07/26/1976 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington July 26, 1976 Council of the City of Part Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Pro Tempore Robert Geiger, Mayor Powers on vacation. Council members present: Lee Caldwell, Wilson, Eugene Caldwell, Libby, Roos and Haberlach. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Chief Dow and Engineer Knobbs. Chief Weatherill absent because of illness. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell., seconded and carried, minutes of the July 12 meeting approved with the following corrections: Page two, paragraph one, line three, after Mr. Hester add "who entered the police station asking for assistance". Page two, paragraph six, line one after Mayor add "Pro Tempore". Page two, paragraph eight, line nine, delete City and insert "residents more". Page two, paragraph eleven, line four, after meeting add "to give the Councilmen an opportunity to read the ordinance". Mr. Tom Kearns, Kramer, Chin and Mayo, presented the Council with a resume of items which had to be completed in order that construction could be started on the Tntertie phase of the Water Construction improvement Program. A complete text of the presentation is made a part of and is attached to these minutes. Also informed Council that a meeting has been scheduled for 2:00 P. M., Wednesday, July 28, 1976 with Mr. Wabena of the Department of Social and Health Services to discuss the request for additional Ref- erendum 27 Funds and requested permission .from the Council to represent the City at the meeting and his costs to be approved under the Schedule of Service section of the contract with the City. On motion by Council- man Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the request to attend the meeting. Councilman Haberlach moved that the City proceed on finalizing the necessary steps toward the construction of the Tntertie and that KCM conduct the on -site inspections to insure proper protection from inadequate construction by the contractor and that the costs for this inspection would be considered under the Special Services section of the contract with the City. Councilman Wilson moved to table the motion. Seconded.and lost with four nays and three yeas. Original motion lost with five nays and two yeas. Mr. Kearns will present the Council with cost information for their consideration. Mr. Clarence Sheldon, 620 Radey Street, requested the City to do something about brush and bushes at the entrance from Radey Street onto Sidney. Engineer will take care of this matter. John Butler, prospective Eagle Scout, asked Council for permission to prepare the tables and benches received from the State and apologized for not doing the job the first time. Council gave approval. Mayor ProTempore Geiger informed Council that the proposals for amending the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning ordinance and adoption of a land use map would be considered by the Council at a special study session and no action can be taken at this time. The City Sewer Committee will meet with the Commissioners of Sewer District #5 at 7:20 P. M., August 2, 1976 relative to potential costs of the proposed alternatives for secondary sewerage with Bremerton. Councilman Wilson informed Council of an agreement that Bremerton has with CH2M on a cut off time for infiltration of water in their sewer lines. Engineer Knobbs will contact CH2M on this item. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported that his Committee had inspected the complaint of erosion of the hillside and Perry Avenue, southeast of Mr. James Wilson, 1630 Bay Street, stating there has been no material change of the condition since the last inspection about three years ago and recommended that the area be left alone. After considerable discussion, Councilman Wilson moved that a letter be written to Mr. James Wilson informing him of the Council decision. Seconded and lost with four nays and three yeas. Councilman Lee Caldwell reported that four phasing of the traffic signals at Bay and Sidney are nearly complete and the City will be making the changes in the traffic flow. Also, the City will lose four parking slots on the West side of Sidney from Geiger Drugs to Prospect Street, three parking slots on the West side of Sidney from Bay Street to the rear of Myhre's Restaurant and one parking slot on the East side of Sidney at Blanchard's Department Store. After considerable discussion, Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that this be accomplished. Seconded. Mayor Pro Tempore Geiger moved to amend that action be postponed until a special session of the Council and interested parties of the downtown merchants and the Engineer can be convened and the matter reviewed. Seconded and lost with 6 nays and 1 yea. Original motion carried with 6 yeas and 1 nay. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved that the Engineer contact the contractor retained by the State Highway Commission to resurface Bethel Avenue and secure a quotation as to what the cost would be to resurface with blacktop, from the Exxon Station East to the Jaynes Wilson property at 1630 Bay Street and Sidney Avenue from Bay Street to the Post Office. Seconded and carried. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that the matter of picnic tables be taken from the table. Seconded and carried. Councilman Roos moved that 20 tables with sets of benches be purchased from the State at $75.00 per set and be paid from Park Fund. Seconded and carried. Councilman,Eu ene Caldwell read letter of resignation from Chief Dow, effective`—-, 1976. councilman Lee Caldwell moved to accept the re q-n-atI&n. Seconded and carried. c: € + 1 -.r, 4- Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved that a letter be written to Chief Dow commending him for his service with the City. Seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council rejected, on the recommendation of the City Engineer, all three bids for the painting of the Mitchell Street Building and the Public Works building on Bay Street. Two of the bids were not accompanied by Bid Bonds and the third was more than ten percent higher than the Engineer's estimate. City Engineer will call for another set of bids on the painting. Chief Dow reported that Patrol Officer Steven Dunn will be leaving the employ of the City on "September 15, 1976 to attend Border Patrol Academy. Chief Examiner should call for applicant to replace the register. Chief Dow stated that the 1974 patrol car blew an engine and expects the cost to be about $550.00. Also, the 1972 patrol car has had to have repairs in the amount of $160.00. Adjourned at 9:55 P. M. Clerk Mayor f,