11/25/1974 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington
November 25, 1974
Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington.
Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular
session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton
Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Roos and Geiger. Councilman Van Zee excused
while on vacation. Also present Engineer Knobbs, Chief Dow, Chief
Weatherill and Attorney Jackson.
Councilwoman Doyle moved to accept the minutes of November 12, 1974
as corrected. Seconded and carried. (Corrections made a part of these
minutes and copy attached to minutes of November 12, 1974).
Mr. Louis Molzahn, 1866 Sidney, asked Council why a determination of
Major Action with Significant Adverse Effect upon the environment was
made by the Council on the proposed development of his 14 acres. Also
stated that no one other than the City Engineer had looked at the
property and invited the members of the Council to come out and ins-
pect the property so an intelligent decision can be made. On motion
by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, a special study session
will be set at which time the City Attorney, City Engineer, Mr. Mol-
zahn and Council will consider the Environmental Assessment 9n the
proposed project./"S ooyctSa,D :Hr ff" LEcrc�D � 7-,eo r9oLzjv#A',//rs,o P ori; 7N6
120ao 6v *lfe X)QUS
Mr. Jerry Nowlin, Seattle First National Bank, Investment Division
presented a proposal to the Countil on the preparation of the pros-
pectus for sale of the $700,000.00 General Obligation Bonds approved
by the.Qu9,s%rrs on September 17, 1974. Mr. Nowlin distributed copies
of thenagreement to the members of the Council to study. Informed
Council that the fee for the services as described in the agreement
would be $750.00. Proposal taken under advisement by the Council.
Mr. Clarence Dahlke, 751 Werner, presented the Council with a revised
plan for traffic flow in the area of the Safeway complex on Bethel Ave.
Mayor referred the plan to the Street and Alley Committee to review
and report on at they next Council meeting on DeceWber 'i, 1974.AIP-'0'4�'�F,VcL
c'p£C#F,tR Ly Ct?eL-r j to folk >v *Lc 4ffsz44/o + r4c D44,jex er 5!l42Pe�C a�cfS;� r�o pfocpev/VCfe 14 a✓g t
4.,4rpr_-rfile-9 9F9/�s-
Clerk read letter from Mr. W. J. Throm, 2338 South Flower in response
to notification by the City Building Inspector, that he was in viola-
tion of the uniform Building Code in that no application for an
excavation permit was obtained prior to dumping debris such as stumps
and trees into a natural drainage area. Referred to Street and Alley
Committee for review and recommendation.
Letter from the Ridgement Terrace Nursing Home, 2051 Pottery Avenue
requesting approval of the Council to locate two 8' X 40' trailers
in the rear parking to be used for classromms for the Alcoholics Re-
covery Program. They will be used for 8 hours per day. Referred to
the Fire and Light Committee. Chief Weatherill will investigate the
trailers as to their safety features and will work with the Committee.
Clerk read letter from Willis E. Twiner, President, Olympic TV Cable
P. O. Box 88, informing Council of a raise in monthly service as follows:
Monthly service from $6.00 to $6.75 and each additional outlet from
$1.00 to $1.50. There will be no increase in installation.
Clerk read letter from the Port of Bremerton advising the City that
the Port will consider action to replace the flowering trees adjacent
to the new parking lot that are apparently dead, in the spring of 1975.
Agreement for the control of animals within the City with the Kitsap
Humane Society carried over until next meeting so that the annual cost
of $3,741.84 could be considered with the budget.
Clerk read letter from the Kitsap County Alcoholism Central Service
Center requesting $1,651.00 for the year 1975 for the City's share
in the operation of the existing emergency care facility. Councilman
Geiger reported that this item is in the 1975 budget.
