04/25/1977 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 25, 1977 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger, Roos, Libby and Haberlach. Also present, Attorney McCluskey, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Mares, Fire Marshal Snow. Chief Weatherill excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the April 11, 1977 meeting as circulated, with the .Lollowina corrections: 1. Fifth paragraph, first line, change spelling of Sutherland to Sunderlin. 2. Sixth paragraph, third line, add "and, there may be some expenses". 3. Seventh paragraph, third line, after Fire, delete Chief and add "Marshal". Chairman Wilson moved that the Fire Chief be allowed to join the Rotary and/or Kiwanis Club and the City to pick up the tab, stating this is to promote better publ-ic relations. Seconded and lost with three yeas and four nays. Councilman Gilson informed Council that efforts are being made to find funding for the pre-emption devices. Councilman Wilson stated that the Council should consider the roan power shortage in the Fire Department and the hiring of a full time secretary. and Fire Marshal and/or Building Inspector. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported on meeting with the State and County relative to the by-pass study and .reported the State would like the study to encompass areas out to Sedgwick and the State had indicated that the Sedgwick interchange may affect the traffic flow and negate the effect- iveness of a by-pass road. Also, the Sedgwick complex is on the list to be considered as sign route. Councilman Lee Caldwell also informed Council that the current cost is to be split equally between the City, County and State with the City being the lead agency. Councilman Caldwell also stated that the County stated they did not have the personnel to handle the project and therefore not be the lead agency. Councilman Eugene Caldwell stated this was not the problem of the'citiaens of the City, but that of the County residents and the County and State should foot the bill. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell and seconded, Council approved the City be the lead agency for the study only. Motion carried with four yeas and three nays. Councilman Roos reported the tennis court time clocks have been damaged again to the extent of approximately $200.00 Councilman Libby reported the hydro -seeding was completed last week and already the motorcycle bunch has torn up the netting as well as the seeding. Damage is about $500.00. Councilman Libby reported the Kitsap County Humane Society is in the process of preparing standard type ordinances for County wide animal control, which will be presented to the Municipalities and County for their consideration. An ordinance will be prepared on the keeping of animals within the City. Engineer Knobbs reported that in his review and investigation of the State RA` 7 on Bay Street at Seat`tl -,, a1 L a n rr Tit p tp,� " .101D Bay- Street, he found the bulkhead fronting thda� Vroperty is within the State right-of-way. Street and Alley Committee will review and recommend on what action to take relative to traffic visability at that point. The air conditioning is completed and will be in operation this week. Sign showing the Port of Bremerton as being a co-sponsor of the boat launch has been ordered. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council approved that four spaces be reserved in parking lot #2 on July 23, 1977 .for trailers to display Northwest Steam Boats. Chief Mares also informed Council that additional personnel are hard to come by for the Loyalty Day parade but arrangements will be made and the County will assist with traffic at SR 160 and Bethel. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Douglas Fox, requesting the Council to re- consider their decision of the April 11, 1977 meeting to deny his application for a re -zone from RH to General Commercial for the property at 612 Sidney. This letter is attached and is made part of these minutes. Reference within the letter stated that the area in which the property is located has been designated by the comprehensive plan. Council on motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried requested the Planning Commission to take necessary steps to reclassify the area shown as General Commercial on the City's Comprehensive Urban Plan to Residential nigh. After further discussion on the request made by Mr. Douglas Fox in his letter, Councilman Roos moved that the letter be filed and no action be taken. Seconded. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that Mr. Fox be allowed to operate his law office on that property until the Special Use Permit has been recommended by the Planning Commission and forwarded to the City Council for their consideration on or aboutMay 9, 1977. Seconded and. carried. Amended original motion approved. On motion by Councilman Haberlach, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution #1180, allowing the Clerk to issue a registered warrant in the amount of $2,177.05 at the annual interest rate of 5zo to the Kitsap County Bank. On the letter received from Mr. D. Alson VanderStaay, requesting the Council to correct the verbage used in the zoning restriction which allows medically oriented facilities only, to include professional facilities for practices basically designed for the medical profession, dentists, physicians, x-ray technicians and laboratory work, and other professional services such as attorneys, accountants, etc. Council witheld any action until the tapes of the hearing held by the Planning Commission can be heard as to what was said. Mayor Powers informed the Council that he had considered all the facets of what would be proper in appointing a member to the Planning Commission to fulfill the unexpired term of Doris Stewart, 1100 Bethel Avenue, whose term expires December 31 ,1978, had studied those applying for the appoint- ment and had chosen Dr. Howard Minor, Manchester as his appointee and requested the Council to confirm his appointment. Councilman Roos stated this would be setting a precedent and that the members should be from within the City. Councilman Eugene Caldwell also stated the members should be from within the City. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that the Council confirm the appointment by Mayor Powers of Dr. Howard Minor to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Doris Stewart. Seconded and carried with four yeas and two nays. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council approved the policy that in sub -divisions, plats, developments and all other density changes within the City, the responsibility of the developer or the owner will not cease at the boundaries of the development, and that there will be a prepared checklist by the City by which the developer or whatever will be made aware of his additional responsibilities. Attorney McCluskey stated that Ordinances passed to enforce the above policy would be ineffective and the policy would have to be applied on a case by case basis. On motion by Councilman Haberlach, seconded and carried, Council approved the Boulevard Excavators, Inc. be allowed to cross City property as per their request, if they comply with all the stipulations as presented to them by a letter from the City Engineer. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Clerk B!: ' `'U -; ' Mayor