11/12/1974 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington November 12, 1974 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington was called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton Caldwell, Doyle, Van zee, Roos and Geiger. Councilman Libby absent. Also present: Chief Dow, Chief Weatherill, Engineer Knobbs and Attor- ney McCluskey. Councilman Caldwell moved that the minutes of the October 28, 1974 meeting be approved as circulated. Seconded by Councilman Fulton. z.;Councilwoman Doyle moved to amend the motion by including those letters relative to the violation of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle in not getting { a building permit to reroof their residence and to add a statement <.` *purportedly made by Councilman Caldwell relative to a fee charged by .w Mr. Richard Warren of Kramer, Chin and Mayo. Seconded by Councilman Geiger. Motion lost with Councilwoman Doyle voting yea. Original motion carried with Councilwoman Doyle voting no. Mayor Powers informed Council that this was the time for the hearing on Ordinance #940, for the vacation of a portion of Hemlock Street in Tom Cline's Addition to Port Orchard. After discussion, Councilwoman Doyle moved to continue the hearing until some decision could be arranged as to acquiring additional right-of-way from the petitioner for Mitchell Avenue. Seconded and carried. Councilman Caldwell moved that the petition be approved and that Ordinance #940 be approved, with the donation of a triangular strip, 25 feet wide at the base and 65 feet long. abutting the Sundt property to the north. Seconded and carried. Councilwoman Doyle voting nay. Mayor Powers informed Council that this was the time for the hearing on Ordinance #941, for the vacation of a strip of land 10 feet wide and 61 feet long, off the east side of Port Street as petitioned by Mrs. Norma G. Brady, Route 6, Box 159-A. Attorney McCluskey reported that he had discussed this vacation with a Mr. Hanson of the Depart- ment of Natural Resources and with two attorneys from the Attorney General's office relative to the vacating of street ends, abutting on salt and fresh water and it was quite clear that streets of this nature are not to be vacated. Furthermore, as the petition for vacation of that portion of Port Street does not abut on the water and as there is a boundary dispute on this property, it would be in order to vacate as requested. Councilman Caldwell moved to vacate that portion of Port Street as petitioned and to reserve an easement 10 feet wide within the vacated portion for future utilities and or storm drains. Seconded and carried. Councilman Fulton abstained and Councilwoman Doyle voted no. Dr. Howard Minor addressed the Council and asked that when considering �i the Registration of Business Ordinance, to give consideration to the personal liberties of the residents of the City. Mr. Sherman Coulon, Route 5, Box 36, informed the Council that the City may have the surplus material (fill) located behind the 791 Professional Building on Bethel Avenue. There is approximately 5,000 to 10,000 cubic yards available. Clerk read letter from the Seattle First National Bank relative to the delinquent local improvement assessment on LID #64 for sewerage of the South Kitsap Community Hospital Association requesting an additional extension on the foreclosure proceedings until sometime in the first quarter in 1975, at which time a second request will be presented to the people for voter approval for funds to proceed with the hospital. Councilman Fulton moved that the Hospital Association be given an extension until April 1, 1975. Seconded and carried with Councilman Roos abstaining. On motion by Councilman Fulton, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance #939 amending Ordinance #937 by including levy of $60,375.00 for interest for the year 1975 in accordance with Ordinance #934 for for the construction and installation of the Bremerton Water Intertie and a 2,000,000 gallon reservoir as approved by the voters of the City on September 17, 1974. Councilwoman Doyle voting no. November 12, 1974 Page Two Engineer repotts: 1. Engineer presented copies of bid proposal for garbage service to Council members to study for next meeting. 2. Will present copies of a bid proposal for a new garbage packer to members of the Council to study in the event the City does not call for garbage service. 3. The County has a team and facilities to test sewerage samples and will pick up the samples and test them and return the results to the City for $65.00 per month. 4. Has not yet completed the cost estimates on the pedestrian and bicycle paths in the area of the Marina, Kendall Street or Black- jack. 5. Reported that to prepare the area for the proposed bus stop east of Peninsula Feed Co. would cost in the vicinity of $1,500.00 to $3,000.00. Other ideas were expressed. City Engineer, Chief Dow � and Councilwoman Doyle will investigate and report to Council. ' 14 Db E 4 1 is M S 11- e-. j3 �-/ '?" C t+ t D `: c' ,'r= lz r� c. 4 + , -/ Clerk read letter from the City Engineer to the Mayor and Council members relative to the E.I.S. approved by the Council as of Major Action with Significant Adverse Impact on the Environment at the October 28, 1974 meeting that certain conditions have been changed. (a) Water will be available in sufficient quantity to supply multiple buildings, (b) potential drainage problems could be and will be alleviated by the installation of additional culvert and recommended that the Council adjust the determination of the October 28, 1974 meeting to a finding of Major Action with Insignificant Effect on the Environment, which would indicate no impact statement and with the records showing a Neg- ative Declaration. Councilman Geiger moved to accept the recommenda- tion of the Engineer. Seconded. Motion lost unanimously. Chief Dow requested Council as to what disposition should be made of the 1968 Plymouth patrol vehicle. Council, on motion by Councilman Roos and seconded, approved the call for bids on the sale of the 1968 Plymouth. Chief Dow informed Council that Officer Sibley is leaving the City to serve as a deputy for the Lewis County Sheriff Department. A new patrol officer will report for duty on Friday, November 15, 1974. Chief Weatherill reported that both Givens and Cedar Heights Schools now have the fire alarm system as well as the Port Orchard Convalescent Center. Also, Chief would like some action to force businesses to have building numbers visible at all times for identification purposes. Councilman Roos would like the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance on the regu- lating of house numbers. Councilman Geiger moved that the Clerk contact the Postmaster to see if there are any Federal regulations on business identification numbers. Seconded and carried with Councilman Roos vo- ting no. Councilwoman Doyle reported to Council of a portion of the monthly inspection of City buildings and property. Also that Givens park area needs benches. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the City suspend permit requirements on construction jobs under $500.00 for the balance of the year. Seconded. Motion lost with Councilwoman Doyle voting yes:1 �pG,4,oN Sri, 44-4 4, (W e_i) t0Pik ± 4_.4 � v Chairman Caldwell, Street and Alley Committee reported on meeting with residents on Kitsap and Sidney Streets relative to parking schedules. Councilman Caldwell moved that there be approved (3) hour parking on the north side of Kitsap Street from Prospect to Seattle Street and three (3) hour parking on the east side of Sidney Street from Prospect to DeKalb Streets during the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Seconded and carried with Councilman Roos voting no. Councilman Caldwell moved November 12, 1974 Page Three that the Street and Alley Committee be authorized to change 17 nine hr. slots in the downtown parking lot to 12 hour parking and change 11 three hour slots to 9 hour parking. Councilwoman Doyle moved to put the motion on over-all plan for consideration. Motion lost for lack of a second. Original motion carried with Councilwoman Doyle voting no. Councilman Caldwell informed Council that the Safety Committee needs a representative from the Police Department and from the Public Works Dept. Councilman Geiger reported that there are several areas on the improve- ment to Sidney Street that need correcting. City Engineer will prepare a check list and present to the contractor who shall make the correct- ions before he is paid the retained amount. Chairman Geiger of the Finance Committee reported that a counter offer has been received from the employees union representative for $1.47 per hour with a cost of living adjustment every six months. The City is meeting with the negotiating team for the employees on Friday, November 15th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Geiger moved that the claim of Councilwoman Doyle for mileage in the amount of $8.40 and dinner in the amount of $7.00 to attend the annual meeting in Winslow be disallowed as it has been the policy of the Mayor and Council members to not claim reimbursement for this particular meeting. Motion lost. Councilman Geiger moved that no claim be allowed for Council members unless they have been designated as a delegate of the City. Seconded and carried with Councilwoman Doyle voting no. Councilman Roos asked what the status is of the billing from Kramer, Chin and Mayo relative to the preparation of the E.I.S. Clerk will check this and report at the next meeting. Councilman Van Zee asked that letters be sent to those organizations that assisted in the improvements along the Marina and adjoining water- front. Clerk will send letters. Councilman Van Zee reported that there has been no contact with the Seventh Day Adventist Church on the offer to purchase their property in the amount of $30,000.00. Clerk will write a letter to them extend- ing the offer. Councilman Van Zee moved that the City do not purchase or furnish rain gear for City employees. Seconded. Councilman Caldwell moved to amend the motion to exclude the garbage workers. Seconded and carried. The ammended motion carried. Councilman Van Zee moved th the bills be allowed and that vouchers #10613 and 0001 through OOQ in the amount of $17,134.24 be paid and that October payroll in the (amount of $28,445.05 be allowed. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Xinutes 12 Nov r/4 line 6 that he had made report to Les Knobby, of Doyle roof repair. Another addition to the minutes in the amerAment was that As. Doyle had asked council to reconsider approval given_at the last meeting of the Kramer, Chi.4 and Mayo bill. for -"4� ' 4S-,40Q-^*- ana questioned what it vas for,& Clerk Lloyd gave assurance that it was for enviroraental impact statement. .a.ra.:raph (Add) Dr. Minor also spoke against the city's extending additional time on delinquent account of the South Kitsap Hospital. district :ale 2, item 5 Report on bus stop by Peninsula Feed Store was given by Councilman Caldwellj who asked Les Knobby to estimate cast of providing blackto ped. surface there. Next paragraph after item City attyaney was asked what would happen if a negative (add) statement were challenged and responded that he thought an BIS was required a&d also that the social effects must be oovered in arK EIS. gage 2, next to last J aragraph ks. Doyle read from letter from City Attorney that said that Councilman Caldwell did not personally observe roof repair on Doyle home. Attorney McCluskey said that he was mistaken in that statement.