03/11/1974 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington March 11, 1974 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Councilmen Fulton Caldwell, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger and Councilwoman Doyle. Also present, Attorney McCluskey, Chief Dow and Weatherill and Engineer Knobbs. Councilman Fulton moved that the minutes of February 25, 1974 be approved as circulated with the addition of the word "not" preceding the word "completed" line 4, paragraph 2 page 4. Motion seconded by Councilman Roos. Councilwoman Doyle stated that the minutes were in error in that the City Engineer was not given permission to write a letter to the Depart- ment of Social and Health Services at the meeting of February 25, 1974, but at the discussion meeting on Thursday, February 21, 1974, and that as no legal action could be taken, the Engineer had no authority to write the letter to request that the applications for Referendum Funds be considered at their next hearing date. Councilwoman -.Doyle also stated the minutes were in error in that the minutes do not reflect the statements of Mrs. Wilson relative to the drainage pond in which the Darbro youngster was drowned. Councilwoman Doyle also stated that the minutes were in error in that the minutes did not reflect an explanation of illegal action of Mr. Clauson. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the original motion be amended to include the three above corrections. Motion seconded by Councilman Caldwell. On the question, Councilwoman Doyle voted yes and the balance of Council voted no. Motion lost. On the question of the original motion Council approved with Councilwoman Doyle voting no. Mr. Elmore, who had a backender recently while attempting to make a left turn in the Quik-Pac grocery on Bethel Avenue, informed the Council of the danger of accidents and that there had been four accidents this year and eight in 1973. He further stated something should be done about installing a left turn lane, and wanted to know when the City would be correcting the traffic problem. Mayor informed the gentleman that plans have been drafted and have been submitted to the State Highway Department, but there are no available funds. Mr. Elmore made the suggestion that the speed be reduced from 35 MPH to 25 MPH. Mayor stated this would be taken under review and that the best way to get action is to prepare a petition and have all those willing, to sign, and present to the Council to be endorsed and forwarded to the State Highway Department. The Street and Alley Committee will re- view the present system of parking and perhaps have the patron parking moved to the larger area south of the building and back against the bank, which would give a longer approach lane egress and ingress. Mr. Darbro, 1320 Garrison Street, asked if the Council has contacted Mr. Marker, abutting owner of a portion of the land covered by the pond and requested that the rafts be removed and destroyed. He was informed that a return receipt letter has been sent to Mr. Marker but no answer received at this time, also that the rafts will be removed as soon as possible. Mr. Darbro gave the telephone number of Mr. Glen Marker of Seattle, who is a relative of the owner, 1-935-8208. Mr. Darbro also informed Council that the drain located at about 1442 West does cross the street and drains into the pond. Also informed Council that they should get on the ball and do something and that all the residents in the area will assist in whatever is to be done. Attorney answered the question of Chairman Caldwell of the legality of donating the fill material from City property for the filling of such areas in the affirmative. Mr. Darbro also stated that a Mrs. Merr- ick had called the City in the past relative to this pond and also some other person had called in the past relative to the pond. Mayor Powers opended discussion on the hearing of the petition of Vernon Lieseke, Box 217, on the vacation of portions of Sweany, West and Taylor Streets. Mrs. A. H. Heng, who owns property abutting Sweany Street was rather dubious as to access to some of her property and wanted to know what would be done. Mr. Perrine spoke in favor of the petition and also informed Council that the Hengs had signed the petition. Councilman Ful- ton moved to table any action until the March 25th meeting for further re- view, seconded by Councilman Roos and carried with Councilwoman Doyle voting no. Matter referred to Street and Alley Committee and Attorney for review and legal interpretations. March 11, 1974 Page Two Mr. Pat Thompson, representing FRS, Environmental Consulting Engineers spoke to the Council of the size