11/15/2000 - Special - Minutes• • Port Orchard, Washington November 15, 2000 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to a Special Session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Clauson, Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, VanZee, and Stansbery. Councilwoman Powers absent. Staff present: Deputy Clerk Merlino, Police Chief Townsend, City Planner Wenman, City Engineer Curies, City Attorney Olson, and City Clerk Parks. Mayor Weatherill informed those present the purpose of this Special Session is to hold a Public Hearing to discuss and review the proposed Kitsap County Jail Expansion Project. The applicant, Kitsap County has submitted applications requesting a Conditional-Special Use Permit 002-00; Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CA-07-00) and Rezone R-1126. Councilman Clauson announced, he has been involved in developing parking solutions and strategies for the Courthouse campus and is also involved in the implementation of the Commute Trip Reduction Act, Councilman Clauson asked if anyone objected to his participation during this Public Hearing. Since no objection was heard, Councilman Clauson remained at the Council table. Councilman Stansbery stated he owns property within 300' of the proposed jail expansion project and asked if anyone in the audience objected to his participation during this Public Hearing. Since no one objected to his participation, Councilman Stansbery remained at the Council table. City Planner Wenman presented the staff report for the proposed project. City Planner advised the applications Kitsap County has submitted would expand the existing jail building from approximately a 200- bed facility to a 500-bed facility, build an 8,000 square foot maintenance building, supported by proposed expanded parking, stormwater control facility improvements, road improvements and landscaping. Mayor Weatherill opened the 7:30 PM Public Hearing regarding the proposed applications for a Conditional/Special Use Permit CUP-002-00; Rezone R-1136, and Comprehensive Plan Amendment CA- 07 -00 to allow for the Kitsap County Jail Expansion Project. Larry Bertholf, Correction Superintendent for Kitsap County introduced: Undersheriff Dennis Bonneville, Prosecuting Attorney Russ Hauge; Administrative Services Director William Nagel; KMD Architects and Planners, Vern Almond and John Warner; Storm Drainage Analysis, Norm Olson; County Administrator Malcolm Flemming. Larry Bertholf, Correction Superintendent, stated Kitsap County wants to remain a good neighbor. Mr. Bertholf confirmed Kitsap County is very concerned about excess noise and wants to assure the surrounding neighbors, they will work closely with them to alleviate any problems. Vern Almon, Architect for KMD Architects and Planners, presented the floor plans of the proposed expansion project and gave a very comprehensive illustration of the jail facility operation. Mr. Almon noted the expansion will allow for efficient operation and also create a piece of architecture that will blend into the neighborhoods and original campus design. Mr. Almon also discussed the proposed parking and landscaping plans. John Warner, landscape architect, discussed the different types of trees and groundcovering that is being planned for the proposed project. Malcolm Flemming, County Administrator, addressed proposed parking configurations and discussed the current lack of parking within the Courthouse campus. Mr. Flemming stated the County Courthouse campus currently has a total of 418 on-site parking spaces available for employees and visitors. The proposed jail expansion would eliminate approximately 82 on-site parking spaces which would be compensated by the construction of approximately 104 new on-site spaces. A public parking lot is proposed south and adjacent to Taylor Street to provide additional parking within close proximity to the jail facility. • • November 15, 2000 Page 2 of 5 Mr. Fleming also discussed the development of an Employee Vehicle Registration Program; implementation of employee paid-parking program; stricter parking enforcement, which will provide incentives and promote Commute Trip Reduction. AI this time, Mayor Weatherill opened the Public Hearing portion of the meeting and asked for audience comments regarding the proposed applications for a Conditional/Special Use Permit CUP-002-00; Rezone R-1136 and Comprehensive Plan Amendment CA-07 -00 to the Kitsap County Jail Expansion Project. Rodney Orton, 719 Sidney Avenue, expressed his opinion that Kitsap County is not a good neighbor and voiced a concern with sheriffs vehicles speeding along Sidney Avenue in front of Givens Community Center. Mr. Orton also suggested moving the Kitsap County Jail to the airport industrial park. Ron Ross, property owner of two lots adjacent to the County Courthouse Campus, discussed and suggested his two lots be rezoned as commercial instead of residential, since they are adjacent to the County Courthouse. Mr. Ross also submitted an article from The Sun newspaper, dated March 26, 1991, citing in part, Kitsap County short 180 parking spaces of what is required according to city regulations. Mr. Ross encouraged the Mayor and Council to deny the rezone request