02/09/1976 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington February 9, 1976 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Lee Caldwell, Wilson, E. Caldwell, Libby, Roos and Geiger. Also present: Engineer Knobbs, Chiefs Dow and Weatherill and Attorney McCluskey. Councilman Van Zee absent because of illness. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of January 26, 1976 as circulated. Mr. Wes Henry, Director of Kitsap County Central Communications addressed the Council on the operation of Cen.Com, stating that with- out the wonderful cooperation of the local jurisdictions, the entire program would not have been possible. The program budget for the year 1976 is $1,277,000.00. The office is located at 1721 Warren Avenue in Bremerton. Funds have been received from the following sources: Rob Johnson Grant, H.U.E., Law Enforcement Assistance Grant, Traffic Safety Act and local agencies. This program is the only one of its kind in the State of Washington and one of five in the entire United States. The 911 direct service will be avialable on or about July 1, 1976. There are four locations for contact: micro disks at Olalla, Gold Mountain, Cen-Com and Kingston. There will be 250 emergency technicians available for emergency service within the County and this emergency service would be on site.within 8 minutes. Mr. Arnold Carraway addressed the Council relative to his petition to vacate the north half of an alley contiguous to the south a of Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Wheelers 2hd:'.Additioh stating...that.-there—are three parties involved, Mr. James Hiott, the City and the Carraways; that the property was purchased in June, 1975 and that when activity began on the new home, Mr. Hiott was rather upset and again in the later part of September, Mr. Hiott was again upset. The Carraways at that time retained an attorney and he also received the same reception from Mr. Hiott. The Attorney recommended that a survey be acquired and this was accomplished. There has been a delay of about four months now and the Carraways have expended some $500,00. Council- man L. Caldwell stated he had looked over the property and said that the recommendation of the Street Committee is, and so moved, that the petition be not approved and that Mr. Carraway is allowed to build his bulkhead and fill the northerly half of the alley and that Mr. Carraway will provide a hold --harmless document releasing the City from any responsibility or liability for any accidents which may occur. Seconded. Councilman Geiger spoke against the motion, stating that recently the City vacated an entire alley on Mitchell for Mr. Ainsworth and that these were both parallel. Also, the Council should vacate the northerly 8 feet. Councilman Wilson stated that the 10 feet for utilities easement would not be wide enough for equipment to be used and that there may be a use for the alley at a future date for drain- age as this would be a natural drainage area. Attorney McCluskey stated that he was not in accord with the motion as the alley belongs to the public and if not vacated, the City has no authority to allow private citizens to utilize public property in this manner. Also stated that it would be a better solution to vacate the northerly 8 feet. On the question, Councilman Libby, E. Caldwell and Geiger voted nay and L. Caldwell, Roos and Wilson voted yea. Councilman E. Caldwell moved to table further action until Councilman. Van Zee returned to settle the vote. Seconded and carried. Mr. Stewart Lince of Spot Realty requested the Council to write a letter to the Hamill Mortgage Company assuring them that the City will not in any way in the future block access to the home located at the end of DeKalb Street (1012 DeKalb). Attorney McCluskey informed Council that they should not make this commitment and that he will write the Mortgage Company and inform them of the RCW relative to unopened streets. Council instructed Attorney to respond on behalf of the City Council. Mr. Barry Gardner, salesman for Hunt Mobile Homes, requested Council to allow mobile homes which meet the Building Code to be placed within the City. He was informed that under the present ordinance, mobile homes could only be placed in mobile parks. The existing ordinance will be reviewed. Mr. J. H. McDonald, 310 Sweany, protested the increase in rates by the Olympic TV Cable. Mayor declared recess at 8:45 to 9:10 P.M. Councilman Lee Caldwell informed Council that the Street Committee would be meeting with the carnival committee of the Fathoms of Fun before the next Council meeting. Engineer Knobbs informed Council that the new parking meter machines should be here within the next two weeks; the reservoir .installation is on schedule and also that the Library Board and the Regional Director agreed to the use of the Pacific NW Bell Building for the Library. Council gave the Engineer and Fires Chief their sanction to put a stop -work order on the Taylor Street building renovation by the County if they do not follow the procedures as set forth by the Uni- form Building Code. Council set date of March 22, 1976 as final date to receive applic- ations for license to sell fireworks within the City over the Fourth of July holidays. Clerk read a letter from Doctor William Davis expressing the School Board agreement to annex to the City. They will furnish necessary papers so the City can proceed. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council approved the request of Mrs. Hazel Bybee, balloon chairman of Guild for Retarded Children to sell balloons on the streets of the City on. March 5.& 6, 1976. On motion. by Councilman Roos, seconded and carried, Council rejected the claim of Linda R. Gaylor, 1437 Garrison, in the amount of $300.00 for damage to her bulkhead. Matter referred to the City's insurance carrier and copy to be sent to Robison. Construction Company. Letter from Mr. Robert Gans, Greater Northwest Properties, relative to the installation of a traffic light at Bay and Rockwell was read by Clerk and referred to Street and Alley Committee. Attorney McCluskey reported that Bremerton has some grounds leased for radio stations and 'Micro disks for TV companies and the amounts range from $50.00 per month from KBRO to $118.00 per month for the tower on Gold Mountain. Attorney will prepare lease agreement between the City and Olympic TV Cable on the shed and mounted micro disk on the tower at Fire Station #2 and leave the amount blank. Council will determine the amount at the next meeting. Funds to pay for the new radar set purchased by the Policed Department will come from whatever available funds within the Police Department budget and will be restored upon receipt of matching funds from the State of Washington. Attorney informed Council that the City of Bremerton is in the process of passing an ordinance relative to washrooms in public places. Will obtain copy for Councilmen to study. On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded and carried, Council approved that a letter be written to the owners of High Point Shopping Center requesting them to provide rest room facilities for public use. Councilman Roos moved that the motion placing a policeman at Bay and Sidney between 4:15 and 5:30 P.M. be rescended. Seconded. E. Caldwell stated leave it as it is since this is what the people wanted even if it slaws traffic. Councilman Wilson moved that the motion be tabled and the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for further study. Seconded and carried. Councilman Libby was excused by the Mayor at 10:15 P.M. Mrs. Maxine Doyle stated that the City should have a parade permit in the amount of $100.00 to help defray costs. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved the bills (01555 through 1672) in the amount of $244,950.24 and the January payroll in the amount $36,899.71. Adjourned at 10:30 P.M. -� Clerk ��; % _�1 , ;+� Mayor