11/13/1978 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington November 13, 1978 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Pro-Tem Robert G. Geiger. Council members present: Eugene Cald- well, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Roos, Miller and Clark. Mayor Powers excused. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Chief Mares, Fire Chief Weatherill and Engineer Knobbs. Mayor Pro-Tem Geiger led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Council Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the October 23, 1978 meeting as circulated with the follow- ing correction: Page 1, paragraph 9, should read, motion by Councilman Wilson. Marvin Coe, Co -Chairman, Downtown Merchants Association Christmas Committee explained events planned in the downtown area November 25 to welcome the Christmas season. Mr. Coe requested that parking meters in the downtown area be hooded for the Christmas season to encourage shopping in Port Orchard businesses. He also requested that parking in the waterfront lots be free on Saturday, November 25 to allow more parking for citizens who would like to attend special events scheduled for this day. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to allow free parking November 24th and 25th from 10:00 A.M. Seconded by Councilman Wilson. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to amend original motion to state parking would be patrolled in two hour intervals. Seconded. Councilman Lee Caldwell requested permission to withdraw amendment and original motion. Councilman Wilson withdrew second. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to allow Downtown Merchants Association to bag parking meters,,with meters to be patrolled on two hour intervals on November 24th and allow free parking in the waterfront lots November 25th. Councilman Wilson moved to amend motion to allow parking meters in the downtown area to be covered by the Downtown Merchants Association from November 24th to December 26th. Seconded by Councilman Lee Caldwell. Original motion as amended to allow free parking in the downtown waterfront lots on November 25th and free 2-hour parking in the metered areas from November 24th through December 26, 1978 carried. Adrian Carr, representing the Methodist Church, requested Council consider ordinance setting parking space regulations for Church buildings. Mrs. Anita Heng stated the Council should consider charging for parking in certain "free parking„ areas. Deloris Barringer, Fur, Fin and Feathers, questioned Council as to whether any decision has been reached regarding the land to house the proposed animal spay/neutering clinic.Councih-,an` Wilson, Chairman Parks Committee reported her Committee was not able to meet due to illness. After much discussion on the matter, Councilman Wilson moved to allow Fur, Fin and Feathers to use certain City property (legal description to be provided by City Engineer) contingent upon approval and lease to be drawn up by the Attorney. Councilman Eugene Caldwell stated this matter should be retained in Committee until such time that many of the questions regare.infj the City supporting a private enterprise can be answered. Councilman Wilson withdrew motion as stated. Councilman Wilson moved that Council state intent to lease necessary property to Fur, Fin and Feathers for their proposed spay/neuter clinic with the details to be worked out with the City Attorney, Parks Committee ,'and Fur, Fin and Feathers. Seconded and carried. Councilman Eugene Caldwell reported to Council that the Police Department has 10 men enrolled in the Police Reserve Training Program in Bremerton. Insurance cost for the reserve officers will be approximately $75.00 a span per year. Councilman Lee Caldwell, Chairman Street/Alley Committee, recommended that the sidewalk proposed for Kitsap--Rockwell Street intersection not be installed due to the fact that the terrain would make it unfeasible to be safely maintained. The Street/Alley Committee recommended that a crosswalk be painted from the end of the existing sidewalk on Rockwell, installed by Ryan Construction, going in an East/West direction to the North side of Kitsap Street. Councilman Lee Caldwell requested that the City write a "Thank You" letter to Dick Brown and Russell Lombard for the assistance they gave the City on the request for upgrading of the City of Port Orchard/Sewer District #5 priority rating in regard to the proposed Joint Sewer Treatment Facility. Letter from Mitchell StreetA area residents was presented concerning the damage being done to the,stieet�by 1the,contractor constructing the new South Kitsap High School. City Engineer Knobbs stated that Building Inspector Joe Snow has notified the contractor, R. C. Hedreen and architect, Burr Associates, verbally and by letter that they are -to repair any and all damage done to public property during construction. Councilman Clark, Chairman Water/Sewer Committee, requested letters be written to Leonard Kruse, Mr. Nick VanderStaay and any others who have Opposed the rate increase explaining that the -rates were not raised with the thought that the City wanted to create an extra financial burden on, anyone, ie: developers, builders or persons who will be renting or buying in a new development. The City's consulting Engineers have advised that water/sewer rates were below what is required by State Law and should be increased to meet the City's bonding obligations. Also, when State and Federal Grants become available, we must have matching monies on hand. Clerk road letter -received from Kit Sweany, President, Port Orchard Business and Professional Women, thanking Mr. David Libby,-MaintenA ce Dept. for the assistance he provided them during their card party held at the Youth Activity Building on October 27, 1978. Clerk read letter from Sophie Stack concerning the proposed naming of a portion of Givens Field called Little League Field to "Art Mikelsen Field'.' Clerk read letter and petition received from Mr. Carl Schroder, 267 Farr- agut Street and others regarding condition of DeKalb Street between Mitchell and Tracy. This matter discussed previously during meeting. Clerk read letter from South Sound Sanitation Co. regarding a proposed rate increase on "customer requested" special containers. Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved that the City of Port orchard authorize South Sound Sanitation to adopt new rates pertaining to special containers with new "counter -balanced" lids at customer request only, (rate Schedule attached). Seconded and carried with six ayes and one no. Councilman Roos voting no. Clerk read claim for damages against the City Police Department for possible improper impounding and damage done to vehicle, as submitted by owner of vehicle, Howard Huffman, 4121 S. E. Phillips in the amount of $948. 50, On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council re- jected claim for damages to car impounded by the City of Port Orchard Police Department owned by Howard Huffman and turned claim over to the City's Insurance carrier. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1208, a resolution authorizing cancellation c?f Payroll and Claims Fund Warrants in the amount of $367.77 which have been outstanding for over one year. V. On motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and carried, Council approved payment of the bills in the amount of $56,350.00 (Vouchers #5126 to,: 5200- & October payroll in the amount of $46,108.14 (Vouchers #8161 to #8266). On motion. by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved Phase I of the By -Pass Study and authroized proceeding with Phase II of the By -Pass Study. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Mayor %�' Cler u F N` ember 13, 1978 The Water and Sewer Committee have met and discussed the letter received from Mr. Leonard Kruse in regards to the recent increase of tap fees for water and sewer hookups in Port Orchard. The Water and Sewer Committee members would .like to assure everyone that the rates were not raised with the thought that we wanted to create an extra financial burden on anyone, developers, builders, or persons who will be renting or buying in the new developments. In meetings with our Consulting Engineers we have been advised that our water and sewer rates were below what is re- quired by State Law and should be increased as we were not meeting our bonding obligations. We have also been advised that when State and Federal. Grants become available to us, we must have matching monies on hand. For this reason we were advised to raise our water and sewer tap fees. We, on the Water and Sewer Committee disliked requesting rate in- creases, but felt we had no other choice. It is not pleasant accepting the blame for rate increases, but it would be a lot more unpleasant accepting the blame if, when grant funds become avail- able and we did not have the needed mat"ching monies. As Chairman of this Committee, I would like to request that the City send a letter to Mr. Leonard Kruse, Mr. Nick Vanderstaay, and any others who have opposed therateincrease, explaining the reasons for the increases.] Respectfully, Leonard Clark, Chairman Water -Sewer Committee