07/24/1978 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington July 24, 1978 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger, Miller, Roos and Clark. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Chief Mares and Engineer Knobbs. Chief Weatherill excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the July 10, 1978 meeting as circulated. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council removed motion from table relevant to allowing Transcendental Meditation to use the Active Club Building at the current published rates. After much discussion, motion lost with four nos and three yeas. Councilman Clark, Roos and Lee Caldwell voting yea. Mark Simon, Transcendental Meditation, requested that they be allowed to give a special introductory lecture for the Council members, to show the education qualities of their program. Mayor Powers set Thursday, July 27 1978, 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 216 Prospect Street for special Transcendental Meditation introductory lecture which is open to the public. Mayor opened Public Hearing relevant to the City of Port Orchard desig- nating Perry Avenue North a one-way street.. John Tanaskcvic, 203 Perry North spoke to Council as representative of Perry Avenue property owners and residents. Mr. Tanaskovic expressed great opposition to this matter stating it would cause inconvenience to residents and a financial burden to those living on a fixed income. He informed Council that residents of this area do not feel there is a problem with traffic or parking. Attorney Riehl addressed Council stating that from a legal position, the City of Port Orchard must act on the matter of traffic and parking on Perry Avenue North. If an emergency situation occured and emergency vehicles could not get through the street because of parked vehicles blocking the street and which resulted in loss of life or property, the City would be in a highly libelous position. The City Attorney recomm- endation to the Council is as follows: 1. Designate Perry Avenue a one way street running north to south. 2. Designate Perry Avenue a one way street running south to north. 3. Continue two-way traffic on Perry Avenue and eliminate all parking on either side of the street. Several Perry Avenue residents also expressed concern over the lack of final completion of the construction project in this area. Mayor Powers held over the matter of designating Perry Avenue North a one-way street until the August 4, 1978 meeting to allow City Engineer time to invest- igate complaints of property owners concerning construction project and to allow further study of traffic and parking situation. Robert Gehring, 1070 Mitchell, approached Council concerning his property on SR 160. Mr. Gehring questioned the City charging a contractor for running a water or sewer line to his property and also charging an in lieu of assessment fee for new utility services. Mayor Powers explained that this method of payment for new utilities is set forth by ordinance in the Municipal Code and is charged to and paid by all new developments or single family residence construction within the City's water -sewer utility jurisdiction. City Engineer Knobbs informed Council that an adjustment was to be made on Mr. Gehring's assessment because a portion of his property is not serviceable for lack of sufficient water pressure in this area. Mayor Powers informed audience that due to the absence of Pat Shobert, he would not reconvene the Public Hearing on application for rezone as submitted by Mr. Shobert. The next regular Council meeting to be held August 14, 1978 was set as the deadline for Mr. Shobert to present Council with requested information relevant to this application for rezone or rezone will be denied for lack of interest. Mayor Powers declared recess to reconvene at 9:10 P.M. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council authorized City Engineer to provide wheel chair ramp access from the sidewalk to the Active Club Building and a fire door in Room #3. Councilman Wilson, Parks Committee moved that Cascade Natural Gas Company be allowed to install a gas pressure station in the proposed area of Van Zee Park and the Council accept their offer of installing a "Van Zee Park" sign as per the City Engineer's specifications and approval. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to state that an annual lease fee will be set. Seconded and carried. Original amended motion to lease property within Van Zee Park to Cascade Natural Gas Company and accept their offer of sign as per Engineer's specifications carried. Engineer Knobbs reported the date of the open hearing held by the DSHS relevant to the priority rating for funding on the proposed Sewer Treat- ment Plant will be held September 15, 1978 and stated that every Council member should be present. Clerk read letter from Ridgemont Terrace concerning water rates for senior citizen residents. Mayor referred matter to Water -Sewer Committee stating that legally the City can not grant special rates to anyone because of age or financial position. Clerk read a letter to Mr. William Bulley, State Transportation Department expressing the City of Port Orchard's support of the proposal by Horluck Transportation Company to institute a ferry run from the Waterman Dock to Bremerton. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. �' Clerk, � �(`" _!' Mayor