08/14/1978 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington August 14, 1978 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger, Miller, Roos and Clark. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Chief Mares, Engineer Knobbs and Fire Chief Weatherill, Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the July 24, 1978 meeting as circulated. Anita Sanford introduced the 1978 Kitsap County Fair & Rodeo Royalty Court to the Mayor and Council who presented the Mayor with a rodeo hat and invited the Mayor, Council members and citizens of Port Orchard to attend the 1978 Kitsap County Fair & Rodeo to be held August 23--27, 1978. Members of the Royalty Court described events to take place during the fair and rodeo. Various downtown merchants and employees addressed the Council requesting consideration for reduction of parking fees in the downtown parking lot for the 9 and 12 hour parking areas. Councilman Wilson suggested a represent- ative from the downtown merchants and employees be appointed to meet with the Street and Alley Committee to discuss the parking problem. Councilman Geiger moved to adjust parking rates to 9 hour-$.50 and 12W-hour $.75. Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Lee Caldwell, Chairman Street/Alley Committee set meeting August 21, 1978, 7:30 P,M., Kitsap County Bank Conference Room to discuss the down town parking problem. Marty Dirks, Kramer, Chin and Kayo, Consulting Engineers, explained to Council the Step 2, Grant Application must be submitted to Department of Ecology requesting funding for the proposed City of Port Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council adopted Resolution No. 1204, a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to apply for Step 2, Grant Application funds on the proposed City of Port Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mayor Powers reconvened Public Hearing relative to Rezone request as submitted by Patrick Shobert requesting reclassification of his property located at the intersection of Sherman Avenue and Melcher Street (Legal description: Sec 35 Twp 24, Rge OIE; E 1/2 S 1/2 NW 1/.4. NW 1/4 convyd. by Aud. No. 1096950 EXC. RD R/W) from Residential High to Multiple -family 20. Mr. Robert McGinnis of McGinnis, Olson, Rowland, Ltd., representing Patrick Shobert, owner -developer stated that Mr. Shobert is agreeable to the conditions for approval as set forth by the Planning Commission and City Council. Councilman Eugene Caldwell, moved to approve Rezone request as submitted by Patrick Shobert for his property located at the intersection of Sherman Ave. and Melcher Street (Legal description: Sec 35, Twp 24, Rge OIE; E 1/2 S 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 convyd by Aud. No. 1096950 EXC RD R/W) from Residential High to Multiple -family 20, contingent upon compliance with the conditions as set forth by the Planning Commission and additional conditions designated by the City Council as follows: (Seconded by Councilman Clark) 1. Improve curve on their property located at Hull & Sherman 2. Improve intersection at Sherman & Melcher 3. Provide a bus turn out on west side of Sherman and north side of Melcher 4. Add 10' right of way - west sid.e of Sherman Avenue 5. Add 15' right of way - north side of Melcher Street 6. Improve roads adjacent to property Councilman Geiger moved to amend notion to include extension of sidewalk from developer's property to existing sidewalk on Hull. Seconded. Motion lost with tie vote, Councilman Roos, Wilson and E. Caldwell voting no. Councilman Miller, Geiger and Clark voting yea. Councilman Lee Caldwell abstaining with permission of Mayor at July 10, 1978 meeting. Councilman Wilson moved to amend original motion to state that developer must install sidewalks along the perimeter of Shobert property adjacent to Sherman Avenue and Melcher Street. Seconded and carried, with five ayes and one no. Councilman Geiger voting no. Original amended notion to approve Rezone request as submitted by Patrick Shobert for his property located at the intersection of Sherman Avenue and Melcher Street (Legal description: Sec 35, Twp 24, Rge OIE; E 1/2 S 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 convyd. by Aud. No. 1096950 EXC RD R/W) from Residential High to Multiple -family 20 with conditions set forth by the Planning Commission and City Council and agreed to by Patrick Shobert and Robert McGinnis, his representative. Seconded and carried, with five ayes and one no. Councilman Geiger voting no. Mayor Powers declared Rezone request approved and Public Hearing closed. Mayor Powers declared recess with meeting to reconvene at 10:40 P.M.. Mayor read letter received from Mike Ryan, informing Council of his resignation from the Planning Commission. Mayor Powers introduced Paul Strapec, 2349 Garden Drive, who has requested that he be allowed to join the Planning Commission. Mayor Powers informed Mr. Strapec that Council will make a decision as to new members for the Planning Commission at their next regular meeting to be held August 24, 1978. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council authorized the Police Chief and Police Committee to investigate and start a Police Reserve Unit. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported that the Street/Alley Committee met with residents of the Perry Avenue area. After much discussion, it is their recommendations that the traffic and parking problem existing in this area should be corrected by implementing a fog line designating the street right of way and any vehicle which is parked in any portion of the street right of way will be ticketed. Mayor Powers directed City engineer to do the necessary striping and marking of Perry Avenue. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that Council approve Resolution No. 1203, a resolution designating a portion of Bay Street, approximately 263' + to the south of the Westbay signal light a "no left turn" zone. Seconded and carried, with 6 ayes and one no. Councilman Geiger voting no. 0n motion by Councilman Roos, seconded and carried, Council authorized City Engineer to institute a call for bids to dispose of the Kendall St. water tanks. Clerk read letter of gratitude from Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Paw, Olympia, Washington thanking the Port Orchard Emergency Medical Technician unit and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gadberry for the kind and efficient aid that was extended during an emergency they experienced at the Port Orchard Marina. Councilman Leonard Clark, Water/,Sewer Committee Chairman, reported to Council on committee meeting held.August 3, 1978. Mr. Clark stated Committee recommendation on letter received from Mr. Eugene F. Asa, Ridgemont Terrace, requesting special rates for his "senior citizen apartment complex" be denied on the basis that legally, the City can not discriminate for reasons of age or financial ability to pay, also the bonded indebtedness of the City makes any reduction of rates unfeasable at this time. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council set date of August 28, 1978, for Hearing relative to Petition for Annexation submitted by Childress/Christen for their property located at the intersection of Tremont Street and SR 16. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council authorized amending the Water Agreement with the City of Bremerton to delete the name % S Consumer Price Index" and add: "All Urban Consumer Price Index". On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the insurance expense, in the amount of $845.00 annually, for liability insurance covering the Port Orchard E.M.T. and first aid volunteers. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council accepted petition for annexation submitted by George and Sharlene Oakley, General Partners, DBA Dockside Sales and Service for their property described as follows: Tract 1, Port Orchard Bay Water Front Tracts, All of Lots 1, 2 and the East 112 of Lot 3. Petitioners will assume their share of the indebted- ness of the City of Port Orchard and accept the provisions of the Comprehen- sive Plan. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved payment of the bills in the amount of $50,993.58 (Vouchers #4792 through #4913) and the duly payroll in the amount of $48,900.80 (Vouchers #7792 through #7897). Meeting adjourned at 11:50 P.M. C1 e r k Mayor