03/25/1974 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington March 25, 1974 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular sess- ql ion by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Roos �� Caldwell, Libby, Van Zee, Geiger and Councilwoman Doyle. Also present Engineer Knobbs, Attorney McCluskey, Chief Dow and Weatherill. Minutes of meeting of March 11, 1974 approved as circulated on motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilwoman Doyle and carried. Clerk read thank you message from Daffodil Festival Princess Stephanie McLaughlin of Lincoln High School. Mrs. Harriet Norwood and Mrs. Marilyn Dengler, representing the South Kitsap Junior Women's Club informed the Council of the Clean -Up day for the south end on April 20, 1974 and requested use of the sanitary fill for the refuse. The time will be between 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 noon. Mr. Mark Swan and Mr. Floyd Ayala representing the South Kitsap Hospital Association read resolution to the Council requesting an extension on the foreclosure sale of the Hospital property until December 1, 1974, in order that a proposition can be placed on the November ballot. Also informed Council that they are attempting to get a certificate of need for a 37 bed facility from the State. Also informed Council that a straw vote will be taken on April 2, 1974 to get an idea of the public "wants". On motion by Councilman Fulton, seconded by Councilman Van Zee and carried, Council approved the request. Councilman Roos and Council- man Geiger abstained from voting. Letter read from Mr. Thomas Dickover of 101 Shamrock Lane, requesting Council to amend the animal control ordinance to allow boarding kennels to operate within the City. Matter referred to Police Committee to make recommendations. Clerk will assist. Clerk informed Council of the offer from Mr. George Fister in the amount of $11,000.00 to purchase the old Taylor Street property aka Lots 7 & 8 Block 4, Sweany's Addition. Matter referred to Park and Recreation Comm- ittee. Councilwoman Doyle stated that Council should consider the best possible use of any City property and that the Council should persue the County's offer. Clerk read bids received for the sale of the 1953 dump truck and the 1946 grader: Stanley Ohman, Rt. 1, Box 513A, Port Orchard 1946 Adams Grader 201.99 1953 Chevrolet Dump Truck 101.99 Andrew Maier, 2350 Sidney 1953 Chevrolet Dump Truck 305.00 Roy Anderson, Bx 12226, Bremerton, Wash. 1953 Chevrolet Dump Truck 300.00 Engineer recommended that the bid in the amount of $305.00 for the 1953 Chevrolet dump truck be accepted and that the bids for the 1946 Adams grader be rejected. Council, on motion by Councilman Fulton and seconded by Councilman Libby, accepted the bid for the 1953 Chevrolet dump truck in the amount of $305.00. On motion by Fulton, seconded by Councilman Van Zee and carried, Council rejected all bids for the 1946 Adams grader. On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded by Councilman Fulton and carried Council approved the month of April as National Cancer Month and approved the Mayor to proclaim same. On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded by Councilman Libby and carried Council approved the dues statement of the Planning Association of Wash- ington in the amount of $20.00 for the year 1974 upon the request of the Planning Commission. March 25, 1974 Page Two On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded by Councilman Van Zee and carried Council approved the subscription of the publication, Zoning Bulletin, in the amount of $20.00 for the year 1974 as requested by the Planning Commission. Clerk read a letter from Puget Sound Power and Light Co. informing Council that they did not want to acquire the lighting system on Port Orchard Blvd. for three reasons: 1. Vandalism factor. 2. Maintenance would be difficult as the systems components are not compatible with Puget's specifications. 3. The lighting level should remain as originally designed. Also informed Council that if the luminaries were reduced to 7,000 lumen it would be a savings of $155 per lighting unit per month. Mayor Powers informed Council of the meeting on Thursday the 28th of March on the Water Improvement Plan and stated Mr. Thompson, the City's bond advisor, Mr. Warren, of Kramer, Chin and Mayo, preparer of the Referendum 27 applications, a representative from Bremerton, one from Anapolis Water District and a representative from DOE will be present. Councilman Van Zee reported on various park and recreation items and also reminded the Council that a decision must be made as to whether or not the City will participate in