November 25, 1974
Page Two
i. r - r+e>i7 l ��i�nc) 7 t�'C1t ' CiE'. 4t+!. _ " >C);1
1 E'Tr.,_t +1 in order, that tl1C" y_`T C"C_': Ste'"1 .,_,,lc'. '�71`_' �:
heen no obiectic,ri:; rye, 1 ,,F t.t�e .7 _ > z.?. .....
int'aI S1�':lifica.zv7c i �35 ?E?n:t-
r i.C- in order- fo- the Council c... !.' !'1alhe 3 CouTicij -
t•',2,ia!, Dcv'y l,, r`i-jved that c.he . Rp_t l��dt kon b=? :o. iE3 .S RC' So
U. 0 ?" 1_[�nl iderit.ion be gA'A,en to tl-i 3t?;il_] ET IC' iiY,: aE': 1. 'i. e';T)Oc13I1j
y r
tc' ??tc�±,e tii FZ ra o,,i of garbagf_ Ci:llect_, rnCl-E
c ar_ r ecl . Eng i nc-p_r Knobbs w i i l con .,act Dx . C c,-, 1�, aria i n_f ':iris c ` tYse
intent 'Jc_ the Council and attempt to have him presf_'n'� a ian or
f,:'r C'.o ncil determination At the nett C .-Inci l
Mayor Pe:,,iers declared a recess at 9: P.M.
'-Ia yor P(2we :�'s rea,Lmed the lit. : 1 5
L. No ans`t.er from Nnrth XitsaF: :':l
Sion+� Street improvement.
? that the cost of the f',.00 FF'c:~ of a?umirwat
100 feet of concrete) would cost in area ut $`.3. J00.00 p] z
atirli tional $2,000. 00 for labor anLi recortLmen-?c-d riot tr. cuiv -rt.
the area on Givens field, but tc r a i. se the fi E: i :; : n ? s7 oc,e to
increase the drainage into the open di.t-2h on T:: west sic]e.
=i. Reported that a copy of the Attnrriey =FnF.rai oT:i.o.1 on the State
building code has been received and Council members can pick one
up from the office.
Chief'Weatherill asked that the vacancy on the Safety Cunmittee be
filled. Chief Dbw will appoint a member t)i, his department and Chief
Weatherill will appoint. Randy Calhoun to represent tt)e Fire Department..
Councilwoman_ Doyle moved that the City Council and the City Planning
Commission keep verbatim records of all proceedings. Motion lost for
lack of a second. City Attorney will review the decision of the State
Supreme Court and prepare an itemized account of thr• areas in which
the City must be prepared to keel) accurate records of any proceedings
to be in accordance with the law. Councilwoman Dram%Ile a e that any
hearing of the City and Planning Commission steal, b��im. Seconded.
Motion lost with Councilwo an Doyle %,oting yea.
Councilwoman Doyle reported on her attend,- ini•t to the sho7 el.ines Con-
ference held at the University of 1gashirigtori c-,r, Novomber. i6, 1974 and
informed Council that the full notes of tl,e meetiricl -ire availablc.
f A15c suggested that public stud-, sessions ne hcicl for the education
of the f ub].ic on matter of ''i- 1-inPs and rel,ited items. Council -
woman. Doyle e Ci ic.u- contact the `oufrt v Bui lrlin ; In ,pee -
for as to a contract for pew t iron .4tr,the City. ���', �.
Council -woman Doyle informed Council that C� .tct was tak,Qxiko�
q P 9 ri k3th.el1v ri*'. an thi�,� chc�uld be completed
the moving of a stop si nSo
as there is a dangerous--concdition at a ,-poi.nt. Cnur,cilrnan Caldwell
stated th t----thOte'has been no Co,u-ncl action. Councilwoman Doyle wtil_1
1Szcat-6" this action in the minljtes and inform Ccancilmar Caldwell
Councilwoman Doyle stated that the City should have a con aqt���
with the City of Bremerton on the cost of the wat-er, the amount. and`'
a formula for future cost increases.
Councilwoman Doyle stated she has hac eomE>la ins_ � ;,n the i ricrc?ase of
to%i rates. Clerk will review this with the taxi compa=3y.
