02/11/1974 - Regular - MinutesFebruary 11, 1974 Page Two which will be accomplished when the bond issue is passed this year was read. It is hoped that the City will become involved with the School District and work jointly to accomplish common goals which could not be done on an individual basis. Clerk read letter from the Association of Washington Cities informing the newly elected Councilmen of a workshop for new councilmen which will be held on March 8, 1974 at the Greenwood Inn in Olympia and at the Alpine Restaurant in Everett on March 9, 1974. Those Councilmen desir- ing to attend will contact City Clerk for registration. Mayor announced that the Sidney Arts and Historical Association will hold their annual festival on May 2, 3, 4 and 5th, in the basement of the Methodist Church. Mayor informed Council that at this time there is no further informa- tion as to the regional sewage plan. The revised agreement is being prepared by the County Prosecutor and should be forthcoming within a few days. On motion by Roos, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Council approved the expenditure of $8.00 for dues for 1974 to the South Kitsap Improve- ment Council and appointed Libby as delegate and Caldwell as alternate delegate Chief Dow reported that there had been no further information from the Duncan Meter Co. Chairman of Street committee, Caldwell, informed Council that there had been some changes in the downtown parking area, in that several of the 12 hour parking spaces had been returned to a 9 hour parking and that the change seemed to have satisfied the merchants. Also, that there has not been enough checking by the Police Department. Attorney reported that he had entered notice of appearance in the Fed- eral Court and that there would be depositions taken on this coming Friday by the attorney for Griffiths on Knobbs, Dow and Weigel as well as on Broulett. Engineer reported: 1. Sanitary land fill has been closed as of last Saturday, February 9, 1974. 2. Saturday refuse will be deposited at the Brem-Air sanitary fill in the future. 3. The Port Orchard Lions Club wants to meet with the Park Committee to discuss what they can do to beautify the Boulavard. Mr. Van Zee will contact Mr. Shaw and Engineer will supply maps of the area showing the details. 4. Informed Council of an oil spill which seems to be centered in the area of the Howe Building at the corner of Frederick and Prospect. 5. Reported that the County Sheriff, Art Morken, requests that the parking on Division Street between Cline and Sidney be changed to three or two hours. Matter referred to Street and Alley Comm- ittee. Ssfi� 6. Reported to Council of the installation of the 8" water main tit from Maple street to the 691 building on Bethel Avenue. Doyle reported of citizen information relative to pollution at the mouth of Blackjack Creek and of some sort of oil on the south side of Bay in the area of Westbay Auto Parts as well as on the north side of Bay in the vicinity of Howe Motor Co. Engineer will investigate. Mayor declared a ten minute recess until 9:35 P.M. February 11, 1974 Page Three Mayor set the date of Thursday, February 21, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. as a fact finding meeting on the application for Water Improvement Matching Funds from Referendum 27 monies with the Finance and Water Committees as to what direction the City should take. Engineer reported that a rough estimate from the firm of Kramer, Chin and Mayo for the reservoir would be between $10,000.00 and $15,000.00 plus soil testing and surveys and for the transmission line, $8,500.00 plus soil testing and surveys. This is for design engineering only. Request for Loyalty Day Parade on March 27, 1974 has been approved by the State Highway Department and was reported by Chief Dow. Dow also asked if the Finance Committee had approved his request for a new vac- uum cleaner and was informed no, not at this time. Chairman Roos of the Fire and Light Committee reported on the meeting of the Committee with the Commissioners of District #7 relative to their letter as to combining the fire forces to improve the fire protection in the south end. Stated that the meeting spoke in generalities and that in his opinion there was no reference to combined department. Council was informed that if the forthcoming levy is passed and approved by the voters, there would probably be a full stationed ambulance and crew within the City. There will be a business meeting of the city volunteer group on the 19th of February at Hall #2 and that the Fire Committee will meet with them. On motion by Roos, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Clerk instructed to prepare a letter of congratulations to Senator C. W. "Red" Beck on his appointment. Van Zee reported that there are no places for senior citizens to con- _ >1Ila gregate and carry on any social activities and that the Council should give this some thought. Also, there is a move to combine City, County and School District in a concentrated park and recreation program for the young people for this summer. Doyle reported that there should be a Citizens Advisory Committee for all phases of transportation and allied items. Also stated that the City should be an issuing agent for the Identification Cards which allow no cost transportation for senior citizens. Stated that she was impress- ed by the DETOX center in Bremerton and that she was given a tour of the premises and hopes that the City will utilize the service as soon as possible on behalf of the less fortunate. Doyle gave a short report on the Environmental Planning Seminar held at the Seattle University and informed Council of the following points which were brought out by the speakers and the question and answer periods. 1. The public agency should not consider the economic factor in the valuation of the summary. 2. Documentation is very crucial as to how decisions are made. 3. It is the developers responsibility to present complete summaries. 4. In the case of court action and the determination of liability, the legal documents are of grave importance. 5. Complete study sould be made to provide public agency with corr- ect data, and that the responsible public official should dis- close all data available and that public input and effect should be considered. Doyle also informed Council that she had a report on the Shorelines Master Plan, Citizens Advisory Committe, but would prepare and mail to Council. Doyle requested that the agenda for the Council meeting be prepared and in the mail to the Councilmen on the evening of the Thurs- day before the meeting. Council approved. Clerk read the following bills: Current Expense, 5,267.87; Police, $1,592.04; Public Works, $3,440.49; Utilities, $9,757.78 and Street, $1,505.83 for a total of $22,866.63. February 11, 1974 Page Four Caldwell moved and Libby seconded that the bills be allowed and that Vouchers #9783 through 49860 be paid and that the January payroll in the amount of $13,549.81 be allowed. Geiger moved that motion be amended to exclude Voucher #9801 in the amount of $90.00 for 1974 sub- scription to Revenue Sharing Newsletter. Motion seconded by Fulton and carried. Amended motion approved by Council. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Fulton and carried. Clerkzr�C��.a�.,- ,lir. Mayor