the joint Park and Recreation ven- ture with the South Kitsap School District and the County for supervised recreation. Mayor reported that Mrs. Jerry Bruckart informed him that the Sidney Art Association will hold their annual exhibit on May 4 through May 6 1974 and the log cabin will be open to the public, Mrs. Howe's home will be open to the public and an auction will be held in the Howe Building at the corner of Frederick and Bay Streets from 9:00 A.M.to midnight on May 2, 1974. Mayor Powers reported to the Council of a Human Resources meeting on April 9, 1974 in the City Hall Conference Room in Bremerton at 1:30 PM. Councilman Van Zee will attend. Mayor also informed Council of a Community Social Service Organization meeting at 2:00 P.M. April 3, 1974 at the Olympic Center on local service sponsors for young people,and on parks and recreation matters. Council- woman Doyle will attend. Engineer reported: 1. Reported of a meeting at the Community College on April 8, 1974 relative to Regional Sewer Plan and that all the participating entities are to attend. A representative from the Department of Social and Health Services will be on the program. 2. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council approved the recommendation of the Engineer to replace the motor and gear box in the approximate cost $1,300.00 plus installation at the sewer treatment plant. 3. Reported that vandelism is getting to be a major problem with City equipment and that the Council should think of some way to protect the City's equipment. Chief Dow reported that he has one man (Sibley) on light duty and another (Benton) off duty because of accidents. Councilman Geiger reported on the meeting with the owners of the Quik-Pac Grocery on Bethel Avenue relative to the potential traffic hazard, in part created by the patrons entering and leaving the grocery store. It was suggested that the speed limit be reduced from the present speed of 35 MPH to 25 MPH from Plisko Lane intersection with Highway 160 to the intersection of Highway 160 and Bay Street. Chief Dow reported he had discussed this with Mr. Robert Truitt, State Highway engineer and was informed that if a traffic count showed that 85% of the drivers drove March 25, 1974 Page Three 25 mphcx more., they would approve the lowering. If not, it would remain the same. Also, that Mr. Truitt will be here Thursday and Dow will dis- cuss this further. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Council- woman Doyle and carried, Council approved the lowering of the speed limit from 35 mph to 25 mph from Plisko Lane intersection with Highway 160 to the intersection of Highway 160 with Bay Street in both directions. Letter will be writen to the State Highway Department stating the action of the Council and requesting the State to concur. Also discussed the possibility of a Local Improvement District encompassing the whole area to install a third lane. This is also being explored. Councilman Geiger also informed Council of the meeting with those parties spearheading the drive to fill the pond in.,which the Darbro child was drowned. Present at the meeting were Mr. Parker and his son, owners of the property to the north of the pond and Mr. Slezak, owner of property to the south and the following residents of the area: Mr. Ragsdale, Mr. Rappleye, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Darbro and the committee along with Mr. Terry McCluskey, City Attorney. The entire problem was discussed in the area of filling, draining, fencing and of posting signs. The possibility of a drainage area improvement was also discussed. Mr. Marker stated that he would cooperate in whatever manner he could afford and that he would consider either selling the property or possibly deeding it to the City for public use. Mr. Slezak also stated that he would cooperate as much as possible. The idea of Mr. Marker and Mr. Slezak dedicating the pond area for public use seemed to have merit in that the whole area could then be leveled and used for a play field. Councilman Geiger informed Council of the letter from the Union repre- sentative responding to the amended, or City's proposed working agree- ment by a counter proposal as follows: ARTICLE V: Add the following: All provisions of this article are subject to the grievance procedure. ARTICLE VI: We would propose the following language for Union Security: All employees of the City who are members of the Union on the effect- ive date of the Agreement shall, as a condition of employment, remain members of the Union for the duration of the Agreement. All new employees hired after the effective date of this Agreement shall, as a condition of employment, sign a