09/22/1974 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington September 22, 1974 City Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers. Jr. Council members present: Fulton Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Roos and Geiger. Councilman Van Zee absent in hospital. others present: Attorney Terry McCluskey, Engineer Knobbs and Chief Dow. Chief Weatherill excused while at Fire Chief's Con- ference. On motion by Councilman Roos and seconded, Council approved the min- utes of September 9, 1974 as corrected. Mr. Jim Rosendale, teacher for education in Transcendental Meditation requested the use of the Active Building for one or two meetings to inform the public of the technique of Transcendental Meditatio Lit-&* 2X E{F= Those so desiring may sign up for the seven meeting coursex- aTat e following tuition: high school students, $55.00; college students $65.00 and adults $125.00. After a brief explanation of the tech- nique, Council, on motion by Councilman Fulton, seconded and carried approved the use of the Active Building at those times when youth groups ar not interfered with. They will pay the regular charge for clean up of the premises. Mr. R. Rivas, owner of the property at 1017 Bay Street, Beacon Elect- ric, presented the Council with plans of his future development of the property and requested about two months additional time to start demolition of the building. Council, on motion by Councilman Cald- well, seconded and carried, allowed Mr. Rivas until December 1, 1974 to get the former tenant to remove the equipment from the building, & then begin demolition of the building,• y Mr. Robert Gehring, 751 Mitchell Street informed the Council of City Planning Commission requesting him to furnish the Commission with elevations of the area which Mr. Gehring plans to develop and the Commission informing Mr. Gehring that the application for a Special Use Permit is the wrong application for his development, further stating that he have an application for a Planned Unit Development. Mr. Gehring was informed that there is no section in the existing zoning ordinance for a P.U.D. Engineer Knobbs asked Mr. Gehring to contact him Tuesday and he will explain what is needed for elevations. e. On motion by Councilman Roos and seconded, Council approved Resolution #1136, updating the six year comprehensive street plan for the period 1975-1980, Councilwoman Doyle voting no, by reason that there had not been enough consideration for streets on the east side of the City. Clerk read letter from the Port Orchard Library Board of Trustees informing Council of their activities and recommendations. Letter noted and filed. Attorney McCluskey informed Council that the letter relative to Horluck Transportation Company had been written to Attorney William Garland. Clerk distributed copies of the ordinance relative to registration of businesses within the City to Council members for their review and recommendations. The matter of the Lowry Zoning Plan was presented to the Council. Councilwoman Doylevstated that now is the time to get planning assist- ance and that there appears to be sufficient funds in the planning budget to acquire the part time services of the County Planning Dep- artment for the balance of this year. Mayor stated that the matter of part time service will be considered during the budget discussions for 1975. Councilman Geiger moved that the Lowry plan be broken down into outline form of the major sections of the plan and studied by the Council as to its workability. Seconded and carried. Assigned to the Finance Committee. il ^hepe 8I'6 the only coI'rec pions c,oT`�tiended to the $ . minu-tes of September 23, 1974. 1 have noted th^ ;i_ ones which I feel can be corrected. ONLY the one, on pace 2, Para�;raCh 12 oces not see.; rf.ght to re. Please t review these and report on our next rieeting Oct,obo�r 15, 197!, City Clerk Ji ty ('i ty or Pc:: -': ,1r. c}l cct, rvashil!gton re'(I a la "_ :iL':-ri l;; 'A, Tn; Paul D. Powers. J:. �ur�" ..l ilFsrniier:. rE.ser +._ ial'.on i:a..rlwt: t, le, I,ibhy, Roos ar.,' ;�e Counc-iImL.i '�'an Zi(- absen-- if) `!i3Sp.-+t.i:t 1. ?'_,"lE pr'_:SeP.t: E�t=F(:�t_. ,^j' r r r y 14CCI l_ sk.'U.'}', r::i,.;7_ I. �ncer K-lobos rind C' Jsr', .-'hlef WeathC'r l.tt :'?i^?l,'�'.=C1 'ri'hlle 2.t F'1.'-E_- Ch1ef's erer'r:c,. h'' : 1LIrCiln.-an i:oo s c]�id seconder:,Council approved the nca.n- utes oi 9, 1974 as corrected. Mr. _r RZ:�serldale, teacher for education in Transcendental Meditati-on�� _ d ­ ie use o? the Actzv,a Bui ldinq for one or two me,��c ngs to info,-s, the .public of the technique of Transcendental Moditati_on. Those s:1 a-esiring may sicin ur, for the seven meeting course at the followi',g tuition: High school students, $55.00; collec;e students` $65.00 and a(i,Ilts $125.00. After a brief explanation of the tech- ?11OUe, `.' 