11/22/1976 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington November 22, 1976 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwella Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger, Roos, Libby and Haberlach. Also present Attorney McCluskey, Chief Mares and Engineer Knobbs. Fire Chief excused. On motion by Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of November 8, 1976 meeting as circulated. Councilman Eugene Caldwell requested that the item "Police Auxiliary" be removed from the Unfinished Business at this time. Councilman Lee Caldwell stated that the Committee would like to hold a public meeting to obtain input from those interested within the South District on the probability of a bypass road or roads to ease the traffic congestion in the City. The areas under consideration would be Fremont, Kendall, Kitsap Streets and possibly Port Orchard Blvd. Council approved the Street and Alley Committee to hold a public meeting on December 2, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Public notices will be distributed. Councilman Geiger reported that the negotiating team of the City (finance Committee) will meet with the Local #2052 on December 1, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Councilman Libby, Chairman of Water, Seger and Sanitation, reported that the Committee had met and discussed the request of Mr. Emelio DeLucia 510 Sroufe Street, to reimburse him for costs to hook up to the City's sewer system in the amount of $440.37 and recommends that the City deny the request as the City had been no party to the problems created by Mr. DeLucia or prior owners. Approved. A letter will be sent to Mr. DeLucia informing him of the denial and the reasons surrounding the denial. Enggneer Knobbs reported that the County will be blacktopping the boat launch this week and that Ace Paving will be blacktopping Cook Road. Also reported that he was in contact w th Jerry Diemdorf, PCGC, and had placed applications with Mr. DiAtorf for an overlay on Port Orchard Blvd. in the amount of $90,000.00 and upgrading of Tremont Street for $200, 000. 00. These are PAM 'monies -he -se On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution # 1163 allowing the City Clerk to issue an interest bearing warrant at 5�o per annum from the Water Construction Fund, 1975 in the amount of $34,100.00 to the Kitsap County Bank Request from the Rainbow Cab Company for a parking space referred to the Street and Alley Committee L, caLOWtf-LL.- On motion by Councilman, seconded and carried, Council accepted the petition from Mr. James Wilson, 1630 Bay Street for the vacation of the South half of Depot Street in Block 3, Plat of Annapolis. Clerk will prepare Resolution. Street Committee has reviewed the property and recommended that the petition be accepted and if vacated, there should be easements for utilities retained. Council set the date of December 13, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. for the hearing on the annexation of the South Kitsap High School property. County Boundary Review Board has met on this annexation and did not choose to invoke their jurisdiction. Mayor Powers informed Council that December 6, 1976 is the first date for public hearings on the 1977 budget and could continue through the .loth of December. Mayor Powers informed those present that the Council, at a study session on November 17, 1976, discussed the land use proposals in depth and looked at alternatives, and at this time the staff is in the process of preparing the necessary documents to present to the Council at their December 13th meeting for their consideration. The alternative as now proposed would have Green Bolt classification from Melcher Street to SR. 160 along Blackjack Creek and Open Space contained in a 400 foot corridor 200 feet on each side of Blackjack Creek, all other areas as proposed in the original concept would be classified as Residential Low density. Also, the recommendation is being forwarded to the Planning Commission to hold the necessary hearing in order that the Residential Medium District be eliminated from the Zoning Ordinance. Counc�l,man Geiger stated that a possible to c c fir �� �r.�l Wi', ens in they do ntq�n area may be the installation of sib s directing,'t us(�a`Cternate routes-- :` Engineer will set up a meeting with Mr. T— of the Highway Department, the City Street Committee and the Downtown Merchants to discuss traffic, traffic lights and parking. Councilman Geiger moved that the possibility of the removal of all parking meters and the use of marking tires be put on the agenda for study and that the Finance Committee conduct such a study. Seconded and carried. Councilman Roos moved that a letter be written to the Cascade Gas Company instructing them to repair the conditions caused by their installation of lines on Sroufe and West Streets. Notion lost for lack of a second. Adjourned at 9:00 P.M. A Cler : ,.� �, �;` Mayor q