05/22/2000 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington May 22,2000 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall Council Chambers, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Clauson, Morrison, Wyatt, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee, and Stansbery. Staff present: Police Sergeant Duncan, Deputy Clerk Merlino, City Planner Wenman, City Clerk Parks, City Engineer Curies, and City Attorney Loren Combs. Councilman Morrison led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not listed on this agenda. No response was received at this time. Keith Folkerts, representing Kitsap County presented an update on 2514 Watershed Planning project. Mr. Folkerts presentation gave a brief overview of the background, planning processes, phases, time line and the outcome of this project, which was initiated through SB 2514. Mayor Weatherill asked City Planner Wenman to give staff report on project proposed regarding the application for a Zone Reclassification, for property located at 219 Tracy Avenue North, as submitted by Frank and Fred Olin. This is the subject of the 7:35PM Public Hearing. City Planner Wenman gave a brief background and outline of the proposed project and discussed the Planning Commission's recommendation for denial of this application. City Attorney Combs summarized the "appearance of fairness" doctrine and asked if any council member has a conflict which would prevent a fair and unbiased ruling on this proposed zoning reclassification. Councilman Wyatt advised he has relatives living within the 300' of the proposed zoning reclassification area and Councilman Van Zee disclosed he owns property within the 300' area. Councilmen Wyatt and Van Zee asked to recluse themselves from this Public Hearing process. Councilman Morrison advised he lives outside the 300' radius of the proposed zoning reclassification, but within the general area and acknowledged he could make a fair and unbiased decision on this application. Councilman Clauson disclosed a conversation with an adjacent property owner and acknowledged he also could make a fair and unbiased decision on this application. City Attorney Combs asked if anyone in the audience objected to either Councilmen Morrison or Clauson participating in the Public Hearing process. No objections were received. Mayor Weatherill opened the 7:35 PM Public Hearing regarding an application for a Zone Reclassification from R4.5 to R20 to develop a four-unit condominium complex, as submitted by Fran and Fred Olin, owners of record. The project site is located at 219 Tracy Avenue North. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SE Y., NW Y., Section 25, Township 24, Range 1 East, portion of Government Lot 2. Annapolis Block 010, Lot 2 and 3. James Tracy, attorney representing applicant, discussed the implementation of the Growth Management Act and the effects of this Act and the comprehensive plan designations. Mr. Tracy stated the Council should listen to the neighboring property owners, however based on the Growth Management Act criteria, their final decision cannot be swayed by the voice of the neighborhood. Mr. Tracy suggested two additional conditions of approval to mitigate concerns voiced by neighbors at the Planning Commission public meeting. (1) To help alleviate traffic congestion in the area, traffic calming devices will be installed. (2) No outdoor storage of recreational vehicles will be allowed on site. Mayor Weatherill called for audience comments either for or against the proposed application for a Zone Reclassification for property located at 219 Tracy Avenue North. May 22,2000 Page2 of4 Dee Fitzgerald, 314 Tracy Avenue North, spoke in favor of the proposed project and multiple family residences in the area. LB. Bullard, 228 Tracy Avenue North, submitted a letter of objection into record, expressing a concern with multiple dwelling units being placed on a small lot and within a single-family neighborhood. Jim McCready, 139 Tracy Avenue North, also spoke in opposition and read into record a letter from Charles and Elaine Naddec, 205 Tracy Avenue North. Mr. and Mrs. Naddeo expresssed a concern with the project site being to small to accommodate a large structure and also loss of privacy in the neighborhood due to increase of people and traffic. Gaila Pertuset, 216 Tracy Avenue North, requested Council to deny this application due to the increase in traffic, noise, and expresssed a concern with potential loss in property values. Norma Roland, 236 Tracy Avenue North, expressed a concern with spot zoning and