07/18/2000 - Special - Minutes• • Port Orchard, Washington July 18, 2000 On July 18, 2000, the Port Orchard City Council hosted the third Public Meeting to discuss and receive input on the Bay Street Marquee Sidewalk Improvement Project. The Public Meeting was held in City Council Chambers, 216 Prospect Street, starting at approximately 7:30 PM. City elected officials present: Councilman Clauson, Councilman Wyatt, Councilman Morrison, Councilman Geiger, Councilwoman Powers, and Stansbery. City staff present: City Engineer Curies and Deputy Clerk Merlino. City Engineer Cunes opened meeting and welcomed citizens, business and property owners to the third public meeting to discuss the Bay Street Marquee Sidewalk Improvement Project. Project Manager, Tamara Nack of Gray and Osborne Consulting Engineers lead presentation and discussion regarding the existing sidewalk conditions, the sidewalk repair priorities with project costs, and presented final recommendations. Ms. Nack presented four alternatives for the sidewalk repair, the potential costs for each repair, advantages and disadvantages and construction time frame. See attachment "A" Note: Grind and apply spray texture does not have a project cost due to the many types of spray textures available and variable cost factors. Ms. Nack reviewed the discussions, which were held at the last public meeting May 16, 2000. Several issues became very apparent to the consultants, the downtown businesses and city were most concerned with public safety, underground utilities, storm drainage, minimize rework, revitalization and funding. Ms. Nack discussed several funding and program options, which are available for the repair work. After careful review, Ms. Nack advised the final recommendation for this project would be first and foremost grind cracks to resolve the safety issue and second develop a plan for the downtown area. The downtown merchants, property owners and city need to work together to develop this plan. Ms. Nack advised a final comprehensive report will be presented to the City Council for their review and final decision on which alternative to pursue regarding the Bay Street sidewalk repair project. The meeting was concluded and closed at 8:30 P.M. ~~ Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk -July 18, 2000 Attachment "A" ·-···· l'ort Orchard -····· 111111111.111 •• Port Orchard 111111111111111111 •• • • .. .. REPAIR ALTERNATIVES '" •• .. GRIND AND APPLY SPRAY TEXTURE .. .. .. •• • Grind Cracks •• Ad,·antages Disadvantages • Grind and Apply Spray Texture (118'') • Short-Tenn Disruption • Estlm•ted Life· 5 Years • Grind and Overlay (l/8 • 3/4") • Noise and Vibration • Lower Cost • WlU Not Eliminate • Sidewalk Removal and Replacement • Uneven Areas • .. .. .. .. " .. .. Construction • 3 weeks " .. ,. 7 <@ Q,.y Met o.bome, lnc. • ···--· 8 Gtay md Oatlai"M, be. • 111111111111111111 ·-···· Port Orchard 111111111111"111111 ••••••• Port Orchard ·-···· •• GRIND AND OVERLAY •.. .. .. SIDEWALK REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT . .• .. ,.,. •• Advantages Disadvantages •• .. Ad,·anlages Disadvantages .. •• . 0e:s1ga ure. 30 . Umlted Access to BIISinesses • Design Life . • Noise and Vibration 15 to 30 Years to 50 Years • Construction Pttlod • Limited Access . Flexibility or Finishes • Laneao.u ... • Flexibility of Finishes to Businesses • Noise aod VlbraUon Conc:am • Customized Inby Tiles • Customized Inlay Tiles • Construction Constraints ~: • ConstnzctJon Constraints • •• " .. Construction • 5 weeks " •.. •• Construction • 8 weeks .. • • 9 Gray lnd o.bonM.,Inc. • •• 111111111111 10 <c Qray 8nd Osbotne, Inc:. • 111111111111111111 ••• 111111111 Port Orchard ~~~····· ·-··· Port Orchard •••••• •• PROJECT COST .. , .. •• •• PROJECT ENHANCEMENTS .. .. ... • • •• One Block •• NorthSide South Side .. .. • Traffic Bulbs/Planters Griud $10,000 $10,000 • Sidewalk Finishes Grind and $120,900 $120,900 • Custom!zec! 'tolay Tiles Overlay Replace $281,300 $81,000 • Crosswalk Sidewalk • •• ·-·-·· ---·-. ~--·-----· -·-· ·-· --·· ·-·-·· .. ····-· ·--···· -·· ·-· ·-· '" .. ··-· --· -. ··-•-Utility Underground---.... . --~ . -·· -··-~= .:.-tr " "' ... " • • II Grwy a'ld OSboma, Inc. • 111111111111111111 11 ~ Qny and OsborM, ~ • ••••••