04/10/1978 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 10, 1978 Council. of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Lee Caldwell, Eugene Caldwell, Robert Geiger, Margaret Jane Miller, Dave Libby, and Leonard Clark. Councilman Wilson excused. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Mares and Chief Weatherill. Mayor Powers led Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the March 27, 1978 meeting as circulated. "Heck" Heckel, Chairman, Fathoms 0' Fun, approached Council to request Council "blessing, permission and support" for the 1978 Fathoms 0' Fun. Mr. Heckel stated this year's events are basically the same as in the past, with the addition of a marionette show. Mayor Powers granted Fathoms 0' Fun per- mission for the events with arrangements to be worked out for the scheduling of the carnival. Tom Myers informed Council he is contemplating building a new bowling alley on the property where he is now located. Mr. Myers explained he needs the cooperation of the City concerning permission to use City right-of-way to meet his parking space requirements. Mayor referred the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and give recommendation to Council at the next meeting. Clerk acknowledged receipt of letter, request to submit petition and map submitted by Mr. Charles L. Childress and Mr. Frank Christen for annexation of their property: (Legal Description, Southwest d of the Northeast 4 and the Northwest 4 of the Southeast 4, except that portion lying Southerly of the Southerly margin of Tremont Street West, Section 34, Township 24 North, Range 1 East, W.M.) Clerk advised Mayor and Council that applicants must agree to accept the City of Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan and assume their fair portion of the bonded indebtedness of the City of Port Orchard. Mr. Childress and Mr. Frank Christen stated they will agree to both items, and will submit a petition for annexation stating their concurrence on these items. (Complete teNt of discussion on tape) Councilman Eugene Caldwell, Chairman Police Committee, reported to Council that the Police Department has received their new 1978 patrol car, which is in operation, on the line and working fine. Councilman Eugene Caldwell reported to Council that the Police Department has been waiting to purchase the radar unit previously approved by the Council until the company manufacturing the radar units received State approval of the units. The Committee has learned that under the State contract, two (2) units can be purchased for $14.00 over the previously appropriated amount. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council granted permission to purchase two (2) radar units for the price of one (1) plus $14.00. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved expenditure of approximately $200.00 for the Fire Chief to attend a Fire Chief School, June 25-29, 1978 in Pasco, Washington. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported to Council on letter received from Mr.Nick VanderStaay, proposing change of access from his property on Sutton Lane to Division Street by widening Sutton Lane approximately 20 feet to facilitate using this as entrance and exit instead of an entrance only, with exit on Ada Street. Mr. VanderStaay will also decrease the number of proposed units from 12 to 8 units, which would decrease traffic volume in this.area. Mayor Powers stated that Mr. VanderStaay should provide the City Engineer and Fire Department with a plot plan showing ingress and egress adequate to facilitate any emergency vehicle traffic that may be necessary. Councilman Lee Caldwell informed Council that it has come to the attention of the Street and Alley Committee that in various locations in Port Orchard there is a problem with people parking in close proximity to stop signs. The Street and Alley Committee requested that signs be posted or curbs be striped, indicating "NO PARKING WITHIN 30 FEET". Mayor instructed City Engineer and Chief of Police to post or paint to indicate "NO PARKING" in this area. Councilman Lee Caldwell presented Council with map submitted to the Street and Alley Committee by the Downtown Merchants Association showing proposed parking for Marina users in outside row of parking lot. The Street and Alley Committee also recommended that parking rates be increased to $1.50 per day for the 12 hour parking area and $1.00 per day for the 9 hour park- ing area. Mr. Stan Dunn, Chairman, Downtown Merchants Association, spoke in favor of the proposed parking plan providing the Marina with increased "reserved parking" area, stating that the public parking area would not actually be reduced with this plan. Councilman Geiger spoke against reserving any particular portion of the lot for the Marina. Mr. Geiger explained that Marina use of the parking lot is seasonal and if the Marina was not having heavy use, the reserved portion of the parking lot would not be available for "public use". As it is now, the lot is available to Marina users. Councilman Geiger explained to Council that at the March 27, 1978 meeting when the adjustments of women employees salaries were made, an omission had occured in that the Draftsman position was to be raised to $10,000.00 annually. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, the salary for the position of Draftsman was raised to $10,000.00 per year. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1048, an Ordinance establishing salary schedules for employees of the City of Port Orchard for the year 1978 and retroactive to January 1, 1978. Councilman Libby reported to Council that Suburban Mechanical, Contractor for the Perry Avenue Water Line Improvement Project has completed their work. Paving is scheduled to begin approximately Tuesday, April 11, 1978. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council authorized the Fire Chief to surplus four of the Fire Department portable radios, giving two (2) portable radios to the Police Department and authorizing the sale of the other two (2) portable radios. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported to City Engineer that street lights are out at the following locations: Sidney Avenue and Bothwell Street, Tremont Street and Alder Lane. City Engineer agreed to report this to the Power Company and suggested that street lights which are: out can be directly reported to the Power Company by anyone thus expediting the repair. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1198, a resolution fixing the date of hearing on a petition for a vacation of Rylander Circle as submitted by Joseph A Tudor, a/k/a J. A. Tudor and Associates. Date of Hearing -May 8, 1978, approx. 7:30 P.M. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1047, an Ordinance creating a "By --Pass Fund" for the purpose of handling receipts and disbursements as Lead Agency for the "Port Orchard By -Pass Study". On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1199, a resolution authorizing the issuance of registered warrants in the amount of $212,325.33 to Kitsap County rank for any monies in the Water Construction Fund-1977, One MG Water Storage Construction Fund, and Perry Avenue Water Line Construction Fund-1977, bearing interest at the rate of 52% per annum. Clerk read letter from Goodwill Industries requesting permission to place an "Attended Station" on the City of Port Orchard parking area. After Ruch discussion, Mayor referred to Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Clerk read letter from Ryan Built Homes, Inc. expressing their appreciation for the assistance they received from the Police Department and the water department during a recent installation of a water main. It was stated that without the help of the City employees, they would not have been successful in this installation. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved payment of bills, (Vouchers #4346 - #4458) in the amount of $145,287.29 and the March payroll in the amount of $66,824.50. Meeting adjourned at 9.30 P.M. Clerk Mayor