02/14/1978 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington February 14, 1978 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell,, Mary Wilson., Lee Caldwell, Robert Geiger, Margaret Jane Miller, Dave Libby and Leonard Clark. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Mares and Weatherill. Mayor Powers led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the January 23rd, 1978 meeting as circulated with the following correction: Page two, paragraph four, add after "shed", inspec- tion of the premises as to cleanliness will be accomplished by the Park Committee. Mr. Robert Stewart, Commissioner of Finance; City of Bremerton, informed the Council of the procedure Bremerton uses on their computer system relative to parking tickets, such as mailing, information, follow up and the aging of the tickets. He stated that the key punch machine could print from 5,000 to 10,000 characters per hour. Also that the City of Bremerton could and would do the complete process for about $200.00 per month. After discussion on the matter, the Council, on motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, approved that the offer made by Commissioner Stewart be accepted for the cost of $200.00 per month and that the Committee and Chief work out the details to put the process in motion. Mayor Powers declared that the application for rezone by Mr. Wallace Smith of property located at 1315 West Street, Lot 7, Block 3, Radey's Addition to Port Orchard was open for Public Hearing. Clerk read recommendations'to the Council from the Planning Commission that the rezone is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and that the Planning Commission approves rezoning from RH to MS--20. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, sec- onded and carried, Council approved the application and rezoned the prop- erty located at 1315 West Street to Multiple Family -20. Ordinance con- firming this action will be prepared and submitted to the Council on Feb- ruary 27th meeting. Mayor Powers declared the application for a Special Use Permit for a service station to be installed in a Commercial General Zone located at 101 N. Bethel Avenue, with application submitted by Mr. Allen Fleury, P. 0. Box 267, Kingston, Wa. 98346. Clerk read recommendation of the Planning Commission approving the action with the stipulation that entrances and exits will be marked and channeled. Also that curtain drains will be extended if required. Council discussed the traffic problems in that area and the potential danger that will be generated from ingress and egress. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that the Council approve the recommendations of the Planning Commission with further stipulation that there be no cross traffic. Seconded. Councilman Wilson moved to amend that there be no left turning into the business at this time and that the matter will be reviewed when the matter of a third lane is considered by the State. Seconded and carried with Councilman Eugene Caldwell voting nay. Original amended motion carried with.Councilman Eugene Caldwell and Libby voting no. Resolution will be prepared for confirmation of the action by next Council meeting. Mayor Powers declared the petition of Mrs. Murnie Lamb, 909 Austin Street for the vacation of an unnamed alley situate, between Lots 1 through 6 and Lots 37 through 42, Block 7, Sweaney's Second Addition open for Public Hearing. The purchaser of the property stated that he is going to put a single family residence on the property and that is why the petition was submitted. Council stated that he could use the Alley and the City would reserve at least 15 feet for utilities. Purchaser stated he had sufficient area to build without the vacation. On motion by Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council denied the petition. Councilman Libby moved that the tap connection fees of Water and Sewer, ($375.00 plus cost of material and labor) as indicated in Ordinance No. 1018 and 1019 shall be effective as of the date of pub ication and the Clerk be directed to notify all parties that the Council will make no exceptions. Seconded. Councilman Wilson spoke against the motion stating that the motion is neither reasonable nor equitable, Councilman Geiger spoke in favor of the motion citing the need for additional funds, also the current installation of reservoirs, transmission lines and pumping station was a direct result of new developments: Councilman Wilson moved that the motion, be amended, that each development be considered by the Council on a case by case basis. Seconded and carried with Councilman Eugene Caldwell, Libby and Geiger voting ray. Original amended motion lost with Councilmen Caldwell,, Geiger, Libby and Clark voting nay. Councilman E. Caldwell moved that all those developers who had acquired a building permit and commenced construction prior to the effective date of the Water Ordinance No. 1018 would pay the old tap/connection fee of $125.00 plus cost of materials and labor. Seconded and carried with Councilman Geiger, Clark and Libby voting nay, Councilman Eugene Caldwell reported on the new procedures in regard to regulating the taxi cabs within the City, stating that two cab spaces are requested, one at Myhre's and the other across the street, and that the owners would pay $200.00 per month per stand. Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved to remove from the table, the motion made at the O'anuary 23rd meeting to purchase a new radar unit. Seconded and carried. Councilman Geiger shoved that funds in the approximate amount of $1,700.00 be transferred from the unappropriated balance of the Current Expense Fund to the Police Department Capital. Outlay for the purchase of the radar unit. Seconded and carried. On motion by Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the sending of Fire Marshal Joe Snow to Fire Investigation School in Everett in the amount of $193. 00 during the 13th.,. 14th;: _15th, _-16th..& 17th of March, 1978. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported on the Committee meeting with the residents of Perry Avenue relative to one way travel, stating about thirty attended with approximately five agreeable to one/way travel. It was decided there will be nothing done at this time, but later when Perry Avenue is black - topped, the situation will be reviewed. Street and Alley Committee will investigate as to cost and other items relative to double decking on the Parking Lot. Also, the Port indicated they would be interested in cooperating with the City under certain con- ditions. Councilman Wilson reported that she was elected Chairman of the Inter- Disciplinary/Tech Advisory Committee on the By -Pass Study. Councilman Wilson reported on the public meeting for the Transportation Study informing the Council of the Work Shop results, objectives, alter- natives and the methods of financing. Councilman Wilson reported concerning the meeting on the By -Pass study and that Mr. "Heck" Heckle was appointed Vice Chairman. Councilman Geiger reported on the meeting with the Union representatives and advised that the City is to "stand pat on the offer. The next meeting will be February 15, 1978 in the Council Chambers. Council approved the Engineer's request to install new circuit breaker and allied items in the approximate amount of $1,000.00 in the public works building. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council declared the old Fire Department monitors to be surplus and authorized that they be offered for sale. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council approved the request of District #4, V.F.W. to hold their parade on April 29, 1978, beginning at 11:00 A.M. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the passage of Ordinance No. 1040 extending the overtime parking restrictions to unmarked parking spaces. Mayor Powers appointed Councilmen Wilson, Geiger and Clark to a special committee to interview applicants for the position of Assistant City Engineer. Mayor Powers appointed Councilman Dave Libby as delegate and Councilman Leonard Clark as alternate to the South Kitsap Improvement Council and approved the Clerk to pay 1978 annual dues in the amount of $8.00. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the Mayor's appointment of Mr. Alex Roos as a member of the Port Orchard Parks Commission. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council approved that there be no exceptions on the increased sewer tap fee of $375.00. Carried with six ayes and Councilman Eugene Caldwell voting nay. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved the payment of bills, (Vouchers #4100 through #4238) in the amount of $337,202.61 and the January payroll in the amount of $41,171.87. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Clerk ; i ,' J c c�>,.f... , ;' Mayor