orchard citizens utilize this facility as well as County citizens. The Council stated it would be interested to know how many city and county citizens use the facility. The County will prepare this information for the City Council. The Study Session adjourned at 9:10PM ~,~~L Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk