01/01/1972 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington December 26, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Berg Grable and Van Zee. Also present was Chief Dow, Engineer Knobbs and Attorney Wal- gren. Chief Weatherill excused. Minutes of December 11, 1972 meeting approved on motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried. Mr. Saulor of S & S Auto Rebuild, 1971 Sidney informed Council that the impound yard will be eliminated in its entirety and that all cars and junkers will be out of his place of business within three weeks. Also informed Council that the only apparent problem was the impound yard and that now there is no reason why the Council could not rezone his property to Commercial. Mr. Saylor was informed that there were other areas discussed at the August 14th meeting and that these have not yet been completed. Councilman Fulton stated that this Council at this meeting could hardly do anything toward the requested rezone as nothing had been done on the three main items. Council- man Monteith stated that the Building Committee should re -inspect the area about the 6th or 7th of January, 1973 and make recommendations at the January 15th meeting. Mayor assigned this to the Finance Committee. Letter read from Kitsap County Sewer Disrtict #5 requesting the Council to indicate either favorably or disfavorably as to their feelings relative to the request of Sewer District #5 for planning and engineering funds on a pre -application for a Federal grant. This application would also be for construction of a Secondary Treatment Center for the sanitary wastes of the South County area. Letter further informed Council that it is the intent to centralize 'the treatment of sewage and treat the problem of sewage waste as a regional rather than a local problem. It appears that the funding of this type of facility is recognized by the Federal Granting Agency on the regional scale and not on the local scale in order to eliminate duplication of service and of costs. After discussion, Council decided that those consulting engineers which the Mayor has talked with be invited to meet with the Council and discuss design, inspection and fees, namely, Chin and Mayo; Harstad and Associates;Stevens, Thompson and Runyan. Engineer Knobbs recommended that the Council indicate their feelings as favorable toward the request of Sewer District #5. Being 8:00 PM, Mayor declared the Hearing of the vacation of a portion of Sherman Street open and requested anyone in the audience to speak for or against the proposed vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Dyess, owners of the property abutting the portion rpoposed to be vacated spoke both for and against the vacation. They stated that the vacation should be upheld and that additional portions of both Sherman and Taylor Street be included. They were informed that under Chapter 12.08 of the Municipal Code, there would be compensation to the City required in the amount equal to z the appraised value of the area vacated as determined by an independent and experienced appraiser to be retained by the petitioners at their expense. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council recessed the hearing until February 26, 1973, in order that Mr. Dyess may prepare a petition for vacation of those additional streets, and the Council will hear both the present petition for vacation as well as the petition the Dyess's will present. Councilman Monteith vacated his chair and seated himself in the audience and informed the Council as a citized that during the last seven years his place of business has been flooded seven times and that this is the last time he will tolerate this and that the next time he will file an action against the City. Engineer Knobbs reported that this has been happening for a great number of years and that it appears the only way to eliminate the flooding during extreme high tides would be for the owners of those buildings troubled with this, to raise the floors of their buildings. Engineer will do further study on this problem. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the adoption of Ordinance #902, declaring an emergency exists, and authorizing the sale of emer- gency warrants in an amount not to exceed $6.000.00 to Arterial Street Fund for the payment of a Sanitary Packer to provide for emergency egi�ipment for the collection of refuse in order to preserve public health and safet-To On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved and adopted Ordinance #903, establishing salary schedule for the employees of the City of Port Orchard for the year 1973 and repealing Ordinance #890. December 26, 1972 Page TWo On motion by Fulton, seconded by Grable and carried, Council apporved and adopted Ordinance #904, creating a Federal Shared Revenue Fund. Councilman Van Zee reported that the local ambulance at the scene of an accident showed little help, since there was no first aid person, and there were nd.blahkets available. Also that a woman in apparent shock was placed in the front seat of the vehicle. Councilman Monteith stated that the City should get copies of other City ordinances on regulation of ambulances. Attorney will send State Law to Clerk and Clerk will request a copy of the City of Bremerton Ordinance. Engineer reported that he would like to use trace -smoke in sewers and other lines within the City this summer to locate those who are allowing their roof drains to run through the sewer mains. It would be necessary to allocate funds from Revunue Sharing as there are no funds available in the sewer fund. Councilman Fulton re- ported that it would be foolish to authorize funds for this until the City has an Ordinance setting up penalties and giving City authority to enforce same on private property. Attorney will prepare an ordinace for the Council to consider. Engineer reported that the #2 Worthington pump in the disposal plant is losing a bearing and that the whole new assembly is needed. Recommended that the pump be replaced with an Eaton pump which would cost about $3,500.00 and that there would be a thirty day wait for delivery. Also an engine of the same kind now being used could be obtained for about $500.00 and this could be installed in about two weeks. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the purchase and installation of a new pump assembly of $500.00. Councilman Van 'Lee reported that all three rooms of the Active Building have had chair or table rails installed. Rooms #2 and #3 need painting badly and that some chair carts are needed. Engineer stated that the mechanic, in his spare time, could manufacture the carts and the Park man will paint the other two rooms this winter. Also reported that the Junior Womens Club had 100 tulip bulbs which will be planted. Councilman Monteith reported that the light on Mitchell, fronting the Helm residence which was moved by Puget Sound Power and Light, should be moved back to the original pole and that the arm should be extended out further into the street. Clerk instructed to advise Puget Power. Also Councilman will submit to Clerk, list of those lights that either need to be replaced or relocated. Reported that two on West and one at West and Sroufe Street are out. Attorney Walgren reported that negotations are still in progress on the repair bill submitted by Steven Motors on the damaged police car. Councilman Caldwell reported that the local National Guard Unit informed him that they would like to participate in the control of traffic of both vehicles and pedestrians during the parades and other activities when large groups of people collect. There would be no charge as this is a public service. Matter referred to Police Committee. Councilman Fulton reported that the covered meters served no purpose insofar as local business is concerned, during the Christmas holidays, as the employees of the down- town merchants were using the parking places all day and night. Because of this misuse, the matter was referred to the Police Committee to study, taking into consider- ation, parking, courtesy nickles and all other aspects of the problem. Council, on request of Councilman Monteith and others present, took a moment of silent prayer for the passing of ex -president Harry S. Truman. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 on motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried. ayor Clerks M Port Orchard, Washington December 11, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to oNer by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee, Berg and Grable. council- man Fulton excused. Also present, Engineer Knobbs. Chief Dow and Weatherill and Attorney Walgren. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Monteith and carried, minutes of November 27, 1972 approved as circulated. Clerk read letter from Ms Beatrice Belcher of 1339 Garrison Street, relative to sewer backup in their basement apartments. Engineer reported that a new lateral had been in- stalled to rectify this condition early last summer and that Mr. Belcher had been informed that the City would hook him up to the lateral whenever he brought his line out. Mr. Belcher has not to this date indicated where he wanted the hook-up, nor has he installed his line. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried, Council instructed Clerk to write letter to the Belchers, stating that the City would not obligate itself to the requests stated in the letter as well as the above information from the City Engineer. Letter from Solie Construction Company, informing Council of how the problems on the marquee could be corrected, was read by the Clerk. Mayor informed those present that the original plans for a free standing marquee was changed at a later date and was unknown to the City. Letter read from Association of Washington Cities relative to election costs and how they have increased under the new program, also of the confusion with pricing formula being used. It is hoped that a standard type of formula which would promote uniformity and accountability can be recommended. Letter from Charles D. Coburn, P. O. Box 520, Walla Walla, Washington read to Council. Mr. Coburne made accusations toward the kitsap County Sheriff and employees as to their violation of the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. Matter referred to Attorney. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved and adopted Ordinance #900, an ordinance amending Port Orchard Municipal Code 150120010 by adopting the Uniform Fire Code. This was the second reading of the amendment. On motion by Grable, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council set the date of December 26, 1972 at 7:30 p. me for the hearing on the petition for annexation of the Boyer property. On motion by Grable, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council set the date of December 26, 1972 at 8:00 p. me for the hearing on the vacation of a portion of Sherman Street. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council adopted Ordinance No. 901, an ordinance adopting the budget for the year 1973, and levying a tax of 1.236 mills for Current Expense purposes, 1.0 mills for Library purposes, 1.211 mills for Park purposes and 4.053 mills for Street purposes, Total budget adopted for the year 1973, $660,911.00. Mr. Lon Nickerson, owner of property in the area of the proposed extension of the Port Orchard Blvd* asked the Council for their feelings toward the extension to SR 16* if the City is not going ahead on this project, he would like to develop the thirteen acres into a mobile home park or something of that nature. The City would take about 2'k acres of Mr. Nickerson's property and Mr. Nickerson would sell the property to the City for a right of way at the same price that he paid for it. Engineer reported that officials of the UAB will be visiting here within a few weeks and at that time some indication may be given as to UAB allocations for 1973. On a poll of the members of the Council present, as requested by Mr. Nickerson, all members were of an affirmative feeling toward completing the extension as soon as funds are available. Councilman Monteith stated the project could not be completed for at least a year or maybe two as funds are all committed and there will not be any funds for matching UAB contributions. Chief Weatherill reported on the calls for the past few weeks. Also discussed the possibility of installing the equipment for sprinkler alarm at a cost of approximately $1100,00, As there seems to be little or no response from the business houses to connect with this service, Councilman Monteith suggested that the matter be tabled for a year or until the businesses request such a service. DeceTiber 11, 1972 Page Two Engineer Knobbs reported on the following: 1. There has been no word from City of Bremerton on per 1000 gallon water cost. 2e Ken Purdy, of Ford Division, is still evaluating the circumstances surrounding the blown engine in the Ford Packer. 3e City placed over 550 yeards of material in the hole at the end of Grant Street, where the water main broke. This only half filled the hole. 4e There has been numerous water line freeze -ups. The following streets seem to have the heaviest activity; Kendall, all lines; some on Taylor; 1100 block on Sidney, under street blacktop; Tacoma; Sherman and Perry, as well as isolated instances in other areas. 5. The estimated cost of an L. I. D. for water in the area of Thiesens with 2200 ft. of 8" main, 200 ft. of 6" main, 4 hydrants and 2 boxes, would be approximately $30,000.00. Clerk instructed to contact other towns and cit#es and request copies of their tow truck ordinances. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried, Council tabled any further action on this matter until further information is obtained. Berg opposed. Councilman Van Zee reported that the president of the Little League would like to cooperate with the City in all respects and that they would like the City to open the sewer line and repair ite Engineer stated he would, if they contact him. Councilman Van Zee will contact Mr., Corliss. Councilman Van Zee also reported that they are putting the table and chair rail up in Room #1 of the Active Building. Councilman Monteith took exception to the article printed in the Bremerton Sun of December ninth, 1972, by Richard Campbell. Stated that he was not antagonistic toward the Police Department, and that he did not insist upon a Police Committee, but that Councilman Caldwell suggested the new Committee, and that in computing policemen pay, he should have taken into consideration the overtime paid, This amounts to $3571.00 at the end of October. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council witheld bill presented by Steven Motors of Tacoma for work done on wrecked police car, which the Council feels should be paid under the City's insurance. Clerk instructed to furnish Attorney with all data available. Light for crosswalks in Fire and Light Committee. Registration of business in Fire and Light Committee. Bills in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense $5247033; Water $799.21; Street $3723.13; Sewer $733*09; Park $405e64; Garbage $578012; Miscellaneous $50* 92 for a total of $11,537.44, On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved the bills be allowed and that Voucher #8697 through #8771 be paid, and approved November payroll in the amount of $22,644.35. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 pe me on motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried. 4'� Clerk Mayor Chairman Fulton of the Health and Sanitation Committee, presented the recommendations of the Committee on the amendments to the Animal Control Ordinance. After considerable discussion, the amendments were adopted as recommended by the Council on a motion by Berg, seconded by Fulton and carried. Geiger opposed. Engineer reported on the following items: 1. No word as yet from Bremerton Water Department relative to per 1,000 gallon cost. 2. Mr. Purdy, customer relations director for -Ford Company, is studying the report submitted by Engineer relative to damaged packer. 3. The right -through lane has been paved fronting Port Orchard Blvd. 4. State has marked the stop blocks and the City will paint them in the Westbay area. 5. McCormick Fence Company will complete the fencing at Active Building from steps to tennis courts and also railing down steps. 6. The 25 MPH signs have been installed on Perry. 7. Informed Council of garbage costs relative to Little League and Babe Ruth. Will submit complete extensions of costs and tonnage to Councilmen. 8. Reported on break in 4" water line at the end of Grant Street near the Repanich residence. Approximately 500,000 gallons of water had run down the gulch before the break was discovered. Also about 1,000 yards of earth and debris was swept down and into Short Street causing some undetermined damage to a few of the residences there. 9. Number has been placed on the Active Building. On question by Chief Dow as to the Council stand on the possible cost for attorneys fees for indigent persons in Justice Court, Council will take a longer look at the situation and will possibly make other arrangements at a later date if necessary. Clerk instructed to write the City of Bellevue and request information as to how they proceeded and what success they have had in their program of deleting penalties from their ordinances. Councilman Grable, Chairman of Police Committee, reported that a meeting will be called during the week of December 11, 1972, to discuss the proposed tow truck ordinance. Asked that all Councilmen prepare ideas or comments and give to him in writing prior to the meeting. Councilman Geiger reported of complaints of several residents on Division Street West of Cline on loss of view because of the new house which was moved in. Engineer reported that there were no problems with the residents when it was first proposed, also that they had no view in the beginning as there were trees obstructing the view, also that when the house has been lowered onto the foundations, things will look somewhat better. Chairman Caldwell of the Street and Alley Committee reported that the committee, in reviewing the costs of snow and ice removal, came to the conclusion that there could be a change in the methods which would result in considerable savings. The committee recommended that there be less blading of snow and that with the new sander, spreading sand is much faster, less overtime would be used. Instead of blading at the first sight of snow, let it pile up to about six inches, then as the traffic compacts the snow, the crew will spread a coarse sand on the snow. The Committee will prepare a policy program stating how and when the public works snow removal crew will operate. Chairman Fulton of the Water and Sewer Committee reported the findings of the Committee in the request of Mr. Brevig to be relieved of the garbage charge during the period that his tenent left and the time the City was notified. Receomendation of the Comm- ittee was that no relief be given as the policy of the City is that whenever the water is on, the garbage charge is left on. Council agreed that the second meeting in December which would normally fall on Christmas day be set up to the 26th. Friday, December 1, 1972 at 7:30 P M in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, the Public Hearing of the Proposed 1973 budget will be held. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P M on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger and carried. d `"' Clerk ,Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 27, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Berg and Grable. Council- man Monteith excused. Also present, Attorney McCluskey, Engineer Knobbs, Fire Chief Weatherill and Chief Dow. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Grable and carried, minutes of November 13, 1972 approved as circulated. Vern Haley, purchaser of the Blue and Gold Taxi Service requested the Council to approve the use of an additional cab. Also requested the Council to approve a change of location to the South side of Sidney, near the north end of Myhre's for one cab. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Cadlwell and carried, Council approved the two above requests. Letter from Mrs. Mary Lieseke, relative to hearing with the Department of Public Utilities and Transportation on the Point White landing and Fort Ward landing, read. Mrs. Lieseke requested the City Council to assist her in any way possible with this problem. The problem is that the County has closed the Point White Dock by reason of it being unsafe and ready to fall down. The thirty some passengers that had been picked up at that dock were shifted to the Fort Ward dock. The trip to Fort Ward would take in excess of 55 minutes each way, thus eliminating the use of the large boat at the Port Orchard run. Mrs. Lieseke claims that in addition to the run being twice as far, it also is through hazardous water, ferry traffic and rocks. On motion by Fulton, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the request and instructed the Clerk to write to the parties concerned, stating the Cities interest and concern and their complete support for Mrs. Lieseke. Letter from Kitsap County Health Department (Joe Weigel, Director of Environmental Health) read and noted. Text of letter was that the City is in violation of the terms of the solid waste disposal permit issued to the City, and that there shall be no burning in any event. Letter read from William Kamps informing Council of his resignation from the firm of Walgren, Sexton and Kamps and stating he is joining the law offices of Shiers, Kruse and Roper. Letter read from Robert H. Green, A.I.A. relative to inspection and recommendations on the problems on the marquee. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved covering the parking meters inside the City from December 11, 1972 through December 26, 1972. On motion by Fulton, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council accepted the petition of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boyer to annex to the City. The location of the property is in Sec 34, Tn 24,R 1E, N2 NE SW SE containing 5 acres. Claim of Delbert E. Ferguson in the amount of $35,000.00 and of Kay Doll in the amount of $10,000.00 rejected and referred to insurance carrier on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Grable and carried. Proposed ordinance amending Municipal Code, Section 15.12.010 and adopting Uniform Fire Code read for first reading. Attorney informed Council that there is no latitude in the statutes to allow partial "in Lieu of assessment" charges, and that the charge should be assessed to all the property under ownership. Also informed Council that if they so desire, it is in their province to institute a policy such as this, but they should be careful of setting precedence. The above resulted from the request of the Port Orchard Yacht Club for sewer hookup to their property but only having to pay the "in lieu of assessment" on only a portion of the property. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Grable and carried that the matter be tabled at this time until further study can be made. There will be a work session of the Council at 8:00 P.M. at the Council Chambers at. the City Hall on Wednesday, November 29, 1972 on the 1973 budget. There will be the first public hearing on the 1973 proposed budget at 7:30 PM Friday the lst day of December in the Council Chambers. Clerk instructed to send notice to news media. Port Orchard, Washington November 13, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee and Berg. Grable excused because of illness. Also present: Engineer Knobbs, Chief Dow, Chief Weatherill and Attorney Walgren. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, minutes of meeting of October 24, 1972 approved as circulated. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Boyer of 572 Tremont St. requested the Council approve their obtaining water service off the Tremont Street water main. It was pointed out by the Mayor that the policy of the Council for the past 12 or 14 years was not to supply water to areas outside the City limits. Also, that the condition of the existing water supply is marginal, and that conservation of our water supply is being practiced. It was suggested that the Boyers present a petition to the City Council for annexation as this would then allow them to hook up to City water. After discussion, the Boyers decided to file a petition for annexation and will contact the Clerk for information as to preparation of petition. The Boyers are contiguous to the West and South City limits. Mr. Carl J. Freeland, representing the Port Orchard Lion's Club presented proposition to the Council to build and install about 10 benches along Sidney Parkway in the area between Horluck Ferry Terminal and the sewage disposal plant. The matter of safety precautions on the benches for those senior citizens as well as for young people was discussed. Council approved the donation of the benches and the installation of same and also the use of the Lions Club plaque as the donator, on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Monteith and carried. Mrs. Heng presented argument relative to owners being treated by the Clerk in an unfavorable manner and specifically in not giving her a meter reading. Clerk instr- ucted by Council to send billings to the renter instead of to Mrs. Heng. Mrs. Heng will come to office to initiate the change. This policy has been the practice of the Clerk's office. Chairman Fulton of the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reported on the findings of the Committee relative to notification of turn off and other procedures. Existing policy will not be changed except that a notice should be supplied to those customers that are in delinquent status prior to turn off. Letter from Myron Freyd, owner of building in which the taxi cab office is located read. Letter stated that the cab company is selling out and is moving. Requested that the parking meter now being used by the Blue and Gold Cab Company be released back to public parking meters. Chief Dow and Clerk will investigate the situation and possibly will attempt to relacate the new cab stand on the West side of Sidney across from the telephone booths, where the bench is located. Letter from the State Highway Department relative to the recommended changes by the City near the underpass on SR #160, including Plisko Drive for a left turn lane going east and a left turn lane going west at the Hi Joy Bowl read. Informed Council that this will be reviewed and that it is hopeful that there will be funds for this improve- ment in the 1973-1975 biennium. Clerk read letters from Attorney Sexton relative to the discussions on Gilman and Green claims against the City and Port Orchard Developmmit Company. Attorney Walgren stated that a meeting would be set up with the interested parties prior to the date of January 2, 1973, which is the apparent date of trial. Letter from Mr. Brevig of 1864 Bay Street relative to garbage pickup, be forgiven for period from June 30, 1972 to the current date. The City had imposed garbage charge for this period as tenant or owner did not notify City of no occupancy. Matter referred to Sanitation Cottm►ittee. Mrs. Frank Malek, 1411 Mitchell Road, who had requested permission to use the Taylor Street building for teen age dances referred to Mr. Van Zee, Chairman. of Park Committee. Engineer reported: 1. Bremerton Water Department will probably contact the City of Bremerton Commission this week with information as to cost per 1000 gallons for water. 