06/28/1976 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington June 28, 1976 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: L. Caldwell, Wilson, E. Caldwell., Libby and Geiger. Councilmen Haberlach and moos excused. Also present were Attorney Sells, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Dow and Chief Weatherill. On motion by Councilman L. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the June 14, 1976 meeting as corrected. Mr. Robert Gans, developer of the Bayview Building at Bay and Rock- well Streets, spoke to the Council regarding his development and what he proposes to do about securing the additional parking spots which would be required if the Plum Tree Restaurant will be a tenant of the Bayview Building. He also stated he was sorry the City has requested a hold on the issuance of a Class H License as applied for by Monty Tsang, operator of the restaurant, until sufficient parking and compliance with the fire and building codes has been settled. He further stated there was a possibility of additional parking to the north of his building on property owned by Mr. Gary Deal. City Engineer stated that the distance from the Gans property is 110 feet and the Zoning Ordinance specifies not more than 100 feet. Attorney Sells stated that a variance had to be obtained from the City Planning Commission before the parking area could be approved. Council informed Mr. Gans that if he ob- tained evidence or an agreement for adequate parking spots, the City would withdraw its objections relative to the issuance of the Class H License. Mr. Robert Gehring, 751 Mitchell, addressed the Council relative to his request for free -turn traffic activity at the intersection of SR 160 and Plisko Lane. He submitted two maps showing the traffic patterns. Councilman L. Caldwell moved that the motion made at the June 14, 1976 meeting by Councilman Geiger to table the motion made by Councilman E. Caldwell (that the traffic pattern remain as approved by the Council in the original plan) be taken from the table. Seconded and carried. Attorney Frank Shiers, representing Mr. Gehring, related to the Council the background of the development and the plans previously considered and spoke briefly on the economics of the development, making reference to the letter from the State Highway Department stating they were not opposed to the proposed plan of free turns at this intersection. On the motion made on June 14, 1976 meeting that the traffic pattern remain as approved by the Council in the original plan, the Council voted four nays and one yea. Motion lost. Councilman Libby moved that the plan of free movement to and from SR 160 be approved and a trial time limit of six months be allowed and be evaluated at the end of the six months by the Street and Alley Committee. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend that this trial period would be at the western most entrance (Plisko Lane). Seconded and carried. Original amended motion carried. Mr. Tom. Kearns, KCM, gave Council a progress report on the lntertie stating that the estimates were still within the range of cost as indicated in the 1975 report, that bid calls were being prepared and the opening date would be July 23, 1976. The final plans have been approved by DSHS and there is no further information on the appraisal. Mayor Powers declared a recess at 9:14 until 9:30 P.M. Mr. Clarence Dahlke informed Council that the striping fronting the Bowling Alley (Hi Joy) and the cemetery is in need of painting. Councilman Caldwell reported that the Mitchell Street building is in need of painting and an estimate was given of $1,400.00 for two coats of paint including the roof and an estimate of $1,000.00 to paint the Street shed. Councilman L. Caldwell moved that the City call for bids on the painting of the Street shed and the funds to be expended from Federal Shared Revenue. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend that the Motion include the Mitchell Street building. Seconded and carried with three yeas and two nays. Original amended motion carried. City Engineer reported that the Kitsap County Bank would like to revise their Shorelines Substantial Permit #827--18-A approved May 12, 1975 by the removal of the existing structure, .instead of building within the structure. Engineer stated that after inspections, the existing structure has to be demolished due to the damage revealed by engineering investigation of the foundations and soil borings. Engineer stated that in his opinion the re- quested revision is within the original scope and intent of the original. permit. On motion by Councilman L. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the revision of S.M. Permit #827-18--A as shown on the site plan and concurred that the revision is within the scope and intent of the original permit. Engineer Knobbs reported that the reservoir site has been mulched and the filling has been completed, also a temporary fence has been installed to restrict bikes and people from the reservoir. The cost of the fencing is $5.50 per foot. Engineer would like to retain the part time fare marshal as a part time building inspector and so requested permission to accomplish this. Council approved the request. Chief Weatherill informed Council that he will be on vacation. July 6 thru 9th, 1976. On motion by Councilman E. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the Fire Chief to send four volunteers to Vancouver on July 28, 29, 30 & 31, 1976 to fare school.. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved the Mayor to sign a letter to the County Commissioners agreeing to have an Infiltration/Inflow analysis (sewage system) and agreeing to pay all local -share costs for the work performed. On motion by Council L. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the passage of Ordinance #979 amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 918, Parking Meters - Description and Operation. On motion by Councilman L. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the passage of Ordinance #980 amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 918, Coins Required - Overtime. There will be a meeting. with Fire District 47 Wednesday evening June 30, 1976 on the feasibility of a levy for the purpose of acquiring additional first aid vehicles and the possibility of the City joining in on the levy. Mayor Powers assigned Councilmen to committee positions as follows: Frank Haberlach, Finance Committee & Police Committee Alex Roos, Chairman of Parks & Recreation Committee Mary Wilson, Chairman Fire & Light Committee Eugene Caldwell, Chairman Police Committee Adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Clerk's =� ' - Mayor