and Comprehensive Plan Change allowing for a public parking lot proposed south and adjacent to Taylor Street. Sue Robinson, 808 Sidney Avenue, expressed a concern with potential increased traffic, excessive speed on Sidney Avenue and an increase in vandalism in the neighborhood. Ms. Robinson stated the courthouse keeps encroaching upon the neighbors and also spoke in opposition to the public parking lot proposed south and adjacent to Taylor Street. Claudia Loki, 709 Smith, expressed a concern with security and released inmates coming to their door and asking for transportation money. Ms. Loki also voiced a concern with potential increased traffic in the neighborhood on the weekends during visitations. Claire Orton, 719 Sidney Avenue, addressed Council concerning the public disturbance and noise that is coming from the present jail facility and what will be done to decrease the noise level. Larry Bertholf, Kitsap County Correction Supervisor, advised those present, Kitsap County will make sure officers are not speeding through the neighborhood; acknowledged inmate visitation is on a scheduled basis and the proposed landscape will help to buffer the noise. Mr. Bertholf reiterated his assurances Kitsap County wants to be a good neighbor and also want to hear about problems from the neighbors, so they can be rectified. Mayor Weatherill asked for additional comments either for or against the proposed applications for a Conditional/Special Use Permit CUP-002-00; Rezone R-1136 and Comprehensive Plan Amendment CA- 07 -00 to allow for the Kitsap County Jail Expansion Project. As no further comments were received, Mayor Weatherill closed the public input portion of the Public Hearing and referred this matter to Council for their consideration. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council directed staff to prepare a draft Resolution adopting Planning Commission's Resolution No. 317-00 as their own and approving the Conditional/Special Use Permit C.U.P. 002-00 to allow the expansion of the existing Kitsap County Jail with the following 23 conditions: A. PLANNING: (1) All proposals of the applicant shall be conditions of site construction and building permit approval, unless revised by these conditions for approval. (2) Final Design Review shall incorporate the features of the preliminary plan design to include the following: ,----------------------- • --------------------- • November 15, 2000 Page 3 of 5 (a) Final Civil Construction Plan Set Review for all supporting elements of site development (b) Recommendations of Krazan & Associates, Geotechnical Engineers, shall be incorporated into final site and building construction. As recommended, a Geotechnical Engineer shall be present on site during the earthwork activities. Soil inspection and compaction test reports shall be coordinated with the City Engineering Department through all phases of site development (c) Parking Plan/Commute Trip Reduction Strategies shall be met. Applicant shall report annually to the City Council progress in meeting the goals of the CTR program, and propose adjustments as necessary. (d) Final Building Elevation Plan Review. A Building Setback reduction of 8ft. for approximately 80ft. of the road frontage along Taylor Street is allowed, through Resolution No. 318-00. (e) Final Outdoor Lighting Plan Review-All outdoor lighting shall be directed away from adjacent properties and shielded toward its intended use (f) Final Pedestrian Access Route Plan Review (g) Final Landscape Plan Review, including Taylor Street Road Streetscape improvements. Final Plan shall provide for a general tree mix of 60% deciduous, and 40% evergreen conifers throughout the site. (h) Review of dumpster and recycling containers placement and approval by the service provider prior to final site plan approval. (3) All required improvements shall be in place prior to issuance of the building final Certificate of Occupancy. At the discretion of the City Engineer, a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued with bonding for remaining improvements. B. FIRE DISTRICT #7: Kitsap County Fire District 7's Prevention/Education Office has completed a review of the plans dated August 2, 2000, for the Kitsap County Jail Expansion & Renovation and has the following comments and stipulations: (1) The plans reviewed are not the final design civils and do not indicate discussed and agreed upon charges. Final design civils shall be submitted to the Fire District for approval. (2) Buildings shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Fire Code, and the Uniform Building Code, as adopted and enforced by City of Port Orchard. All construction shall be in accordance with Article 87, Fire Safety During Construction, Alteration or Demolition of a Building. (3) A minimum of 1,500 gallons of water per minute, measured at a residual pressure of 20 psi, will be required to provide adequate fire flow for the proposed building. Fire flow appears to be adequate as per documents. (4) Before construction may begin on any lot, fire department vehicle access must be provided. (a) Access roads shall be a minimum of 20 feet in unobstructed width, be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus (45,000 pounds), and