05/16/2000 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington May 16,2000 On May 16 2000, the Port Orchard City Council hosted the second Public Meeting to discuss and receive input on the Bay Street Marquee Sidewalk Improvement Project. The Public Meeting was held in City Council Chambers, 216 Prospect Street, starting at approximately 7:30PM. City elected officials present: Mayor Weatherill, Councilman Clauson, Councilman Wyatt, Councilman Morrison, Councilman Geiger, Councilwoman Powers, and Councilman Van Zee. City staff present: City Engineer Curies, Police Chief Townsend, and City Clerk Parks. As Project Manager, Tamara Nack of Gray and Osborne Consulting Engineers lead presentation and discussion, by welcoming citizens, business owners, and property owners. She summarized the purpose of the meeting was to address sidewalk repair concerns, existing conditions, repair alternative (with project costs), possible enhancements (with project costs) and receive input from the community. Ms. Nack reviewed discussion and materials resulting from the first meeting on this project held March 15, 2000. She presented three alternatives for the sidewalk repair. 1) Grind cracks 2) Remove/replace sidewalk, and/or 3) grind and overlay. Other potential aesthetic enhancements included, color or stamped patterns, traffic bulbs, and a variety of concrete finishes. Open discussion revealed that the general consensus of the community is that while addressing safety concerns must be the first priority, many have a strong desire to look at the "big picture" and develop an updated downtown revitalization plan. Ms. Nack provided a Comment Sheet and invited those present to submit their comments, concerns and ideas on the Marquee Sidewalk Improvement Project. She also encouraged everyone to take comment sheets for other downtown merchants and building owners, emphasizing community input will be included in the report the Consultants will provide to the City. The meeting was concluded and closed at 9:08 P.M. Patricia Parks, City Clerk Leslie J. Weatherill, Mayor