07/25/1977 - Regular - Minutes16 Port Orchard, Washington July 25, 1977 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger, Roos, Libby and Haberlach. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Engineer Knobbs and Chief Weatherill Chief Mares excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, minutes of the July 11, 1977 meeting were approved as circulated. Mayor Powers introduced Senator Red Beck, who presented information on how the new "Variable Gas Tax" revenue which is presently being collected by the State Treasurer's Office, is to be distributed throughout state, county and city highway agencies. Senator Beck further stated the cost to the average individual will be approximately $10.00 to $20.00 per year depending on the type of vehicle driven. Anita Heng inquired if the City has a signed agreement with the property owners on Bay Street to keep the area adjacent to their stores clean. She stated there is a definite problem in some areas. Mayor Powers informed her that the matter had been brought up at an earlier date and some communication with the Downtown Merchants Assn. and the Chamber of Commerce Office has taken place. Mayor Powers referred matter to Street and Alley Committee for further study. Delores Steichen, Chairman Parks Commission, approached Council to ask that special consideration be given to aquiring the Robert L. Price property known as Westbay Auto as this is depicted as Open Space in the Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan and would be a key point of ingress and egress to the proposed Blackjack Creek Recreation area and trail system. Clerk read letter from Robert L. and Carolyn L. Price offering to exchange a parcel of real property which they own on the south side of Bay Street immediately West of Blackjack Creek for the property owned by the City of Port Orchard commonly known as the Mitchell Street Property. After much discussion the Mayor referred the matter to the Parks and Playground Committee for further study. Councilman Wilson reported that the Street and Alley Committee has made plans for a parking study to be conducted by the Speedy Employees to determine where the main problem points are and, then the committee will be in a better position to come up with some effective solutions to the downtown parking problem. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported to Council that the striping has been completed on the left turn lane in the Westbay area and the reflectors will be installed very soon. Clerk read letter from Janice D. Richards regarding the new water rates e,xp.l.aining why she does not feel this is a fair and just rate schedule. Mayor Powers referred matter to Water/Sewer Committee for further discussion. Councilman Geiger read letter from the State Council of City Employees explaining what is being requested by the union 'members for the year of 1978. After much discussion on what the best way to handle the negotiations this year would be, Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved that the Finance Committee be authorized to interview and make recommendation to Council at next meeting, of a professional negotiator to represent the City in this year's.round of negotiations with the union represenatives. Seconded and carried. Councilman Roos reported to Council that Ernest Schramm, Parks Commission, has served two continuous terms and has chosen not to serve another term. Therefore, the Parks Commission is looking for someone to replace Mr. Schramm. Councilman Roos also reported that the timer for the lights at the Givens tennis court has been installed and the lights repaired with the protective lenses on order. Councilman Libby, Water/Sewer Committee reported to Council that representatives of the Water Department and Dyad Construction walked the 16" Transmission Line and made a discrepancy list of items to be repaired or finished before the final inspection can take place. Councilman Libby informed Council the EDA has been in contact with Engineer Knobbs and assured the City of Port Orchard the $169,000.00 in EDA funds were on the way for construction of the Perry Avenue Water Line. Written confirmation is -to be coming shortly. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Entranco Engineers were instructed to proceed with the Perry Avenue Water Line applications, preliminary design work, call for bids, and other work necessary to get the project under construction as soon as possible. Chief Weatherill reported to Council that the Fire Department,in the months of June, has responded to 21 fire calls and ll.:aid calls; July, they responded to 6 fire calls, and ll aid calls as of date. Mayor Powers called recess at 3:55 to reconvene at 9:10. Clerk read letter from Fire District #7 requesting the City of Port Orchard to submit a levy for the purpose of paying the salaries for four paramedics who are working on the ambulances serving the Port Orchard area, Ordinance No. 1013. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved submiting a levy proposal to voters on the September ballot with the recommendation that Fire District #7 send a representative to the next Council meeting to explain how the revenue from the levy will be allocated. Councilman Geiger recommended to the Council that the City Engineer should be instructed to repair the blacktop at the following locations as part of the street projects this year: 1. North Sidney by post office. 2. Orchard Avenue between Myhre's and Parks Furniture 3. Westbay Intersection. After much discussion Mayor Powers referred matter to Street and Alley Committee for recommendation at next meeting. Council discussed list of unfinished business items on agenda with the following instructions: Item #1 Remove from agenda Item #4 Check for time limit on holding rezone requests open. Item #7 Research legality of requiring owner of Bayview Building property to remove portion of bulkhead to improve traffic congestion on Rockwell and Bay Street intersection. Item #8 Remove from agenda but retain in committee. All other items are in committee discussion or study sessions. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. t.= Clerk Mayor