a change in the quality of the neighborhood. Tom Young, 1919 Guy Wetzel, advised the proposed project is within 8 feet of his property and voiced concerns about loss of privacy, parking, and reduction in property values. Inez Wolf, 223 Tracy Avenue North, also spoke in opposition to the proposed project and further expressed a concern with increase noise and odors due to the location of the garbage receptacles and the close proximity to her home. Jim Tracy, attorney representing applicant, gave a brief rebuttal and assured the neighbors present all required parking will be on site and further assured Council the garbage receptacles can be moved and placed on site to reduce any noise and odors to adjacent property owners. City Attorney Combs asked staff to place into record the Sinclair Sunset View Condominiums Rezone R-1133 Council packet. Mr. Combs also noted for the record a correction to the address listed in the Council packet, the site address is 219 Tracy Avenue North. Mayor Weatherill asked for additional audience comments either for or against the proposed application for a Zone Reclassification as submitted by Fran and Fred Olin for property located at 219 Tracy Avenue North. As no response was received, Mayor Weatherill closed the public input portion of the Public Hearing and referred this matter to Council for their consideration. On motion by Councilman Stansbery, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council approved the application for a Zone Reclassification from R4.5 to R20 to develop a four-unit condominium complex, as submitted Fran and Fred Olin, owners of record with the following 15 conditions. The site is located at 219 Tracy Avenue North. Motion passed with 3 ayes and 2 nays. Councilmembers Powers and Morrison voting nay. 1. The property shall be surveyed prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. No concrete structures shall be constructed in the right-of-way unless specifically approved by the City Council. 3. Parking spaces in the right-of-way shall be paved. 4. The stormwater system shall comply with the City ordinance and be designed by a professional engineer. May 22,2000 Page 3 of4 5. The parking lot in the right-of-way shall include a catch basin as part of the stormwater system. 6. The on-site parking lot and roof drains shall be connected to the property's stormwater system. 7. The building shall be designed so that the third fioor water supply is approximately 60 pounds per square inch. 8. The property shall upgrade the City's water system to meet the minimum fire flow requirements, if necessary. 9. A sewer clean out shall be installed at the edge of the property. 10. No sign shall be erected without the City's Engineering Department approval and issuance of a building permit. 11. The proposed landscaping of the project meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and is recommended for approval as submitted. 12. To reduce impact the to school system, mitigation fees will be paid at the time of building permit issuance, it the City adopts a general implementing ordinance for school impact fees prior to the date that a complete building permit is accepted. The proponent can also mitigate the impact to the school system by negotiating a settlement with the South Kitsap School District. 13. The following item will be included in the Sinclair Sunset View Condominium, Covenants Conditions and Restrictions, (CC&R's): o No outdoor storage of recreational vehicles or boats will be allowed on site. 14. Traffic calming devices, such as two speed humps will be installed by the developer, if required by the City Engineer. 15. Relocate garbage receptacles to meet standards of service provider. Mayor Weatherill invited Councilmen Van Zee and Wyatt to return to their position on the Council table. At 10:25 PM Mayor Weatherill called for a 10 minute recess with meeting reconvening at 10:35 PM. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council adopted Resolution No. 1895 amending Resolution No. 1872 and City of Port Orchard Administrative Policy No. 100-018 and reestablishing a policy for use of city electronic communication systems. On motion by Councilman Morrison, Street/Alley Committee Chair, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council authorized the following changes to the downtown crosswalks: o The crosswalks will be restriped o Specialty signs will be placed at either end of the downtown corridor -"Stop For Me It's The Law" o Refiector buttons to enhance the crosswalk On motion by Councilman Stansbery, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council approved the consent agenda as follows: a. Minutes of the following Council meetings: (1) May 8, 2000 regular Council meeting (2) May 15, 2000 Study Session regarding Growth Management Issues May 22,2000 Page 4 of4 (3) May 16, 2000 Study Session regarding special public meeting on Bay Street Sidewalk Improvement Project. b. Claim warrant numbers 32885-32961 in the amount of $407,363.00. On motion by Councilman Stansbery, seconded by Councilman Van Zee, Council authorized the Mayor to sign the grant application -COPS FAST Grant program which funds 75% of salaries and benefits for four police officers for a three year period. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council approved Application for Public Even~ submitted by Fathoms 0' Fun Grand Parade, scheduled for June 24, 2000 located along downtown Bay Street. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council approved Application for Public Event, "March for Jesus" as submitted by Ron Boehme, scheduled for June 10, 2000 to be located along downtown waterfront park and boardwalk. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Stansbery, Council denied request as submitted by Abundant Life Foursquare Church to place banners advertising a community event at the Bay Street/Cline Street and Kitsap Street triangle and by the Tremont Welcome sign. On motion by Councilman Van Zee, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the city to accept the Second Settlement Offer for the Louisiana-Pacific Inner-Seal Siding Litigation (LP siding) in the amount of $6,518.10. This settlement is for the siding at the Fire Station located at 200 Tremont Street. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council authorized the Mayor to sign Petition to Annex property located at 2676 Harold Drive (RV Park) into the Annapolis Water District. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council authorized city staff to proceed with the distribution of the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Committee's letter. {Attachment "A") On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council authorized the Mayor to sign Agreement with the Department of Transportation regarding the detour during the closure of Ross Point. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council authorized the Mayor to sign the Kitsap County Career Development Center {formerly JPTA) Host Agency Agreement. This program allows for temporary summer employment in the Public Works Department at no charge to the city. At 10:53 PM Mayor Weatherill adjourned meeting. ~~~) Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk M'~"M of thec:ity of PortOrchard, Ihav~ · c(>lllec:tiveefforts to comply with the Growth M<ma;gerner1f negotia1tiOJG, COnfrontation, and COOperation between many diverse gT()U]:IS. we are today. The population continues to increase, and the struggle to ba'lance.urlJarlaJld:' •• rural demands are not yet over. The City Council and I are deeply concerned at a trend that appears to have developed. The comprehensive plan that was validated was based on a countywide perspective. The disturbing trend is to have isolated sub area planning efforts substitute for comprehensive., . countywide plarming. Currently, the following planning studies are completed or underway: •!• Suquamish Community Plan •!• Kingston Sub Area Plan •!• Port Gamble Community Plan •!• Manchester Community Plan •!• Port Blakely Sub Area Plan •!• South Kitsap Industrial Area •!• Anderson HilVBerry Lake Study Area Each of these plans is focusing on the needs of a specific area. Meanwhile, we do not have population estimates. The OFM estimates are not due until this summer. The census data is more than a year away. It is my understanding that a strong argument will be made to once again select the low population estimates. If we continue to under estimate our population needs, we will continue to severely restrict our urban growth areas. Port . Orchard's concern is that these previously selected plarn!ing efforts will have a claim on the next population allocation. This approach defeats countywide plazu-ring efforts. CITY HALL 216 Prospect Administration (360) 876-4407 FAX (360) 895-9029 • MUNICIPAL COURT 2 16 Prospect (360) 876-1 701 FAX (360) 895-3071 POLICE DEPARTMENT 546 Bay street (360) 876-1 700 FAX (360) 876-5546 f PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 216 Prospect Street (360) 876-4991 FAX (360) 876·4980 Attachment ''A 11 May 22, 2000 An important element of countywide planning is the buildable lands