Councilwoman Doyle informed Cou.nc-1 L or. two meet inus re 1 ati.ve to-
portation, one or► November 26 1 U 4 �th� tie, rth. t ;e o e on
ember 6 , 1974 at Sc�a`L'ac .. a�.d �.,.--�`cr.4
Ce). Y ,
Councilman moos ri d t... n'-_ i c c cr n:,t. dcsit;na.r
a clel*Qgate to e1ther cf ti rse .'Tf t + C. ,a : CIn,ci�r1 ,3rr? c,i: r led th
Councilwoman Doyle vocinq �_c.
November 25, 1974
Page Three
lY".t` 1 12' T' .,C 1.Lt�p:� .C!®-ed that. W)
•-'*' th` _ffice on the cnt.r:ante tri :iew `3Cil"'t`-.J.i1:4 i.'._ af,
e -:ats and blorkiltq t_hF' F?IIt.I" ill +> :3tic r'_X ' fi J..,"I i.''
Seconded and carries: wi l n t: au.,c i tma i a. cOt, l Ln(T '.io
Councilwoman I)cyle moved that the Cr^unci l Y trho mol- l c n
as to the contrr3l of the parkin,; ^ongest-icn w t3 0 a` s i,Tnn. Seconcierl.
Motir?n _()st with Councilwoman Doyle votin, es.
Counc-lma.n ce--dwell moved that the Cour.ciy cippr,.?vf� ',,e� P'an "A" a
sukartitted under letter. dated November 9, 19741 !�t.3te H Jbway Department
for the change in the exit.-,tinq t:ra`. f _c pattern at B t hei Y an:I
with the installation of a third lace at no cost the i ity. S(_�corided
and carried with Councilwoman Doyle v tinq no.
Councilwoman T)oyl state that ere should be se(DaI.ate�n la as �
_-^the State- �sta1l_ t.rai_ii._, 1 ight�
City Engineer will provide the cost i�_Gt-all {acilitiF�
f'ar the Bremerton -Tacoma Bus step fiTonti.nq uenins>>].-, Ff�e..! Stowe.
Counc~i.lrian Fulton asked t"iat letters be Ni itte.; r.� fi;;.Dse oroperty-
owners on the Raley Street pond dTa nape ;_�stera e_,pJ air. irArr that there
has been some delay on the instal lat.:-')r1 of the Engineer
will preaara the letters.
Councilman Geiger reported that the Pinan:-t= Committr';, ip,:-t and
discussed the budget and the Union reques° , 'I1;ci Ot-OPOsal had
been diver. to Mrs. =iva, but no answer has 'ieen re•cei�,ed at this time.
Councilman Roos stated that the Council should s>J?.cit other invest-
ment brokers on,the marki�tinq of the General. Obljccrtion Bond Sale.
Councilman Roos moved to --s—ider the pro4ose.l registration
ordinance. Motion lost for lack of a second.
Councilman Libby informed the Council of the Good Rcad�- meeting on
November 20, 1974 and conveyed the appreciation of the members fox
the hospitality of the City. Also reportedl on t -hie meet; .ig of. the
Primary Care Advisory Committee.
Councilwoman Doyle asked the 'City Attorney to supply he-_r with a dopy
of the injunction on Mr. Tom Claluson and also the briefs t_.Il the settle-
ment of Mr. Adams and Mr. Griffiths. Also stated tt;at of thc�
Highway Department had offered some design i—iistance -,I the patF,
across Blackjack Creek, as has been discLz :_.ed, in the nattire of
_antilever attachment to the bridge. > ngineer will wri' fber (49*4A� ,
Councilman Geiger moved to rejec the counter --offer of e Sevcnth
'day Adventist Church in the amount of $ 4 , '.)0 U . 00 o�.r3e_I . CC, LATl;: i. 1-
woman Doyle moved to amend the moti.or. in t,'t-.at should be
continued as this is a valuable piece o;: ;prop( r. ty. Arnundment t._c; the
motion lost for lack of a second. Groc;in;tJ mctior with Council-
woman Doyle voting no.
Meeti.nq adjourned at 10:55 P.M.