10/23/2000 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington October 23, 2000 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall Council Chambers, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Clauson, Morrison, Wyatt, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee, and Stansbery. Staff present: City Clerk Parks, Police Chief Townsend, Deputy Clerk Merlino, City Planner Wenman, City Treasurer Tompkins, City Engineer Curies, and City Attorney Combs. Councilman Geiger led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not listed on this agenda. No response was received at this time. Harriet Beale, Local Liaison, representing Puget Sound Water Quality, updated Council on the Year 2000 Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan. The purpose of the plan is to provide long-range direction for restoring and protecting water quality and biological resources; coordinate programs in the basin; provide the basis for a 2-year work plan and fulfill state and federal laws. Ms. Beale discussed the reasons for updating the plan, the strategy, and the program goals. In conclusion Ms. Beale thanked the City Council and Mayor for allowing her presentation. Mayor Weatherill opened the 7:35 PM continued Public Hearing regarding proposed amendments to the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. This public hearing process consists of a series of public hearings scheduled for October 9, October 23, November 13, and December 11, 2000. At the first three hearings the City Council will receive input and discuss individual applications for amendments to the City of Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. No final action will be taken at these hearings. After conclusion of the public hearing process, each application will be presented to the City Council for consideration and action/decision to approve, modify, or deny the requested amendments. City Planner Wenman addressed Council and gave a brief summary on the proposed amendments that will be discussed at this meeting. The proposed amendments include changes to the text of the Comprehensive Plan and amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Map. City Planner Wenman stated the proposed amendments have been reviewed by the Planning Commission and are recommended for approval. City Planner presented proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment Planning File No. CA-03-00 (Residential Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment), City of Port Orchard, proponent. The purpose of the proposed change is as follows: The current Comprehensive Plan provides for two residential categories of Low Density Residential and High Density Residential. The Medium Density Residential designation will provide the ability for the city to recognize existing lot patterns and existing development density. The Medium Density designation will also provide a distinction between those areas where small homeflot development is preferred in comparison to what areas of the city would be most appropriate for stacked multi-unit apartment living. Mayor Weatherill called for audience comments either for or against Planning File No. CA-03..00 (Residential Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment). Dan Pebbles, representing Evergreen Pacific Foundation, supported the city's proposed amendments, however requested modification to the language as identified in the Medium Density Residential section. Mr. Pebbles suggested adding single family attached and stacked flats to the list of permitted residential units. Gil Michael, 228 Seattle Avenue, recommended the Council remand this request for modification back to the Planning Commission, as the Planning Commission did not hear this request. Mayor Weatherill called for further audience comments for Planning File No. CA-03..00 (Residential Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment). As no further comments were received, Mayor WeatheriJl closed the public input portion of this application for amendment (CA-03-00) and referred this matter to Council for the consideration. Mayor Weatherill reminded the audience that written comments on this proposed amendment may be submitted until December 11, 2000. October 23, 2000 Page 2 of4 On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Van Zee, Council authorized city staff to prepare a draft ordinance on the proposed Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments as presented in Planning File No. CA-03-00 (Residential Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment). Motion passed with 6 ayes. Councilman Morrison advised he was absent at the October 9'" Council meeting, however he did listen to and review the City Council audiotapes and is confident to vote on this issue. Councilman Clauson advised he was also absent at the October 9'" Council meeting, however he did not listen to the audio tapes and will not participate in the voting of this motion. City Planner Wenman presented