04/08/1974 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 8, 1974 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular sess- ion by Mayor Pro-Tem Robert Geiger. Councilmembers present: Caldwell Doyle, Libby, Van Zee and Roos. Also present Attorney McCluskey, Chief Dow and Fire Marshal Erdahl. Councilman Fulton, Mayor Powers and City Engineer Knobbs attended a meeting of the proposed regional sewer system and treatment plan. Y Minutes of March 25, 1974 Council meeting approved with the following corrections on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Roos and carried. Show Chairman Caldwell as being excused. Also on page 4, paragraph 7 should be corrected to include the name of the developer of Shamrock Lane (Mr.-✓ Del Taylor) and the reason for the reduction in the tap fee was that sometime in the past the developer was given a reduction in the tap fee and that it would be only proper to be consistent on the part of the City. Mr. John Mills, Maple and DeKalb Street requested the Council to re- surface Maple Street as it is getting to be a rough road. Mayor referred the matter to the street committee. Six residents living between Sidney and Garrison Streets on Tremont submitted a petition to the Council requesting adequate lighting be installed at that area. Signers are Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Caldwell, 440 Tremont; Mr. & Mrs. D. Rickwall, 438 Tremont; Edward Barnes, 408 Tremont; Lillian Cameron, 1448 Garrison; Mrs. Grace Smith, 1428 Garr- ison and George Bilderback, 1449 Flower. Matter referred to Fire and Light Committee. Street and Alley Committee will review the R/W width on Tremont. Mayor opened the continued hearing on the petition of Mr. Vernon Lieseke requesting the vacation of portion of Sweany, Taylor and West street. Mr. Lieseke informed the City Clerk that he wished to drop from the original petition any portion of West Street. On motion by Councilman Van Zee, seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried, Council approved the petition for the vacation of those portions of Sweany and Taylor Streets and eliminated those portions of West Street as requested by Mr. Lieseke. Mr. Colin Hergert, Recreational Advisor for School District #402 pre- sented Council with a short resume of a proposed Community Supervised Recreational Program to commence this spring on a joint venture basis with the City, County and School District. The existing facilities will be used, and at the start, Givens School, with the Active Club Building and East Port Orchard Elementary School would be used. If at a later date, funds could be obtained, South Colby and Olalla would also be in the program. Informed Council that the County and School District have passed resolutions to cooperate in the program and that the City should consider the same. The cost to the City for this one season would.be $12,780.00. The County will give high priority for two positions--in--the South Kitsap area and the School District would contribute maintenance and operation for their in -kind portion of the program. The City would be paying about $3,000.00 per instructor for the two within the program. It is anticipated that in future years, this could be maintained by a levy within the Park District Program. Council will meet Wednesday April 10, 1974 at 7:30 for a work session to review and determine if the City can arrange to participate within the South District Program. Clerk presented to the Council a Claim for damages in the amount of $250,000.00 by Wayne and Mary Darbro, 1320 Garrison Street, against the City for the death of their son Wayne Thomas Darbro because of drowning in the drainage pond on Radey Street east of West Street. On motion by Councilman Van Zee, seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried Council rejected the claim and referred same to City's Insurance carrier. Councilwoman Doyle relayed her sympathies to Mr. Darbro and Mrs. Darbro on the loss of their son. Mr. Darbro informed the Council that he felt that he had to file the Claim as no action had been taken by the City to correct the condition and he felt that this should make the City do something. April 8, 1974 Page Two Mr. Lee Johnson, Consulting Engineer, presented his company as desiring to work with the City. Stated their main office is in Everett with a second office at Bellevue and they also work with Mr. Ted Johnson of Silverdale as an associate. Clerk read letter from the City Attorney explaining the Open Meeting Act relative to negotiations with labor unions. Mayor Pro-Tem Geiger read counter -proposal discussed by Council at their executive meeting as follows: Article V: Leave the same as originally submitted by the City. It was felt that this was only repeating what is clear- ly stated in Article IV and would just tend to be re- dundant and possibly confusing. Article VI: The City resubmits the wording as written in the Working Agreement. Article VIII: The one (1) hour call back within the City proposed was exactly as written in the original proposal submitted by the Union. Since this would allow for actually 