05/23/1977 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington May 23, 1977 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular, session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger, Roos, Libby and Haberlach. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Mares and Chief Weatherill, Mayor led Council and audience in Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the May 9, 1977 meeting as circulated. Mayor Powers opened Rezone hearing relevant to application submitted by D.V. Corporation for their property located on the south side of Division Street at the intersection of Seattle Avenue, :from "RL" & "RH" to "MF-2011, Clerk read letter from Planning Commission recommending approval with the following items suggested for review prior to final action by Council. 1. That the disposition of the westerly 35 foot strip be defined and if appropriate, include as part of the rezone area. If this can be done, said rezone request could be revised from "MF-20" to "RH" for the entire site. 150' X 330' = 49,500 sq. ft. or 1.16 acres R.H. = 4,000 sq. ft. per unit. 49,500 / 4,000 = 12.37 units. 2, That the project site extend its boundary so that ingress/egress fronts along Division Street. 3. That a Short Plat may be required of the applicant prior to final approval of the request for rezone. 4. That the developer provide adequate turning area for fire fighting vehicles. At this time Mayor Powers asked if anyone in the audience-: wished to speak in favor of or against the proposed rezone. Arthur Potts, 812 Division stated he was strongly opposed to the rezone on the grounds that there are severe traffic pattern problems which would hamper adequate public protection, such as, there is not sufficient room for a fire truck to turn around in this area. Maxine Doyle, 1120 Bethel Avenue, stated she had several calls from other citizens of the area concerned with how this rezone would affect Blackjack Creek. Mrs. Doyle questioned as to whether or not this would require a Shorelines Permit. Mrs. M. Throckmorton, 815 Division Street, spoke about the unsafe condition of the corner at Division & Seattle Street with the amount of traffic that exists now, stating she does not feel the neighborhood can handle the extra traffic which would come with an apartment building in this area. David Printz, 922 Dwight, opposed the rezone on the grounds that the citizens of the City of Port Orchard had some years ago, voted to maintain Port Orchard as a small town and he stated, this would downgrade the quality of Living with high density housing. He also felt the City of Port Orchard needs to solve some of the existing problems it faces before it rezones for a higher density of, population. Councilman Roos moved that Council table this Rezone Application until the developer can come forward with a plot plan and architectural design defining and correcting these problems. Seconded and carried with 4 ayes and 3 nays. Councilman Roos, Eugene Caldwell and Haberlach voting no. Mayor Powers declared D.V. Corporation Rezone Hearing tabled until later date and adj ournad Hearing. Little Britches Rodeo Royalty Court addressed Mayor and Council, inviting them aria the Citizens of Port Orchard to attend the Little Britches Rodeo, June 17, 18 and 19th in Thunderbird Stadium at Bremerton, Washington. Members of Court told of various events and activities scheduled for this event, and invited the City Council to enter a team in the "Wild Cow Milking Contest". They also thanked the citizens of Port Orchard for their support and stated that without that support, the Little Britches Rodeo would nt be 'able to continue year after year. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council re- moved motion to table, as made at May 9, 1977 meeting on "Marven Parks Rezone Hearing". Mayor Powers at this time called Rezone Hearing to order. Clerk read to Council a petition submitted by property owners and residents of 1400 Block of DeKalb. Marven Parks submitted to Council a new plot plan and architectural design for proposed triplex. On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded and carried. Council approved plot plan and architectural design for proposed triplex. Citizens opposing rezone were given opportunity to review newly presented plot plan and architectural design. After doing so, they stated they still opposed this rezone on the basis of what they said at the May 9, 1977 meeting. Marven Parks addressed the Council and reported the main objection to this rezone was traffic congestion in this area, which is not caused by his proposed building but by the High School's lack of parking facilities. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, Rezone for Marven Parks property, located in the 1400 Block of DeKalb Street, from "RH" to "MF-20" was approved for a triplex as shown on the plot plan and architectural design. Councilman Roos moved to amend the motion to read, "developer must put in sidewalks on DeKalb Street fronting proposed building". Amended motion seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Douglas Fox Special Use Permit for his property located at 612 Sidney for Law Offices with conditions as set forth in Planning Commission recommendations. At this time, Mayor Powers introduced to Council, representatives of three engineering firms: Brown & Caldwell, CH2M Hill and Kramer, Chin and Mayo. Each firm gave a presentation of their experience and expertise in the field of sewage treatment plants. Representatives used various charts & figures to explain how their firm is best qualified to construct the proposed joint sewage treatment plant at Retsil. Mayor Powers directed Council to meet and make a decision as to which firm will be awarded the project. Mayor called a recess at 10:15 Mayor Powers called meeting back to order at 10:25. