07/11/1977 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington July 11, 1977 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Roos, Libby and Haberlach. Also present: Attorney McCloskey, Engineer Knobbs and Sergeant Benton. Chief Dares excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, minutes of the June 27, 1977 meeting were approved as circulated. Mayor Powers .reopened the rezone hearing relevant to application submitted by Ryan Built Homes, for property located in the Southeast quadrant of the intersection of 5R 160 (Bay Street) and Rockwell Street from "RH" to "MF-20". Leonard Kruse, attorney for Ryan Built Homes, Inc. expressed desire of developer to excise building E (recreation building) from the plans which have been submitted to the Council for proposed rezone. Marvin Rowan, 132 Rockwell requested the result of the traffic count on Rockwell. Mayor Powers read the following: Northbound on Rockwell., 343* cars, West Morton 3 cars, East Morton 3 cars, West Coles Lane 0 cars, East Coles Lane 1 car. Southbound on Rockwell. 40* cars, West Morton 2 cars, East Morton 5 cars, West Coles Lane 0 cars, and East Coles Lane 0. *Northbound 25 205 113 343 time 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-5:30 Southbound 11 13 16 40 Mr. Kruse stated the 450' to 500' of sidewalk Council proposes the developer construct from his property to the East of Morton, up Morton Street to Rockwell and from Rockwell to Kitsap Street, would cost approximately $5,000.00. This figure does not include the curbs and gutters or engineering work essential to constructing a sidewalk properly. Mr. Kruse stated he feels it is unreasonable to expect a developer to upgrade off -site area conditions in the neighborhood before granting a rezone. After much discussion on the matter, Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to approve the rezone from "RH" to MF-20" providing the developer construct a sidewalk (from the Rockwell. Street entrance of proposed development to Kitsap Street)with curbs and gutters and comply with the following conditions set forth by the Planning Commission: 1. That all structures and uses comply with the set back requirements as set forth in the City's Zoning Ordinance No_,,_.8.99 "PIF-20" B. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. 2. The Plot Plan shall include property line dimensions. 3. That a 20 foot access corridor be provided for ingress and egress between the development area and Morton Street. Said access shall be included within the legal description of the proposed rezone, and shall be made part of the overall development. 4. The density factor and required parking be reduced in order to comply with the maximum use permitted in an area having 1.816 acres. 5. That an on --site walk and stairway be developed in order to provide adequate and safe pedestrian access to Bay Street for those persons residing within said development. 6. Surface water drainage from the site shall not exceed the present rate of flow. 7. Items 1 through 6 above shall be depicted on a revised drawing prior to submittal to the City Council. 8. That a public sidewalk be constructed along Rockwell Avenue. Councilman Roos moved to amend motion to further state that the developer put a sidewalk from. the South end of his property to Rockwell Street, construct a sidewalk along his north/south entrance, improve Morton Street to City connector street standards and install a 51 sidewalk from Morton Street to connect with Kitsap Street. Seconded. Amendment defeated with three yeas and four nos. Councilman Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Eugene Cald- well and Haberlach voting no. Mayor Powers called recess at 9:20 to reconvene at 9:30. Councilman Wilson moved to amend motion to include that developer remove building E and move exit to Rockwell Street approximately 20 feet south of this: location and close off the Morton Street access road with breakaway post to allow use of this street by emergency vehicles only. Seconded and carried with six yeas and one no. Councilman Roos voting no. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to further amend motion to eliminate condition #8 of conditions set forth by the Planning Commission. Seconded and carried with four yeas and three nos. Councilman.Geiger, Libby and Roos voting no. Original motion with two amendments seconded and carried, with four yeas and three nos. Councilman Libby, Roos and Geiger voting no. Mayor Powers declared rezone had been approved and hearing adjourned. Pat McCullough, Entranco Engineers, reported to Council on progress of EDA application for public works funds through Referendum 27, and FHA on Perry Avenue Water Main and one million gallon high level reservoir. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council granted approval for Pat McCullough to proceed with preparation of pre -applications for grant funds and also authorized the Mayor to sign such applications. Councilmen Geiger moved that Council authorize reimbursement to Pat McCullough up to $500.00 for expenses incurred traveling to Wenatchee to submit applications. Seconded and carried. Mayor Powers opened rezone hearing and special use permit hearing relevant to applications submitted by Don Ostrom, Ridgement Terrace for property located at 2051 Pottery Avenue from "RH" to "MF-20" and Special Use Permit - Retirement Apartments. Clerk read a letter from Planning Commission stating the findings and conditions of their recommendation for approval of proposed rezone and special use permit. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council approved rezone from "R11" to MF-20" with the findings and conditions as set forth by the Planning Commission. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved a special use permit application, submitted by Mr. D. Ostrom, Ridgemont Terrace, with the findings and following conditions as set forth by the Planning Commission deleting Item #2: 1. That construction be in accordance with the plot plan and architectural design as submitted as part of this Special Use Permit Application. 2. That an off-street parking be allowed to be reduced by 50% of the regular required parking because of the proposed character of the project. 3. That the future (proposed) additional 20 unit structure be located at the rear of the property not be approved as part of this application. Councilman Eugene Caldwell commended the Police Department for their outstanding service during the Fathoms'O Fun events. The total cost to the City of the six days of events is $1,062.84. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved installation of street lights at the following locations: 1. DeKalb at Bay Street, across from Van's Lumber. 2. Middle of block on Tremont Place. 3. West Street, first pole south of Guthrie. 4. West Street, second pole south of Melcher. 5. West Street, second pole north of Melcher. 6. Corner of Sroufe and West streets. Councilman Wilson moved that Attorney and Fire Chief be authorized to meet and draft an Ordinance for Council approval relative to enforcement of fire and building zoning codes. Seconded and carried.. Councilman Nilson stated she would like Council to commend Volunteer Fire Department members and ambulance drivers for their dedication in attending all Fathoms events and their service during emergencies involved. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported on meeting with PSCG on By -Pass Study. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved the Council authorize Mayor Powers to sign the existing cross town traffic study. Seconded and carried. Councilman Geiger explained to Council the increases in the 1977-78 insurance premiums for buildings, new vehicles and excess liability coverages. Councilman Roosj Parks and Recreation.Committee reported.-the:_l.i.ghts at the Givens Field tennis courts are out and the meter is not in working order. Councilman Roos moved that the meter. and lights be repaired and shields installed to protect the lights. Seconded and carried. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion to not repair the meter, but install a switch and timer mechanism which would go off automatically after a specific period of time. Seconded and carried. Amended motion seconded and carried with five yeas and two nos. Councilman Roos and Eugene Caldwell voting no. Councilman Roos moved that the Mitchell Street Garage should be placed up for sale with bids to be opened at 8:00 P.M. August 8, 1977 and sale going to the highest bidder. Seconded by Eugene Caldwell. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to amend motion to state that monies from the sale of the Mitchell Street Garage be used for a new Public Works Building. Seconded and carried, with 4 yeas and 3 nos, Councilman Libby, Geiger and Haberlach voting no. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to table matter of sale of Mitchell Street Garage until the South Kitsap School District can be contacted regarding leasing the property. Seconded and carried, with four yeas and 3 nos. Councilman Roos, Wilson and Eugene Caldwell voting no. Councilman Libby moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Port Orchard, the Interlocal Agreement for the Secondary Sewage Treatment Plant. Seconded and carried. Councilman Wilson moved that the City not pay for the lights adjacent to the Robert Gehring property on SR 160. Seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded and carried, Council instructed City Engineer and the Police Department to work together and try to resolve the traffic problem on Rockwell Street by barricading the Street. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council. instructed Clerk to write a thank you letter to the Puget Sound Naval shipyard Police Department for their assistance during the Fathoms of Fun events. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that Council authorize the writing of a resolution changing the priority of the Perry Avenue water line and the one million gallon water reservoir. Seconded and carried. Mayor informed Council the three 4-year term City Council positions which are up for election this year must draw Council Position numbers. Numbers drawn were: 1. Roos, 2. Haberlach, 3. Libby. Also up for election this year is the Councilman -at -large position held by Council- man Eugene Caldwell. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved the bills (#3364 through #3472) in the amount of $66,611.07 and June payroll in the amount of $37,791.37. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. .01 /� Clerk { _.. r s.j '... ,� Mayor v