the second proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment as Planning File No.CA-04-00 (Ross Point Plateau Map Amendment), Evergreen Pacific Foundation, proponent. The property is located on the upper plateau of the Ross Point peninsula, abutting SR 166 to the north and west, SR-16 to the south, and the Ross Creek corridor along the eastern boundary. The purpose of this amendment is as follows: The Ross Point property is currently zoned R 4.5 and Greenbelt, with no Comprehensive Plan designation currently assigned. The applicant is requesting a designation change to the proposed designation of Medium Density residential and Industrial to support submittal of a future rezone of a Master Plan Unit Development. Mayor Weatherill called for audience comments either for or against Planning File No. CA-04-00 (Ross Point Plateau Map Amendment). Dan Pebbles, representing Evergreen Pacific Foundation, supported the proposed amendments however presented further modification to the Comprehensive Plan Map in writing as follows: Allow tentative boundaries of the Industrial designation on the Ross Point properties and also allow residential dwelling types under the industrial designation to be consistent with the proposed medium density residential designation. Dan Pebbles also advised this is the single largest piece of undeveloped property within the city boundaries and stated the proposed uses are only conceptual, the intent of the applicant is to apply for a Mixed Use designation. Mayor Weatherill called for further audience comments for Planning File No. CA-04-00 (Ross Point Plateau Map Amendment). As no further comments were received,. Mayor Weatherill closed the public input portion of this application for amendment (CA-04-00) and referred this matter to Council for the consideration. Mayor Weatherill reminded the audience that written comments on this proposed amendment may be submitted until December 11, 2000. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Stansbery, Council authorized city staff to prepare a draft ordinance on the proposed Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments as presented in Planning File No. CA-04-00 (Ross Point Plateau Mag Amendment). Motion passed with 6 ayes. Councilman Morrison advised he was absent at the October 9 Council meeting, however he did listen to and review the City Council audiotapes and is confident to vote on this issue. Councilman Clauson advised he was also absent at the October 9'" Council meeting, however he did not listen to the audio tapes and will not participate in the voting of this motion. Mayor Weatherill continued the Public Hearing process regarding the proposed amendments to the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan to November 13, 2000 at 7:35PM. At 8:45PM Mayor Weatherill called for a 10 minute recess with meeting reconvening at 8:55PM. Mayor Weatherill opened the 8:00 PM Public Hearing regarding anticipated 2001 city budget revenue sources, as required by Chapter 251, Laws of State of Washington, 1995. City Treasurer Tompkins presented staff report on anticipated 2001 city budget revenue sources. The presentation highlighted Current Expense and Street Funds, which are supported by property taxes. The 2001 property taxes are projected in the amount of $1,311,190 for the Current Expense and Street Funds. October 23, 2000 Page 3 of4 City Treasurer Tompkins also discussed the potential impact to the city if Initiative 695 appeal ruling were to be overturned or if Initiative 722 is approved on November 7, 2000. (1-695 is an initiative, which repealed the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax (MVET) and requires voter approval on all tax and fee increases by the state and local governments. Initiative 722 limits property taxes to 1 02% and invalidates 1999 tax increases imposed without voter approval. Any tax increase adopted by the state or local jurisdictions from July 2, 1999, through December 31, 1999 would be null and void and of no effect. All taxes collected as a result of such tax increases shall be refunded to the taxpayer.) Mayor Weatherill called for public input from the audience regarding the anticipated 2001 city budget revenue sources. As no comments were received, Mayor Weatherill closed the Public Hearing. (Ordinance setting the 2001 Property Taxes will be presented for Council consideration afthe November 13, 2000 meeting.) Bob Morehouse, Board member and Treasurer for Fathoms 0' Fun, requested relief of the 100% fringe benefit the city charged on the police security invoice for the 2000 waterfront carnival. Councilman Van Zee moved to absorb Y. of the charges incurred for police security coverage during the 2000 Fathoms 0' Fun waterfront carnival, seconded by Councilman Clauson. Motion failed with 5 nays and 2 ayes. Council members Morrison, Wyatt, Geiger, Powers and Stansbery voting nay. City Engineer Curies reported on bid opening held October 20, 2000 at 4:30 PM regarding the Street Sweeper. Seven bids were received with the required bid bonds. Pacific Utility Ben-Ko-Matic -1" bid Ben-Ko-Matic-2nd bid Ben-Ko-Matic -3"' bid Ben-Ko-Matic -4th bid Clyde West Western Power & Equipment Base Bid $112,843.00 $114,995.00 $124,995.00 $114,995.00 $ 79,995.00 $134,195.73 $114,985.00 City Engineer gave staff report identifying various components and accessories along with an evaluation of the street sweepers offered in each proposal. He suggested foregoing purchase of a new pickup in 2001 to provide for balance of purchase price to come from the Street Equipment Replacement Fund. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council accepted the bidding for the Street Sweeper and upon specification review, Council authorized the City Engineer to purchase the Broom Bear FL24H with Dual Side Brooms mounted on a Freightliner Chassis, as per bid from Ben-Ko- Matic in the amount of $114,995.00 plus tax and two options as follows: • Air dryer for truck air system heater $575.00 • Heated remote control electric mirror, controlled in cab $575.00 The city's Elgin street sweeper, serial number P0605D, will be transferred to the vendor upon delivery of the new street sweeper, with the understanding the remaining purchase price will be authorized through the 2001 budget. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Stansbery, Council approved the consent agenda as follows: a. Minutes of the October 9, 2000 City Council meeting, as amended I b. Claim warrant numbers 337 47 -33837in the amount of $96,076.81. Councilwoman Powers discussed the city/county Revenue Sharing proposal with Council and confirmed Council members Van Zee and Stansbery have also attended many meetings on this subject. October 23, 2000 Page4 of4 Councilwoman Powers asked for the Mayor and Council's concurrence and support for their continued attendance to these meetings. After much discussion Mayor Weatherill and Council supported Council members Powers, VanZee and Stansbery continued attendance at these meetings. Mayor Weatherill advised a concerned citizen within Port Orchard asked elected officials to support the South Kitsap School Levy, which will be presented on the next ballot. City Attorney Combs reminded the Council in supporting the school levy their support must be demonstrated in the capacity as individual citizens of Port Orchard and not speaking as Mayor and/or Council members. Councilman Clauson reported on the 1999 State Auditors exit conference and expressed thanks and appreciation to the Finance Department for a job well done. City Treasurer Tompkins advised the thanks and appreciation needs to be extended to all departments as they also played an important roll in the 1999 State Audit that resulted in no comments, suggestions for improvements, or findings. Councilman Clauson further reported the 2000 Festival of Chimes and Lights would be held on December 2, 2000. On motion by Councilman Stansbery, seconded by Councilman Van Zee, Council declared as surplus several abandoned bicycles in the Police Department and one firearm and authorized Police Chief Townsend to dispose of these items in the best interest of the city. Attachment "A" Council set December 4, 2000 at 7:30 PM as the final hearing on the 2001 proposed city budget. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the purchase of a manufactured rebuilt Flottweg Centrifuge System, Model No. Z4E-4/454, in the approximate amount of $125,782.00, for the Sewer Wastewater Treatment Facility. The Council set November 6, 2000 at 7:30 PM as a special study session with the City Council and Planning Commission to discuss city land use planning issues. At 11:10 PM Mayor Weatherill adjourned Council into Executive Session for 10 minutes to discuss labor negotiations. At 11:20 PM Mayor Weatherill reconvened meeting into regular session. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized implementing a 3.5% COLA wage increase to all non-represented employees, retro to October 1, 2000 as provided in Resolution No. 1910. At 11 :35 PM Mayor Weatherill adjourned Council into Executive Session for 1 0 minutes to discuss personnel issues, the Executive Session was extended an additional 80 minutes. At 1 :05 AM Mayor Weatherill reconvened meeting into regular session a adjourned meeting. Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR 10/23/00_ Attachment "A" Inter-Office Memorandum DATE: 10-19-00 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CHIEF TOWNSEND ?If/ DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY I am requesting approval to declare the following items as surplus property to allow for the prudent disposal of the same: Bicycles: Green Huffy Concord 10 speed Volkscycle 10 speed Road master child bike Huffy BMX Magna Rocket Huffy 10 peed Huffy Mountain Bike Firearms: Property # 14483 Property # 14514 Property #14601 Property # 14621 Property # 14634 Property # 14652 Property # 14658 Property# 14757 Llama handgun Serial #B11715 Property # 14059