12/27/1977 - Regular - Minutes'Port Orchard, y^7ashingtoa December 27, 1977 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Acting Mayor Alex Roos. Council. meRibe.rs present: 'Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Libby and Haberlach. Also present. Attorney Riehl, E�ig.inetar. Isnoblas, Chicf Vicaathel ill and Chief ides. Mayor Powers and Counci hik--u. Geiger excuse. Acting i-layyor Roos led the Council and the audience .in the Pledge of Allegiance-. Mel Lovik informed Council that the Downtown Merchants have pledged themselves to provide funds for traffic study discussion at last meeting. (Study of placing police officers at Sidney and Bay Streets and at Westbay lights to direct traffic manually during peak traffic time). ;toward Minor approached Council with question of why it costs more to pick up one (1) can of garbage at a commercial establishment that at a residence. Mr. Win Granlund, Principal, at South Ritsap High School requested that Council approve the installation of a second crosswalk on Mitchel Avenue. Mr. Granlund has spoken with Chief Mares and Engineer Knobbs on this matter. Neither can forsee any problems but must have Council authorization to install crosswalk in middle of block. Councilman Wilson moved that the Street and Alley Committee be given authority to study the need of a second crosswalk on Mitchell Avenue at the South Kitsap High School and if found necessary, they be given power to authorize City Engineer to install it. Seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded aria carried, thE, minutes of the December 12, 1977 meeting were approved as circulated. Acting Mayor Roos opened the hearing on application submitted by John El. Laha for rezoning his property located along the west side of Pottery Avenue approximately 200 feet south of Sunset Lame frog,. Residential Low to "Residential High". Cleric read :memorandum submitted by Planning Commission recommending denial of this rezone request on the basis that this would constitute "Spot Zoning" in the middle of an established "Residential Low" neighborhood. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council conc;ured with Planning Commission decision to deny rezone request submitted by Mr. John H. Laha. Acting Mayor Roos declared rezone request denied and hearing closed.. Councilman Libby moved to remove from table, item 43, from unfinished business. motion that City adopt annual contribution of 1.25% of gross payroll for unemployment insurance. Seconded and carried. After much discussion, Councilman Libby moved that the City of Port Orcillard adopt the annual contribution of .251�- of gross payroll for unemployment insurance.:. Seconded and. carried. Clerk :read proposed Ordinance No. 10..32, an ordinance amending chapter ten of Zoning Ordinance No. 899. Attorney Riehl. pointed out to Council -that an Ordinance of this type should have been brought before the Planning Commission for recommendation before the Council approves or rejects proposed ordinance. Acting MaYor Roos ruled taotion out of order and r.efe . red ordinance No. 1029 to the Planning Commission .for their recoogme.ndation. Mayor Powers declared Federal Shared Revenue Budget lie�ar i_:)g op_n. Mayor asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak on the T:�S Z Budget which had been published in the ne�.aspaper. Howard Minor stated that he. felt the i,ionies available should be used where they would benefit the rriost citizens. Councilman Roos questioned the stairway from Coles Lane to Seattle Street and was informed that this was the one suggestion received from the audience during a previous FSR Budget Hearing. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council moved to adopt the proposed Federal Shared Revenue Budget. Clerk announced it was time to open bid received on paving various streets in town. Engineer Knobbs requested that bids not be opened and be returned to bidders for an error was made in the specifications which were distributed. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council rejected bids received and returned them to bidders. A new call for bids with corrected specifications will be issued. on motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1030, an Ordinance appropriating revenue and authorizing expenditure of $454,165.00 from the One MG Water Storage Construction Fund- 1977. Clerk read Ordinance No. 1031, an Ordinance establishing Use Districts within the City of Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington by creating a Central Business District within the Commercial General "CG" Zoning District. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to table Ordinance No. 1031 until further study of off --street parking can be made. Seconded and carried. Clerk informed Council of receipt of a letter from B. George McBee, Pacific Pine, Inc. relative to the increased water and sewer tap fees. Mayor referred letter to Water/Sewer Committee for recommendation. Clerk opened and read bid received from Bennett Ford for the Fire Equipment truck chasis in the amount of $7,083.50. Mayor referred bid to Fire and Light Committee, Fire Chief and City Engineer for their recommendation. Councilman Wilson reported that in the past year, the Fire Department has responded to 101 fire calls and 119 aid calls. She expressed the thanks and appreciation of the Council to the members of the Volunteer Fire Dept. for the excellent job they are doing. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported that street lights at the intersections of Harrison and Kendall, Cline and Smith have been out for some time. Mayor directed Clerk to contact Puget Power to have this problem corrected. Councilman Geiger reported that union negotiations have reached an impasse and a mediator is being contacted to mediate further negotiations with the City and Union employees. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council moved to amend motion made at last meeting to increase non -union employees salaries to $.45 instead of $.40 as of January 1, 197'8, Ordinance No. 1029 Approved. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council approved funds to be paid from Current Expense for the purchase of first aid equip- ment for the fire trucks responding to aid calls. Amount to be approx- imately $300.00. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that Council approve the vacation of property owned by VanderStaay--Davis on Division Street. Seconded. Councilman Wilson moved to amend motion to state vacation subject to review of legal description by City Attorney and City Engineer. Councilman Roos moved to table discussion of vacation of property owned by VanderStaay-Davis on Division Street until legal description problems are cleared up. Seconded and carried. Councilman Wilson. questioned Council on the matter of 1978 budgeted amount for Attorney's retainer and legal fees. The amount budgeted is less than the requested amount submitted by the City Attorney's office. Mayor directed Finance Committee to .investigate the matter with the City Treasurer to see if this was intentional or done in error. Councilman Haberlach moved that the City of Port Orchard enter into an agreement with Horluck Transportation Co. for sponsorship on Federal. Grant Funds to build a new ferry. Seconded. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to table the matter until problems forseen. by Attorney can be studied by the new council. and Horluck Transportation Company and recommendations be made. Seconded and carried. Mayor Powers spoke on Council decision to deny rezone request submitted by John H. Zala. Mayor Powers stated he doesn't feel this decision is consistent with previous decisions made by Council of other rezone requests. Councilman Roos spoke to Council expressing his appreciation for having had the opportunity to work with them the past four years. He stated that the job has been a rewarding and sAtisfying one which he deeply regrets leaving. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. r � E' , Clerk Mayor