09/09/1974 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington September 9, 1974 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Roos Geiger, Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby and Van Zee. Also present was Superintendent of Public Works, Knobbs, Chief Dow, Chief Weatherill and Mr. Jackson, City Attorney. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, minutes of August 12, 1974 approved as corrected. At this time Mayor Powers declared the meeting open for any comments from interested citizens on the Environmental Impact Assessment pre- pared by the consulting firm of Kramer, Chin and Mayo on the City of Port Orchard Water Improvement Program. Mr. Richard Warren of that firm was present to answer any questions or to explain any portion of the assessment. It was explained that comments would be received until September 30, 1974 by the CityO` As there were no adverse comments on the assessment, Mayor Powers closed the public hearing on the Environmental Impact Assessment. Ordinance No. 935 (vacating of a portion of Division Street) was read by the City Clerk. City Attorney explained whenever the vacation of streets does not follow the disposition as stated under the Revised Code of Washington, then the area to be vacated should be put up for public bid. As there is some question as to how disposition can be made of that portion of Division Street, Council- man Geiger moved to approve Ordinance #935 to vacate that portion of Division Street described in the Ordinance if the disposition can be accomplished according to State law, and if disposition cannot be made according to State law, then the portion to be vacated shall be put up for public bid. -Seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Fulton, seconded and carried, Ordinance No. 936, vacating a portion of Cedar Street was approved. Mr. Lane, residing south of Mr. Herb Theisen, 110 Bay Street, re- quested information on possibility of sewer in his area. Matter referred to Engineer Knobbs who will arrange a meeting with the residents in that area and explain the procedures. Mrs. Kay Doll, Social Director for the South Kitsap Senior Citizens Program, requested the use of the -Active Building each Wednesday and Friday for the senior citizens at no cost. Councilman Van Zee moved that the group could use the building provided there is no conflict with youth groups and that there is a responsible person to see that proper clean-up is accomplished and that there would be no charge for the premises. Mr. Van Zee also stated that the use would be on an interim basis until the Parks Committee could meet and review the request, and the use of the building. Seconded and carried. Clerk read a letter from William R. Garland, Attorney at Law, relative to parking spaces set aside for Horluck Transportation Company to accomodate patrons of the ferry service. Also stated that Horluck Transportation Company desires to cooperate as fully as possible in the development of the harbor area but insists that there be no change in the present parking arrangements. Street and Alley Committee will review the parking area, the costs for parking, if any, and the hours for which parking is allowed and will report back to Council. The signing will be completed by the end of September and at this time a meeting will be held with the merchants and others involved. City Attorney will write a letter to Mr. Garland relative to obtaining a copy of a letter Mrs. Lieseke claims to have, authorizing her 70 parking spaces for her patrons. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the Council show more willingness to cooperate and to indicate a cooper- ative attitude toward working with Horluck Transportation Company to come to a conclusion. Seconded and carried. Attorney will in- clude in his letter to Mr. Garland the attitude of the above motion. After brr the "ity ADD (Councilwoman Doyle critized the Envl7onmientul Impact Statement, Yr. Wgrreri of Kra:.er, Ch:n & N:`aye st:it,d that he thot.ght himself sufficiently .:knovledge- -3b e. of V—i-i, s1te thRt hi c L *v^1+i g it la,, r'et 1©c::�Esar.T- September 9, 1974 Page Two Clerk read letter from State Highway Department transmitting the proposed plan for the channelization at Bethel Road Intersection on SR 160. Councilman Caldwell moved that the plan including a right turn lane onto Manchester highway be approved. Motion seconded. Council was informed by the City Engineer that the cost to the City to have the right turn lane installed by the State, at the same time of the improvement to the intersection by the State would be $2,700.00. Councilman Geiger stated that the City should not have to incur the cost of the right turn lane. On the question the motion lost with six nays. Councilman Roos moved that the plan as transmitted by the State be approved and that if the State would absorb the cost of $2,700.00 to install the right turn lane onto the Manchester Highway, the City would approve the installation. Seconded and carried. Councilwoman Doyle voting no, A­sCAI­O(u�244, Mayor declared a 10 minute recess at 9:35 P.M. Meeting resumed at 9:50 P.M. Clerk read Resolution No. 1136 adopting the six year construction portion Of the Six Year Comprehensive Street Program for the years 1975-1980. Councilwoman Doyle moved to table until copies can be reviewed by the members of the Council. Seconded and carried. Clerk read Resolution No. 1137 setting the date for a hearing on an unnamed alley lying between Lot 6, Block 17 and the West X. of Lot 3 all of Lots 4 and 5, Block 17, Plat of Sidney, for Monday, October 14, 1974 at 7:45 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Resolution approved on motion by Councilman Roos seconded and carried. Clerk read letter from Mr. R. Rivas, 316 Naval Avenue, Bremerton, Washington, the owner of property at 1017 Bay Street, Port Orchard formerly Beacon Electric, appealing the abatement procedure placed on the