01/14/1974 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 14, 1974 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington was called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Roos Caldwell and Geiger. Van Zee excused. Also present: Attorney McClus- key, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Dow and Chief Weatherill. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Roos and carried, minutes of December 26, 1973 meeting approved with the following correction. Third page paragraph 2 and 3, delete the name Fulton since Councilman Fulton was excused from the meeting and did not participate in the action. Mayor at this time asked the newly elected Councilmen to step forward and take the oath of office. Mr. Roos and Mr. Libby stepped forward and were duly sworn in by Mayor Powers. Mrs. Doyle refused to be sworn in by Mayor Powers. Mrs. Doyle then rose and read her own oath and after being informed by the Attorney that unless the oath of office is executed by an authorized public official or a notary public she will not be eligible to set as a Councilman. Attorney also stated that as Mrs. Doyle had read the oath, and that the oath read was the same as the oath executed by Mayor Powers to the other newly elected Council- men, and, if the Clerk attested that the oath was executed, Mrs. Doyle would be a duly elected Councilman. Clerk attested the oath and Mrs. Doyle was seated. Mr. Van Zee will be given the oath upon his return from the hospital. Mr. Sizemore requested that the Council arrange for more parking to accomodate the PSNS employees who are using the Horluck ferries for transportation to and from their jobs. Also, that there should be three lanes for traffic instead of two,that there should be more twelve hour parking, and that the Nelson Construction Co. office be moved to allow use of those three spaces. Mayor informed the gentleman that the downtown businesses paid for the parking area construction for their business patrons and that there are about 70 spaces set aside for use of the ferry patrons, also that the use of other streets further up the hill within the City should be used. Fulton concurred that the business people needed spaces for their patrons. Mrs. Doyle stated that a com- plete study should be made. Matter referred to Street and Alley Comm- ittee for review and recommendation. Mrs. Doyle also stated that those portions of Harrison Street not now being used could be used until the street is opened up for through traffic. Mr. Robert Gehring requested that the hearing on his petition for annex- ation of some 41 acres be re -scheduled for the next Council meeting as all items were not at this time finalized. Also reported that he had informed those parties not in favor of the annexation that he would install City of Port Orchard water to their homes at no cost to them. Matter referred to Water and Sewer Committee to discuss this with City Engineer and Manager of Annapolis Water District. Clerk informed Coun- cil that Mr. Kimball is still concerned about future increased sewer charges and wants some assurance that this will not happen. Mayor opened hearing on the application of Klaus I Kunter for a Special Use Permit to construct a professional building on Bethel Avenue just south of the 691 building. Clerk read letter of Planning Commission recommending the approval of the permit, and recognizing the environmental summary assessment as being one of insignificant action with minor effect on the environment. Site plans and building layout were reviewed by the Council and Engineer. Mrs. Doyle recommended that the action by the Council on this permit be continued so that she could study the application as to more information relative to possibility of spot zon- ing on Bethel Avenue. Caldwell stated that this is the function of bhe Planning Commission and that they are dedicated members who do a wonder- ful job in this field and that if the Council is going to duplicate their work, then the Planning Commission should be eliminated. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council approved the issuance of the Special Use Permit. Doyle no. On motion by Fulton, seconded by Doyle and carried, the request of Mr. Joseph Daniel of the Jesus Saves Church for a 90 day extension to tear down the little building behind the Church was approved. Engineer January 14, 1974 Page Two recommended for the extension as Mr. Daniel has broken his arm and needs time to have the bone knit. Mayor requested permission for the Clerk, the Engineer and himself to attend a workshop on environmental planning on February 1, 1974 at Seattle University, with cost of $4.00 per person including lunch. Council approved the workshop and Mrs. Doyle stated that she may want to attend also. Clerk read letter of resignation of William Monteith and on motion by Doyle, seconded by Roos and carried, Council accepted the resignation and Clerk was instructed to write a letter of appreciation to both William Monteith and Jack Grable for their dedication and service to the people of their City. On motion by Roos, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the submitting of an application for grant funds for the formation of a Public Awareness Project by the County and also the payment of $39.00 as the City's pro -rated share for the preparation of the application. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council confirmed the appointment by the Mayor of Councilman Robert Geiger as Mayor Pro- Tempore in accordance with RCW 35.24.190. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Roos and carried, Council confirmed the appointment of John Hokanson, member of the City Planning Commiss- ion as a representative of the City of Port Orchard Citizens Advisory Committee as required by the Shorelines Management Act to develop goals policies and regulations for the development of the Shorelines Master Plan, to the County -wide Citizens Advisory Committee as a technical representative. Doyle requested the appointment to be held over so that the entire Citizens Committee could be appointed at the same time. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Roos and carried, Council approved and adopted Ordinance #926 imposing a Business and Occupational tax in the amount of 5% of gross revenues to be paid annually to Current Expense Fund from garbage utilities. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Roos and carried, Council approved and adopted Ordinance #927, adopting the 1973 Edition of the Uniform Building Code and repealing Section 15.04.020 and Section 15.04.025 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code. Doyle requested that the adoption be held over until Council becomes familiar with the changes and also that a simple explanation of the Code should be made available to the public. Engineer stated that it would be quite impossible to prepare such a simple version of the Code. Doyle voted no on motion. //U Resolution No. t=, combining the Park Fund with that of the Current Expense Fund was approved and adopted on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger and carried. // 24 Resolution No. Mg*, setting forth the salary schedule for the City employees as adopted by the City Council on December 3, 1973 as a part of the 1974 budget was approved on motion by Geiger, seconded by Fulton and carried. Doyle no. Doyle requested this to be held over in order that the 12% requested by the Union be considered and that the employ- ees should be consulted as to how these additional monies could be raised. Also, that citizen input as well as employee input should be solicited in order to have a more efficient operation of the City departments and cut out the unnecessary waste that occur in the vari- ous offices. 47 On motion by Fulton, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved Resolution No. , allowing the City Treasurer to make temporary inter - fund loans, which loans would be secured by promissory note with inter- est at 5% per annum. Clerk read Complaint #61878 against the City of Port Orchard by James J. Griffiths and wife and on motion by Fulton, seconded by Roos and January 14, 1974 Page Three carried, Council rejected the claim and referred the claim to the City's Insurance Carrier and City Attorney. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Doyle and carried, Council confirmed the appointment by the Mayor of Lorraine Carraway as City Treasurer. On motion by Doyle, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council approved the recommendation of Finance Committee that the Legal Aid Project of KCAP be funded in the amount of $165.00 for the year 1974. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Roos and carried, Council approved the recommendation of the Finance Committee that the last quarter con- tribution for the year of 1974 in the amount of $1,651.00 for the De- tox Center of the Kitsap County Council on Alcoholism be paid. Mayor informed Council that there has been no further action at this time on the Regional Sewage Disposal Plan. Engineer Reports: 1. Mr. Holtzman of Ford Company called and informed him that the , cost of the packer repair from Ford Company was in the mail to Howe Motor Company and that the full amount will be paid by Howe Motor Company to the City. 2. Meyer Built Homes will start the first 58 units of the 178 unit complex within the next couple weeks. 3. Reported that there has been no definite answer from the bond- ing company relative to the broken sewer line on Port Orchard Blvd. Mr. Fulton asked if the Attorney thought that too much time is being spent on this with no results. As the Attorney seemed to think yes, the entire matter was referred to the Attorney for action. 4. Payment in the amount of $600.00 was received from the party that broke the light standard on Port Orchard Blvd. 5. Lions Club informed Engineer that they want to start a project on the Blvd. and were informed they be shown what to do and how to do the beautification and recreation project. Park Committee and Park Commission will meet with Mr. Knobbs. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council approved the request of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, 4th District to hold the annual Loyalty Day Parade beginning at 11:00 A.M. April 27, 1974. Chief stated that the extra costs to the City would be about $150.00 for extra personnel. Also stated that last year the volunteer group from the National Guard did not work out as some did not show up thus putting a burden on the others. Chief Weatherill reported three fire alarms in the City since the last meeting. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Doyle and carried, Council approved that NO SMOKING signs be placed in the Council room, Libby no. Geiger also stated that there could be rest intervals for those who wish to smoke and/or stretch. Chief Dow will list those items necessary to complete the proposed amendments to the taxicab ordinance and refer them to the Attorney who will prepare an amendment to the existing ordinance. There will be a study session of the City Council at 7:30 P.M., Wed- nesday, January 16, 1974 to review proposed use of Federal Shared Rev- enue Funds and at this time the Council will study the request of Eng- ineer Knobbs relative to updating the garbage rates. Mayor will prepare a new list of the months in which councilmen will make the inspection of the City. January 14, 1974 Page Four Council was informed that the parking meters the City of Pasco has for sale are of a pre-1961 vintage and that it may be hard to get parts. Also, that the price for these meters should be about $10.00. Matter referred to Police Committee who will meet with the Chief and the Engin- eer and have a recommendation at the January 28th meeting. Doyle brought up the problem of the gas crisis and told of her contact- ing service stations and councilmen and of their concern. She requested the Council to write a letter to the responsible Naval Officer to urge the Naval Exchange to re -instate their gas service. Also, that Council should inform citizens of when and where and the price of gas. Council was informed by Mr. Piercy that as of midnight, January 14, 1974 all stations were to receive allocations of 100% of their 1973 gallonage and also the Naval Exchange would be back in business very soon with the same allocation. Doyle moved that correspondence be written to the responsible official of the Navy to urge re -opening of the Naval Exchange station. Motion died for lack of second. Fulton stated th_atAya movement was on to reopen the Exchange and that allocations for all stations are forthcoming, the best policy at this time is to wait and see. Doyle also stated that encouragement by the Council should be exercised in the area of improved adult transportation, bicycle racks near the ferry terminal, walkway across Blackjack for students and others in the vicinity of the High School, and that Street Committee should be changed to Transporta- tion Committee, in that this name would then encompass all phases of transportation and other allied items of that nature. Bus and ferry schedules should be posted in conspicuous places in order to encourage citizens to use public transportation. Doyle would like to set aside a time, (1:00 P.M. through 5:30 P.M.) each Thursday to hold meetings for the public to air their views to Councilman Doyle. Council approved the use of the Council room for Thursday afternoons between 1:00 P.M. through 5:30 P.M. to take whatever complaints or information and to submit same to the proper Committee or to the Council as a whole. Doyle criticized the policy of prorating the clothing allowance of the uniformed personnel, as well as the payment to the employees in cash for the unused allowance at the end of each year. Geiger informed the Council that this has been the practice since its conception. Doyle moved that the payment of the balance of clothing allowance for 1973 be held over and referred to the Police Committee for review. Motion died for lack of second. Also, Doyle moved that the policy be consider- ed and referred to Police Committee for recommendation. Seconded by Roos and carried. Doyle stated that all meetings should be taped for accuracy and that a recorder should be obtained and put to use immediately. Mayor stated that this will be discussed at the Wednesday night meeting. Doyle stated she would see that a recorder would be at the next meeting for a trial basis and Council approved. On motion by Fulton, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the 1974 Maintenance Agreement on the NCR 400 be paid. Emgineer Knobbs will contact Rice Electric relative to the electric eye which controls the on and off of the street lights. Those on the south side of Bay Street do not operate properly. Clerk read the following bills: General Government, $8,309.43; Police $1,715.75; Fire, $3,000.68; Parks, $2,742.92; Water, $5,050.24; Sewer, $1,659.13; Garbage, $1,559.29 and Street, $1,847.54 for a total of $25,885.18. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Roos and carried, Council approved the bills be allowed and that Vouchers #9637 through #9783 be paid and that the December payroll in the amount of $12,405.12 be allowed. Council adjourned at 11:05 P.M. on motion by Geiger, seconded by Roos and carried. s, ,�! Clerk e �L -^ �,M ayor