09/24/1979 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington September 24, 1979 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Wilson, Caldwell, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Also present: Attorney Riehl. Police Chief Mares, Fire Chief Weatherill and Engineer Kane were excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the September 10, 1979 meeting as circulated. Councilman Wilson moved that all non-profit organizations be granted free use of the Port Orchard Active Club Building. All groups including non-profit organizations must pay a twenty five dollar ($21'400) cleaning deposit which will be refundable upon inspection of the premises by the City. Any damage incurred will be charged to the group using the building at the time damage is incurred. Seconded and carried with four ayes and two nos. Councilman Miller and Geiger voting no. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved use of the Port Orchard Active Club Building by the South Kitsap PeeWee's for a rummage sale on October 12 & 13th, 1979. Scheduling is to be arranged through the Clerk's office. John Bannon, Entranco Engineers presented a Supplemental Agreement on the Port Orchard Bypass Project for the Mayor's signature. Mr. Bannon outlined the amendments within this agreement as follows: 1. Additional printing and distribution of Draft EIS. 2. Prepare final EIS. 3. Print final EIS. 4. Conduct Air Quality Monitoring. Councilman Wilson moved that Mayor be authorized to sign Supplemental Agreement to the SR-160 Corridor (Bay Street Bypass) Study as pre- sented by Entranco Engineers. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to delete item #4. Conduct Air Quality Monitoring from the Supplemental Agreement. Seconded. Motion died due to tie vote. (Mayor Powers determined he can not break tie vote which would authorize him to sign an agreement). Original motion to authorize Mayor to sign Supplemental Agreement as presented carried. On motion by Councilman Caldwell.., seconded and carried, Council approved the elimination of three parking spaces to extend the length of three "Loading Zones" located on Bay and Frederick (Southeast cor- ner), Bay & Sidney (southeast corner) and Bay & Sidney, (southwest corner). On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1112 fixing the amount of Ad Valorem taxes for the year 1980 in the amount of $194,880.00. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1113 creating a Cumulative Reserve Fund for Water --Sewer Capital Outlay, Debt Service and Maintenance and Operation as pro- vided by RCW 35.21.070. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1114 adopting the 1979 Edition of the Uniform Building Code. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved ordinance No. 1115 amending Ordinance No 899 and 1107 relative to Home Occupations. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. Clerk4-Mayor T