payroll deduction card 30 days after date of employment, and remain members of the Union for the duration of the Agreement. ARTICLE VII: Change the one (1) hour call back you proposed to two (2) hours mini- mum. ARTICLE X: Add the following: to be used for the upkeep of all clothing, including shoes and leather goods, balance left to be paid in cash at the end of the year. The letter also included a statement "In regard to holiday, vacation and sick leave, we would refer you to our letter of March 13th in which we stated the employees would retain all fringe benefits that were received prior to negotiations", this item has never been negotiated. Clerk will send copies of the counter proposal to all Council members. The question of Council going into executive sessions relative to union negotiations was asked of the Attorney. He will research this question and will inform the Clerk as soon as possible. Councilman Geiger moved that contingent upon the legality, as will be furnished by the City Attorney, Council will take action to give executive session's counter proposals directly to Union without Council action at a public meeting. Motion seconded by Councilman Van zee. On the question Council approved the motion with Councilwoman Doyle voting no. March 25, 1974 Page Four Councilman Van Zee stated that the City will need a park man as Jack Magnuson will be leaving around the first of April. Mayor stated that the City will probably operate with the personnel as is. Councilwoman Doyle submitted written report on her inspection of City property for the month of March. This report is attached and shall be- come part of these minutes. Also stated that there should be no permit fees charged to those non-profit organizations doing good for the public. Also, that there should be a B & O tax instituted for businesses within the City. This matter will be studied by the Finance Committee. Reported that the County Shorelines Master Plan is progressing and that they are meeting bi-weekly in Silverdale and the Plan should be completed by June. Also asked if there could be some help in the travel expenses of the three members attending these meetings. On motion by Councilman Van Zee, seconded by Councilman Roos and carried, Council approved mileage at 10� per mile to and from the meeting. Councilwoman Doyle asked Council to declare a moratorium on the issuance of any more building permits in the Bethel Avenue area until there has been a comprehensive study and plan, including but not limit-eci-to the following items: earthmoving, buildings, drainage, traffic. She stated that the entire area should be reviewed and studied and that an Environ- mental Impact Statement should be written for the entire area. Council- woman Doyle moved that a moratorium be placed on the issuance of all permits in the entire Bethel Avenue area until a Comprehensive Study and Plan has been made of the entire area. Motion seconded by Council- man Geiger. On the question, Councilwoman Doyle and Councilman Roos voted yes, balance of Council voted no. Councilwoman Doyle moved that all motions made and acted upon be on tape to insure correct minutes. Motion died for lack of second. Councilwoman Doyle informed Council that the option on the purchase of the old Seventh Day Adventist Church on Sidney in the amount of $35,000.00 has been extended for thirty days, after which the purchase price will be $42.000.00 and Council should consider the purchase of this building to be used as a library and for public use. Councilman Fulton was informed by the Attorney that there has been no settlement with the Bonding Company relative to the sewer break on Port Orchard Blvd. Attorney stated that suit may have to be instituted. Attorney was instructed to write a letter to the bonding company with copies going to all State agencies interested, and this may hasten the settlement. (Department of Labor and Industries, Attorney General's office, Insurance Commissioner). Councilman Fulton informed Council of the tap fee condition on the plat of Shamrock Lane, that in the past a reduction was given in the tap fees, that there are two new taps ready at this time and there will be two more or final taps. Councilman Fulton moved that for the remaining four taps the charge be reduced to $125.00 per tap and that this shall apply in this case only. Motion seconded by Roos and carried with Councilman Geiger voting no. Councilman Fulton recommended that the Water, Sewer and Sanitation Comm- ittee be allowed to review all utility ordinances and update them. Recomm- endation approved. On motion by Councilman Fulton, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. 1 d 4- a Clerk, `"� Mayor