03/08/1976 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington March 8, 1976 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: L. Caldwell, Wilson, Libby, Roos and Geiger. Councilmen Van Zee and E. Caldwell excused. Also present: Attorney Sells, Engineer Knobbs, Chiefs Dow and Weatherill. On motion by Councilman L. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of February 23, 1976 meeting as circulated. Mr. Gene Caldwell and Mrs. Marilyn Erhart, representing the Fathoms of Fun were present. Mr. Caldwell informed Council that they were here to request Council to approve the use of the parking lot area which was used last year for the carnival sponsored by the Fathoms, and that the carnival would like to move in on the evening of June 23, 1976, set up on June 24, 1976 and operate until the evening of July 4, 1976, and be out that evening. Councilman Caldwell moved that the carnival be allowed to operate on the requested schedule and be located on the same area as last year. Councilman Roos inquired about the loss of parking revenue and the cost for the Public Works&Police Departments. Mr. Caldwell stated that the Fathoms could set up the barricades and remove them before and after the parade. Also they would forewarn those using the parking area by posting notices on the windshield of cars prior to the festivities and will take care of the cleanup. The Council was also informed that the Fathoms are not breaking even at this time but it' looks as if in the near future the growth of the program.will increase the income and at that time there could be some revenue to the City for their costs. Councilman Roos moved that the City expend the normal amount of funds and that any additional expenditures for the Fathoms festivities be billed to the Fathoms for payment. Motion died for lack of a second. Original motion approved with one nay. Mrs. Marilyn Erhart informed Council that the Daffodil Queen Court would be at the City Hall about 3:30 P.M. March 15, 1976. Chairman Libby of the Water, Sewer and Health Committee reported that the Committee had a short meeting relative to the lease agreement between Olympic TV and the City for the mounting of a micro disk on Sidney water tower and the construction of a small building to house controls and moved that the City approve the use of the tower for the micro disk, the erection of a small building, the installation of cyclone fencing around the tower for the annual lease rental of $250.00. Attorney will prepare the lease. Seconded and carried with one nay. Mrs. Neda Heng, 640 Retsil Road, protested to the Council of irregular- ities in the billing of South Sound Disposal. She was informed that the City has nothing to do with this and she should contact South Sound Disposal. Mr. Pat McCullough, Entranco Engineers, reported to the Council on progress of the Bay Street bypass and that an attempt is being made to acquire funding. He stated it is necessary that the Council come to some conclusion as to the solution of the traffic problems, which will then be presented to the County. A study session will be held at 7:30 P.M. March 18, 1976 in the Council Chamber, City Hall. Chairman Geiger, Finance Committee, informed Council of the proposed census that the City will be taking beginning March 26, 1976 and that the approximate cost would be $2,000.00 or less. Also. it appears the City may be able to increase the annual income from the State and Federal per capita upwards of $13,000.00. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the City to conduct a census and the cost of such census be expended from the Federal Shared Revenue Fund. On motion by Chairman Roos, Fire Committee, seconded and carried, Coun- cil approved that two firemen attend a Command School, April 12 through April 15, 1976 in Yakima to cost $300.00 and the attendance of two firemen to the Northwest Fire and Arson School in Eugene, Oregon on May 3 through May 7, 1976 to cost $309.00. / Mayor declared a recess at 8:45 to reconvene at 9:00 P.M. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved.that the motion made at the February 23rd meeting, (Councilman Geiger moved to delay action on Ordinance #970, vacating a portion of Austin Street and adjacent alleys until the Street and Alley Committee have reviewed the area and made rec- ommendations. Seconded and carried) be taken from the table. Second- ed and carried. Councilman Roos moved that the original motion be amended to include that ingress be allowed into the parking lot from Sidney on Sweany. Motion lost. Original motion to approve the vaca- tion provided that Austin Street be kept open and blacktopped approved by Council. Attorney Sells reported that the State Legislature had dropped Election Day and Columbus Day as legal State holidays and had included the day after Thanksgiving and one other day to be chosen at the discretion of the employees providing it does not interfere with work conditions. Engineer Knobbs.reports: Each Councilman has been handed a rough draft on amending the mobile home.brdinance. Parking meter boxes have not yet arrived. Letter to State Highway Department was written. State will use existing poles to restring new traffic lights at Bay & Sidney. Requested Council to approve resolution making it possible for the Department of Social and Health Services to have a test hole drilled in the vicinity of Hovde Road and Blackjack Creek to determine the depth of the water table and to allow the Mayor to sign a contract with the owner of the property to allow the DSHS to enter on the property and drill the well. on motion by Councilman Libby, second- ed and carried, Council approved the request. Reported that the reservoir is progressing on schedule and the inter - tie transmission route has generated some problems near Ross Creek relative to crossing a large ravine and this is being studied. There will be no problem with the Fish and Wildlife Department relative to a crossing of Ross Creek. Reported that of the seven Bi-Cent6nnial signs purchased, there are now four completely gone and three left. Councilman Wilson commended Bryn Beorse, reporter, for the excellent article in the Port Orchard Independent rel:'ative to vandalism in last weeks paper. Chief Weatherill reported that only about half of the Business Regis- trations have been returned. Mayor Powers instructed the Clerk to see that follow --up letters be sent to those delinquent. Chief Dow stated that Charles Barnes and Jeanne Roller would be leaving on the 22nd of March for a training period with Cen Com and that the system may be in operation by March 29th, 1976. Chief stated he would need some guidelines within two weeks as to his office force and if the City will retain the parking control. Finance,Committee will have recommendations by the next meeting. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council rejected the claim of Mrs. Hazel Chackel, 1.636 Bay Street, in the amount of $1,380.68 and referred the claim. to The City's Insurance carrier and City Attorney. E Clerk read letter from Frederick W. Post, Attorney for C. W. Adams, relative to meeting with City Council to discuss facts on the property line location. Matter referred to City Attorney for recommendations. Councilman L. Caldwell moved that Ordinance #969, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, providing for the issuance of $695,000.00 par value of "General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1976" for the purpose of providing funds to redeem $700,000.00 par value ref its outstanding "General Obligation Bonds. 1975," dated December 1, 1975; fixing the date, form, denomination, maturities, interest .rates, terms and covenants of such refunding bonds; providing for and authorizing the purchase of certain obligations out of the pro- ceeds of the sale of such refunding bonds and for the use and appli- cation of the moneys to be derived .from such investment; providing for the redemption of the outstanding bonds to be refunded; and con- firming the sale of such refunding bonds to Foster & Marshall, Inc. of Seattle, Washington., be approved. Seconded by Councilman Roos. Mrs. Maxine Doyle spoke from the audience, stating that she objected as the Ordinance was not on the agenda and there was no outside input to the Council from the people. Mayor informed those present that at the meeting of February 23, 1976 the proposition submitted by Marshall & Foster was discussed at length, that both Mr. Roland C. McLaughlin of Foster and Marshall and Mr. Terry Thompson, Financial Consultant for the City explained the procedure and results of the refunding issue in detail to all the Councilmen and that they are all aware of the refunding program. Motion carried. Matter of protest of Mr. Albert Bieber, 1113 Tacoma Street against a bill in the amount of $164.65 for services and materials furnished by the City on 1/15/76 and 2/6/76 referred to Water and Sewer Committee. On motion by Councilman L. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the recommendation of the Clerk to pay as the items ordered on the fire apparatus bid in the amount of $12,000.00 are received. Letter from Lee Caldwell requesting that a mutual lease agreement between the City and Lee Caldwell be entered into for the use of mutual prop- erty adjacent to each party. Referred to Finance Committee. Councilman Roos moved that the appropriate committee review, study and recommend procedures to set up a Police Auxiliary Reserve Unit. Seconded and carried. Mayor referred the matter to the Police Committee. Mayor Powers appointed Councilman Libby to the Mayor's Special Committee to replace Councilman Van Zee who is absent because of illness. Council took no action on the request of Mr. Robert Gans, Bayview Professional Building relative to a variance on reduced parking facilities. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the bills (#1673 through 01762) in the amount of $53,363.86 and February payroll in the amount of $36,666.03. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. 471 Clerk ' ^��L."z Mayor L.