and scope of their Company and stated that they are desirous to be chosen to conduct the planning phase of the South Kitsap Regional Sewer Study. Passed out brochures of their pro- jects and of their employees, stating they have 91 employees with 45 being LPE's. Mr. Ace Comstock, South Kitsap Hospital District Commissioner, requested information as to the L.I.D. delinquent assessments on the South Kitsap Hospital Association which have been foreclosed on and are now under lien in the approximate amount of $9,000.00. He wanted to know if foreclosure sale could be delayed for about a year as there is a possible chance that approval may be given to build the hospital. Attorney McCloskey informed the Council and Mr. Comstock that rrQmally the foreclosure sale would pro- ceed and the sale would be in the month of April. Matter will be reviewed by the Attorney and a report will be given at the next meeting. Mayor Powers recessed the meeting at 9:20 for ten minutes. Meeting resumed at 9:30. Clerk read letter from Mr. Jack Del Guzzi of the Hi Point Center on Bethel Road and SR #160, relative to City of Port Orchard letter dated September 26, 1973, stating that because there has been constant contact with the proper officials of the City and they had met several times on the site to discuss problems that had come up, and the problems were being worked out in the field. Also, that William Olson, Jr. Project Architect had submitted several preliminary drawings and ideas on traffic patterns and will meet with the Engineer some time this month. Engineer Knobbs re- ported to Council that this is the normal and usual procedure in the case of construction. Councilwoman Doyle reported of her meeting with Mr. Del Guzzi, and that she had received reasonable answers from him and that there will be trees planted on the side of the Safeway Complex creating a buffer from the highway. Also stated that extra traffic lanes are needed and wants to see the plans of the State showing the lanes and other items. Engineer stated that the plans will be available within a week or so. Councilwoman Doyle stated that there are still drainage problems which are unresolved and there is standing water on the Church property that was not there before the complex. Engineer reported there has always been standing water in the swampy section, and that as the elevation of drainage area had not been raised,there could not be any more water now than before, except for the abnormal rains we have had recently. Councilwoman Doyle read letter prepared by herself relative to Parks and Recreation in this community. This letter is attached and is made part of these minutes. Councilwoman Doyle also stated that she talked with representatives of the AWC and that they will assist the City in obtain- ing funds for parks and recreation. Councilman Van Zee reported that a meeting will be held at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, March 12, in the Council Chambers on Parks and Recreation and that a good movie would be shown. Mayor read an invitation from the Bethel Grange inviting the Council to attend an Open House in honor of our new Senator C. W. Beck on Sunday March 17, 1974 from 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. On motion by Roos, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Council approved the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City, the regional sewer agreement with the County for phase 1 of the regional sewer plan for planning only. Mayor reported that the parking problem at the County Courthouse seems to have been corrected by the actions of Commissioners and that at this time no further action will be taken by the City. Chairman Caldwell of the Street and Alley Committee reported that there are available spaces for parking in the merchants parking lot and in sev- eral tours of the area have found empty spaces. Councilman Caldwell also reported that John Kingsbury of Natural Resources had inspected the fir tree near the Daniels residence and that the only March 11, 1974 Page Three probable danger would be if there was rot on the top where the tree had been topped in the past and also reported that the tree has been removed by a party, for the wood and all at no cost to the City. Attorney reported that he had been contacted by the Insurance Company which is handling the charges against the Chief of Police and had been requested to release himself from that portion of the suit. Chief Dow stated it was alright with him and on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council approved the withdrawal from that portion of the Griffith suit. Attorney also reported of meeting with Mr. Pontius, Councel