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved that two members of the Volunteer Fire Department., Gordon Culley and Scott Rappleye attend a Firefighters Conference at Spokane, June 22 - 25th, 1977 and allow $350.00 for expenses. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported on meeting held by Street and Alley Committee and the Downtown Merchants Association, with Chief Mares attending. They discussed the various aspects of keeping or removing the parking meters from the downtown area, having the Meter Maid change time cycle of marking and checking cars, and changing time limit of two rows of parking between Frederick and Bay Streets behind Myhre's from three (3) hour to tw6 (2) hours. After much duscussuon, Council decided to hold these items over until the June 13, 1977 meeting when the Street and Alley Committee will have a chance to form a recommendation. Street and Alley Committee Chairman Lee Caldwell read letter from J.D. Zirkle, District Engineer, State Highway Department, relevant to Westbay signal extension of left turn lane. This project has been approved by the State Highway Department and will be done when the striping crew is in the area which will be approximately two weeks. Councilman Geiger, Finance Committee Chairman, posed the question as to the legality of a state agency raising the lease fees on the Harbor lease Engineer Knobbs reported on the condition of the land along the Intertie route, stating that the area which was vandalized should be repaired as a heavy rain could wash out and expose the pipe. He also stated that Dyad Construction Co. would not go in and repair the damage unless the City pays them. After considerable discussion, the Council unanimously approved that a letter be drafted to Dyad Construction Company informing them that if they do not repair the damage in a reasonable time frame, the City will do it and charge the cost against Dyad's retainer fee. area, when they had nothing to do with any improvements that have been made. Mayor directed City Attorney to look into the legal aspects of this matter. Councilman Geiger moved to increase revenues for parking violations by increasing ticket rates from $1.00 to $2.00. Mayor powers remanded matter to Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Finance Committee Chairman Geiger stated CETA Funds may be available to help alleviate the manpower problems in the Police Department. Mayor Powers directed Chief Mares to check into the possibility further, and if the funds are available, to make application for ,- time stenographer. Councilman Geiger read letter from Fathoms O' Fun Committee, stating desire to rent storage space in the upstairs portion of the Mitchell. Street Shed for some of their float materials. They are now renting dry storage area and would be willing to pay the City a comparable fee. Matter referred to Finance Committee for recommendation,. Councilman Roos reported there has been vandalism at the Central Play - field restrooms and they are now closed to the public. After Much dis- cussion as to what steps could be taken to stop the rising problem of vandalism, on motion by Councilman Roos, seconded and carried, Council approved the installation of spring .loaded faucets in the rest zooms at Central Playfield. Councilman Libby, Chairman Water and Sewer Committee announced the electrical connections have been installed at the motor control valve. vault �id the flow meter vault on the Bremerton Water Intertie. As of this time, Puget Power has not yet connected power to either vault. Chief Weatherill reported during the month of April the Fire Department had 22 alarms: 10 fires, 11 medical aid, and 1 mutual aid call. As of May 13, 1977 there have.been 12 alarms: 7 aid calls, 2 injury and 3 fire calls. Chief Weatherill also stated Engine 99 is being taken to Titus Will Ford in Tacoma for repair on the power steering. This should be covered by warranty. Chief Mares reported police cars are on the way to Seattle and should be delivered to the Police Department by the first or second week in June. Chief Mates announced the new patrol. officer Kenneth M. Swanson is now on the job. He could not attend this meeting but will be present at the next meeting to meet the Council. Chief Mares also reported the FathomSHydro Races will be having 22 heat races this year. With the crowd expected, the Police Department will need approximately 10 additional men to maintain adequate public protection. It is estimated to cost $12,00 an hour per man. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council moved that any additional cost incurred by the Police Department .from the Fathoms Hydro Races will be paid by the Fathoms Committee. Clerk read letter from Port Orchard Carpets asking for vacation of portion of Cedar Street that crosses in front of, and to the west of, the now existing Port Orchard Carpets, Inc. Store. Matter referred. to Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, Council approved Ordinance #1010, an ordinance authorizing payment of reward of $100.00 to persons furnishing information leading to the apprehension of persons violating certain municipal ordinances. Seconded and carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:55 P.M. Mayor