building on the property at 1017 Bay Street by the City Building Inspector in conjunction with the Fire Marshal. Mayor assigned the matter to a committee composed of Councilwoman Doyle, Councilman Roos and Libby. Committee will meet with the Building Inspector and Fire Marshal. Clerk read calendar of the 1974 AWC Regional Meetings. The nearest meeting for this City is at Winslow on Tuesday, September 24, 1974 at the Wing Point Country Club beginning at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Frank Vibrans will be the host Mayor. Councilman Caldwell and Councilman Libby stated they will attend and will bring their wives. Clerk will notify host Mayor. Matter of filling the vacancy on the Park Commission by the resig- nation of Mr. Maynard Lundberg carried over to the next meeting as there are three parties desirous of serving the City on this Commission. (1) Clarence Hovde, 245 Fireweed (2) Wayne Darbro, 1320 Garrison and (3) John Domin3uez, 520 Sweany St. Council, on motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, approved the Mayor's appointment of Terry Bontrager, 810 Kitsap Street to the City Planning Commission. Mayor informed Council of the dedication of the Port Orchard Marina at 1:00 P.M., Sunday, September 15, 1974. All are invited. Engineer reports: 1. On the Regional Study for South Kitsap Sewer Plan, the new board will be composed of the three Commissioners from the City of Bremerton and of the three County Commissioners. They will select the Consulting firm to do the planning study. 2. Informed Council that Mrs. G. L. Standish, 2362 Flower, has given up on her attempt to secure sufficient signatures to initiate a local improvement district to correct the sewer problems in the area of Flower and Fireweed. Council referred September 9, 1974 Page Three this to the City Attorney to research the possibility of initiating a Resolution by the City by reason of health con- ditions. 3. Reconstruction of Sidney from Division to Tremont nearly com- pleted. 4. Informed Council that Gould Sheet Metal can manufacture the protective covering for the lights on the Port Orchard Blvd. for about $14.00 to $16.00 each. Engineer will call the manufacturer of the original lights and get further informa- tion on this for the next Council meeting. Chief Weatherill informed Council that he will attend the Fire Chiefs Conference in Olympia, September 22 through 25. Also, that Fire Station #2 is now ready to house the emergency vehicle, and the front door of #2 station has been damaged to the extent of about $300.00. Chief Dow informed Council that his Department will enforce parking in the new parking lot beginning Monday, September 16, 1974. Councilman Geiger moved that the Council inspect the building belong- ing to the Seventh Day Adventist Church and consider the purchase of the property to be used for Senior Citizens and other groups. Seconded and carried. Councilman Roos asked if letters had been sent to those having problems with false alarms. Clerk will check with Chief Dow on this. Councilman Libby informed Council of his acceptance as a member on the South Kitsap Hospital Advisory Board. Councilman Libby moved that the Council approve the purchase of a Unitrol unit (siren, speaker and connecting bar) for the new police car in the approximate amount of $516.00. Seconded and carried. Councilman Libby stated that the police office needs air conditioning in the worst way and moved to have this reviewed by the Finance Comm- ittee as to available funds. The cost is quoted at $1,260.00. Seconded and carried. Matter of replacing s along Prospect Street was mentioned by Councilwoman Doyle. Clerk will contact Mr. Carl Hochhaus, Fernwood, relative to replacing three trees knocked out by Mr. Hochhaus when he had his wreck. Councilwoman Doyle reported on the progress of the committee on ped- estrian paths and bicycle trails for the south portion of the County stating the priorities that are being set, and informed Council that at their next meeting, September 12, 1974, a Comprehensive Plan will be adopted and at the next meeting of the Council this comprehensive plan will be submitted for Council approval. Also informed Council that the League of Women Votors will have a meeting between 10:00 and 12:00 noon, September 18, 1974 at the Hearthstone. This meeting will be on transportation and the speakers will be (1) Mr. Paul Gamble, Community Development, office of the Governor, (2) Mr. V. W. Korf, Highway Department and (3) Mr. Jerry P,SGovernmental Conference. After this meeting, a discussion will be held on the transportation problems of South Kitsap County. Councilman Caldwell moved that the 4 cy Hercules Roller engine be declared as of no further use to the City, of salvage value only and that the engine be disposed of by the City Engineer. Seconded and carried. Councilman Caldwell informed Council that the appraised value of the Mitchell property has been set by two separate real estate brokers at $5,000.00. Councilman Van Zee moved that the Street Committee negotiate with the owners as to a price to purchase the property. Seconded. Councilwoman Doyle moved to amend the motion by setting September 9, 1974 Page Four a figure of $5,000.00. Seconded and carried. Original motion as amended carried with two fzays. Chairman Fulton of the Water -Sewer Committee moved that the utility charges for the log cabin belonging to the Sidney Arts Corporation be waived. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion by adding "provided the Puget Sound Power and Light also waive their charges". Seconded. Motion lost with two yeas and five nays. Original motion carried. Councilman Geiger moved to allow the bills and that vouchers #10403 through voucher #10493 in the amount of $59,816.65 be paid and that August payroll in the amount of $28,972.40 be allowed. Meeting adjourned at 12:25 A.M. on motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried. Clerk t Z?4 Mayor