11/27/2000 - Work Study - Minutes-Study SessionPort Orchard, Washington November 27, 2000 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order for a Study Session by Mayor Leslie Weatherill at 8:05PM at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Clauson, Wyatt, Geiger, Van Zee, and Stansbery. Councilmembers Morrison and Powers excused. Staff present: Police Chief Townsend, City Treasurer Tompkins, Assistant City Treasurer Haarstad, City Engineer Curies, Municipal Court Judge Decker, Court Administrator Hunt, and City Clerk Parks. Mayor Weatherill announced the purpose of this Study Session is to review and discuss the City's preliminary 2001 Budget. The Mayor recognized Councilman Geiger, Finance Committee Chair and requested he review the Committee's recommendations for next year's budget. Councilman Geiger presented the following preliminary budget adjustments as recommended by the Committee: EXPENDITURE CHANGES: Current Expense· Building Repair Funds COLA from 3.3% to 3.5% Financial Software Package Additional Jail Costs Home Monitoring Costs Cen-Com Adjustment Police Records Clerk to Full Time Salary Police Records Clerk to Full Time Benefits Replace Police Portable Radios New Police Officer (One or Two w/Grant) Salary New Police Officer (One or Two w/Grant) Benefits New Police Officer Uniforms New Police Officer Fuel Police Car Fund Transfer Active Club Tables & Chairs New Banners for Bay Street Givens Restroom Central Playfield Corner Replace Truck #7 Replace Big Toy at Active Club Truck Mounted Water Tank Riding Mower Replacement Funds Nuisance Abatement Downtown Flowers & Ground Cover Salary Survey Phase in Implementation of Salary Survey Assistant Engineer Salary Assistant Engineer Benefits New Public Works Employee Salary (Parks 34%) Fund Proposed Revision 001 7,000.00 001/101 5,400.00 001 80,000.00 001 8,000.00 001 {8,500.00) 001 {8,698.00) 001 10,548.00 001 7,384.00 001 9,000.00 001 42,251.00 001 14,788.00 001 4,000.00 001 1,000.00 001 20,000.00 001 2,500.00 001 1,000.00 001 47,300.00 001 9,000.00 001 20,000.00 001 8,000.00 001 2,000.00 001 8,000.00 001 10,000.00 001 3,000.00 001 15,000.00 001/101 56,700.00 001 39,853.00 001 13,949.00 001 11,453.00 New Public Works Employee Benefits (Parks 34%) Engineer Vehicle Street: Replace PW Portable Radios New Parking G0-4 Downtown Sidewalk Replacement Plan Remove Street 3/4 ton Pickup Truck New Parking Enforcement Salary ( 1/2 time) New Parking Enforcement Benefits (1/2 time) New Parking Enforcement Uniform New Parking Enforcement Fuel New Parking Enforcement Tickets REVENUE CHANGES· Balance Not Budgeted Cash Carryover Increase Sales Tax Increase Housing & Monitoring of Prisoners Givens Restroom Grant Sale of Fixed Asset (G0-4 to W/S) Contract with County -Parking Enforcement EXPENDITURE CHANGES: Water-Sewer Remove Well #7 Rehabilitation New Public Works Employee Salary (66%) New Public Works Employee Benefits (66%) G0-4 Purchase from Street Additional $$ Improvements to Marina Pump Station Restrooms Phase in Implementation of Salary Survey REVENUE CHANGES: Cash Carryover Increase PROJECTS TO BE CARRIED OVER TO 2001 lntergraph Police Software Mobile Data Terminals State Distribution for 1-695 Loss Street Sweeper Tremont Signal Synchronization 001 001 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 401 401 401 401 401 401 001 001 001 101 102 November 27, 2000 Page 2 of 3 4,008.00 25,000.00 1,300.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 (20,000.00) 12,300.00 1,960.00 200.00 300.00 740.00 5,060.00 318,176.00 150,000.00 (3,000.00) 40,000.00 10,000.00 15,500.00 (30,000.00) 22,200.00 7,800.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 13,150.00 18,150.00 40,000.00 20,000.00 40,663.00 125,700.00 12,000.00 Councilman Geiger concluded presentation of Committee recommendations and asked for comment and/or additional recommendations for preliminary budget adjustments. November 27, 2000 Page 3 of 3 Councilman Van Zee voiced appreciation for the Mayor, Committee, and Treasurer's hard work on formulation of a well thought out preliminary budget. He also acknowledged the Finance Department staff and other department heads for their efforts in development of the proposed budget package. Councilman Clauson submitted two additional recommendations for consideration: (1) Increase proposed allocation of $1,000 for "New Banners for Bay Street" to $2,000. Councilman Clauson stated he did not believe the proposed amount of $1,000 would be sufficient to replace the number of banners located on Bay Street; and (2) Add $3,500 to start a Council Presentation System Acquisition/Replacement Account. This would provide for future purchase of a Pan & Zoom Lens or other equipment to maintain or enhance the presentation system. After discussion on items proposed by the Finance Committee and Councilman Clauson, Council by consensus directed the City Treasurer to prepare a draft budget ordinance for consideration at the 2001 Budget Public Hearing scheduled for 7:30 pm on December 4, 2000. The draft budget ordinance is to include all items proposed by the Finance Committee as listed previously and the two items presented by Councilman Clauson. As no further discussion on the proposed 2001 city budget was presented, Mayor Weatherill closed the Study Session by reminding Councilmembers and staff that the Public Hearing to consider the proposed 2001 budget will be held on December 4, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m. -r;(~ Leslie J. Weatherill, Mayor Patrda Parks, City Clerk