09/27/1976 - Regular - MinutesAft Port Orchard, Washington September 27, 1976 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Geiger, Roos, Libby and Haberlach. Also present Attorney McCluskey, Engineer Knobbs, Acting Chief Mares and Chief Weatherill. Councilman L. Caldwell moved that the minutes of the September 13th meeting be approved as circulated. Seconded. Councilman E. Caldwell moved that the uncompleted action in paragraph 5, page two be stricken and that the motion with the second be included in the action taken in paragraph 4, page 2. Seconded. Motion lost with 3 yeas and 3 nays with the Mayor voting nay. Motion to approve the minutes carried. Mr. E. J. Weir, 372 Tremont, requested permission for water connection on the four inch main on Sunset Lane. Council stated there is no reason why he could not be hooked up. Engineer will perform the conn- ection after all applicable connection fees and assessments have been paid. Mr. A. T. Lindsay, 316 Cline Street reported of a horse next to his residence which is not properly cared for and wanted some relief from the smell and bother. Mayor informed him that the matter is in Committee and will be reviewed. Councilman Libby stated he is working on the matter of animal control within the City. Mr. Lon Nickerson, Rt. 3, Box 269 protested the inclusion of his prop- erty which is in the county, in the Comprehensive Plan of the City and the restrictions which would be applied if adopted. He was informed the City could not enforce any restrictions on property outside the City. Petition containing 37 signatures was received requesting the Council to revise the proposed Comprehensive Urban Development Plan, as it pertains to that portion of the Plat of Annapolis lying northwesterly of Farragut Avenue and northerly of Guy Wetzel Street and South of Lawrence Street, from the present proposed Residential High, 20 units per acre, to Residential Medium, which would permit a maximum of 10 units per acre. This petition also contained signatures of those on Farragut Street. Mr. Keith Ebbert, 514 Perry asked several questions as to why, what for, and stated that he wanted the change. Mr. Dick Brown, Broker for Crown Realty, Bethel Avenue, would like to see the section (The City Planning Commission shall review and the City Council shall approve the architectural and plot plan design as part of all rezone applications requesting MF-20 Zoning) deleted. He stated that this creates a hardship on the builder or developer as the cost of preparing the design and other criteria would be expensive. City Attorney stated that the above section is legal and all conditions should be explored prior to the rezone. Attorney McCluskey informed Council of the status of the easements on the Bremerton Water Intertie and that he had negotiated with Mr. & Mrs. Staats and has a settlement for $200.00 plus a stipulation that in the event the contractor, during the course of construction damages the water table, the City will be liable. Attorney recommended that the Council approve this offer. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved the recommendation. Councilman Wilson reported on a meeting with Mr. R. Siegfried, PSP&L Co. on the matter of street lights on West Street. Also reported that there is 800 feet of 22° fire hose available for $1.00 per foot, which is a good buy. Councilman Wilson moved that the City purchase the hose and couplings provided the hose passes a 300 pound per square inch test and with the funds to be expended from Federal Shared Revenue Fund. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion to strike Federal Shared Revenue Fund and insert General Fund. Seconded and carried. Amended original motion carried. Councilman Wilson suggested that the Council consider the use of credit cards or a per diem allowance for those of the City who travel at the City's expense. Mayor referred the matter to the Finance Committee. Mr. Pat McCullough addressed the Council relative to the Public Employ- ment Act 1976, stating that the now date to submit applications is October 11, 1976. Councilman Haberlach moved to take the motion of the meeting of September 13, (to proceed on the Port Orchard Blvd. project) from the table. Seconded and carried. On the vote on the motion of September 13, 1976, the motion lost. Councilman L. Caldwell moved that the Council approve Entranco Engineers be allowed to pro- ceed on the move of the Kendall water towers to an area adjacent to Fire Station #2, ($57,000.00) and replace water line (6,000) on Perry Avenue, Lawrence Street and Bay Street ($160,000.00) and that Entranco will prepare a cost estimate on the two projects prior to the signing of a contract. Seconded and carried. Mayor Powers recessed the meeting at 9:00 P.M. until 9:45 P.M. to hold an executive meeting with the City's negotiator relative to union negotiations. Meeting reconvened at 9:45 P.M. Engineer reported that they will start smoking sewers on Wednesday, September 29th and will do the downtown and Annapolis Hill area. All residents will be notified. Engineer asked the Council if it was the intent for him to include the installation of air conditioning along with the other improvements of the City Hall. Also stated that if the installation is done now, the cost will be about $1,900.00 and if we wait until Spring, it will cost about $2,500.00. Councilman L. Cald- well moved to approve the installation. Seconded. Councilman Eugene Caldwell stated that the funds could be put to better use in the addition of police officer and expenditure of .these funds are not warranted for the above item. Motion carried with four ayes and three nays. Attorney McCluskey stated he would be contacting the AWC relative to mobile home ordinances. Acting Chief of Police Al Mares reported that James Benton will be back on deck for the City on OctQb:er: 11, 1976. Councilman Eugene Caldwell reported that he had been in contact with the City of Tacoma and stated they use compacts, but only for detective and investigation work. None are used for traffic or patrol. Recomm- ended that the Council approve the purchase of two regular police vehicles. Mayor Powers stated the City of Seattle has been using compacts for three years and that they are sending a brochure showing the performance and all other details and results of those three years. Letter from Mr. Robert Gans, Bayview Building, requesting the City to install a street light at Rockwell and Bay Street.referred.to'.Fir6.7 and Light Committee. Councilman Geiger informed Council of his suggestion as to a separate approach to zoning and also of height restrictions. Information referred to planner to review. Councilman Roos moved that a crosswalk be installed on Bay Street at the east end of the parking lot mini -park. Seconded and carried. Councilman Roos moved that a stop line be installed on the east side of the boat launch. Seconded. Councilman E. Caldwell moved to table and have the Street Committee review the possible problem and report back to Council. Seconded and carried. Councilman Roos moved that the Council approve a letter be written to the Commander, 13th Coast Gaurd District, 915 Second Avenue, Seattle, Wa., requesting that a rescue vessel be assigned to the Bremerton - Port Orchard area. Seconded and carried. Meeting recessed until 7:30 P.M. September 30, 1976 at 9:30 P.M. f / ! Clerk ' �t: �- r �. r Z /� L Mayor