02/28/1977 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington February 28, 1977 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by 'Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger, Roos, Libby and Haberlach. Councilman Eugene Caldwell excused while on vacation. Also present: Engineer Rnobbs, Attorney McCluskey, Chief Mares and the new patrol officer, James Dawson. Chief Weatherill excused. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of February 14, 1977 as circulated. Chief Mares introduced James Rawson to the Council as the first of the two new patrol officers. Mr. Al. Erhart, Chairman of the Fathoms of Fun for 1977 addressed the Council relative to the Council decision to place the Carnival somewhere else than within the parking areas downtown. He also explained that the carnival is a contributing factor in the amount of 8% to the success or failure of the festivities and that the carnival owners would not desire to participate with the Fathoms of Fun if they would have to leave the immediate downtown area. Mr. Jack Mandeville, Dr. Howard Minor, Peggy Caldon and others spoke for the Council to reverse their decision and to allow the carnival to participate from the parking area fronting the waterfront. Councilman Libby moved to rescind the passage of a motion made at the February 14, 1977 meeting as disallowing the Fathoms to utilize the parking area within the City for the carnival. Seconded. After discussing the problems which may be involved with the carnival in the downtown area, the traffic and additional costs to the City, and also discussing the merits of the facilities being placed in the parking areas downtown, the Council approved the rescinding of the motion with three nays and three yeas with the Mayor breaking the tie with a yea vote. Councilman Libby moved that the new parking area be made available for the Fathoms carnival for a period of eight days (June 22 through July 5, 1977). Seconded and approved with Councilman Roos voting nay. Miss Pam Toepke and two other young adults requested the Council approve their use of the Active Building each Friday evening for recreation for those young adults desiring such activity. There will be game materials dancing and other activities and the project will be chaperoned by responsible senior adults and will have an offduty officer present if the need arises. Miss Toepke also stated they had contacted some 300 persons, both young and senior adults and the reaction was very positive. Matter referred to Parks Committee in conjunction with the Police Chief for scheduling and to set procedures. Mr. William Shoemaker addressed the Council relative to parking for postal employees, patrons and agents and was informed that some action and decision will be made by the Council for the next meeting. Mr. Robert Gans, owner of the Bayview Building, requested the Council approve his obtaining an excavation permit to remove the existing bulk- head abutting his property on the West and extending 44 feet to the West for the purpose of obtaining better visibility for traffic. He also requested that upon the improvement of increasing the visibility and eliminating the traffic hazard that now exists, the City will remove the "No Exit" sign posted at the West exit from the Bayview Building. Councilman Roos moved that the City Engineer issue the excavation permit and upon completion of the project by Mr. Gans, the Council will review the project and will then remove the sign if the conditions at that time are in accordance with proper safety conditions. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion by adding that certification shall be given .in writing to the Council guaranteeing the Protection of the property of other property owners, and specifically to Mrs. Leona Hussey. Seconded and carried. Original amended motion carried. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported that the Street Committee had studied the parking of the postal, employees, patrons and agents and moved that that strip of land adjacent to the existing parking area used by the postal employees be returned to the Port of Bremerton. This area would accomodate at least six parking spaces and would then be controlled by the Port of Bremerton. Seconded and carried with five yeas and one nay. Clerk read earnest money agreement received from South Kitsap Realty, Inc. in the amount of $50,000.00 for the Mitch.ellStreet property containing two acres more or less, subject to the City rezoning the property to MF-20 and to extending sewer service to the property. Matter referred to Parks and Playgrounds Committee. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported that the Street Committee had reviewed the request of Mr. K. Smith, et al relative to the vacation of Harrison Street between DeKalb and Kitsap, and recommended against the vacation as there may be use for the street in the future. Mr. John Davis, representing the petitioners, was informed that the abutting property owners could use the unopened street as they desire. City engineer will work with the petitioners as to possible -:closing or barricading the ends of the petitioned street. On motion by Councilman Haberlach, seconded & riot carried, Council defeated the motion to vacate that portion of Harrison Street lying between DeKalb and Kitsap. Mayor called recess at 10:25 to reconvene at 10:35. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved that three members of the Volunteer Fire Department attend a Command School at Yakima, Wa. from 4/4 - 4/8/77 and allow $500.00 for expenses. Councilman Wilson reported that the OpCom System of pre-emption signals is not practical. Also the Committee will be looking for funding for the proposed pre-emption system. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the preparation of an Ordinance amending the parking ordinance by adding the following: There will be no parking between 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. on the North side of Kitsap Street between Cline and Prospect. On request from the Library for controlled parking on the spaces front- ing the Library, the Council feels that there is no problem except possibly between the hours of 4:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. Librarian will be notified that the parking will remain as it is existing. Matter as to the extension of Fireweed Street to the City limits referred to the Finance Committee. On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded and carried, Council approved the updating of the Parks Comprehensive Six Year Plan for Capita]. Improvements and set the date for hearing on March 14, 1977 at their regular meeting. City Engineer reported that the City will borrow 18 counters from the Highway Department and will conduct traffic counting during March and April at various points throughout the City. On the letter from Mrs_ Renay Jenkins, Granite Falls, Wn. offering the City her fathers property at 926 Austin Street for $11,000.00, Council instructed Clerk to inform Mrs. Jenkins that the City is not interested. Clerk informed Council of the petition for annexation to the City of that property lying south of the City limits and East of Bethel road and bounded on East by Mitchell Road. Water and Sewer Committee will meet with petitions and discuss Comprehensive Plan and outstanding indebtedness. Meeting adjourned at 11:25 P.M. Clerk ' -, ?,, .� ..�!�'.j .i F Mayor