01/23/1978 - Regular - Minutest Port Orchard, Washington January 23, 1978 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by. Mayor Paul. D. Powers, Jr. Council members present. Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger,,Miller and Clark. Councilman Libby excused. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Engineer Knobbs and Chief Weatherill. Chief Mares excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, the minutes of the January 9, 1978 meeting were approved as circulated with the following correction. Page 1, paragraph 14, delete "owner improve the alley West of their property" add "owner make necessary support improvements to prevent erosion or slippage in alley West of their property where ground has been disturbed by their use or construction". Dick Snyder, Century 21 Real Estate Associate, representing Murnie L. Lamb, approached Council requesting vacation of a portion of platted alley -way separating Lots 1 through 6 from Lots 37 through 42, Block 7 of Sweany's 2nd Addition to Sidney be vacated to allow prospective buyer assurance that there will be adequate building area for setbacks required. After much discussion, Mayor Power's informed Mr. Snyder that February 13, 1978 has been set as date of hearing on this Vacation of Alley. if he or his client wish to present any further information pertaining to this matter, they should do so at that time. Margaret.Houk spoke to Council stating that she would like to see Port Orchard remain a "quality town" .instead of a "quantity town". Mayor Powers assured Ms. Houk that he and the Council members share her pride in Port Orchard as a quality town and plan to continue their efforts to insure this. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved removing from table motion on Vacation Hearing upon recommendation of the Planning Commission for property owned by VanderStaay-Davis, on Div- ision and Seattle Streets. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to amend original motion to state that copy of legal description investigation by Pioneer Title Company be made avail- able to the City Attorney and City Engineer. original amended motion to approve vacation of property owned by VanderStaay- Davis on Division Street contingent upon property owner paying 50a of the assessed value and upon approval by the City Engineer and City Attorney, of the legal description provided by the title company. Seconded and carried. Clerk opened and read bids on the paving of various streets as set forth in specifications published. Bids are, excluding sales tax: Company 5% Baal Bond Bid Alt. Alt.. #.2 Alt. 43 Attached North Kitsap Yes Asphalt & Gravel Ace Paving Yes $33,324.'10 $5,962.50 $37,722.00 $5,410.00 $14,812.00 $15,487.00 $15,797.50 $16,595.00 Tucci & Sons Yes $44,974.50 $11,175.00 $17,295.00 $19,457.50 Mayor referred bids to Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer for their recommendation. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council granted authority to Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer to accept or reject bids and award contract. Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved that Council approve purchase of a new mobile radar unit that can be used in any of the Police Department vehicles and is capable of checking speeds of cars while stationary or moving and from any direction. Total purchase price would be $2,485.00 with $700.00 allowance as trade-in from the old radar unit. The unit is also available on a lease -purchase plan for $60.75 for 36 months. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to table motion until further information can be attained as to Lease program, funding available, guarantee and mainten- ance programs. Seconded and carried. Councilman Willon read application from the Fathoms:'O Fun. Committee requesting use of the Mitchell Street shed. Councilman Wilson further suggested that Clerk draw up agreement pertaining to length of time the Float Committee will have the building for their use, what area of shed they are to use, and who will do the clean up necessary when the float is completed and moved out of the shed. Councilman Wilson moved that Fathom's 0 Fun Float Committee be allowed to use the Mitchell Street shed for construction of the Fathom's 0 Fun float from now until the second week in April and that an agreement'be drawn and signed by the City, Float Committee and president of the Chamber of Commerce pertaining to length of use, responsibility of clean up and area of shed to be used, allowing Public Works employees access to City owned property stored at this site. Seconded and carried with 5 yeas and 1 no. Councilman Lee Caldwell voting no. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council instructed Clerk to write letter to property owners adjacent to Perry Ave. informing them of a public meeting February 6, 1978 to discuss proposal of changing Perry Avenue to a one-way avenue. Councilman Lee Caldwell requested a letter be written to the Kitsap County Historical Society requesting that the curb which was damaged during the leveling of the Sidney Hotel be repaired. Mayor Powers instructed Engineer Knobbs to write letter to Kitsap County Historical to this effect. Councilman Lee Caldwell also reported to Council that he had received a letter from Jerry Zirkle, State Highway Department, stating the Highway Department wanted to wait on installing a traffic control light at Tremont and Highway 16 until the By-pass Study is underway and if the City of Port Orchard wanted to discuss the possibility of a signal light at this location he would be willing to meet with the City. After much discussion, Council agreed that the By-pass study will have little or no bearing on the traffic problem that exists now. Mayor Powers instructed Engineer Knobbs to set up meeting with Zirkle, preferably an evening meeting. Councilman Geiger reported to Council that City and Union representative have met with Department of Labor and Industries mediator. The City negotiating committee has made a proposal to the Union representatives who are to meet with Union employees in the near future to vote on proposals. Councilman Geiger reported on Water Committee meeting held with Pat McCullough, Entranco Engineers, on the study for fire flow demands. The existing system is not completely up to standards, and as developers build within Port Orchard the system will have to be upgraded. Councilman Geiger also reported that been started and should be completed the rate of 1 foot per 2 hours. Mr Geiger further reported from the for the Joint Sewage Treatment Plant but our standing is high enoughthat budget. the filling of the 1MG Reservoir has by Wednesday. It is being filled at Water/Sewer Committee that the funding is evidently out for the 1978 budget we should definitely be in the 1979 Clerk read petition from Virginia D. Pagaduan, claiming the Fire Department damaged a tree during a practice fire causing the tree to become a hazard to property owned by her. She is asking for damages in the amount of $150.00, which is what she paid to have the damn gedportion of tree removed to protect her house. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved payment Of the claim submitted by Virginia D. Pagaduan in the amount of $150.00 for damage to a portion of a tree on her property. Clerk read letter from Classic Construction requesting permission to remove approximately 3,000 yards of pit run gravel from the city dump area for a stumpage price of between 35� to 50� per yard. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council denied request of Classic Construction to purchase approximately 3,000 yards of pit run gravel from the city dump area. Clerk announced applications have been submitted by Allen Fleury for a Special. Use permit, and Wallace and Elaine Smith for a reclassification of zoning. Clerk requested that Council set the date of February 13, 1978 as date of public hearing for both hearings. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved date of February 13, 1978 as date of Public Hearings on Special Use Permit - Application submitted by Allen Fleury, owner of record, and Application for Reclassifildation of Zoning from `RIVE -to "MF -20"_.submitted by Wallace and Elaine Smith, owners of record. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved ordinances No. 1033 through No. 1039 and Resolution No. 1191 through Resolution No. 1194, Ordinances and Resolutions reflecting prior Council action taken on rezone applications and applications for special use permits. Councilman Eugene Caldwell proposed that Council do something to protect the young children in the area of Van Zee Park, which, during the wet winter weather caused "quick mud" conditions in some areas. Several children have had to be physically helped from the mud. Mayor instructed City Engineer to look into the possibility of draining the area or install- ing.a fence around this area. Councilman Geiger suggested one answer some areas of the City could be to form on a City -property owner sharing basis. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. to the poor quality of streets in L. I. D's with the property owners Clerk /�� �;-- ,� Mayor