for Mr. Griffiths and that Mr. Pontius had reviewed the deposition of Mr. Knobbs and he was going to meet with Mr. Griffiths in an attempt to have the suit against Mr. Knobbs dropped. Attorney will have more information on this by the end of the week, also that the trial between the City and Mr. Griffiths has been set for June 6, 1974. Attorney informed the Council that normally a pond, creek, lake or other water areas are not an attractive nuisance if they are not man made. Council discussed several ways as to what could be done, in cases such as this, ie; draining and filling, form a drainage LID with all partic- ipating, and/or fencing. Matter still being reviewed by the Street and Alley Committee. Attorney also informed Council that the City could not force other parties to participate or do anything. Attorney informed Council that a letter has been written to Mr. Clauson relative to his business operation, informing him that he must apply for a Special Use Permit. No letter has been written to Mr. Stoops as there is not enough evidence to go to court and the complaints received by the neighbors are not substantiated by any evidence. Engineer reports: 1. Marine dredging will be completed by March 14 or 15th. 2. Mr. Siegfried of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co., will discuss the absorbing of the lights on Pottery Blvd. and get in touch with the City. Stated that if we drop from the 20,000 lumen to a 7,000 lumen it would decrease the cost of operation. 3. After investigating the sewer lines in the area of the Little League restrooms, it is quite evident that the problem is under the restrooms. Chief Weatherill reported that about 8 trees had been removed from the Y and replanted around Fire Hall #2. The old Campbell home at the site of the Marine parking lot will be burned as a practice drill. On motion by Roos, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved Weatherill and Gadberry to attend a Fire Command School in Yakima on April 4 through April 8th, 1974, in the amount of $$ each. I00•00 Finance Chairman Geiger reported on the negotation with the Union and Mr. Hendershott, mediator from the Department of Labor and Industries as a result of impasse request of the Union. After negotiating for most of the day, the Finance Committee presented a signed statement that a raise in the anount of 9.0% of the 1973 salary will be recommended to the Council at the March 11, 1973 meeting. After further negotiations a revised proposal was submitted which would be recommended to the City Council at their March 11, 1974 meeting, that a 9.5% increase of the 1973 salary or an alternate of a 40 cent per hour increase over the 1973 salary. Chairman Geiger informed the Council of how the committee arrived at the recommendation with the resignation of Mr. Helm and of Mr. Weaver and that the park man will be leaving in April, all of which will not be replaced. Also, at this time, discussion was held on the union contract and after comparing the City proposed contract against the original con- tract submitted by the Union to the City, the City proposed contract with the changes as recommended by the Committee was approved on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Geiger and carried. Roos no. March 11, 1974 Page Four On motion by Geiger, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 929 be tabled until the completion of negotiations. Councilman Roos asked the Council 4f the Police Department should police the gas traffic or if this is the responsibility of the dealers. The consensus of the Council is that this is a responsibility of the City. Councilman Roos moved that a letter be written to the Commissioners of the Bremerton Council requesting a price per 1000 gallons of water,:if they would consider the absorption of our Water -Sewer system as a portion of Bremerton's system and that we should have an answer by our next meeting as the City must make a decision. Motion seconded by Fulton. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the original motion by adding, if Bremerton would consider the installation of the transmission line as an alternative. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Doyle. On the vote, Council approved the amendment to the original motion. On the vote, Council approved the amended original motion. Councilman Van Zee reported to the Council on activities within the Park Department, also that the V.F.W. will supply and hang the baskets on Bay Street, and the Lions Club and Scouts from Pack #526 are about to begin their project on Pottery Blvd. The Park Committee and Commission are soliciting vines and all other bank coverage from the public and others to use on the Blvd. After considerable discussion as to the use by the Council members of the mailing privileges of the City, Councilman Roos stated that some guidelines should be set. Councilman Fulton moved that no Council mem- ber shall use the postage meter or stamps paid by the City. Motion seconded by Councilman Geiger and approved by the Council with Council- woman Doyle and Councilman Roos voting no. Mayor Powers asked the Council if they want to have tape recorder for the Council use in both minutes and other meetings. On motion by Councilman Fulton, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Council approved the motion of Councilman Fulton that the City dispense with the use of a tape recorder at their meetings, with Councilwoman Doyle and Council- man Roos voting no. Councilman Caldwell stated that his interpretation of the minutes for the February 25, 1974 meeting of the Lieseke petition was that his motion was that the Council would not resist the petition and that ? the streets as per the agreement would be vacated and that there would be no charge to the petitioners for the vacated streets. Councilwoman Doyle moved that City government should have a policy of politeness and consideration to all citizens, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried. Councilman Geiger moved and Councilman Roos seconded that the bills be allowed and that Vouchers #9861 through #9838 be paid and that the Feb- ruary Payroll in the amount of $30,757.48 be allowed. Councilman Roos moved to amend the motion by deleting the warrent #9875 in the amount of $55.28, for the 1974 maintenance agreement on the senior Friden adding machine in the Treasurer's office to check if the machine is worth this expenditure and to change warrant #9867 by deducting $4.00 for stamps which was included as expenditure by Councilwoman Doyle. Motion seconded by Councilman Fulton and carried. Council approved the amended motion that the following bills be allowed as amended: General Government, $4,522.61; Police, $1,679.43; Fire, $1,137.16; Park, $51.65, Utilities, $4,659.76 and Street $1,801.15 in the total amount of $13,851.76. Council adjourned at 12:45 A.M. on motion by Councilman Roos, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried. R Ir Clerk` ` Mayor 41 ..are., 4 Otaer Aft** sh01ee1inear, and greft arm art of fret Importemps to vor4 heard a &LI the oolle who wiJoy living kart. DevelapiM both a better 1909 &UOMa l•rograa for ail age& and jai the value of OUT areas Of "OW natwM1 beeeea<ty an mate conceraae iddah deeservo ULgb vrioeritY. I hive been t"Ing to awwblo an iarerseatorg Of eta# Is hams tee start --dth. and 7 hope in son try to consIder all the �..AertjculAr prob2sme eat suMbIO l.eexd nacre, sonssirwtion, and reeratIon under a seordie ated r1w. Of owurse. land 00ntwd" and watereesWs, as shut► an our ee :,ralrre sIv a i. an bees. i'hs a mntRy hue a f, Fes plan underwy, and the its aid planndeoule! not stop at the city zijdte. Wr iwe vateer ad g boos and rwidtlawat seenery are major "sets Wdah ww oan ew. _hasise. 'we bom eepe Yaeeaut1W ee* lag sued nm is the time to Secure additional fozmd sa inter fLmo dom tje hills areas. " huge ov 1 nataral ravi -1--h eaeee fish aid birds and tress flourish . We have drainage and aetoty 4mabUwi t��C`►,solves toot as we how bow so tregimI4 m4nded. 1 think to should start with the natural d=ArAk ee tWol w ftw oast Arest down Sidney rams. ineludiW tbo historical log Oaf• and emkine at the na im, 3 belieeve w ddeoedd awpn•t the strom cw=Ludty effWls to d""p both our natural lends and our a ceoreatis;arnAl #-xogrww. Z ho,,e we will voM.)erate with the other units of scent and the alvlc grvw,�s in AIM,; $ develop , aW extending a ram. ' worthiWe lat e-wsa a `r.'rogns• I have hem Rafts diseassed from exrunty :aka and ��. school sty >ires ate,, Southt��, �.afte and so�fthaLl lexafues, arsi ors anisatlons of all age from y.aw,,th t: �s� 3 to elder�,ye 10ve head traa bailftra MW h" agreed tto-Unt a*re U"s ism t haw aw dolt Vby belidos f " Vve heatd t)ry a concerned c t3,seens abowt the salmon strewn. X thix* w eroli d Was and mmuad rea wn far try to am idth loom! oaoj*ration in the direr of x-lannIM and. aeq uiritg beettar tics. tin Friday, 1 andsd a long i*W of meetings in 01a Aft a ref"shim visit to U" ater and the bswt'i!!tl rivor Awsawid wd traLls thy the aabu#es Hivero i-e have the waters the idliFee, and the v%rotatiore to devrlop that lord of iaAaaand twM# tee►. l heellom gee have the Into xwet and the enthusiasm to do it. i also think we hirer the fiends to got started and em got it we can got Wethor or. aA I= ,� u � l_ r oonsideeratien. axone oyc