01/09/1978 - Regular - MinutesFort Orchard, Washington January 9, 1978 Council of the City of Fort Orchard, Washington".called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger and Libby. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Weatherill and Chief Mares. Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Powers administered the oath of office to re --elected Councilman Eugene Caldwell and David Libby, and new Councilmen Margaret Jane Miller and Leonard Clark. Mayor Powers introduced new Council members Miller and Clark to Council and audience and seated them at the Council table. Frank Haberlach, representing Fathoms "0 Fun, approached Council requesting use of the Mitchell Street shed for purpose of working on the Fathoms float. Mr. Haberlach reported to Council on plugged storm sewer drain located on Seattle Street. Mayor Powers declared public hearing open on Rezone Application submitted by Charles E. Ryan/Donald and Joan Thompson for their property located on the hill above the Dairy Queen and 60 feet south of Bay Street from "Commercial General" to "Residential High". Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved that Council concur with Planning Commission recommendation and approve rezone request from "Commercial General" to "Residential High" Seconded. Councilman Wilson moved to table rezone request submitted by Charles E. Ryan/Donald and Joan Thompson to give Council, time to study access problems. Seconded and carried with 5 yeas and 2 nos, Councilman Geiger and Eugene Caldwell voting no. Leonard Kruse, Vice President of Ryan Built Homes, Inc., Howard Minor, Planning Commission member and Council discussed reasoning behind tabling a Public Hearing before any input is obtained from interested parties. Councilman Wilson explained her reason for making notion to table was she was not provided with adequate information and did not feel that she could make an intelligent informed decision on the proposal without having all the necessary information provided. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council removed from table matter of Ryan request for rezone. Mayor Powers declared public hearing open on Rezone Application submitted by Charles E. Ryan/Donald and Joan Thompson for their property located on the hill above... the Dairy Queen and 60 feet south of Say Street from "Commercial General" to "Residential High" Bill Cope, 903 Kitsap, stated he is concerned about traffic problems and "slippage problems" in this area if high density housing is allowed. John Hokanson, 915 Kitsap, questioned Council as to where the fire hydrant for this project would be located. Mayor Powers informed Mr. Hokanson that the location of the hydrant would be set by the Fire Department when the developer provided the City with plans for proposed development of property. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved Application for Rezone submitted by Charles E. Ryan/Donald and Joan Thompson with the Planning Commission recommendations and conditions which includes that the owner improve the alley West of their property and East to Seattle and them South to Kitsap Street. Mayor Powers declared Ryan Rezone Request approved and hearing closed. An Ordinance noting this zoning change is to be presented at the next Council meeting. Mayor Powers declared hearing open on application submitted by Jennings A. and Esther E. Nesseth for a Special Use Permit requesting that professional services, e.g., attorneys, C._P.A.`s, Bookkeepers and Title Companies be a permitted use within the "Residential High" Zoning District on his property located at 569 Division Street. Mayor Powers asked if any one present would like to speak for or against this proposed rezone. Mr. Jennings Nesseth explained to Council the proposed use of his property. Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved that Council approve the application submitted by Jennings A and Esther E. Nesseth for a Special Use Permit based on the Planning Commission conditions and.requirements. Mayor Powers declared the Special Use Permit approved and Hearing closed. Mayor Powers declared public hearing open on recommendation of Planning Commission to not change the Commercial General classification of the area surrounding the Courthouse to "Residential High". Councilman Geiger moved to amend Comprehensive Plan to reflect the area around the Courthouse from Commercial General to Residential High. Seconded. Howard Minor read petitions signed by a majority of the property owners of affected area, requesting the zoning classification be "Commercial General". C_ - `mot Original motion to amend Comprehensive Plan to reflect area around the Courthouse from "Commercial General" to"Residential High" zoning carried and approved with four yeas and,__,3 nos. Councilman Eugene Caldwell, Lee Caldwell and Wilson voting no. Pat McCullough, Entranco Engineers, reported on bids received for the Perry Avenue Water Line. Bids received were Suburban Mechanical $124,329.21; W.B. Davis, $170,782.08 and LLM Contractor, $173,126.09. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved awarding of the contract to Suburban Mechanical Contractors on their bid for $124,329.21, contingent on the approval of the City Engineer and City Attorney. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council authorized City Engineer to notify Suburban Mechanical Contractors that they have been awarded the project and proceed with the legal documents. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved Entranco Engineers be retained to proceed with work for the EDA audit. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council awarded bid on F-350 Chassis for Fire Department equipment truck to Bennett Ford in the amount of $7,083.50, with one item to be changed: change color code from "Body Bright Yellow" to "Body Black". Mayor declared recess at 9:20 to reconvene at 9:30 P.M. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council authorized the Fire Department to purchase monitors in the amount of $5,186.15. ($5,680.15 less trade-in on old monitors of $500.00) Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that the City Engineer write letter to the State Highway Department requesting a temporary light at the intersection of Tremont Street and highway 16. Seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, the minutes of the December 27, 1977 meeting were approved as circulated with the following correction: Page 3, paragraph 1 should read: The amount budgeted is less than the amount budgeted in 1977. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council instructed City Clerk to write letter to complainants on the new water rates (One - Stop Cleaners, Port Orchard Nursery (Greseths), Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Fitzgerald, and Mr. Esa of Ridgemont Terrace Nursing Dome, stating that the Water/Sewer Committee has not forgotten them. The Water/Sewer Committee has been studying this matter in great detail and can see no financially feasible way that exceptions or readjustments of water rates can be made because of increased cost of operation. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved returning proposed Ordinance No. 1032, an ordinance amending Chapter 10 of Zoning Ordinance No. 899 to the Planning Commission, who is to hold the proper public hearing necessary in this matter. Mayor Powers informed Council, audience and news media that the City of Port Orchard is seeking new members on the following commissions: 1. Civil Service Commission (1) 2. Planning Commission (2) 3. Parks Commission (1) On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved reappointing Dan Seelye to the Planning Commission for another term ending 12/31/83. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council authorized Entranco Engineers to proceed with the necessary inspection work on the Perry Avenue Water Line. Councilman Libby proposed that Council increase the rates on the parking lot downtown to encourage people to car pool. Mayor Powers referred matter to Street and Alley Committee for recommendations. Chief Weatherill reported on Fire Department activity for the month of December, 1977 as follows: 10 Aid Calls 6 Fire Alarms 7 Misc. Service Calls 23 Total Calls Chief Weatherill also reported there have been 270 calls for the year 1977. Chief Mares reported to Council that Officer Swanson is now attending the Seattle Police Acadamy .for Training. Chief Mares reported to Council. on Police Department activity for the year 1977 as follows: 3 Rape 41 Assault 47 Business Burglary 84 Vandalism 69 Residential Burglary 138 DWI Arrest (up 100o from 1976) 164 Petit Larceny 182 Traffic Accidents Investigated 34 Auto Theft (down from 246 in 1976) There have been 1,200 moving violations and 4,400 parking tickets issued in 1977. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved payment of Chamber of Commerce dues in the amount of $30.00 for the year 1978. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council set date of February 13, 1978 for public hearing on application for vacation of Alley on that portion of platted alley separating Lots 1 through 6 from lots 37 through 42, Block 7 of Sweany's 2nd Addition to Sidney, submitted by Murnie L. Lamb. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried., Council allocated $4,442.00 of Anti -Recession Funds to Police Department for Traffic Control andlnvestigation. Clerk announced Councils embers attending the "Newly Elected Officials Workshop", Saturday, January 28, 1978 at the Tyee Motor Inn, Olympia are Councilman Eugene Caldwell and Councilman Clark for certain, Councilman Wilson and Libby are possibly attending, and other Councilmen have no plans to attend. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved the payment of bills, (Vouchers #4002 through #4099) in the amount of $95,013.52 and the December payroll in the amount of $40,532.93. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. Clerk az . '� Mayor