09/13/1976 - Regular - MinutesA . - Port Orchard, Washington September 13, 1976 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Lee Caldwell, Wilson, Eugene Caldwell, Libby, Geiger, Haberlach and Roos. Also pre- sent: Attorney McCluskey, Acting Chief of Police, Mares; Fire Chief, Weatherill and Engineer Knobbs. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the August 23rd meeting as circulated. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, 1620 Bay Street, again asked the Council to do something to correct an erosion condition in back of their place of buisness, stating that at an earlier date, a city water main had burst and had been running into the vein of clay in the bank and this had started the erosion problem. Mayor referred the request back to the Street and Alley Committee which will meet with the Wilsons at 6:00 P.M., September 14, at 1620 Bay Street to again inspect the area. At this time Engineer Knobbs informed the Council that nor. John D. vlist, of 555 Bay Street, has decided to enlarge the addition of the office building and shop area from the 2,420 square feet (as approved by the City for a Shoreline management Permit in July, 1976 and con- curred by the Department of Ecology on July 16, 1976, under Permit #N 1238-18-A (13) ), by the adding of a second story not to exceed the maximum height of 35 feet, comprising 2,420 square .feet for a total of 4,840 square feet, and Mr. Vlist is requesting a revision of the original permit to accomplish this. Engineer Knobbs informed Council that this is in accordance with the building code of the City and the revision would be within the scope and intent of the original permit. On motion by Councilman L. Caldwell. seconded and carried, Council approved the revision and concurred with the Engineer that the proposed change is within the scope and intent of the original permit. Councilman Geiger reported on meeting with the negotiator, H. Dean Smith who was also met with the Union. Mr. H. Dean Smith will meet with the Council in executive session at the September 27th meeting. Councilman Roos stated that the Park Committee recommends that the Fin, Fur and Feathers Group headed by Delores Barringer, follow the normal procedures and apply for a Special Use Permit. Resolution #116Di to adopt the Kitsap County Shorelines Master Program in total by reference continued until next meeting. Clerk will distribute copies to Councilmen. Councilman Geiger moved that the Engineer investigate used three -wheel units as to cost and condition and possibly purchase two. Seconded and carried. Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved that the City purchase two new police vehicles under State contract and prior to the purchase, committee will check with other cities as to value of obtaining compacts. Seconded and carried. Councilman L. Caldwell suggested that the Council consider the implement- ation of an equipment revolving fund within the City. Councilman Roos moved that the Givens tennis courts be resurfaced with a good surface, seconded and carried. Funds will be expended from the Park Fund. Councilman L. Caldwell reported on the unsightly conditions of the local taxi cabs and stating that they sound as if they were falling apart. Acting Chief Mares stated he is'looking into the procedures which Bremerton uses and will report to Council on this matter. Councilman Geiger stated the owner of the 25 space parking lot on the east side of Sidney at Prospect is trying to sell, and he thinks the City should purchase the lot. Councilman Geiger moved that the Mayor appoint a committee to negotiate with the owner as to the possibility of purchasing the lot. Seconded and carried. Councilman Geiger stated this would, in effect, ease the parking for the library and also for the Historical Society building if the City should desire to obtain it. Mayor Powers declared a recess at 8:35 P.M. to reconvene at 8:50 P.M. Mr. Pat McCullough, Entranco Engineers, addressed the Council and explained the position of the Public Works Act of 1976, that the bill has been out of Senate and will probably be on the President's desk in about two weeks. Also, that applications would probably be accepted in about two weeks by the EDA. He further stated that the engineering report and design has to accompany the application and work must begin within 90 days after the application is accepted. He explained that three priorities were c6nsidered. (1) Van Zee Parks Project, (2) Move water towers up Sidney and (3) Port Orchard Blvd. On the Blvd; it would take about six months to have the necessary paperwork completed and the application ready for submittal. All funds in the PWA of 1976 must be allocated by September, 1977. The preliminary work for the Port Orchard Blvd. would be about $12,000.00. Mr. McCullough recommended that the $500.00 approved by the Council to prepare application, be used to determine the scope of two of the projects. Councilman Haberlach moved to proceed on the Port Orchard Blvd.project. Seconded. Councilman Roos stated that the Council has no priority list and this should go to Committee for review and recom- mendations. The State Highway Department should be contacted relative to ingress and egress to and from SR 16. Councilman L. Caldwell moved to table the motion until the full Council studies the priorities and determines the funding of the project and take action at the September 27th meeting. Seconded and carried. Special study session will be at 700 P.M., September 22, 1976, Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved to hire one additional police officer. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion to delay until the Council has budget considerations. Seconded and carried. Amended motion carried. Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved that another parking attendant be hired in the Police Department to assist in the policing of the parking. Seconded. Mayor Powers stated that the Council had determined that there would be one office girl and one parking attendant and that is the way it will. be. Councilman L. Caldwell moved that the Council approve the Mayor to write a letter to the State Highway Department requesting that the fourth phase be installed at Sidney. Seconded. Councilman Haberlach moved to table the motion. Seconded and lost with four nays and three yeas. Oroginal motion carried with four ayes and three nays. Mr. Jack Mandeville, representing the Downtown Merchants, expressed the concern of the merchants relative to losing parking places for the traffic signaling and stated that they were apposed to the installation of the fourth phase. He further stated that the City goes ahead and does these things without discussing them with the merchants and the .feeling of the merchants is that they may obtain services of an attorney. Councilman L. Caldwell informed Mr.' -Mandeville that his committee will be meeting with them. Engineer will mark area of City property on maps and committee will meet. On motion by Councilman L. Caldwell., seconded and carried, Council approved the bills (Voucher #2293 -- 2393) in the amount of $68,486.58 and the September Payroll in the amount of $33,967.95. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M. Ma Clerk or Y