10/12/1976 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington October'12, 1976 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Wilson, L. Caldwell, Geiger, Roos, Libby and Haberlach. Councilman Eugene Caldwell excused. Also present Attorney Olson, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Weatherill and Acting Chief of Police Mares. On motion by L. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the September 27th meeting as circulated. Special meeting of September 15, 1976 and recessed meeting of September 30, 1976 carried over to the October 25th meeting. Mr. Stan Dunn, Gazebo Florists, 730 Bay Street, addressed the Council stating that a letter was written from the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce relative to the appointment of a replacement for Chief Gale Dow who retired on September 12, 1976. Clerk read letter which stated: "The South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce has at a regularly constituted luncheon meeting, instructed me to request that you follow the Washington State Code when selecting a Chief of Police for the City of Port Orchard." Signed by Peggy Caldon, Secretary, South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Dunn also informed the Council that the Chamber would like the matter of the appointment of the new Chief to be carried over until the next Council meeting so the matter could be discussed. Chairman Wilson of Fire & Light Committee reported the committee had met at the Bayview Building and had investigated the installation of a street light. In that the light and bill would be placed on a pole within the right-of-way of the City, the PSP&L will install the light and bill the City at $3.85 per month and the City would have to bill Mr. Gans. Councilman Wilson moved that the Council approve the installation of the street light and the City bill Mr. Gans for the costs. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion to say that the City would bill Mr. Gans for the light costs in the amount of one year's costs in advance. Seconded, and carried with Councilman Roos voting no. Original amended motion lost with five nays and one yea. Councilman Wilson stated that Mr. Siegfried, Mgr. Puget Sound Power & Light, recommended the installation of additional street lights as follows: (1) on First pole south of Guthrie (2) on second pole south of Melcher (3) on second pole north of Melcher and (4) on corner of Sroufe and West. The lights would be mercury vapor type and would cost $3.85 per month each. Councilman Roos moved to approve the recommended installation of the four lights. Seconded. Councilman L.Caldwell moved to table until a complete study can be made on the need of additional lights in the entire City. Seconded and carried with four yeas and two nays. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved the purchase of five lengths of 13-," fire hose which has been tested and passed, according to Chief Weatherill. Councilman Wilson moved that the Council approve the purchase of two new sets of bunker clothes at $130.00 per set. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion to "Subject to the availability of funds in the Fire Department budget." Seconded and carried. Original motion as amended carried. Clerk read letter from Mr. Joseph C. Veich, 3715 Branson Ave., requesting approval by the Council to operate a taxicab service within the City, stating that he would start with one new cab and would build can his fleet when he has the business in operation. He would at the start operate from 6:OOAM to 2:OOAM. He also asked that the Council waive the requirement that the operator install taximeters. Acting Chief Mares approved the operation. On motion by Councilman L. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the operation of the taxicab service and waived the requirement of the taximeters at this time. Chairman L. Caldwell, Street & Alley Committee, stated that there should be something done to control the parking at the boat launch and that the committee is working with the City Engineer on the problem of the parking and of possible striping. Councilman Geiger stated that the negotiator, Mr. Dean Smith, would like to meet with the Council relative to further guidelines on negotiations. Councilman L. Caldwell moved that the Council approve the blacktopping of the area around the boat launch in the approximate cost of $1200.00 and also stripe the area with the funds to be expended from the Capital Outlay in the Park Department Current Expense Fund, Seconded and carried. Councilman Haberlach moved that the Council approve the City staff to investigate the cost and the possibility of installing a double deck parking area over the existing parking area at the east end of the parking lot from Harrison Street east. Seconded. Councilman Roos moved to amend the motion to include the entire parking area. Motion lost for lack of a second. Original motion carried. On motion by Councilman L. Caldwell., seconded and carried, Council approved the passage of Ordinance #985 setting the ad valorem tax levy for the year 1977 at $3.375 per thousand of the assessed valuation to raise an estimated amount of $142,000.00. Clerk read minutes of the Port Orchard City Civil Service Commission of October 7, 1976 which included the following motion. "Commissioner Leonard Clark stated that Sergeant Mares has shown ability to be capable of leading the City Police Department in all respects and he feels the City of Port Orchard will be quite satisfied with Sergeant Mares as their Police Chief. Commissioner Clark moved that Sergeant Mares be recommended to Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Gale Dow as Police Chief of the City of Port Orchard. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobson and carried. Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr., at this time, appointed Sergeant Al Mares as Chief of Police of the City of Port Orchard. City Clerk was instructed by Council to answer the let-gr from Mr. James A. Heembrock, 2250 South Flower, requesting of of the Council to rent the Mitchell Street Building and property for a recycling yard, in the negative. Letter from Mr. Hackett, attorney for Port Commission relative to free parking for personnel of the Post Office Department referred to City Attorney. Clerk read letter from South Kitsap Improvement Council relative to an off ramp from Mitchell to SR 160. Referred to Street and Alley Committee. Councilman L. Caldwell moved to remove Resolution #1160 (Kitsap County Shorelines Master Plan) from the table, seconded and carried. Councilman L. Caldwell moved to adopt Resolution #1160 which would by reference adopt the Kitsap County Shorelines Master Program. Seconded and carried. Meeting recessed at 9:15 to reconvene at 10:05. Councilman Libby moved that the Council approve the actions of the City Attorney on the negotiations of easements for the property of Orval Bray, Elmer Torgeson, Ben Duke and Mr. Staats. Seconded and carried. Engineer Knobbs distributed copies of the proposed priorities of the six year road plan to Councilmembers and requested that they study, make their recommendations and return it to him as soon as possible as -the plan should be sent in to the UAB Board by July 1, 1976. Engineer informed Council of contact with the State Highway Depart- ment relative to the Sidney and Bay Street traffic controls and stated that if the Westbay controls would be increased from the existing 60 second time to a longer time it would probably ease some of the traffic congestion. Engineer will pursue this with the Highway Department. Engineer reported that he had contacted an organization in Tacoma relative to new cover on the Givens tennis courts and that an engineer from there will be over to look and advise. It is possible they would sell the City the materials and the City crew could do the surfacing. The material may cost about $2,500.00 on motion by Councilman L. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the Police Chief to send two patrol officers (on their time off) to a gun handling and training school for a total cost to the City of $133.00. On motion by Councilman Haberlach, seconded and carried, Council instructed the Clerk to prepare an ordinance to amend the existing zoning ordinance and resolution to update the Comprehensive Plan. Clerk will prepare copies of the Lowry Plan and distribute to those Councilman who do not have the plan. On motion by Councilman L. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the proposed amendments to the Animal Control Ordinance, the Mobile Home Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance be submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendations. Adjourned at 10:30 P.M.. l it �,_rJ',�G1 v "C'i1';1CiyAL 37 ti I ii 5eioz7idled ,itid Ca.riled CauTicil v`-'pproV�-i'a the b.ils L}t7,S' `3`.� c 2- 3 3) � tit �glf? a TIoun u of ^Cc'i����Q ��� bePaid and till .�.i[?P ,U T"-OT P-]Y!'Q` l �''.f F!::;Di1.1U Cam` �y� 9 7.�i )v' 3x?j32UVFG'. CLERK ,c f�= C z MAYOR