02/25/1974 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington February 25, 1974 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular sess- ion by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Councilman Fulton, Caldwell, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger, and Councilwoman Doyle. Also present, Chief Dow, Weatherill, Engineer Knobbs and Attorney McCluskey. Councilman Geiger moved that the minutes of February 11, 1974 meeting be approved as circulated. Motion seconded by Councilman Roos. On the question, Councilman Caldwell stated that in the fourth paragraph, line 12, page one, that Street Committee be added. Councilwoman Doyle stated that in the second paragraph, line 7, that the word "no" be changed to yes. Councilman Fulton stated that the statement "The facilities at Givens School will be made available for citizens use at the beginning of the 1974-1975 school year which would be in September of 1974" be added to paragraph five, line 5 on page 3. Councilwoman Doyle also stated the following corrections should be made; paragraph one, page four, "Engineer reported that the City had previously agreed by signed agreement to extend water and sewer laterals for the Port Orchard Marina at City expense and that Voucher 9804 in the amount of $2,888.09 in favor of Western Utilities represents supplies to install the water laterals". Item #6, under Engineer reports, page 2, add "with the diff- erence in cost between the 6" and the 8" being borne by the City" On. motion by Fulton, seconded by Caldwell and carried, original motion was approved amended by Council. Council approved the amended motion. On the statement of Councilwoman Doyle, the minutes be amended to state that the motion of Councilman Caldwell was to include "carry out the terms of the agreement and vacate ;I of the three streets to Mr. Lieseke at no cost" was held in abeyance as Councilman Caldwell did not think he had so stated. Councilman Caldwell will recheck the tapes on this matter. Attorney McCluskey informed the Council on the legal interpretation of the preparation and recording -the minutes. Mr. Dean Rappleye, 1224 West Street, representing approximately 13 residents of that area, informed the Council of the concern of the people in the area of the hazard in the existance of the drainage pond at the intersection of West and unimproved Radey Street. Stated that the Council must do something to correct this hazard and that if the City did nothing, he would. Letter from Mr. Wayne M. Darbro, 1320 Garrison Street, the father of the child that had drowned was read and is made part of these minutes. Matter referred to the Street and Alley Committee to review and recommend a solution. Chairman Caldwell of the Street and Alley Committee reported on a visit along with Mr. Geiger and the City Engineer to the Clauson prop- erty, and at that time could see no problem as the old cars had been removed and the animals had been confined. Attorney reported that under the Zoning Ordinance there is control and that Mr. Clauson shall apply for a Special Use Permit through the regular channels in order to conduct whatever business he so desires. On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded by Councilman Van Zee and carried, Attorney will write letter to Mr. Clauson and inform him of the criminal penalty for ill- egal operation and that he must apply for a Special Use Permit. After considerable discussion relative to what types of businesses shall be subject to the Special Use Permit provisions, it was decided that only the Council shall make this determination and that all such complaints or discoveries shall be decided on an individual basis by the Council. Councilman Caldwell moved to amend the original motion to include "all businesses operating from residential home within the City be in vio- lation of the zoning ordinance". Councilwoman Doyle seconded the motion. On the question to amend the original motion, Councilwoman Doyle voted yes; the balance of Council no. Mr. E. M. Schlenker, 2361 Sidney, representing his sister-in-law, Mrs. M. Daniels, 813 Sroufe, requested Council to fall the fir tree on City right-of-way fronting her home. Chairman Caldwell, Street and Alley Committee reported that the committee and the City Engineer had inspect- February 25, 1974 Page'Two ed the fir tree and in their opinion was not of a hazardous condition and that the tree should not be felled. if the property owner wants to go to the expense of falling the tree, it is alright with the comm- ittee. Chairman Caldwell will contact John Kingsbury of the Depart- ment of Natural Resources and secure his expert opinion as to the dan- ger that exists, if any. On motion by Fulton, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved and granted permission to the following organizations to operate fire works stands within the City over the fourth of July holidays, subject to the approval of the State Fire Marshal. South Kitsap Pee Wees South Kitsap Music Boosters Port Orchard Lions Club Westbay Hi -Joy Bowl area 455 Bay St. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilwoman Doyle and carried, Council approved the 1974 Agreement with the Kitsap County Humane Society for animal control at the monthly contribution of $304.10. Councilman Roos voting no. Engineer reported: 1. Ford Motor Company has forwarded the check for the repair of the Ford packer. 2. One of the light poles on the Blvd. was hit and snapped by a car. Party involved will be billed for the cost of a new pole at current prices. 3. The oil spill that was noted fronting Parks Building in the bay was located coming from the oil tanks on Prospect Street from the Howe Building. 4. The oil noted on the south side of the Blackjack Bridge is from the Westbay Auto Parts business and will be corrected. Did not notice any sewage on the north side in the Howe Motor Company area. Councilman Caldwell, Street and Alley Committee, reported that the Committee suggested 2 hour parking on Division fronting the Courthouse. It appears that letters have been written to all departments of the County stating that no employees shall park on Division Street and that they should park in the rear of the parking lot. Commissioner Mahan reported that some success has been noted but that the program has not had time to be evaluated. Council will hold any further action until further notice. Councilman Geiger, Chairman of Finance Committee reports that the committee has studied the salary structure and with the re -organization of the Public Works department, the following is recommended. The diff- erential in pay between the Sargeant of the police and the first class patrol officer is .52 cents per hour and that the same differential should prevail between the foreman of the Public Works department and of the utility men. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the recommendation of the Finance Committee with Councilman Roos voting no. Councilman Geiger informed Council that perhaps the Puget Sound Power and Light Co. would take over the City's lighting system on Port Orchard Boulevard and install their own fixtures and assume ownership of the poles and fixtures. Engineer stated that this has been discussed but there has been no definite answer. Engineer will prepare letter to be sent to Mr. Siegfried. Councilman Geiger reported that there is a possibility of acquiring a used pop vending machine from a missile base which is phasing out of existence; that this machine is adaptable to either cans or bottles and the coin slots can be regulated as needed and thought that the City may want to use this either for City employ- ees or at the Active Club Building for the public. The cost would be $250.00 F. O. B. Port Orchard. Councilman Geiger moved that further investigation on the capabilities of the vending machine be undertaken and if they are positive,to purchase the machine. Motion seconded by February 25, 1974 Page Three Councilman Caldwell and carried. Councilwoman Doyle and Councilman Fulton, no. Councilman Geiger reported on a Eureka vacuum machine which is being tried by the janitor at a cost of $97.50, less 10% and $29.95 less 10% for the attachments. Also, that a Hoover machine will be tried which is of a lesser cost. Councilman Libby will check Consumers Guide report. Councilman Roos reported on meeting with the volunteer fire group on Tuesday, February 2, 1974, and that the concensus of the group was the operation should remain the same, but that the installation of an amb- ulance would be approved. Also reported that there has been nothing definite as to a proposal from District #7 and that unless the proposals are itemized, the Council has nothing to consider. Councilman Roos moved that a letter be written to District #7 requesting them to itemize their proposals in detail for the consideration of the Council. Motion seconded by Fulton and carried. Councilman Van Zee reported on meeting with the Park and Recreation Commission where several items were discussed such as- installation of sidewalk on south side of Active Building, pouring bulkhead to protect the Juniper bushes, finish the shelter at Givens and install shelter at Central, drain the Tremont Park area and the installation of sprink- ling system on east side of Active Building. Informed Council that the shrubbery and trees at the "Y" on Bethel Avenue would be removed this coming Saturday by volunteer firemen, with the assistance of Richard Wolf of the Street Department, and they will be planted at Fire Hall #2. Councilwoman Doyle stated that there should be no movement and nothing should be moved until Mr. Del Guzzi submits an answer to the Engineers letter of September 25, 1973 requesting complete plans and commitments relative to the traffic control and changes in that area, and that the