'lt'li`1.1, On m0'tZG:� try COunCllrilclri Fulton, SeCC?;ICied and carried appros. :i,, t IP use of the Act-i-re Building at those times when youth O 1� groups ark not .interfered with. They wi11.. pay the r,Jular charge: F for "'_earl 114p of the premises., Mr. R. Rivas, owner of the property at 1017 Bay Street--, Beacon Elect- ric, presented the Council with plans of his future development of the prcy.erty and requested about two months additional time to start demolition of the building. Council, on motion by Councilman Cald- well, seconded and carried, allowed Mr. Rivas until December 1, 1974 to get the former tenant to remove the/equipment from the building, & 3 then begin demolition of the buildinc /wh�rtxs- _i--c�-t-_be- ernpI e-tee-.-ls=a--- Mr. Robert Gehring,,751 Mitchell Street rA.infor•med the Council of City Planning Commission -requesting him to furnish the Commission with elevations of the area which Mr. Gehring plans to develop and the Commission informing Mr. Gehring that the application for a Special Use Permit is the wrong application for his development, further stating that he have an application for a Planned Unit Development. Mr. Gehring was informed that there is no section in the existing zoning ordinance for a P.U.D. Engineer Knobbs asked Mr. Gehring to contact him Tuesday and he will explain what is needed for elevations. ^--art—t�� . on motion by Councilman Roos and seconded, Council approved Resolution #1136, updating the six year comprehensive street plan for L.he period 1975-1980, Councilwoman Doyle voting no, by reason that there had not been enough consideration for streets on the east side of the City. Clerk read letter from the Port Orchard Library Board of Trustees informing Council of their activities and recommendations. Letter noted and filed. Attorney McCluskey informed Council that the letter relative to Horluck Transportation Company had been written to Attorney William Garland. Clerk distributed copies of the ordinance relative to registration of businesses within the City to Council members for their review and recommendations. The matter of the LowryZoning Plan was resented to the Council. 9 P Councilwoman Doyle.11\ta•ted that now is the time to get planning assist- ance and that there appear4 to be sufficient funds in the planning budget to acquire the part time services of the County Planning Dep- .ar'tment for the balance of this year. Mayor stated that the matter of part time service will be considered during the budget discussions for 1975.';''Councilman Geiger moved that the Lowry plan be broken down into oull- iInt form of the major sections of the plan and stti.'ai.ed ay the C'ounc_­ as to its workability. Seconded and carried. Assiqned to tht F ; I,Iance Committee. September 22, 1974 Page Three .�+,_� �:1 (�. .-r +. ..'fir ',�•i t. c!`'1Y� �)E;%'.q�_..... ,. ,'�. '_+. E j e;,� .r: ,!) , ;I '1,.'a i1_l+ �• to li7 fry-�rr tr , �'j e.c._ I.y h _ �. i.:,r_ ut.c- .- .i.,; _ty Fitt-orney rese- r,:A: -3n _: rep :­ *or o c:�_ r d Ciance . n acc. c'a 3; e with t l-e ree :C.ni wi i-i,.. t')o P ,, ; _. ��. ��,.r,l. � �;:� a.lct . i �_;f at_•c,)rlance w� t?.e-'ot'.e-al r t1 .'c'. � c� h� , i. 1, i nq t:. r.ks SecondE d an(! c , ,. r,.eci . . Oeigc,r r<�cved that t-he City incesti(,atc �?Y":11:'1 o(1t•i]-ni ntg t ie a 3_ ist-ance of an expr,_ence(l Ili ',%C:'.:LCA to lhan,�.'Iu the col leC:t -v'e tacgalnlnc t j the ('11=1 , h(3 Tic otiat+-'r- Lrnm the employees unlort 13 an Elxpe°r+: i1, th1s, fief:,! ar,i, lii't. tl:E' ',_)uncll:n.Ien are not. Seconded. C,:,unc.)_ I,q,,n Cif_'e'r a i.a0 I.rl_ i_orme} l the. CDune i l that he had letters f rc rrl t`,;() f i ,"TM a who arc in burl-riCaS and �:t.at�_'_C� their .are $3t1.1�:.' E f'r }�Qia 2.rld thatt't]e ?1linun+_ o-f $2, 500! (D would normally (,fjver the entire T?E � Jt-t.afilRi; ), 5"lied, Motion carried with one no vate. "Mayor a=;s-i.qned .. 'ie to the Finance Committee. Council.m;-:r: Roos requested a copy of the betw, L�r tiie Fort of bretoerton and the City on thr, conditions cif t,ie of the Marina. Cuun�-ilman Libby also needs a ccq y Councilman Roos requested that a review hc•lna:c- of the Animal Control Regulation, Chapters 7.04, 7.08 and 7.12, Porgy Orchard Municipal Code and cf the regulations on residential_ businesses in the Zoning Ord- inance. Mayor assigned the Animal Control review to the ire and Light Committee and assigned the Home Business review to the Planning Committee. Councilman Libby moved that the 1968 police patrol_ vehicle be declared surplus. Motion lost with no second. EncTineer will inspect the vehicle and see if it can be used in some other department. Councilman Caldwell moved that the two 1958 Royal typewriters in the police department be declared as salvage value and that they be sold as such. Seconded and carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. � ? a Clerk��'��� Mayor y'