1�- hours pay, it is felt this is generous consideration for less than 1 hour of work. Article X: Add the following: The balance of the clothing allowance at year end is to be paid in cash to each individual, provided that each officer's uniform passes inspection by the supervisor. This counter -proposal is in answer to the proposal of the Union in their letter of March 13, 1974. On motion by Councilman Van Zee, seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried, Council approved the action taken by the Council at its exec- utive meeting and directed the City Clerk to forward the counter pro- posal to Local #2052 City Employees AFL-CIO Union. Councilwoman Doyle stated for the record that it was the intent of the Council to not put any employee in a position of being coerced into doing something they did not want to do. Attorney reported on discussion with representative of Bonding Company relative to the sewer break on Port Orchard Blvd. and was informed that Select Contractors had contributed their portion, but Thorburn Inc. had not as yet made their contribution, and that the Bonding Company would forward a letter of intent to the City Attorney. Chairman Caldwell of the Street and Alley Committee reported'no further developments in the Quik-Pac parking problem. Attorney reported that Mr. Clauson was informed of his violation of the zoning ordinance and Mr. Clauson contends that he is not conducting a business in his home. Council instructed Attorney to make a determin- ation by contacting Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company as to whether the phone at his home address is of a business or residential. Attorney was informed that the City of Puyallup has an ordinance that appears to control this sort of situation. Attorney will prepare draft of ordinance for Council consideration. Council discussed the imposition of a business license within the City for the purpose of registering all existing as well as all new business. Metter referred to Fire and Light Committee. Councilman Roos requested City Clerk to inform the State Highway Depart- ment that Sidney is an avenue and not a street, and that the city limits sign should be corrected to reflect this. Councilman Van Zee reported that the park man has left and that one is sorely needed. Mayor Powers will discuss this with the City Engineer April 8, 1974 Page Three in an attempt to coordinate the work 'so that there will be someone available to continue the upkeep on the City Park areas. Councilman Van Zee stated that the Council is indebted to Mr. Noerenberg for his assistance and work on the installation of the shelter —at Givens. Councilman Libby, Chairman of the Police Committee moved that the Coun- cil approve the purchase of a 1974 police pursuit can to be purchased on the State bid in an amount not to exceed $4,500.00, model and make to be at the descretion of the Chief and that the 1972 Dodge be kept for the use of the Chief and the Sargeant, that the 1970 Plymouth Fury be used as back up car and that the 1968 Plymouth Fury be sold at bid. Motion seconded by Councilman Roos. On the discussion, the merits and demerits of the compact were discussed. Councilwoman Doyle stated that at this time when funds are short, the City should not purchase a new police vehicle as there are other items of a much higher priority. On the question, Council approved the motion with Councilwoman Doyle voting no. Councilman Libby, Chairman of the Police Committee moved that a regular program should be set up on the maintenance of parking meters and that the City buy 12 meter housings at about $17.00 each at this time and send about 15 mechanisms each year, for a period of three years, to be repaired. Motion seconded by Councilman Caldwell. Councilman Van Zee moved to amend the motion to purchase 12 meter housings and to repair 15 mechanisms at this time with no continuing program. Seconded by Roos and carried. On the amended original motion, Council voted to approve. Chairman Libby, of the Police Committee moved to allow the Chief to purchase a used manual standard typwriter. Seconded by Councilman Cald- well and carried. At this time Mayor Powers, Councilman Fulton and Engineer Knobbs returned from a meeting and Mayor Powers resumed the Chair and Mayor Pro Tem Geiger resumed his position as Councilman. Councilwoman Doyle reported on her meeting with the Department of Social and Health Services, relative to volunteers in Government. Stated that if funds become available there will be 26 volunteers in the County and possibly six will be assigned to the South District. They will be reimbursed at the rate of $50.00 per week of which local governments will contribute 10%. Reported that she had received a reply to a letter written by her to Steven, Thompson and Runyan, Consulting Engineers relative to her conduct in the office of the City Engineer. Also stated that the Council should indicate the willingness to cooperate with other entities in the areas of water, sewer, fire, parks and recreation. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the Council go on record as seeking the cooperation of the Annapolis Water District, seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the Council go on record to pursue further cooperation with our Volunteer Fire Depart- ment and also with Fire District V . Seconded by Councilman Roos and carried. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the Council approve a letter be written to Mrs. Phyllis Lamphere, Councilwoman, City of Seattle, informing her that the reason Councilwoman Doyle did not attend a meeting on housing in the Puget Sound area was that the City Clerk did not make this infor- mation available to the Council in time. Mayor Powers informed Council- woman Doyle that the City no longer belongs to the PSGC and that the Council had reviewed the housing problems within the City with the Kitsap County Housing Authority. Motion died for lack of second. Councilwoman Doyle reported on a meeting with the Advisory Committee on Public Transportation and has two reports which the Council members may want to read, one of which is in regard to the use of school buses for public transportation. Councilman Caldwell has both reports at this time. Councilwoman Doyle also passed around to the Council members to read, several letters she had received from the State Highway Depart- ment relative to activities in traffic control, beautification and other allied items in the vicinity of the shopping center complex on Bethel Ave. April 8, 1974 Page Four Councilwoman Doyle was excused from the next two Council meetings by the Mayor at her request. Councilwoman Doyle requested the Clerk to notify Mr. Doyle of any work sessions or other meetings during her absence. Chairman Caldwell, Safety Committee, reported that a joint meeting with the employees proved constructive and several points were brought forth from the employees which would not have been noticed otherwise. Reported that the sewer auger now being used by the City is of potential danger when being used and asked the Council to approve the purchase of a new auger in the approximate amount of $1,500.00. Councilman Fulton moved and Councilman Caldwell seconded that the Engineer be authorized to purchase a new auger if needed. Motion carried with Councilman Roos and Councilwoman Doyle voting no. Chairman Caldwell, Street and Alley Committee, presented map showing proposed change in the parking along Bay Street by eliminating all parking from Harrison Street East to Rockwell Street on the North side of Bay Street, to become effective when the plans have been approved by the State Highway Department. Councilman Caldwell moved that the plan be adopted by the Council at this time, seconded by Councilwoman Doyle. On the Discussion, Councilman Caldwell stated that the State would approve both left and right turns from the center lane as shown on the map. Mayor stated that the entire plan should be reviewed by the Council at a study session before jumping to a conclusion. Council- man Geiger moved to table the motion until a study session could be held, seconded by Councilman Roos and carried with Councilwoman Doyle voting no. This matter will be discussed at 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, April 10, 1974 in the Council Chambers. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the Council intends to participate in the recreation program with the School District and with the County and cooperate as far as possible with respect to financial, and with facil- ities, seconded by Councilman Van Zee. Motion lost with Councilwoman Doyle and Councilman Van Zee voting yes, balance of Council voting no. Councilman Fulton reported of the meeting with the other local govern- ment units on the regional sewer plan and that the City of Bremerton and Kitsap County mutually agreed to disagree. Councilman Van Zee stated that a letter should be written to the High School Carpentry Class thanking them for a job well done on the picnic benches that they built for the City. Also a letter of appreciation shall be written to the South Kitsap Junior Womens Club thanking them for the donations of two park benches. Councilman Geiger moved, and Councilman Fulton seconded that the bills be allowed and that Vouchers #9839 through Voucher #lQ061 be paid, and that the March payroll expenditures in the amount of $33,538.33 be allowed. Councilwoman Doyle moved, and seconded by Councilman Roos to amend the motion to hold Voucher #9957 in the amount of $152.39 to the Leonard Products Co. as the bill showed the cost of the Eureka vacuum cleaner in excess of what the Council had discussed. That a lid of $99.00 was all that was allowed in previous minutes. Clerk informed Council that the cost of this machine as discussed was about $99.00 less 10% and assessories at about $26.00 less 10o and that the balance of the Voucher was for bags and other cleaning supplies. Council approved the amendment to the original motion to hold the bill until the next meeting in order to check the minutes. Council approved the original motion as amended. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried, Council adjourned at 11:20 P.M. fClerk Mayor