08/22/1977 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington August 22, 1977 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger, Roos, Libby and Haberlach. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Engineer Knobbs and Chief Mares. Chief Weatherill excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, minutes of the August 8, 1977 meeting were approved with the following corrections: 1. Clerk read letter from Delores Steichen, Chairman of Parks Commission which stated the City Parks Commission, during it's meeting held July 20th, 1977, approved a motion which recommends that the City Council include that City property located on either side of Blackjack Creek lying between Bay Street and Sinclair Inlet in the City Park Inventory for future development as a public parks and recreational facility. 2. Page 2, paragraph 10 should read: Councilman Geiger moved to table motion until Attorney has a chance to interpret language of agreement signed by the City of Port Orchard and the State of Washington. Seconded and carried. Councilman Eugene Caldwell reported the Police Haulster has been received and the Police Department is anticipating a substantial savings in the cost of operating the Cushman Haulster. Councilman Wilson -stated the six (6) street lights have not been installed by Puget Power as requested. Engineer Knobbs was directed to look into this matter. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported the Street and Alley Committee has met and discussed in great detail the overnight parking problem. After much discussion by the Council, Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that Council approve returning to the Port District the seven (7) parking spaces by description adjoining existing Port Office parking spaces for overnight parking by permit only, which the Port District would be responsible for supervising. Seconded and carried with 4 yeas and 3 no's. Councilman Haberlach, Libby and Geiger voting. no. Dudley Perrine, Attorney, reported to Council he now represents 3/4 of the owners of the Westbay Property in addition to Howe Motor Co. Each of his respective clients is willing to lease their portion of the City property adjacent to Blackjack Creek. Mayor Powers assured .Mr. Perrine that he would be officially notified in advance of any pending discussion on the matter of the City property adjacent to Blackjack Creek. Councilman Geiger reported to Council on the status of funds in the Public Works Employment Act-1976 Fiscal Assistance Fund, Federal Shared Revenue Fund, Arterial Street Fund and the Water Construction Fund. The Finance Committee is to study these funds in detail. Councilman Roos reported that Jim Svensson, Parks Commission; Russ Lombard, City Planner and himself were attending a meeting August 23, 1977 to request grant funds from I.A.C. for development of the "Bill" Van Zee Park. Councilman Roos read letter from Kitsap County Commissioner Mahan to Chairman, T.A.C. for Outdoor Recreation, recommending approval of I.A.C. funding for the City of Port Orchard "Bill" Van Zee Park development. Councilman Libby, Water/Sewer Committee requested the agreement received from Sewer District #5 for Trunk Line Expenses be held over until the September 12, 1977 meeting to allow the City Attorney and the City Engineer time to examine the agreement in detail. Councilman Haberlach requested Council to approach the State Highway Department on these points: 1. Subject ref relocation of Seattle Ferry sign now located at the intersection of Highway #16 and Highway #160 to the Sedgwick interchange upon its completion. 2. The matter of the temporary stop lights at the intersection of Highway #16 and Bethel Avenue and Highway #16 and Sedgwick Road and if funds to install lights couldnl;t be used to finish overpass at Bethel. Avenue instead. A temporary light installed at Sidney and Highway #16 would be more useful then Sedgwick location as many more left turns are made from Sidney intersection on to Highway #16 than the Sedgwick .intersection. Mayor Powers instructed Engineer Knobbs to approach the State Highway Department and discuss these issues to gain their thoughts on these matters. Engineer Knobbs reported the new sign has been installed at the public boat launch ramp and the lights are to be installed in the near future. on motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 11.86, a resolution authorizing the issuance of a registered warrant in the amount of $1,751.00 to Kitsap County Bank from any monies in the Water Construction Fund, 1975, and bearing interest at the rate of 5-,% per annum. Councilman Libby questioned if any progress has been made with the State Highway Department concerning the bridge over Blackjack Creek on Bay Street. Engineer Knobbs was instructed to check into the matter. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. f Clerk ,��` ° a Mayor