05/09/1977 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington May 9, 1977 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger, Roos, Libby and Haberlach. Also present, Attorney McCluskey, Engineer Knobbs and Chief Mares. Chief Weatherill excused. Mayor Powers lead the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On notion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the April 25th meeting as circulated with the following corrections: (1) Paragraph 5, page one, add "Chief Weatheri,l may join the fraternal clubs if he so desires, but at his own expense". (2) Paragraph 12, page one, second line, change "Seattle" to "Rockwell", delete "and through street", add "after he found the bulkhead front- ing the "Gans". Mr. Dave Richlen, representing the Port Orchard Downtown Association, read a letter to the Council relative to public parking and stating several recommendations regarding the parking in the downtown area. Letter was referred to the Street and Alley Committee to review and make any recommendations if deemed proper. Copy of letter is hereby made part of these minutes. Mr. A. T. Lindsay, 310 Cline, requested information relative to his complaint of the improper care and harboring of rats and odors from his neighbor, Mr. Make Edsberg, 534 DeKalb. He was informed that a letter had been written and no answer has been received at this time. Also, a letter has been written by the City Attorney and a copy of this letter was read. The City Clerk will contact the Humane Society on this matter and determine what the Health Department has found in their investigation of the area. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved that Mr. Allen Lowe be allowed to hold a skateboard meet on Port Orchard Boulevard on the Fourth of July at 2:00 P.M. under the same regulations as to safety and insurance coverage mandatory for the 1976 events, Mr. Pat McCullough, Entranco Engineers, addressed the Council and informed them of the status of the two .requests for 100p funding. It appears that the Perry Street hater Line will be funded from a special fund in the near future and the 2M reservoir will be on the high priority list in the next go -a -round. He also informed Council of the:procedures that must be followed relative to the By -Pass study, stating that the cost of the new proposed study would be in the area of $100,000.00. After considerable discussion on the subject, Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that the City employ the services of Entranco Engineers to conduct the feasibility study on the proposed by-pass which would now encompass the area, including Sedgwick Road. Seconded. On the question of the scope of costs, the Council was informed that the costs would have to be negotiated after scope of services has been determined. Carried with four yeas and three nays. At this time the Mayor declared the Council open to hear the recommenations of the Planning Commission on the request of Mr. Marven Parks to construct either a tri-plex or a four -plea in the 1400 Block on DeKalb Street. Clerk read recommendations of the Planning Commission as follows: FINDINGS: 1. The property is not located within those boundaries as defined in the City's Shorelines Master Program of Flood _Prone area. 2. The City's Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan does not refer to or encompass the property. i 3 3. The increased density is within the scope of the City's Comprehensive Urban Plan. 4. The proposed site complies with the basic requirement needed for this type of use, as public services and utilities are presently available. 5. The proposed use is compatible with established uses now located within the vicinity of the proposed project. 6. Evaluation and Declaration of Environmental Significance reviewed by the Engineer Knobbs and declared of Negative Significance. 7. That the proposed apartment complex be constructed in accordance with the plot plan and architectural design as submitted and approved as part of this application. Mrs. C. W. Williams, 1440 DeKalb, stated that the street is a dead end one, the traffic is quite heavy now and the new complex would increase the problems. Children are in jeopardy from the heavy traffic and cars double park on the street during Friday evenings which compound the problem and further statin4she is definitely opposed to the complex. Mr. Charles Hayden, 202 Farragut, confirmed the testimony of Mrs. C. W. Williams. Mr. Marven Parks, the proposed developer, stated that the access road which he intends to construct would decrease the traffic problem. As there was no definite plot plan and architectural design completed, Councilman Roos moved that the matter be tabled until the above items have been submitted to the Council, and also until the Council has inspected the area. After study and review of the traffic problems at the West Bay inter- section and on the findings of the Street Committee, Chairman Lee Caldwell moved that the Council approve the closing of the easterly access fronting Howe Motor Company for left turns and the installation of an 18" barrier strip extending the left turn lane at the intersection westerly to the easterly access of Howe Motor Company. Seconded and carried. Chairman Lee Caldwell, Street Committee, reported there have been 15 accidents on Sidney between Division and Melcher, mostly caused by rear enders and stated that parking should be eliminated on one side of Sidney between these streets. Chief Mares reported on the littering caused by Bremerton Sun distributors at the newspaper drops. Clerk will write letter to Bremerton Sun re- questing that the carriers be asked to clean up thier debris. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved the allocation of $5,613.00, Anti --Recession funds to the Street Depart- ment for labor in the maintenance and repairs of the City streets. 'these funds must be allocated by May 20, 1977. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved the allocation of Federal Shared Revenues which have been over the two year limit in the amount of $24,000.00 to the Water Construction Fund to help pay the overruns on the Bremerton Water-lntertie Construction. Engineer Knobbs reported to the Council that the cooperation with the Police Department has been excellent since the new Chief had been appointed and their assistance for the parade, good work on the vandalism of the water transmission Nine and the handling of several cases within the City must be commended. Engineer also reported that it appears the Legislature will approve the bond sales and if this is so, there may be UAB funds available within the near future. S c� Engineer referred to the letter from Mr. Robert Gehring stating that they would install the lighting system on SR 160 but the payment of the electricity should be other than Mr. Gehring. Engineer informed Council there will be 10 lights and the approximate cost would be $500.00 per year. Council will consider this and further discuss the matter at the next Council meeting. Engineer reported that there have been 10 street signs, 2 stop signs and 1 yield sign stolen. Chief Mares reported there has been no indication as to when the new patrol cars will arrive and feels that he is getting the "run around". Matter will be referred to Attorney. Chief Mares further reported that during the test period beginning 1/18/77 there has been 1152 total citations issued and of those, 322 have been for overtime parking at the hooded meters. Also, there are only five extra meters available for replacements. Mayor informed Council that with the increase in the lease rental from Department of Natural Resources, the Council will have to consider all aspects of the parking and possible lease areas within the City in the attempt to increase those area in order for the City to break even. Chief Mares stated that the City has a very good deal going for the people, in fines for meter violations, as other cities set the viola- tions up to $5.00. Mayor declared a ten minute recess at 9:35 P.M. Mayor called the meeting to order at 9:45 P.M. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1009 creating a Fire Truck Special Levy Fund - 1975 and Ambulance Special Levy Fund - 1976. On motion by Council Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1181, authorizing the Clerk to issue a registered warrant in the amount of $33,609.87 to the Kitsap County Bank at the rate of 51Z% interest per annum from any monies in the Water Construction Fund, 1975. Engineer Knobbs stated he has listened to the tapes of the Planning Commission meeting on the application of Mr. D. Alson VanderStaay, and that the recommendations of the Planning Commission are exactly the same as is on the tapes. Council, with the above information, took no further action and stood on their decision of the meeting on April 11, 1977. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to table any further action on making decisions relative to the removal or retaining of the meters until the Street Committee can review and recommend. Seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman. Roos, seconded and carried, Clerk instructed to prepare an ordinance for the consideration of the Council, allowing the payment of a reward to those who contribute to the apprehension and conviction of those involved in violation of City ordinances. Clerk will work with City Attorney on preparation. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved the bills (Vouchers 03146 - 3247) in the amount of $51,320.58 and approved the April payroll in the amount of $55,688.01. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Clerk;Mayor G