whole project will have to wait. Also stated that the "Y" park is a nice landmark and should be retained. Also, that the proposed traffic pattern will be less effective than the present one. It was stated by the Engineer that the State will install the new planter west of the existing one. Also, Engineer stated that additional lanes will be completed north from the "Y" when there are available funds. Council- woman Doyle stated that adequate sidewalks and bicycle paths should be included at the time of the traffic change and that the State should construct them. Councilman Geiger explained that if the project is not under way by July 1, the funds allocated for this project will no long- er be available and also that the shrubbery has to be moved before the first week in March or it will be too late to transplant. Councilman Van Zee reported that the Park and Recreation Commission at their last meeting unanimously voted to request the Council to retain $15,000.00 in Federal Shared Revenues for Park and Recreation use for the year 1974. Councilman Libby reported that a quote on painting the Police Depart- ment was received in the amount of $270.00. Matter referred to Finance Committee. Councilman Libby also reported that a new typewriter is needed now in the police department, that they investigated several and the one preferred is an Adler 13" all electric at a cost of $332.50 less trade-in. Chief reported that he has $1,000.00 in capital outlay. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded by Councilman Fulton and carried, approval was given for the purchase of a new typewriter. Commissioner Mahan presented himself to the Council and asked if there were any questions relative to the amended agreement for joint study on regional sewerage. Stated that the DOE has given the County until April 1, 1974 as the deadline on application for grant monies, that there is $100,000.00 allocated for the South Kitsap Study and that it is based on a 90/10 matching. This $400,000.00 is for planning only. Construction under phase #2 will be funded in part by grant monies also on a 90/10 basis. There is a possibility of two treatment plants being constructed. Councilwoman Doyle requested Council approval to represent the Council and contact the local service station operators and assist them in re- scheduling their hours of pumping gas by stretching the hours over a longer period during the day to accomodate more people and in easing February 25, 1974 Page Four the waiting time at the pumps. Chief Dow reported that at this time the stations are open from 6 AM to 11 AM in the forenoon and from 2:30 PM to about 3:30 PM in the afternoon for a total of about 6 hours of which a patrol officer is present on traffic control. If this was spread out as Councilwoman Doyle intends, it would be two each for six stations for a total of twelve hours, and would place a patrol officer on traffic control for a full twelve hours. Darrell Piercy, of the local Mobil Station stated that the only way to alleviate the waiting is for more gas. Chief Dow also stated that those who are cut off in one line, just move to another station. In view of the information presented by Chief Dow and Darrell Piercy, Council did not approve the request of Councilwoman Doyle. Councilman Fulton informed Council of meeting relative to Referendum 27 funds, which had been requested by application of the City and that at this time, the application was not being considered as plans and design standards were°completed. Also, that the matching of Referen- dum 27 funds were 400, which means the City must match with 60%. Un- less a letter stating that the City would like its application to be considered in the next period and that design plans are being prepared and will be ready by the next hearing period, the application will be removed from the list. This letter must be in the hands of the Depart- ment of Social and Health Services on March 4, 1974. In addition to the 60% City Funds there would also be an additional $15,000.00 plus soil analysis and survey costs on the reservoir and $8,500.00 plus soil analysis and survey costs on the transmission line. Council author- ized the City Engineer to write a letter to the Department of Social and Health Services indicating that the City would like the applications as have been submitted to be considered at the next hearing. Mayor informed Council that the City of Bremerton will supply water to the City in the amount of 1,000,000 gallons per day, but did not give a per 1,000 gallon cost. Attorney McCluskey informed Council that they had been in contact with the representative of the bonding company on the Port Orchard Blvd. sewer breakage and that he was informed the money to re-imburse the City is forthcoming, but no indication as to when. Meeting adjourned at 12:05 A.M. on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger and carried. (� Clerk r' Mayor