inventory. The Countywide Planning Policies (1) state that we shall cooperatively determine the amount of undeveloped buildable urban land needed. This policy shows that we once knew that we had to look at our community on a global basis. The County GIS staff has not completed this task, and we appear to be drifting further away from this fundamental planning element. The City Council and I feel that the comprehensive plan needs to be considered on a countywide basis. It needs to be based on a valid buildable lands analysis, a realistic population estimate, and regional discussion about employment centers. This incremental approach through the sub area basis will prevent the KRCC from taking a global view of the issues. This incremental approach will also exclude the property owners who do not have the financial means to have completed these expensive studies and who come to the local governments for UGA adjustment to discover that they were too late. Locking the KRCC into isolated pre-determined growth pockets will also prevent us from adjusting the urban growth areas to meet community needs. Port Orchard is not saying stop the county's planning efforts. What we are saying is that the planning efforts should not be guaranteed with population allocation. Once we know the new estimates and decide upon the appropriate increase, then the KRCC should make sure that the comprehensive plan is a countywide effort and not driven by previously selected sub area plans. There is another cost associated with these planning efforts. The County and cities have finite resources and limited staff. Instead of focusing on the new population estimates, these resources have been obligated to area plans. When the comprehensive plan was sent forth, it was acknowledged that the population estimates were too low, but we had to use · them to satisfy the Hearings Board. Page 15 of the Comprehensive Plan states that it is contemplated that the first annual amendment will update the Land Use Map to reflect population forecasts for the 2013-2017 period. The planning directors decided that they were too busy with other priorities to address this topic. I would propose that the population estimates are fundamental to all planing aspects and are too important to be ignored. Leslie J. Weatherill Mayor r KITSAP REGIONAL Attachment "A" May 22, 2000 COORDINATING COUNCIL J=·(:IT/~ .. ; ~ ~ ~.--------------------?0 -.'t \l.S 1 2000 Member Roster DWIGHT SUTTON, MAYOR CHAIR CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND 280 MADISON A VENUE N (206) 842-7633 BAINBRIDGE ISLAND WA 98110 FAX: 842-5741 TIM BOTKIN, COMMISSIONER KITSAP COUNTY, MS-4 614 DIVISION STREET (360) 337-7146 PORTORCHARD WA 98366 FAX: 337-3932 CHRIS ENDRESEN, COMMISSIONER KITSAP COUNTY, MS-4 614 DIVISION STREET (360) 337-7146 PORT ORCHARD W A 98366 FAX: 337-3932 CHARLOTTE GARRIDO, COMMISSIONER KITSAP COUNTY, MS-4 614 DIVISION STREET (360) 337-7146 PORT ORCHARD W A 98366 FAX: 337-3932 DONNA JEAN BRUCE, MAYOR CITY OF POULSBO P OBOX98 (360) 779-3901 POULSBO WA 98370 FAX: 779-5112 LYNN HORTON, MAYOR CITY OF BREMERTON 239 FOURTH STREET (360) 478-5266 BREMERTON WA 98337 FAX: 478-5883 LESLIE J. WEATHERJLL, MAYOR CITY OF PORT ORCHARD 216 PROSPECT (360) 876-4409 PORT ORCHARD W A 98366 FAX: 895-9029 CAROL ARENDS, COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY OF BREMERTON 303 NORTH LAFAYETTE (360) 377-7559 (h) BREMERTON WA 98312 FAX: 478-5251 LOIS CURTIS, COUNCILMEMBER CITY OF BAINBRJDGE ISLAND 5789 CRYSTAL SPRJNGS DRIVE NE (206) 842-2333 (h) BAINBRIDGE ISLAND W A 98110 FAX: 842-2333 MARY MCCLURE. PROGRAM DIRECTOR 25406 SoUTH KINGSTON ROAD, KINGSTON WA 98346 (360) 377-4900 FAX: (360) 297-7762 ~ WWW.KITSAPREGIONALCOUNCIL.ORG .. Attachment "A" KITSAP REGIONAL May 2 2, 2ooo COORDINATING COUNCIL l=' CIT/~>), ~ ~ ~ !---------------------------------------------?0 .... \loS7 DAVID FARR, COUNCILMEMBER CITY OF BREMERTON 2015 NORTH CAMBRIAN (360) 377-5268 (h) BREMERTON WA 98312 FAX: 478-5251 SCOTT CROWELL DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THE SUQUAMISH TRIBE POBOX498 (360) 598-3311 SUQUAMISH W A 98392 FAX: 598-6295 MARIE HEBERT, TRIBAL COUNCIL SECRETARY PORT GAMBLE S'KLALLAM TRIBE 31912 LITTLE BOSTON ROAD (360) 297-2646 KINGSTON, WA 98346 FAX: 297-7097 MARY MCCLURE, PROGRAM DIRECTOR PROGRAM DIRECTOR KITSAP REGIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL 25406 S KINGSTON ROAD (360) 377-4900 KINGSTON W A 98346 FAX: 297-7762 MARY MCCLURE, PROGRAM DIRECTOR 25406 SOUTH KINGSTON ROAD, KINGSTON WA 98346 (360) 377-4900 FAX: {360) 297-7762 WWW.KITSAPREGIONALCOUNCIL.ORG