must have a surface that provides all-weather driving capabilities. (b) All dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with approved provisions or the turning around of fire apparatus. (c) The turning radius of a fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum of 35 feet inside diameter and 48 feet outside diameter. (5) Plans for the required manual and automatic fire alarm system and automatic fire sprinkler system must be approved by the Fire District #7 Prevention/Education office • • November 15, 2000 Page 4 of 5 prior to the installation. Submittals for review must include specifications on all devices to be installed. (6) An emergency evacuation plan shall be developed and approved by the Fire District to include but not limited to the use of alarms, notification of occupants and emergency responders in the event of alarm system malfunctions, isolating of the fire, evacuation of the fire area and the building, and relocation of occupants. Copies of the plan shall be given to all supervisory personnel and a copy available to all personnel at all times. (7) If the existing emergency evacuation plan is altered, changed, or adjusted during construction of the jail expansion, the Fire District shall be notified of any changes. The Fire District shall approve any alterations or changes to the existing emergency evacuation plan. (8) The minimum acceptable fire extinguisher for the building is a 5-pound, dry chemical, ABC extinguisher. Extinguishers shall be mounted in accessible locations, 3 to 5 feet above the floor and located so that an extinguisher is within 75 feet of travel distance from any point in the building. (9) Dumpsters shall not be located within 5 feet of a building opening or within 5 feet of combustible walls or combustible roof eaves. (10) If the building occupant plans to use, store, or handle any flammable or combustible liquids or hazardous materials, information on the type and quantities of materials needs to be submitted to the Fire District so that further building and storage requirements may be addressed. Hazardous materials include, but are not limited to toxic compressed gases, organic peroxides, unstable or reactive materials, and flammable or oxidizing gases. Liquid or solid oxidizers of class 3 are limited to a maximum of 200 pounds of solid or 2 gallons liquid form when materials are necessary for maintenance purposes or operation of equipment. ( 11) Any storage of combustible materials in closely packed piles, on pallets, in racks, or on shelves where the top of storage is greater than 12 feet in height (6 feet for high-hazard commodities) is subject to special fire-protection and life-safety requirements if the aggregate area of such storage exceeds 500 square feet. If any such storage arrangements are contemplated, notify the Fire District immediately because additional review and evaluation will need to be completed. ( 12) A final inspection of the occupancy will be required by a member of the Fire District 7 Prevention/Education office before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued from the City of Port Orchard. All requests for inspections must be made to the Fire District 7 Prevention/Education Office at least two business days in advance. C. ENGINEERING WATER (1) The existing water main shall be relocated, as approved by the City Engineer. (2) The Taylor Street water main shall be connected to the Sidney Avenue water main. SEWER (1) The existing water main shall be relocated, as approved by the City Engineer. (2) The Taylor Street water main shall be connected to the Sidney Avenue water main. STORMWATER • • November 15, 2000 Page 5 of 5 (1) The existing stormwater culvert shall be relocated, as approved by the City Engineer. (2) The design of the stormwater system for the jail expansion will be consistent with Department of Ecology standards. STREET (1) The County shall pave Taylor Street, per City standards, from Cline Avenue to Sidney Avenue. (2) The County shall construct concrete sidewalks, as per City standards, on both sides of Taylor Street. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Stansbery, Council directed staff to prepare a draft Resolution adopting Planning Commission's resolution No. 317-00 denying the Rezone R-1136 and Comprehensive Plan Amendment CA-07-00 to allow the parking lot expansion south of Taylor Street with the following findings: A. Parking as proposed is adequate to meet the needs of the proposal; B. The Rezone/comprehensive Plan Amendment request is not consistent with Resolution No. 1636, paragraphs 2, 3; C. Numerous parking expansion possibilities exist within the area of development of the County Courthouse Campus; D. There are possibilities of widening Division Street that could provide for more parking; E. Taylor Street near Cline Avenue could be revised to provide for more parking; F. The Commute Trip Reduction Program Strategies have not been fully implemented to determine whether there is a need for additional parking; G. Additional parking exists on side streets throughout the area as defined by Resolution No. 1636. At Meeting adjourned 9:40PM Michelle Merlino, Deputy Clerk LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR