11/26/1979 - Regular - MinutesFort Orchard, Washington November 26, 1979 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: James Wilson, Mary Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Councilman Lee Caldwell excused. Also present: Engineer Kane, Fire Chief Weatherill, Police Chief Mares and Attorney Riehl. Mayor led Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the November 13, 1979 minutes as circulated with the following correction: Page one, paragraph 6, line five, after the word Program, add "and the hooding of the meters" Mr. Steve Toole, President, Kitsap County Council on.Alcoholism and ;sir. 'Wes Henry member of the KCCA Board, informed the Council of the background, operations and procedures relative to the alcoholic from the time he is interred to his release. Also informed the Council of the problems relative to funding and their possible neglect in not informing the entities from time to time of what is happening. The amount requested over and above the mandatory 2% of the liquor tax funds and profits for the year 1980 is $2,464.00. (Tape dated 11/26/79, side 1 and side 2) Council will consider the request during the budget hearings. Ms. Nancy Malian, Kitsap County Housing Authroity, informed Council of the history on the Cedar Heights Apartment Complex from the beginning of construction to the present, covering the financial condition of the project and the desire of the KCHA to enter into an agreement with the City allowing them to take over and operate the complex as a public operation. The possibility of additional expenses and vacancies, additional police expense and possible loss of property taxes was dis- cussed. Ms. Nancy Mahan will meet with a special committee appointed by Mayor Powers to attempt to revise the second agreement. Mary Wilson and Jerry Grosso were appointed as the Special Committee to meet with Ms. Nancy Mahan. (Tape dated 11/26/79, side 2, 597 to,'. 955). Councilman Mary Wilson reported the Street/Alley Committee met with the Downtown Merchants re: parking meters and that Mr. Marvin Coe, Blanchards will explore the possibility of a conversion kit for the meters. Also, they discussed the parking problems in the downtown area. Attorney Riehl reported that his office will present a Revised Criminal Code to the City possibly this Wednesday, 11/28/79, for reviewing. Clerk will prepare a resolution transferring funds ($100.00) from available funds in the Engineer's budget to Capital Outlay for the purchase of a plan holder for the Fire Marshal. Chief of Police Mares informed Council that the Reserve Officers of the Police Department are holding their banquet December 22, 1979 at Myhre's This is a "no host" affair beginning at 7:00 P.M. and the Mayor, Council and their wives are invited. Mayor Powers informed Council there will be a meeting on December 3, 1979 to hold hearing or hearings for the adoption of the 1980 City of Port Orchard budget. Clerk read letter of Leone Cottrell Atkins, 623 DeKalb Street, relative to the Performing Arts Guild use of the Active Building for their rehearsals and also to deduct the $25.00 deposit for cleaning at the Active Building from the contribution of Federal Shared Revenues allocated to them by the Council. Above request approved by Council on motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1118, authorizing revision of Waterfront Parking Lot No. 3 "No Parking between 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M." On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1119, creating a Joint Sewer Treatment Facilities Fund for receipt and expenditures of Funds received from E.P.A., D.O.E. and other sources. Councilman Grosso stated he resented the actions taken by the Street/ Alley Committee meeting with the Downtown Merchants Committee along with the Chief of Police and discussing parking policies and possible changes in the parking meters when the Council had approved the courtesy program at the last meeting. Attorney James Riehl presented the Council with a proposed budget for 1980. He also informed Council how the budget was made, the comparisons with other small cities within the area and then the final request. Council discussed the 1980 budget. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. ,'. Clerk�/ y.. Mayor i