10/28/1974 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington October 28, 1974 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger. Also present, Attorney McCluskey, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Dow and Chief Weatherill. On motion by Councilwoman Doyle, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of October 15, 1974 as corrected. Corrections are attached and are made a part of these minutes. Mr. Adrian Carr, 437 Tracy No., representing the Port Orchard United Methodist Church located at Kitsap and Sidney, requested the Council to give some consideration to the parking problems which exist on Kitsap Street from Sidney to Prospect. He stated that 12 hour park- ing creates problems as the activities of the church are of an on- going nature and the facilities are used at all times of the day as well as night meetings. Due to lack of other parking areas the cars parking on Kitsap Street are 12-hour parkers. Recommended that possibly 12 hours be allowed on the south side of Kitsap with 3 hours on the north side of Kitsap. Mayor informed Mr. Carr that the Street Committee is considering this area along with others. The Police Chief and the City Engineer will assist the Committee. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the Mayor to sign on behalf of the Council and City, the contract for Preliminary Plans for Sewerage Treatment System or Systems for a portion of Kitsap County. Engineer reported: 1. The paving of Sidney has been completed and would like Street Committee to inspect the job and give their approval. 2. No information or recommendations have been received from Mr. Robert Siegfried, local PSPL manager on the lighting system of the Blvd. 3. The County has set up a BIO Lab and will process the samples from the Sewer Treatment Plant for the City. Our crew will take the samples. Attorney McCluskey reported that a permanent injunction had been ren- dered by Superior Court Judge Robert Bryan against Mr. Tom Clauson of 1971 Sidney for parking junk and wrecked vehicles on his place of business without a Special Use Permit. Mr. Clauson has not filed an application for a Special Use Permit as of this time. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the Council implement the previous approved plan for paths for pedestrians and pedalists and prepare and submit an application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for matching funds to complete the path along the water- front from the west and up SR 160 to the City limits. Seconded. Motion lost with one yea and six nays. Council approved that the City engineer will make estimates of cost on the Kendall Street crossing, on the Blackjack cantilever crossing and on the waterfront path. Mayor Powers informed Council that when the estimates are completed, the Council should determine to either include funds for matching in the budget for 1975 or not to include funds. Clerk read letter from the firm of Walgren and Sexton, relative to the violation of the Uniform Building Code of the City by Mr. and Mrs. Worthie Doyle of 1120 Bethel Ave. Councilwoman Doyle read letter from Mr. Worthie Doyle of 1120 Bethel to Attorney McCluskey of the firm of Walgren and Sexton. October 28, 1974 Page Two Councilman Caldwell reported on meeting with Mr. Jim Armstrong, Harbormaster and Mr. T. W. Heckel of the Downtown Merchants Assoc- iation on parking problems and various ways to correct the problems. Council discussed the need for restrictive parking on several streets. Councilman Fulton stated that a complete plan should be obtained for the whole area. Attorney will review the law as to whether the City can lease out parking spaces on City streets. Councilman Caldwell stated his committee will meet with the City engineer on the poss- ibility of moving the bus stop to the new location across the street from the Dairy Queen. Commissioner William Mahan stated that the County would still like to buy the Taylor Street building. Council will consider the request. Commissioner Mahan also stated that the recycling project on Mitchell at the old County shed is being moved to the Olalla dump site. Councilman Fulton reported that Well #6 is still not in operation. Councilwoman Doyle informed Council of the County Coordinating Water Committees meeting in the Silverdale Fire Hall on Tuesday, October 29, at 7:30 P.M. Mayor declared a recess at 9:25 P.M. Council reconvened at 9:40 P.M. Councilman Roos moved to adopt the Ordinance #939 relating to and providing for registration for businesses within the City. Seconded. Councilman Geiger stated that this was not the type of ordinance that the Council needs and moved to table the motion. Seconded and carried. Councilman Van Zee moved that the Council tender an offer in the amount of $30,000.00 to the Seventh Day Adventist Church for the approximate 1 acre of land and buildings at 811 Sidney. Seconded and carried with Councilmen Caldwell, Roos and Fulton voting no. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. LERK ` ���2' %��w� '; 1.. MAYOR r