2. Fence has been installed at the Stewart Lloyd property. November 13, 1972 Page Two 3. Sander has been mounted on dump and appears to be doing a fine job. 4. Design and construction plans are being prepared for property owners and will be delivered to Mr. Herb Theisen, who will then contact their sewer contractor. 5. No further contact has been made with the City relative to the motor over- haul of the Ford Packer. Follow up letter will be written to Dearborn. 6. Reported that Mr. Bartly of the State Highway Department will be up this week to discuss the holding lane at Port Orchard Blvd. 7. No parking signs on west side of Tracy have been installed. 8. Reported that the left turn lane at the Westbay traffic light should be extended. Also stop lines should be painted for both outgoing and incoming traffic. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved sending delegate to a meeting relative to buildings and fire codes for the period 11/27-28-29-30/72 in Ellensburg. Monteith opposed. Chief Weatherill reported there were six alarms and 2 mutual aid runs. Councilman Van Zee reported that it would cost $220.00 plus tax to have McCormick Fence Company to complete chain link fencing with gate from the steps of the Active Club Building to the tennis courts with 4 foot 9 gauge fence. Foregoing approved on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith and carried. Engineer reported that the fencing should also be completed along the steps as the public could walk around the end of the above fence. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council allowed the extended fencing. Councilman Van Zee also reported that rails should be installed in Room #1 and that Rooms #2 and #3 should be painted. Councilman Van Zee requested that a couple of 25 MPH signs be installed on Perry St. Also that the Active Club should be assigned a street number. Councilman Monteith reported that the Fire and Light Committee had inspected the lighting system in the City and that there are several lights that are not placed properly. There will be made an overlay of the light positions so that the recommended changes can be seen. Also stated that the light fronting Mr. Helm, 221 Mitchell should be returned to the original pole. Councilman Monteith reported that the dinner (pot luck) for the volunteer firemen will be held at 7:00 P.M. November 18, 1972 at Fire Hall #2. The cost of the dinner will be borne by some business people, contributions from Councilmen and from donations of both food and labor by some of the wives. Mrs. Monteith is heading up the preparations committee. It was also reported that three metal doors were ordered by the Little League for the concession building and rest rooms and will be installed this coming week. Also, new gutter trim is needed at the concession building. Councilman Geiger reported that a survey should be taken by all department heads to see if some of the unnecessary publications and other items could be eliminated. Depart- ment heads will list all subscriptions or publications which the City is paying for and present to the Finance Committee for inspection.: Councilman Fulton distributed copies of letter from the Port Orchard Yacht Club relative to sewer service installation and requested Council members to read and think about the ramifications of the letter for next meeting. Reported that the animal control amend- ments have not yet been completed but hope to have them ready for presentation to the Council at the next meeting. Chairman of Sanitation and Sewer Committee, Fulton, recommended that the sewer charge imposed on Mrs. Dildine not be forgiven as there is a business being conducted on the premises at this time. Recommendation approved on motion by Caldwell, --zi 9P b6V k,a+dw*'R, seconded by Van Zee and carried. On the matter of Little League garbage disposal costs, Council referred matter to the Finance Committee with the idea of possibly including costs in the Park budget and Engineer will prepare report on actual costs and amounts and refer this to the Finance Committee. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell, Council approved Resolution #1116 initiating the proceedings to vacate a portion of Sherman Street, setting Tuesday, December 26, 1972 November 13, 1972 Page Three as the time and place for a hearing. Proposed Ordinance to change the Fire Zones within the City continued until next meeting, in order that those parties being effected can be notified. Following items continued: 1. Fencing for Mr. Sodergren at 296 Tremont .in Park Committee. 2. Tow Truck Ordinance in Police Committee. 3. Cross Walk in Fire and Light Committee. 4. Registration of business in Fire and Light Committee. 5. Proposed repeal of old Fire Code and adopt Uniform Fire Code in Attorney's Office. Bills in the following amounts presented to the Council: Current Expense $8,776.75; Water, $4,133.60; Street, $5,440.07; Sewer, $1,643.40; Parks, $1,163.93; Garbage $2,504.57; Water and Sewer Construction, $184.39; UAB, $221.49 for a total of $24,068.20. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council approved the bills be allowed and that Voucher #8607 through #8696 be paid and.approved October payroll in the amount of $23,427.36. Council adjourned at 10:40 P M on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee and carried. 7 "` Clerk,.".�: L' it ; �rrf.t 1:,,.,7,sL Mayor October 24, 1972 Page Two , -�- Tort Drcbard, Vashington Owt,bor IC, 1972 Souncil W the City of Port 07chari, Uashington called to order ly Mayor AN D. paworq jr, , Scancilpen ;ressno Call uall, Geiler, Z,2o, :;e:,�, :,nd I-rable, iniiAlmar Fulton Qycusel, ANo present, Attornay Sexton, Oiief Day, Supprintanderit jh1-3' hInUes of septel­!,,�.r 19,? nent%Z cjTroyed = ArculatA nn rntW. by Vonteitl, ForondN "y Culduc!" z7A =421. ! a. Ahn W-cornen of NO Trc-wA Argot brotght to tip oftanAcr cf Aw 7wanvil thot t�w city PZA pro2vro; Ajuscm- to %Iq yru;oTtj an the Wcut H blinj Pro& "KNIZ no "VS0 20 70ton ViRoc, 011 W 77=0�2'v !no , hon"On �& tcr:, Vro Y­ ! �7-K 114 tin City to rovence 01 302 UMCOV 0) lyw g7a;Irties. Latter ro1_nnODMA3 Iesonteo 02 UnIncil Alh �I nVQ Qi-v�-Sfnn OP tho TONS jr,sy:, Aich is 00 AN-01 Wzhway thq 1 Hig, AaWn WFAI A104 saf��t3- Tont"i that wt �y Wn nc,anj- Sonia, arj nonY 00 OF infinite L"q!V=0 t- fVvAity � ' _-- nil N L-quiring This :0010 provide WIS fp,­ Oc 7vinizi. tho rcoorst:�Wcn woo jancral 'fir 'YaQU, of those UTUar �rca ... 720t-_� 1-1 X,0 JAN M,VT =0 =t FUVAIV, :Ayor TAO-MY "Or02"On that toe city COW- cnLA2Y " 2 tifiry-Acn an VY Tor FaWo jntiv-. I mi. WLIA TQwuV tnd so-orn! jM210-- 07 -10 Wn IWr Par'-- ­_d 7. Kcn K0 17"n vanvoy W raised to vonrle to th: pY -. ?. 7�� o,W tho �-wv A Tromont rarl �s Vajt dry to thoro aNPIF in Ta-ge q=441� 07 now Th?rj !r thn fall rn� A­�r. 11:1,-� WYN: LOP TOW-1 7�011 V if Vhi- ­:)L nVcP3 All tba 0Gv,.. 7.rrn WWOW ltE, Yornood ulth hor v;yrjnmI. Wor! nil! v�Wu r lator to ?is, 071 In,ur nating the ap2recWTQ7 of t% Vbyo--- Lro the 7wvnril for the f0n�,, anl�'tl= Ond W"FO-V ;M TOUD by CLA ?P-j2r Wy_­ V Y=y �s IMb 0 000-n V& as 0 SnWr A tin Port craharp Palo WWASSFOP.. 'is, Dale piw,geMA07 of 0!7 spokape St. to the Council of the palicy w7 Liz U0011 Kja-tswnt in no' =Hfyinj z rusiOnt W a folinquont bill anG of _=I OCT. state! that they QoW bc calico Wq Vy y0ne cr gorn Part of 0-tice. 'Pn�, iYc bvF romml, wit"A W City -es-nts th? nutiine receivej from the Cle-I's .Fri,, t,tj,, yh,t t". For Alin,"ent hills of her rontc7E. -Ont& tin" 400 vAq the ablilation of Lhe City Cle7h to collect KIM. Matter 775 , rc=4 10 --ten 7vul-I Heyltb on" in-Wkinn of 20 TWOP11, roportej Vo Be WurKI Oct H the course of , ;,0271in the aercurT va2or 1bs W r teploce the Wcandoseent 13;hts, they move(' 1; their lljht q0to sose Alstancp rro� the frQnt of VAr ha2e are they now havo !'_'uch 7--q 7QKU, 71,T Vont lj;jt rpp3aCed 29 ft hpy Ia7-1- '5 K"VY W, cloy 19"]d Tv 13.7 i�+Crt' 700ored to Firn n-3 Light Qmui&ee. T� L7­­ light can �e Toved WK. NaNer eIVII Auss NparynbarL refoytod that on Saturday, October 14, 1977 the T�wZun will ecdicot: the iew HjUng syQtem an! requestal the Ayor, Council and Wnrk >=!000- -ttyrd W v2dic7ti-n it 6:31 0 7. Vottor rplavivy to th, 21 of 111-lor Drofits an& liqucr taxes reaA Coun&3 has Us- cns7nd On upc V 0o fundo AN c= Iccal ± A gro"In ;5 theY are vory netive, on -I [ha NPAW, Vs 1�vnhvd Ae Von -it VT th2ir yro2rw , a W fan! Not the funds woulo N of W�or nna ;Yj 2vrh2ps PATeva hotter resulos uVor faryor alanhKics thaP n.'-- To Coaqty 3007701 Amp-, C7177 ApW-1000 Lo 000CW ph, 1wrWano A SOVW 7 k1ir K:=!n Nown n;q0astin; to YKYW'L:� yjvp�h= 2?, 1?72 as inlaw.- =71nnWonLI 0-y, as Ohara AW -rDup of locni &L.qFto he h sobction to _q,UlonouFwitofpula October 10, 1972 Page Two. c 1 23 j 111) jq7? T)O. -all C) I to S,.f, f-, 7,4 on tile Frani tl-ic, C T1Ci1 t pi-OC�-C!-UrSIS, :AJ-0=4�y 2:ep131tCd t�'Iat LX L L PC,z,, tj. jilT �n aL, 1t,L"­;]jjes r"r-1 i( ro r s e,�, t t LV DOC! 4 _Cl- crossed ID 71's", a i--IL;tal Tor, A 1 • 4 mi I L1 'T'afrCir 1-z(" c,-2 c 0 ac" t 7 T X T4 C)T 7 T 0 t t 7-i C oil 2,:2 i) C, IT As C, LS rC 14 nn' 7,1,ai It-- fo� j p tj!" jyj 011 �-Ie slnw- 77 —v,� ld'-ter tc fnp L�, C, "r.-rU cl For e nie-,T j)atrcl cL? r wLs ortjrred. Al -0 that Cf �7i-c,�2r -`�nt,on, .1-0 4111 ',.c t o-I cl�,, t ic 4 r 7T, b- fl-u,- !),,J-, 1 o 71%,- C., p -r T�,, - 11�� t-ro 1- V- -e -1-1- t�� t c C- 1 T inve S t I Of tj-a -i r-f� Ty h i !-,.1- 1 --e,,,ared by t1K 017" 1 , o4, r A —v t; .4 1!, 7 T T-, Fn, T7 T)I 4 1 11 - 11 -1.1--'L C01 0-1 S- -01 Q -7 1 4 --reciation should 1-e written S -Ct,C:, -17, 120 1.- 1 71,'C^i I nn �7 07 E ive 71 71 4 t -h; October 10, 1972 Page Three 7 1 4 - I 1 4 7 Y -,ns t tir, is L :1�7 C r Z2 �L rort Mcharl, Wash&Zton 1972 "Duncil o' t1he City of Wrl 0gr1ard Washiqjon called to order by Mynr Pouf. 0. I � I inci Yon present: f�VKWQ T-bntoith, Vap Zee, TerZ and Cr0-�lo. Co.) dv-e 1. 1 excused, Others present: Supt. Wobbs; Asst Chief ARM and Chief Dow. Chief ,lowtherill excused. Attornpy RoTs present. Or pwio" IT Yonteith, sec-on,-Jcd lb�- IrLti-,lo and carried, C,­-ncil approve(! Tllinlites Of Septsuber 11, 1972 weutipZ as circulated. Y-. clarcuce Wh1ho presentio Wee areas in Mich be Fouls KIM bettor traffic, cantr6l accrue: 1, Post Y, poxhinZ on the Nub side of Bay Street Fro,-ri 11,�rn�!li ­Ln(� Fob ,,ejl to the Pizza 0nah, -hich nou1_0 give trvffic a right turn lane orta Sidney. 7. 2-varse the traffic flov ontbe rorthern lane of the Parki% lot nest of Sidnoy ind cal so reuerse the traffic flow of the center lane of the 2arking lot vest 30 sidroy. 7, 7ave right turn only y2rnaching Si-Arey from the arcL of the liquor store aid Mw offiar. s Tore refqrred to Street nnd Alley comnittee, Engineer Knobbs and Ghief Dow, with outborMoNn- to is W Derbapq try on a trial basis. 1 a MAord Mror repartY "f V&Oert a stolen car was located within the hour �:n.d the irforcemont officers asked o4ner if the cpr eculd be swarebed for finger P-ints, The owner . nowere? in the affirmhive. Tho =r is moued to anofner location LK Awn 'Te onner vent to 2ick up his cor he NO to pal towWZ charge of 017.00, Ve farther stnted That this seems to be _n iT!-.,,os--7_tjon -..)n tip' i,-ner, tol that the natter wculd bo investilMa. On wation 1T Vanteith, second& by Wabiq url carriN, Council appr,;v��?d the onation "f tin rianning Mmiskion, that the upplicaticr of UTs, Louise Q. halsely rar L uvrinnoc tp build a garage at 140 Farragut Street be allowed. Tbo rDTicyt tint tho Part Orchard Carnet Co. made to purcNase the Nuth 90 Et of Lot 27 Block "A ":' "i_�J()-!-'. City referred to Finance Ccmnittea. The region, fon Mo Sidney 14soni and Art Association that the threo sdaces on the 1"uth ar Pstcuf-icrt TrteMntoMAc, Mw (7) boor py-Kng, Apdroved on motion b7 Ceije7, secorded by lbrtetth and carried. Werh re& letter of Washington Cities relative to Witiative 261. Wsa rend recyr.,erded raSn%ticm ;aW nevw re"euse K opposition to tle inn tintive. Tnrornel Morril thot the awnury of liquor proM Z--_Ly"Os 0-.'ich the City will lose abut per -`ear, 7ounci1man lhnteith statee that Le was not ready to brinZ this to a vote as to persunally was going to vote ha for tinitiative ane that he feely the City -AuK not lose any binds and that undcr private cortral the cost to the cni-is,.rr-ior vould be 59'', cheaper and the operation v-O)ul-d be nnin unre economically. it that P-incilmon DerZ hRs not We up his mind on the Initiative, Council tabled any actioi until the next meetin,. Also the voter booklet wit! the 2ros and cons of thesQ Keps is in ihe rail ard oilbe read by the Councilmen Wore action. Cie& Lnstcucted to coutact Lr. Tm;-� Lor.,r�,- xt arraDLP a re -ling for him and the. 11_a-,2iin,L Cor.-T-fission and Council to have T:r. ;Jan plainod and also the y7"yused street 2ortion fo W ;Mn. 71__L:? '11atteT_ -)_7 the amenTrents to tip Animal Co"trol Ordinti,nce by rhe Cnuncil ani &Uzens present. in that there wDuM be items to be discussed Lod Vot Wre was very little MtUpn at tlidw tOne, a special weethig nu5 sw for Oct`){` r 2P 197? at 7M 2Y in the Cc_ir.cil ChultJbnrs of the City Hall to work out M rnonvpnt-�� coull be adopod at the neKt Mncil ueating, Attorncy Sexton lzy wdo gone corructior 7nd thns, =re not a-ailable at tkis Mo. We M 7-11ovinj royo-ts: I I Y valntaran"2 to the strect lizhts in tva a7e�" '�-f 1-111ha to SeptEnber 25, 1972 Page Two borne th(' -rl-.? _�4xl,­rcs aro or, non­5,1-an-j,:.rd t,.t)c ­P( v-4 1.1, nr) t P, ..-ri ­-cr, tho Scat4,-Io offico and to th-:. Deazrborn Lct,'_,cr has ')con � I-t— , to both c) "i c c !-hc fof�l -o, t o r CO. y relative to the motor "l--)')Iem ?,"it'll th^ urba-,e -)acIr ke -lz -,,c7 t�ie --,a7rler ;.,md. cl_,�livcry il -9 (,:-:pQcted al),2�_lt lic, first rde r f;) t i.--lo-.med +-h.-zt the ty CIDUld ruii tlir, leas- of the rl 9 Jl­ti 1 I­ay­ ., i / -,. t-it T I a-,,- )ai'ti pourc(, ti.. "oulaclU1.1-on f-Or th.o 7raUic C 7 C, -1 T_ -il 0110 th'at stripes 'o-nootior, com 11 be i,,,7;tall.eJ in street. C �'l 7-i CPITc-L_--0 '_Ll 01_sI�, 1, 7C C, �M 3, to r! i:I tlhe busir.c,S aria, -)ar nr�4­ tl-jr -1c t-LOS anla !_c; -in L f­ r th 2 ni . 11 to t7�- rolzitivo 7)afet 'C broir-li- 'r, I-!- atrltl.on df the �o,_mcil that dioso busi..ies:; + A Ml_<� tho Drotocti-i- oc start of tlieir s-ri.nklii-ls syste7s Ilad better do so !*fore the .)f tll,,� 'year, -'s at tl=t time tho ll-,Ircls rnT.- _ -Ierlk sho-ald ccmtact Firc C111of for u �,,oti()p, I)- 71,1to-I iontnitli md carricd Ccr�r-,C`Ll )rOvcd, t-11-le rl!,ucst_ C Owlclr-2T� Uan For of L�I,CIO.Y) to retain .-I. consultill n ,- ri, t o 'Sc-�� t t I. e coTrr t It-in-aic' fu-ids III t�) Turchase tl�e LhL I � 0 -.r - P )roperty for _Par? unl:', ),jrposes , ,_,T.d t1hat tl,e 1:, oney would no b,� T,aid to O,e firm the application i5 acce;ptcc3 by the liitcraoicy Co!rvittec, for Outdoor 7 r Lt i or �ti-or r,Q. "lnc-eitl-r-�co-7TolettCoCsbras7 o 4'2,'), ,n(d'Into inencet-.)O ner, am' tI -)cr m�)f-tll. lerl� ill c7�ecl;- Q-re�Ve to tli S. -md t e e _r chz-�-L­,?s cT IT. D;ldiTie (Sewer "o I Cnimcilrv�m Ber-, secmid2,1 by Cnimcilrna-1 C 'I' 11Z CLCIJ 0 11 C. � 1 5) 7 ' 0 '1 -1Y) tiMi hV Clerk _ayor Fort. Orchard, asbi.niton Sp.,tonN,r, 1.1, 1972 Council of the City of Fort Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Nayor :log':ers, Jr. Co'_;Ilcilmo n prcsenq Caldvol 1, QiZer, Nonteith, Van Zee, 3crg , arable and Fulton. Also provent, . nginonr ,.'.nobbs, Chief Ji"Tw and Chief Weatherill. Also Attorney Sexton On inotion by Caldwell, seconded by `treble and carried, minutes of meetinS of august 197? approved as circulated. .',drian ' E..-rr of 437 Tracy North reminded Council that this ,,as the :first meeting in September and that something njst be :one about the dog problem within the City. he stated `"ether that all does must be excluded from the City. Also that women cannot ullc arourul the blocA as the dogs are biting �'.n'. Jut�-)ing all over then.;. Also that -=hen eats are licensed, the resid3nts shomld he told of their obligation to their ,neighbors. Letter i't?ad from Yr. Jim. Vlson protesting the imposition of a sewer siervicte charge on ^. vacant house 0 4acont to his Air. Photo Studio, stating that the old house is a ,fary of the studic in that it is used for such things as picture framing, panel cutting, pankitn`; and storage. Clerk informed Council that the ordinance does not allow the sauer scrvico charge to be discontinued just !7ecauso the house is vacant. Council ma.ae no adjustment to the request. i� r s. E.. ?'_. 2ildine, 716 ?rosepct Street 2rotested the reimstztement of a sewor service chary on Oho business section of her residence -'hic'h is i_.._.:umed to be t,sn' 1_ rl or. Svc had infor nevi tic Clerk that ;she ? my does a fea-; heads a i,'eel, a nQ these ore frionds and cica customers. Also that she only minht Rl0'o in the area of V0.0 per So& t1crefore she shout' not be charged as a business. Matter re- forrol to W nter, Sewer, -Health and Sanitation Coy zn."_tb, . Letter from hr. .7= Delcher, 1?0 Earrison Street, protesting assess- ments for sower '.:".ain in LID 1J64. Stated that even though he pays the area assessment le vill not het se4.,er sor--.-ice and that in order to get sewer service h_ will have to pay for thn Lnstallation of laterals. Letter noted. Letter fr.= County issesnor read T',,Ihich stated that: the City will alive 6educted from the property tav rceeipts in the coming year 1973, the amount of 00 to pa the amity's pro rota ..%ar_' of the revaluation costs for 1977. \"cT' ic,:.'ers reported on reed.'_ " th a Hr, Crailberg, representing Soattle-i4ort'.1-,-,est Securities Corporation relative to studies as to bondin ; c a,F a.city and allied items. Clem; ,:i13 irgferr: ^=T any that the city will beep their offer on file for future reference. Engineer K 7bbs reported on the folioKng: 1. Road letter from Dopartme nt of '3ocial ane Health services stating that Duck Rmolen has 7e,` n c ,. ded, a ^rrnde� U Treatment P era :� ,,,�� �,x<< 1. T_ _�t:nen,_ lint Operator. 2. . mcChanic vus hired for the City on Sep•ter_ber `_', 1972 and was doing a goo job. 2. lie 7=nty on the 1971 Foss. 250 pacRer bad e_".oired on September 5, T972 !hat on Se:te': ber 1, 1972 the epgine develope('_ a noise and trick was taken out of usc. On Se2teT"'}.ter 5, 1972 Lifter removing the Zan, the lied anic found ;:7 thrG:': and bear n3 r�,at^,-kaged also 1'l r loose. The 'pan ; sleet ,:`3s slued on both side's. as damaged, � - a u o with'��'?'�"e that the mileage is 10,966 and that contact had moon made with customer Ser- vice vice in Seattle for the 7orf Comy -y and that the ro2resootctivc ;Joule be over or, Wednesday, Septe-mbl er 1.3, 1.97. 0timated the cost to overhaul to be between .,i'400 to `wi5K nzi'-?eer fools that the mot^r lhar1 been ov?rhn l_ed prior to he City tc`3.kin` ^; elivery. . Requested approval of Council to purchase a sender which could. be used to spread sand :'airing the icy �rcathcr and also for the purpose of laying a, one or t,=o shot penetration during the bla.ckto2ping season. Also state' that the delivery would be either. in November or December and that the City could rent for a reasonable 2eriod, wbi& rent T.ould be ded"cted from the purchase price of j3,864.00. On a notion by CnIdi:ell, soconeed by Ceiger and carried, Council approved the request. Sept niber l l , 1972 Page TWo 5. N rth`.,estEern l.o-rto-age Investors !have beer installing the glass for the tai-.ndoi,7s anc' joreporin- the building for safety-aun)oscs. b. Piet ,;it?. State EIiU:L,ray e lgineers relative to the holding lane at Bay and Port Orchard Blvd. There was some discussion on a holdin,- lane from cross.,ralk to Orchard Street. 211so, instructed City to not molest the barricade in any manner. also stated that if the City= krill t,i've the State a hold han=lless contract, the - will install the li It at Sidnev anCl pay. 'rhev feel that t?%ink, the SuL;port lines to the ':ar:'11ee ;could be extremel ' l irigero�as. ✓ 7, t'%Zit t1 eii7lZpxont: for t c !estbey 1_4 t 1:t is in the laborato--' -.)eing ad,'Lust; d any? ;gill be i:'stalled by the end of September. l?-so irifor^ ed 4�t the ilir ll,�a� ens? tuners that. the approve the openin- of • u b i ti i a 3 CSa} itreet for one traffic East and T�2uy ?c Street for one uj .'lPSt, but there 1_ ire no available run^-s at tili s ti-me. 9. Pacific " ortlh?,est Bell -.gill have the t,,,o telephone poles at the i nter- seGtion o;r a3i and fort. Urcha.irC.i =11%d removed by the enc of,tI11S i'ee a. Chief i,e, theril.l stated that. fie and Councilman S. !dwell. i;ill &<t_tend the annaal Fire Chief Is Convention in ;.'a7Hma eptetrCber 2 7, 26 and ' 7, ? 9'72, and ,wished to be E'rcuSed from the Se )teniher 25th Council :Meeting, ipproved by P':: yor. r".ttoriev ;Setiton retorted- thatindiscussion ,-T?_th tine OliiillSSiOnerS Of i`7ilert.0Y1 relative to C purci"ase contract or a-reement to purchase ,:ater, it Was requested by thf: Bre-lertua officials ti'.at a ineeting be set and thelayor, one member of thP- ^� uOLtY.F;il erC': the ?11I'.Cer meet,;'ith the.JT4'Pert�Jii 07.i7.Ciul.S. !`torn@�' .y c,C• '_"ek.OrteCi that th�'.I:"-. is a lot of .;orl. tQ ')o uO ii' tO l-A t. , iFily' uOniR�; orCli;"'a3nCE irlto proper legs=l order. Mo plaun rLee66 severO,l ch n es cis to procedural: routine. ttC}rnE� 'eCLti• t� a ex,fi5.,ion of the C07AmCiI to contact the Daly or'r7c..my in `iP ttlo discus the T''erits r)f the plan -,id the C'."^:y it 1•;ac" present,•ed to the On motion, by T._Orlteith, seconded by end carried, Council approved the .eel•. COLinoili'.'0r. V r", ZeC ro';OT'ted on tilt^.- rio, thly insl�)ection Of City 1:uil.dini;s and ,;ith the e xcePti.or of tlo Babel '.tuth �?.n - Little League restroons and concession, building, all i e-e in -occ? sl :r%e, ti:i r,JiiF'r cy .«?. 'E?3, seconded by Cra le and carried, Council a prthe reclaest of Councilman Van Zee that t1le Little Lec-Z.ue anCl. Labe 2.uth ;rolls? sub -it 1-ley or'Neys to all their rc..tTOJ".:i ane'_ other bv1ldi7;s on City L}:'operty to the City �n-ii'.t'_?r. `rh( iEti" :? of "'OvAl-q; thc, ball r'*-'l.a 'y. jt c + � ' � )1Vie' � S i l a am . iri lO i io t}, arl l' eE -I nn.l n� :Liu, 1.9 7 3 e Pe r :� 1 t C) Mica ' T- . i.T 1 t] n C rc�. _. „G t ,C. L.2r, •E',; el_, a�eGw.t- cnCC . u`; It ..tl`J t1?'::I:1tt@C'. ouncil-M n 'ion..teith _nfor[:lecl r_leT-,bo 's of t'_-io Fire i-_T1C'. Lic ii Cos-m-nittee that there T:Ti ll be a meetinE; in Fire hall " at 7:30 P-. on September 19, 1072. jo �Resoca 416 v i/IS On niotiom l?�:' i 07;tt?lth, S?CC Cie.: by Iran i('C amCr CaSY'leCl Council w j rc+vwd the request of C'ouncili:i:m 11azi Zen t?:at autl'eri.t- be given to file an application for ^ra :t-it-aic' fur -is f- on 'tne Irltera-enc- For Outdoor Recreation for the purchase of tlh.eV`.vor'lman L'1raperty at Trees Or"t cnd Sidney conitc`?inin- A, acres more or IeSs. Foll.ouino items Conti -hued: ". loi: Truce. Orclir� rice. 3.-i_cycles sizns in business area. 4. Riisiness re istrr-tiorl. Bills in the foll.o„Hnc, anounts were presented to tle Cour..cil: Current Expense �'?51_06.37; ',inter :'1412. 11; Street '880.96; iei,,er 906.86; Parl: �1104.55; Garbage _,;7?10.2 3 and r.rt- orial Street '113 9!`•0.59 for a total of :a?_8, 4?1.67. Or motion by Crable, seconded by aldwell air:!: ca rric-0- Council a:,proved the bills be a' l.o,•,eC £inC' thct Vouchers 8454 thni 753' be a,id. I`eetin- adjournec! at 10:30 7' on motion by Ca_lc?well, seconded by Per- and. carried. a Clerk � � T'^yor Port Orchard, Washington August 28, 1972 L 1I C Witty c' I, "'ort Crc 1, a:-_' ton Cade.' to ro-ti. a r sos Jr. ;rt aenc; Cal(Iwell, Vomn Z'cc, T3ert, c.i7 i C=blc. Fulto."- li.-.nubbs, Chief '.�eatherill aid Attorney je. Lon. Gn r-lotio-ri by Eonteith, by -Gei�er cLrriedll, !:,.;.nutes UF !,u-ust. 1979 At tlLls tl­a, niL.tLor of 01appT.4'_-4LLor' O'OcharkIl 1+L1c L to 'cuncil or 'cliberation. L "01teit'h. �'.f �-_r. how the -a-,? �.-ol._Id be on,i,-Tormec' - -f 'C T-?.c '0 -al 1-101(l4n" tar.LL�' t-110 -V.� r D.T� I S L , 1.- -1 - _L - . . . - - , I ­ I a) d-r- the proi. cess uf dc,.,,?lc; � � - i. - I - - v . .1 .p in -, .'1 0, 4]10 ne'w ch %oulcll I-- iii e-fect ;n 1"77. -.C, Lamle .he se-,;a�;e tli�� lholcl4ni� tap.',_S -at I-CJS t i ­e jL be usec'. to raiso i1c '-c, tc Ll,c Lru 12-le. zJsu, C.ou.­Lciln,.a-ri lo 1e i t-I a cuncerre(" al)-_'ut sLlfj'Jciecit for LhjD of ..r. '-1, toc: 1-1,.L, t i S 11 be �"Ij flA Lure. Lle ra lLic.--i c, 1; 1 G stat'e'-movt' th'� 'u-1-1c.1 ' Cc U �ZZA 0 (' (n, I-e ,-jp 7'��'C'ticv b,-. C,-; 7 -0 1- 1 10, al-)"I:uv�la ­r 50-vice to the 'J C) r C U", lett,_�r _u,,,-L,st 7_972 _f'ro­ Yacht :lull. 0T, I C) IL 4- L- _� b­r '�7,�Jj lby� Vaii 'ac.. ay.c. 2ou!xil. L,)�-_'rovod C-10 Lc Si7'_: "'n On beh�.'L`L' Cf, the Ci--,-, LT l-'e .".rcc L�'askr a 2oried of Lell (10) Ln :e ".s(-)-Lrc(-,s and tcl' amtlloriz"' to 4SS'o-, ;'7" JU 'iu I tl,.t ".'r. Lo-dry hzJl i;­_Lirr.,,ed t7io Clerl- t-Al.at 'r. CvsQ­,'Sl.it Lhe .2 C I-* _'rc-PL,rc a for ',.-.'L"n� 04 'cicl LIAS i}o­, 'er c,l­-,stiLao '-*. Ion 1,,7 th 1-h � T'J.a; n _n L J 1 t fo r Ei a iii tl o v i c i - i j t z 1SC r ove oi.-nd th e -p i 2 !)LaL' at the e_ r e s i c: i c e h-s boo_ z; C%Llt. .ii'ii?7_'2 vilLn .-- I - "C �11'1" IC ��'d: Lis I 'C-L! U k' es, a�5 S 1 �_'re 13 LLL­�L (2 C j A- :'BC "' C 'jo L, r -.-i try to cortac�: th�-_, .mechanic a-0 j,',4 cj) J q, - i F -)o success o C, I.-F r e e I 'S I Car wit' sli ht _3o�_-t Fire -ric- 3. -I�rass _Fire. ecnt;mx'(�. Ij 7 w-ith Fire 1. Lo E, _esteu t tl 0, of"ice �-'..t 'S .-" a C 0 01 , rs l�'i t ­_i Fire 'Fuj I be usvcl. 21- , T I I S S I �AU )r-DSU,d t'-%J LF1111 �7oatin­ be 1-101-c' Ath Cluuncil "mc Ileunnin Colnll I I C. t I t o C01 Crate cr. tc the --on�n�i or6linan.ce. Clerl, e to the TJan-ai-,-,v Co:.rmi_ssi".)kl c-_ncl if not, therl tlle. '21st U­ !;ec(mc`e.c ""'onteit'l zmd carrioCt �Icl_li-lcil aL'01)Le(11-110 b�j the Orc',',��rc_ flal, 'or:r,, inutes rL'irl�,_nce -299 u6 rt�cc),�uaendocl -I! i-i' ission. M' tlie Co, L�jj',.j.S i C)r J, 1 4 C -1 n,� as of Au�,ust 21, 197? rea(l to 1-1h c C o m i c 'ai i_n the next bodget C t-d S' lc: CC .ie Li ve to Z"I t'._! ij­,C' Litt I c. Lc -_uUe . August 28, 1972 Page Two Counc,lilan V-1"--ri �,�ants to floe r -L . het st-arto-C," Gn the rcqii�st `L�'C�r --ape� and Rleci,ontion lewads on s(, 0, 1 c Lion T),,-, ,.on ce itl,, 50cc-1:.eby Cal.,-Twell and carried, Panr ulan. on co1f1';Iaints frcmi citizens in the lli;,h Scll-,uol r,-,ess -1 Cl ! 4 (j -i !--ro-mr.�La OL_.l,ss b.y the 'L'Ii�h, School "Ict"l- �nstri-)CL,,L, 11-C IeLtor a.G Schoo-1. Lis Lu olimi-DIaLij-IL; tho 7 C-a3J1 4 A bc- at C. !"ovin,, "-lic, vc-ley-atic"n Lac, uildir.-. c-in(litic-, e CS Of the trees.. -1 P , I - � .-, -,- , ,e- 1 4 Tll,-)Ti -rc -iest ')y crL r U- - rc �c le 1 Q�� i, z , e for control of Lis,-%osal- by yacl'-ts z3nd' eats 11-11 t1ho "crrc-.a-.rc:. 2-ttyill q ornev�cu-:ro c ei3er-cr2r-: --Ca C, -t ClFl it la aric, t rcscll Ll-,.e streets are O.usty am: dirty and -,,�--nts so:i-,,L&thin-- t, e try if t:, ii S C-i cc-! jj,', ViOulcl the sPrayer -1-lac4L c-,L-e- tan"..er. on j:l; Li cd -Gr- -rchc _ n-A Latc - --osiol s -' 'all was Cr.'Llu ery L -L tc-sts -"d1l be to "-1c, wal-er I.S co"d1ir L C! ,t�c - r l- IT""MCO CCMt--*-.-mQ,--- Cou-ncililan '�_,unteith tlzt tz,(:, ,leLclbens of �`,o ("OU-11cil rcvio-,,.- th.e j"L, -. j. rC'4 - Var 31, t c --n-tble t.t. corriec— L Port Orchard, Washington August 14, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers r. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee, Berg and Grable. Also present Chief Dow; Chief Weatherill, Attorney Sexton and Engineer Knobbs. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved minutes of my 24, 1972 meeting as circulated. Mr. Charles C. Nichols, Assistant Director of Highways for Toll Facilities along with the B & N Washington Consultants, presented to the Council and those attending the meeting a preliminary review of several concepts for the consolidation of the ferry system. The concepts will be evaluated from all angles and will be narrowed to two and after further evaluation, one will be selected and will be recommended to the legislative transportation committee and then will be placed before the legislature in the 1973 session. Chairman Geiger of the Finance Committee reported on the committee deliberations on the application of Henry G. Saylor for a re -zone from R-1 to Commercial of the property located at 1971 Sidney, known as the S & S Auto Rebuild and moved that the re -zone be granted effective Ianuary 1, 1973, provided that the following conditions have been completed to the satisfaction of the Councils I. Construct an architecturally esthetic six foot high fence on or close to the property line on Sidney and on that portion of Granat from the compound fence to Sidney. Two ingress -egress drives to be established, with consultation with City Engineer. 2. Complete screening fence around impound yeard in a neat workman -like manner. 3. Complete screening by planting evergreen shrubs or bushes on Sidney and Granat Street sides. Giant or Forest Bamboo would be Ideal along Granat Street* Motion seconded by Van Zee. Letter of protest from. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lieseke read relative to after-hours working and noise at all hours of the night as well as the area creating a blight -like condition in an otherwise nice neighborhood area. Councilman Monteith stated that If a re -zone was allowed in this residential area, it would create a precedent and others would accrue. Motion approved by Council as stated with Monteith opposed. William Palmer, representing the Port Orchard Yacht Club, informed Council of problems confronting them relative to sewerage. Also wanted to pay a small portion of the "in lieu of assessment" charge based on a small lot rather than the total front footage. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried, Council set the date of August 28, 1972 for the hearing on the application of the Port Orchard Yacht Club for a permit for substantial development in Sinclair Inlet under the Shorelines Management Act. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried, Council passed and approved Resol- ution #1114 honoring Lt. Colonel Dexter T. Kerstetter and setting aside August 5, 1972 as Lt. Colonel Dexter To Kerstetter Day. Councilman Fulton moved that the proposed agreement between the Port Of Bremerton and the City of Port Orchard as to conditions and services to be performed by the City be adopted with the last three lines of Paragraph VI deleted. Motion seconded by Councilman Berg. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Van Zee, motion amended to add after the words "small boat harbor", line four, Paragraph IV "in accordance with existing City ordinances". Amendment to motion approved by Council. Monteith opposed. Amended motion approved by Council. Monteith and Geiger opposed. Councilman Fulton moved that the financial settlement of LID #65 between the City and the. Port Orchard Development Club be tabled until the present suit filed by Gilman and Green against the City and the Development Club is settled. Councilmen Caldwell, Fulton and Grable voted affirmative. Councilmen Berg, Monteith, Van Zee and Geiger opposed. Motion lost. After Council discussion, moved on motion by Grable, seconded by Geiger and carried that Port Orchard Development Club pay the City for the costs of printing the bonds, fifteen years of servicing the LID and for inflation and unforeseen items in the amount of $5000.00. Fulton opposed. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council approved the application to re -zone from R-1 to Commercial, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 4, Sroufe's Addition to Sidney as requested by North Western Mortgage Investors. August 14, 1972 Page Two On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Engineer instructed to write letter to North Western Mortgage investors informing them that they have four weeks to fence the area of their business complex at Rockwell and Bay, in order to protect the public from the attractive nuisance. Children are playing inside the uncompleted building and sooner or later some one will be hurt. Engineer reported to Council that the Perry Avenue Arterial Project is nearly completed. Engineer reported that the exposed water and/or sewer mains at Kendall and Sherman Streets have been covered. Bicycle signs are ready to be hung but do not know where to hang them. Wheels to curb signs not yet ready. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the purchase of a used sanitation truck in the amount of $6250e00 plus sales tax. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the bid of Ace Paving Company in the amount of $845.00 to do paving at Fire Station #2e Chief Weatherill reported that the fire school now has vacancies and requested funds to send five men to school on September 12 and 13, 1972. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved the request and allowance in the amount of $185.00 Chief Dow requested that he be excused from the August 28, 1972 meeting as he will be on vacation. Chief also informed Council that the Law and .Tustice grant for equipment of new patrol car has been received. On motion by Grable, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Chief Dow authorised to expend $327.00 for new designed shoulder patches. Attorney reported that negotiations are being continued on the Gilman and Green suit. Attorney also reported that the attorney for Ce We Adams has refuted all offers of settle- ment relative to the property line disagreement. On request of Councilman Monteith, there will be an executive meeting of the Council to review the past six months activities of the newly retained firm of Walgren, Sexton and Kamps as City Attorneys. No notification of the press necessary as this will be a meeting on personnel onlye Meeting set for 7:30 p. me 8/21/72 in Mayor's Office. Councilman Van Zee reported that the Park and Recreation Commission has completed the six -year Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plane Clerk will make copies and forward to Councilmen. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the purchase of approximately 1/5 acre from Mr. & Mrse Gustin for the amount of $709.00 plus closing costs, Councilman Fulton requested to be excused from the executive meeting on 8/21/72 as well as the regular meeting 8/28/72 as he will be on vacation. Clerk read letter from Mr. Tom Lowry relative to cost estimate to prepare street plan for the comprehensive plane Following items continued: le Crosswalk lights 2. Tow truck ordinance Bills in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense $15,099-42; Watar,,S3025.15; street $4941.32; Sewer $2448967; Park $828,94; Garbage $3314.28; UAB $4.56 LID #65 $408e45,and Arterial Street $8059.33, On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved the bills be allowed and that vouchers #8362 thru #8453 be paid. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 pe me on motion by Geiger, seconded by Fulton and carried. Clerk uu-G-- Mayor ;✓ "' _..- Port Orchard, Washington July 24, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, .Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee, Berg and Grable. Also present, Superintendent of Public Works Knobbs, Fire Chief Weatherill and Attorney Sexton. Police Chief Dow excused. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved the minutes of July 10, 1972 as circulated. Mayor referred to Street and Alley Committee for review and recommendation, the potential danger zone in that area of Bethel Avenue on the approzch to the triangle from the southerly direction. Engineer will assist the Committee. On the application from Mr. Saylor for re -zone from R-1 to Commercial, (that property known as S & S Auto Rebuild, located at 1971 Sidney), Mayor Powers referred to the Finance Committee for review and recommendation at the next meeting. Mr. Saylor stated that he could see no reason to hold this up any longer as this had been in process for several months. Also, he stated that there was conspiracy on the part of the Planning Commission and that the secretary was to have made a motion to table the hearing and refer the application to the Council without action. He stated that without the re -zone he is prohibited from doing any further improvements and this is costing him money. Councilman Geiger stated that the minutes of the Planning Commission should be read and considered. Monteith also stated that the minutes of the Commission should be considered and made a motion that the application be tabled until the next meeting. Seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously. Engineer reported: I. Bicycle sign not yet completed. New yield signs ordered with new design to meet federal standards. 2. That 21 refractors have been vandalized on the Port Orchard Blvd* and have been replaced at the approximate cost of $30.00. Officer Sibley of the Police Department is investigating the vandalism. 3. Rutter of sidewalks on the side of Prospect Street continued. 4. Prospectus for the two-way left -turn lane from Port Orchard Blvd. to Orchard Street on Bay Street forwarded to Highway Commission for approval. 5. Perry Avenue will be closed to thru traffic as of Tuesday, ,July 25, 1972, in order to repair bulkhead. 6e Reported that SAFCO (City's Insurance carrier), will pay for the repair to the portch of the Street Dept. building. Chief Weatherill reported one fire this last period with $100.00 damage. He also reported the fire schools are now full on week -ends. The Attorney, Engineer and Fire Chief will again meet on the matter of business registrations. Attorney Sexton reported that the County Prosecutor feels that the County has the right to force the City to make water hook-ups to residents outside the City Limits and that Commissioner Mahan feels the same- Suggested that the matter be tabled for now. The matter of Kitsap County Housing Authority brought before the Council, and on motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried unanimously, Council approved a moratorium on any action relative to Housing Authority for one year from this date, .July 24, 1972. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried unanimously, Council approved a moratorium on new applications for re -zones as well as for applications for variances for a period of 60 days, to allow adoption of an amended zoning ordinance, which will be compatible with the comprehensive plan. Clerk read letter relative to the Kitsap County Health Board serving as the temporary Solid Waste Commission in order to apply for a Solid Waste Disposal Demonstration Grant. Council advised of summons against City of Port Orchard and Port Orchard development 0 Corporation by the architectual firm of Gilman and Green. Matter referred to Attorney. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council instructed Clerk to Inform the Boundary Review Board that the City has no objections to the annexation of the area shown on File #369 by the Annapolis Water District- July 24, 1972 Page Two On motion by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the recommenda- tions of the Planning Commission that the following items be considered by the County Planning Commission on the hearing of the Preliminary Plat of "Bethel East" and Travera South"s "Bethel East" - That drainage slopes on the west side of plat be reviewed and that more open space be providede Also, that well depths be reviewed. "Travers South" - That lot sizes be at least 10,000 square feet, provision be made for open space, storm drains be installed and sanitary sewer be includede In addition to the Planning Commission recommendations, the Council also made the following recommendations: Consider 10-foot easements between lots for pedestrian traffic as well as for storm drains, and intersecting easements between cul-de-sac, lots and reads. Consideration be given to through -roads for fire access. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved Ordinance #898 amending Ordinance #897 by changing the maturity date from July 1, 1987 to July 1, 1989e Clerk instructed to send copies of the proposed agreement between the City and the Port of Bremerton setting forth certain committments by the City relative to the Marina. Ordinance relative to tow trucks continued. Chairman Grable of the Police Committee recommended that the Civil Service Regulations be amended to exclude all law enforcement officers from being eligible to compete in an examination for the rank of sergeant in the Port Orchard Police Department unless they have at least three (3) years of service 3n the local Police Department. On motion by Grable, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved the above recommendation of the Police Committee. Councilman Berg asked Engineer about the dusty condition at Sweany and Sidneye Engineer reported that this was due to County's preparation of new road for exit from the parking lot to Sidney and he would see that the County sprinkles this to keep the dust down during construction. Councilman Van Zee reported that the lights in the rest -rooms of the Active Club Building have not been turned off and that the doors have not been locked up at night by the Police Department. Engineer will replace sign on police car which is for sale and Clerk will run an ad in the local paper advertising the car for sale at the price of $250e00 cash. Above approved by Council on motion by Fulton, seconded by Geiger and carried. Councilman Van Zee informed Council of the request for an additional man under the EEA program to work in the Park and Recreational areas. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved the payment of $461a70 for the period January 1, 1972 thru Tune 1, 1972 at the rate of $76e95 per month for the street lighting in connection with the Marquee (24 street lights) and the amount of $153e90 bi-monthly hereafter to the Port Orchard Development Corporation for the payment to the P.S.Pe & Light Company for the above street lights. Councilman Geiger, Chairman of the Finance Committee, recommended that the City amend 1.� the expenses which were originally set at $5,000*00 to be incurred during the construction of the marquee in LID #65 to $2,600.00, breast -down as follows; service of accounts for 15 years, $600,00; Engineering; $1,600*00 and $400eOO for the printing of the LID bonds. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Grable and carried, the above tabled until the next meeting. Councilman Caldwell, reported that there is still an area where brush is hanging over the sidewalks and asked if City crews could clean up the area and bill the owners. Fulton revived the thinking of the Council regarding the placing of flood -lights or some other type of light to brighten up the area of the crosswalks- A problem of mounting the lights still exists, Mayor stated that a new way is being used on National Avenue in Bremerton, in the vicinity of the school and suggested that the committee look into it. It was also suggested that the patrolmen spend more time in policing the crosswalks. Also, Council was informed that in other areas, the police are on a 10-hour day, four days a week. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 pe m, on motion by Monteit seco d by Gra le and carried. ,s' Clerk �` o- > Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 10th, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee, Berg and Grable. also present Chief Dow, Chief Weatherill, Engineer Knobbs and Attorney Larry Hall. On motion by Mlonteith, seconded by Fulton and carried, minutes of June 26th, 1972 approved as circulated. Engineer made the following reports: 1. Loading zone fronting Gilchrist Funeral Parlor has been painted white. 2. Fire Chief, Attorney and Engineer will meet during the week of the 17th to discuss business registration. 3. The signs prohibiting bicycles from sidewalks in the business district has been ordered from the County as well as the wheels to curb signs. 4. That Select Contractors have completed the items on the Port Orchard Blvd., that the culverts have been inspected and found to be all right. Engineer recommended to Council that the retainage could and should be released as any items for which the City has not been paid will be deducted from the retainage before final accounting will be made. 5. That the light pole at the intersection of Port Orchard Blvd. and Bay has been removed and the holding lane could now be laid out. 6. Sewage treatment plant is now back in operation. 7. Mat during our hot day there were one million gallons of water used each 24 hours. W S. That a number of the lights on the Port Orchard Blvd. have been broken either by rocks or guns, and that the approximate cost of the components are as follows: Refractor $15.UU, Bulb $8.50 and with labor each installation will run about 30.00, there has been 12 broken so far. Councilman Monteith suggested that the Engineer contact plasitic manufacturers to see if a break -proof type refractor can be made. Also will supply Engineer with some names. Engineer also reported that they are stealing the monument covers as well. Clerk will check to see if a reward could be offered by the City to aid in stopping the vandalism. Airs. Norwood of the South Kitsap Junior Womens Club thanked the Council for supplying fill material on the south side of the Active Building. Requested Council to open the right side of the fence between the tennis courts as it is not stopping young people. 'They are jumping over the fence. It has caused a traffic problem. Asked Council to give some thought to in43rovinp the trianle near the Hi -Joy as this area appears to be holding water and causing the shrubs to die. She stated that comparing our trial?gle park with others the improvements would indicate a. value of. about �10,000. Would like to see action taken to finish the improvements of the bank area behind the tennis courts by September 15th. Also plant grass in the building area. They would like to hold a "Evening in the Park" with about 20 men supporting an hour of supervised games, have a three piece group playing music .for 2 hours. The supporting and arranging will be done by the Club. Chief Weatherill reported that there were two alarms with no damage. Also requested approval to send 6 men to Fire School in Yakima during the latter part of September or first part of October and approval to expend about $150.00 for expenses. The funds are in the budget. Request placed in Fire and Light Committee for review. Chief Dow reported that he will be on vacation at the next meeting time July 24. Attorney Hallpassed out copies of the proposed Tow Truck Ordinance to Council for study. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved the annual liability insurance payment in the amount of $7409.00. This is the second annual payment of a three year policy. On motion by Grable,seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved Resolution 41113, Tvhich states that contractors doing wore, with the City of Port Orchard will list their job openings with the Washington State Employment Secuirty Department. Chairman Van Zee of Parks Committee suggested that at this time due to lcak of funds and manpower the continuing of the projects referenced to by South Kitsap Junior ��romens Club not be done. Also reported that he has some citizens that will prepare a list of materials and will help wort: on shelter. Also will get organizations to help supply the materials. A estimate of �600 seams about what the shelter will cost. Clerk instructed July 10, 1972 Page Two to order the Char -flood campstove and grills at the cost of $38.75 plus sales tax. Three for the City, one for Councilman Monteith, one for Councilman Grable, two for Councilman Geiger. Councilman Geiger reported of two areas which should be cleaned up by the abutting property owners. 1. Along sidewalk west from Dr. Bloomquist Clinic, branches and vines hanging over the sidewalk. 2. Along sidewalk east from Bloomauist Clinic debris and dirt in area of Business complex. Clerk will get owners names and write letter to them regarding clean-up. Councilman Geiger also reported that the downtown business people should clean-up the sidewalks fronting their place of business on a regular basis. Clerk =gill supply Finance Committee with the historical costs of the N.'arquee street lights. Engineer will place no parking signs on Kitsap Street where it intersects Rockwell. Councilman Caldwell reported that the Kendall Street water tanks are beginning to rust and need painting. Engineer reported that to sandblast and paint the sand ;pipes on both tanks would cost about MOO. Councilman Fulton requested that the Finance Committee coordinate the closing of the cash deposit made by the Merchants Committee in the amount of $21,000.00 in the Kitsap County Bank to pay the following items which were excluded from the LID. Sales tax on construction :4874., Architects Fees $9748., City's portion for handling l')'5000., Engineering $500., Attorney Fees �800. and interest on construction warrant at the approximate cost of $13.54 per day. Councilman Fulton also requested that the City Clerk supply all information to the Finance Committee Chairman and assist where needed. Mayor Powers presnted placque that was presented to him on July 8, 1972 at the Klondike Festival held in Seattle. Clerk instructed to hang placque in Council Doom. There will be a Bike -a -thorn on July 22, 1972 which will cover approximately 33 miles in the South District to raise funds for the Music !Program for District A02. The event will be sponsored by the South ICitsap Music Boosters and Mayor Powers will complete the 33 mile ride. !fie members of the Council, the City Engineer, Chief of Police, the Chief of the Fire Department and the City Clerk will eash pay the 'Mayor one thin dime for cash of the 33 miles ridden. Bills in the following amounts presented to Council: Current Expense $12772.73, Water .�4104.97, Street �4687.17, Sewer $4244.09, Farks $940.51, Library $6627.52, Garbage ;�3854.49 and UAB �11172.03. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried Council approved the Bills be allowed and that Vouchers ;�8294 through 8361 be paid. Engineer reminded to check the owners again on Prospect Street and attempt to get some cooperation from the owners to repair and or install sidewalks on north side. Clerk instructed to prepare a re -option for the Worianan property. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. on motion by Caldwell, seconded by ]Monteith and carried. Jj r Port Orchard, Washington June 26, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers Jr. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee and Berg. Grable and Fulton excused. Also present, Engineer Knobbs; Chief Weatherill, Chief Dow and Attorney Sexton. Minutes of June 12, 1972 approved on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger and carried with the following corrections: paragraph 1, page 3, strike "Councilman Fulton informed Council that no further action will be taken on the animal control ordinance, but that the matter will be revived on or about the second meeting in September". Insert "On motion by Fulton, seconded by Grable and carried, that the animal control ordinance be tabled until second meeting in September". Mr. Thomas Lowry, presented himself to the Council to explain the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance completed by him for the City. Mr. Lowry was retained by the City to prepare the plan about four years ago at the cost of $5,000.00. Mr. Lowry explained that the plan is of a general outline and is not complete, but that it is a base to start from to build into a complete plan. Mr. Lowry suggested that the Council hire an engineer to do the street portion and recommended a Mr. Csysewski, with the firm of John Graham and Company. He also stated that if the Council approved the recommendation, he would personally contact Mr. Csysewski and arrange for a meeting with the Council and the Planning Commission. Council approved the recommendation. Mr. Fredericks, representing Northwest Mortagage Company, requested information as to why their application for a Re -Zone from R-1 to Commercial has not been acted upon. Mayor informed him that the Council was waiting for the Company to present them with statements of consent of the residents in the immediate area. Mayor also informed the gentleman that the availability of water in the area requested to be rezoned is questionable, and that there is no hydrant in the area. No action taken at this time. Mrs. Heng presented additional information to the Council, relative to the street fronting her property. Mr. Maynard Lundberg addressed the Council informing them of the ground work done by Mr. Berger, Mr. Van Zee and himself relative to a Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan. The group went to Seattle and met with Mr. Nandy Sarda of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference who informed them of available help. It appears that the Department of Community Affairs mill send a representative to the City who will inventory the park areas and make a report for acquisition of funds. Suggested that a joint request for funds as well as a joint submission of plans with the County and the Schools be used, as the chance for funding would appear to be greater. Clerk instructed to forward copy of Daly Plan and copy of Lowry Plan to Mr. Sarda. Request of Historical Society that portions of Prospect Street be closed July 1 and 2 denied as this would eliminate parking and access to the funeral home. With carnival in area of Thriftway eliminating parking, as well as other concessions, Council denied the request. Letter from Chairman of the City Planning Commission read and discussed relative to change in the priorities on the up -dated Six Year Construction Plan. The recommendations of the above body was to change items 6, 8, 9 & 10 to replace items 1, 2, 3 and 4, and that the cost of new item 4 be moved to 1975. It was moved by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be adopted. Motion lost with all Councilmen voting nay and Monteith voting aye. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Berg and carried, Resolution No. 1112 approved and adopted, Monteith voting no. On recommendation of Street and Alley Committee, Council, on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Berg and carried, approved a three minute load and unload zone only, in space between two alleys fronting Pendleton -Gilchrist Funeral Home. Fire Chief, Attorney and Engineer will work up some plan as to the registration of new and existing businesses in the City, by the next meeting. Attorney reported that the School District would have a check in the mail for one half of the Cedar Heights Sewer Lift Station by the end of this week. June 26, 1972 Page Two Attorney reported that charges of water and sewer could be increased if based on usage or if customer is undercharged, and as long as the charges are not arbitrary or capricious. Attorney reported that by the next meeting, he will present to the Council an ordinance regulating tow truck operation and copies will be distributed to Police Committee. 0 Ordinance No. 897 fixing the amount, fors, date, interest rate, maturity and denomination of LID No. 65 bonds approved by Council on motion by Geiger, seconded by Monteith and carried. Application of Dale M. Dahlke for set -back variance at 1142 Sidney St. as amended and recommended by the Planning Commission, approved on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger and carried. Attorney recommended that the City sit tight at this time in regard to recent legis- lation that placed the cost of indigent attorney fees to the City. The courts will be the deciding factor in making the determination of who is an indigent. Van Zee reported on the need of a covered area in or near the fireplace at Givens Field in the approximate size of 20 x 20 ft. covering and a 24 x 24 ft. slab. Stated that this would cost about $800.00. Also stated that some fraternal or civic group may be interested in this as a project. Councilman Monteith asked if the City could clean up the area fronting the water. Also, if the City could or would supply benches and perhaps � tables next to the water's edge. Councilman Monteith and Caldwell will contact private contractors. Councilman Monteith reported that he has a man who will take and donate aerial photos of the Kitsap Street area. Councilman Geiger stated that enforcement of the bicycle ordinance is not being done, and that signs should be placed informing riders that they cannot ride on sidewalks in the business district. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council approved the placing of signs at various intervals of the business district, prohibiting the use of sidewalks for bicycle riding. Also, Councilman Geiger stated that there should be some con trol over ownership by dealers and those selling bicycles, in coor- dination with the Chief of Police. Recommended the building of a couple bicycle racks in the parking area. Police Committee will review existing ordinances relative to changes of procedure. Councilman Geiger suggested that signs informing drivers to cramp wheels to curb be placed on the south side of Kitsap Street. Engineer reported that the school maintenance supervisor and himself will meet and arrange a schedule for the replacement of the sidewalk fronting Givens School. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by /n d carried, Council approved final payment in the amount of $1,500.00 to Mr. Thomas Lowry for work performed on Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Clerk read letter from Hammond, Collier and Wade requesting that the retained funds of Select Contractors on the Port Orchard Blvd. in the amount of $25,796.07 be paid. On recommendation of Engineer, (that certain items are yet to be completed by contractor) Council continued the matter. Letter thanking Council for their action adopting Major Robert J. Welch (POW) read. Letter relative to veterans employment resolution read. Letter from Department of Ecology informing Council that any local government units operating sewerage systems which discharge into State waters, must have a waste discharge permit. 3 Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p. m. on motion by Monteith, seconded by E� a d carried. /- r Clerk ! ' v Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 12, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Aashington called to regular session by I9ayor Paul D. Powers, Jr.. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, montelth, Van Zee, 3erg and Grable. Also present, Chief Dow, Chief Weatheriil, Sup't. of Public 'Works Knobbs and Attorney Sexton. On motion by Grable, seconded by 1�ionteith and carried, Council approved minutes of I�ay 22, 1972 as circulated. :1rs. Price presented the Little [hitches Queen and two of the Princesses to the Council. They circulated around and handed out complimentary tickets for their rodeo at the Kitsap County Fair Grounds. Chairman Grable of the Police Committee reported that Officer Zuber had lost his glasses and bent the front and back sight on his revolver while acting in his official duty. Comm- ittee recommended that the City pay for the glasses and the correcting of the sights and that if restitution is ever made by the party involved, Officer Zuber will repay the City. It was determined that the approximate cost would be $100.00. The above recommedation was approved on motion by Fulton, seconded by Grable and carrLed. Chief Dow reported that the 1967 Chevrolet was ready to be advertised for sale. The authorization for the call for bids on the vehicle was approved on motion by :Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried. The vehicle will be parked in one of the front parking spaces fronting the fire hall. Dow reported that the letters spelling "police" will be installed on the new car, but the balance of the equipment is pending approval of Justice Grant* firse fleng again presented herself to the Council relative to storm drains fronting her property on Sweany Street. Councilman Caldwell suggested that property line be established by survey. ,.,r. Knobbs will establish street r/w and Mayor and Engineer will meet with irs. Heng '•Wednesday morning, June 14, 1972. Letter from County Prosecutor Nerkel, relative to agreement between City and Kitsap County on water connection charges was read to Council. Attorney Sexton was advised that the City has had a policy for at least 10 years that outside residents would not be allowed to hook up to City water or sewer lines. Also, that the City's water supply potential is questionable and that the reason for no outside -resident connections is that there is no available water. Attorney Sexton instructed to answer Prosecutor's letter. on motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded by Councilman ,.onteith and carried, Council approved payment of �274.91 to Kramer, Chin and inayo, Consulting Engineers, for preparation and submission of application on behalf of the City for grant funds from "Jobs Now Program". Attorney Sexton reported meeting of lir. �4algren and Lair. Hanley with Director John Biggs and Lr. Hunter, relative to the application of the Port Of Bremerton for a Shorelines Permit for Substantial Development and the City should consider the Impact Report, and if approved, prepare an amended Shorelines Permit and forward to proper agencies. Council considered the Impact Statement and after considerable discussion, on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council adopted the Impact Statement and approved the issuance of an amended Shorelines management Permit for Substantial Development. Aonteith and Geiger opposed. Engineer reported that there were no bids on the Perry Avenue ,job. He requested permission to do the job on force account. Request approved on motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried. Job will be done sometime in August. Engineer reported that the hearing of the UAB Updated Six Year Plan will be on June 19, 1972 at 7:30 p. m. before the Port Orchard Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Engineer reported no further contact with F:r. Huffman relative to City timber. `clatter dropped. Attorney Sexton reported that at the meeting of June 26, 1972, he would supply the Council with information relative to tow truck rates. Layor excused Councilman Grable from the meeting of 26 June, 1972 as !,ir. Grable will be on vacation. June 12, 1972 Page Two Councilman Van Gee reported that something should be done, such as removal of some rocks at Bay and Rockwell, as the visibility is practically nil on entering Bay St. from Rockwell. Also reported and recommended to the Council that the following revised fee charges for the users of the Active Building be approved and placed in effect as of July 1, 1972. Room gel $12.50, Room i1`2 $7.50 and Room #3 $5.00. For use of kitchen there will be an additional charge of $7.50. Zecommendation approved on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Council approved the purchase of three (3) Char -Wood combination campstove and grill in the approximate cost of $27.00 each, two for Givens Playfield and one for Central Playfield. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported that the time is here to begin the Park and .recreation Comprehensive 6-Year Plan. The Planning Commission is too busy to become involved at this time. Councilman Van Zee will contact the Puget Sound Govern- mental Conference planner as to what assistance they will provide. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee and carried, sign for Active Building use charges approved for approx- imately $85.00. Councilman 'zonteith reported that the matter of a recording devise still continued. Councilman Geiger informed Council of his feelings relative to conversion from incandescent bulbs to mercury vapor bulbs and that the increase of light power would have an effect on some people where the light would brighten up bedrooms and the inside of home with more 1iht th4wresident desired. Councilman Geiger sugested that the Council consider the possibility of an "open housing ordinance" for the purpose of quality control over rentals. .Iayor Powers stated that he received such a recommended occupancy ordinance and instructed Clerk to write for enough copies to serve the Council. Layor Powers excused Councilman Fulton from the June 26, 1972 meeting as fir. Fulton will be io n out of the C i ty . 3_ayor Powers reported on the dedication of the Clayton remorial Park on June 10, 1972, and also tentered a check in the amount of $82.00 to the City for the maintenance of the Clayton Park from the Clayton 1•iemorial Fund. Mayor also reported that the Port Orchard Lions Club will assist in the maintenance of Clayton Field. Attorney Sexton reported that there will be three representatives from their law firm at the Association of Washington Cities Convention on June 14, 15 & 16th. Council approved the request of Joe Simpson to send him copies of Council minutes while he is in Guam this summer. Address: Station 16, APRA Heights, Guam 96910. Letter from Fathoms of Fun requesting 30 or 40 chairs for review section approved. Letter from Hammond, Collier and ;lade notifying City that the thirty -day waiting period prior to release of retainage on Pottery Boulevard job would be June 21, 1972 provided no claims have been filed with the City, and that all necessary releases from the State Department of Revenue have been received. The amount of retainage at this time is $23,796007, 1-�atter continued. On motion by .Fulton, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved payment to Kitsap County Health Department in the annual fee of $25.00 for Sanitary Fill Permit. Jetter requesting permission to hold the Cascade Thriftway Store approved on motion by iMonteith, ulation that all codes and regulations are met. Letter from %Is. Dolores Doninger read. Amusements Carnival in the area of seconded by Grable and carried, with stip- Letter read from Shiers, Kruse and Roper relative to parking in the vicinity of Pendleton - Gilchrist funeral Home. I;atter will be resolved by the Engineer, Police Chief and Street and Alley Committee. Statement received from Lr. Tom Lowrey for balance due on preparation of zoning ordinance held, pending a meeting with the Council and A,r. Lowrey. Amount due, $1,500.00. On notion by Grable, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Claim for Damages of Mr. Robert R. 4alters of it. 3, Box 67, Port Orchard, Wa, rejected and referred to insurance carrier. June 12, 1972 Page Three Charles A. Carr letter relative to animal ordinance read and noted. Councilman Fulton informed Council that no further action will be taken on the animal control ordinance, but that the matter will be revived on or about the second meeting in September. Request of Fathoms of Fun Committee on Fireworks to have fireworks display on barge fronting City approved on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Grable and carried. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved the request of .°,r. Homer Reno and i�r. Gary Kerkes d/b/a Quic-Pac Inc., to make application to the State Liquor Control Board for beer to pack out. Cedar heights lift station matter continued. '3arbor Lease agreement with the Port of Bremerton continued. Attorney reported that a preliminary survey has been conducted on increase of sewer rates for schools. Bills in the following amounts presented to Council: Current Expense $13008.18; dater $2891.34; Street $2621.88; Sewer $1045.22; Park $391.79; Garbage $902.88; LID #64 Account, Water -Sewer Construction Fund $50.58 and UAB-City $.83. On motion by Fulton, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved the bills be allowed and Vouchers #8227 thru #8293 be paid. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 po mo on motion by ionteith, seconded by Fulton and carried. PL.'TURE DEVELCPI' LNT Downtown tro sects 'lace telephone lines under ground and relocate power lanes. i'roceE,G with ,arina to completion. Water Proceed with recommendations of i-,ramer, Chin & Na.yo, Consulting _Lngineers, in providing, adequate water supply for tort Orchard. Traffic — '"ransportation 'Traffic light at corner of Say and N aple streets. 'Traffic light at Port Orchard -Blvd. and bay Street. Complete second phase of Port Orchard Blvd. to Freeway. Provide another by—pass off !)ay Street by going out on Harrison to new Larina and back to 'ijay Street via Orchard Avenue. Another by-pass would be to use 'raitsap Street and come out on taple Street and Bay Street. open Seattle itreet. from i.itsap to Bay :street. .york with estate highway Department for an interchange between itoss taint and Tremont Street. rrovide acess from 'oss oi_nt interchange to Court Mouse and [Manchester Highway by steps. krovide access from fort Orchard Blvd. to Court House. irovide access across Blackjack ""reek by joining Fireweed and Salmonberry Roads. 4ork with County officials for completion of project. Parks and Playgrounds Complete purchase of property under option on Tremont Street. eurchase additional property for parks and playgrounds before areas are developed. Provide neighborhood play lots for smaller children. Provide benches and rest area along City water front. Work with School District officials and County officials for joint use of School and County playfiFlds during summer months. Also to provide a playground director. This should be coordinated with the County Park Commission and the City Parks Commission. ,fork with Beautification Committee for beautifying the City. Annexations t�ork immediately toward the annexation of the hetsil Veteran's Home. l:eep avenues open for possible annexation of Fast Port Orchard and Parkes*ood area and any other area of future development. Port Orchard, Washington May 22, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen presents Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee, Berg and Grable. Also Chief Dow, Engineer Knobbs and Chief Weatherili. Also present Attorney Sexton. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved minutes of May 5, 1972 as circulated. Mayor Powers asked Louis Molzahn to please come forward to the Council Table and presented him with a certificate of appreciation for his tenure as Councilman with the statement that Mr. Molzahn has been a good Councilman and the City would miss him. Mr.Molzahn remarked that he was sorry to have to resign and that he had enjoyed working on the Council and would miss the association of the other members of the Council. Councilman Caldwell, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee reported that the committee had again looked at the drainage problem fronting the Heng property and as there are several items which at this time are not quite clear would like to have the problem remain in Committee for further study. Mayor Powers welcomed Mr. Al Perez, scoutmaster of Troop #516, Den #1 and six of the scouts to visit the Council and ask questions if desired. Mr. Adrain Carr, former Councilman addressed the Council complaining that many dogs are running loose in his neighborhood tearing plastic garbage sacks and strewing garbage all over the ground. Requested that the Council take under consideration his remedy for the control of animals and that is to instigate an ordinance that would prohibit having a dog within the limits of the City. The area of the garbage mess is 426-427 Tracy. Councilman Monteith stated that some way should be considered by which owner could be penalized when their animals run uncontrolled. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Berg and carried, Council approved the payment of estimate #12 to Select Contractors, provided the funds are available. Monteith voted no. Engineer reported of meeting with Mrs. Mary Lieske relative to parking spaces and that she would be satisfied with an agreement stating that there would be 70 spaces available for the patrons of the ferry system, that sage crossing be available, and that an effort be made to have parking area ready at the time construction begins on the Marina so that a crowding condition will not exist. Engineer reported that the reflective buttons are not yet laid at the intersection of Tremont and Port Orchard Blvd. The reflectors have been received by the City. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell that the City reject all bids on the Perry Avenue Bulkhead project and do the job on City force account. On motion by Fulton, seconded by Geiger and carried, approved an amendment to the original motion to eliminate that portion of the original motion stating and do the job on City force account. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Monteith and carried Council approved that the Engineer shall resubmit a call for bids. Engineer reported that the dedication date for the new park facilities being donated by the crew of the Lewis and Clark will be on June 10, 1972. Engineer also reported that the Courthouse sewer line is in and operating alright. Engineer stated that they have had good results by hiring the vacuum cleaner type street sweeper. Street Committee will review the results and recommend a schedule. Engineer requested a meeting with the Street and Sanitation Committee as to the priorities for the six year street plan which must be forwarded to The State Highway Department by July,and the Sanitation Committee to meet on the sewage plant problem in cleaning. Both committees will meet with the Engineer WO a.m. at Engineer's office 5-23-72. Gary Huffman requested that the Council allow him to log the marchantable timber on the City•s property (SESW 34 - 24 - 1E). Council instructed engineer to get a cruise on the timber and also what effect clear cutting will have on the leaching process of the Juvenile Home Sewer system. Chief Dow reported that he would be absent from the City during June 13 through 16th, 1972 at Mid -Summer Conference of Police Officers at Richland. May 22, 1972 Page TWo Councilman Caldwell informed Mayor Powers that he would like to be the Alternate member of the City on the Puget Sound Governmental Conference. Mayor Powers reported that the Mayors of Winslow and Poulsbo elected him as the voting member of the small Cities in Kitsap County. Attorney Sexton informed Council of his investigation and review of the elevation error incurred by either the School District or the City and recommended that the City and School District settle the matter on a 50-50 percentage basis. The above recommendation approved on motion by Geiger, seconded by Fulton and carried. Monteith no. Attorney Sexton will review the legality of the City raising the sewer rates of the School. Attorney Sexton reported that an offer was tendered to Mr. C. W. Adams relative to settlement of the property line dispute and that the gentlemen rejected the offer. Reported that further contact will be made and informed Council that this type of problem could take a little more time. Councilman Monteith will re -activate the continued item of a recording devise. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried, Clerk instructed to prepare application for re-newal of the harbor lease and that Clerk is authorized to draw a warrant in the amount of $10.00 to pay the cost of application. Councilman Monteith reported that the Kitsap County Council on Youth is desirous of assisting with the program at the youth center at the Active Building using volunteer help of the young people available within the Youth Council. Councilman Monteith moved that the City accept the assistance at no charge to the City. Motion seconded by Caldwell and carried. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved for signature by the Mayor, of Resolution recommended by the International Conference of Building Officials to be sent to their legislative representatives in Washington D. C. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried, Council adopted Ordinance #895 the General Plan Report and the Urban Area Plan (Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan) as recommended by the Port Orchard Planning Commission after having a legal hearing on May 15th, 1972. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved the summer water schedule effective 6-1-72 through September 30, 1972 for 8000 gallons per month for $5.00 in lieu of 5000 gallons per month for $5.00. This summer schedule is subject to change if shortage of water occurs. On motion by Fulton, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Ordinance #896, Disorderly Conduct, was adopted by the Council. Councilman Monteith voted no, explaining that the Ordinance was too broad and,that to much authority was being placed in the hands of the police department in that this gives them the right to enter into private property without a search warrant. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the updating of 182 incandescent street lights from Schedule 50 to Schedule 51 (7000 lumen Mercury Vapor Lights). Clerk to advise Puget Sound Power and Light of this action. The additional cost to the City on this change about $17.00 per month. Councilman Caldwell reported that the frame structure which supports the fire alarm is about to fall down and that something should be done about it. Engineer will investigate and report at next meeting. Van Zee reported that the Park Committee will review the rental schedule at the Active Building and possible update same. Again Clerk instructed to get list of users to Van Zee. Also reported that the lock should again be changed at the Active Building. Van Zee reported that the City Should begin on the 6 year Park and Recreation Plan so that either State or Federal.funds could be applied for. Will check with County Planner for possible assistance as well PSGC. Van Zee also reported that the students at Cedar Heights Junior High School will sand paper and paint the chairs from the Active Building. May 22, 1972 Page Three Thank You note from the South Kitsap Junior Womens Club was read thanking the Council for the assistance during the litter clean up days. Harbor Lease Agreement with the Port Of Bremerton continued. Meeting adjourned at 1Os20 p.m. on motion by Geiger, seconded by Grable and carried. / �/ MAYOR "' CLERK Port Orchard, Washington May 8th,1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee, Berg and Grable. Also present: Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief Dow, Chief Weatherill and Attorney McClusky. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried, minutes of April 24th, 1972 approved as circulated. Mr. Al Adams from the USS Francis Scott Key, local representative of the National Organization called V.I.V.A. (Voices In Vital America) informed the Council of the purpose of VIVA, the background and requested permission to open a booth to promote interest and awareness in the public that there are P.O.W.'s and M.I.A.'s. They will have several types of handouts and both copper and nickel bracelets bearing the name and date of internment or date missing in action of the service man. Council approved the request. Mr. Adams introduced Mrs. Robert Welch, now of Port Angeles, Washington, mother of two children and whose husband, Major Robert Welch has been missing for about six years somewhere in North Vietnam. Mrs. Welch has had no word from her husband but still believes that he is alive. She also emphasized that the public has to become aware of the plight and conditions by which POW's exist and that the general public can hopefully effect some adherence, by the North Vietnamese, to the conditions of the Geneva Covention of which they are a signed member. Mrs. Welch also stated that at this time there are 1612 officers and men either as POW's or MIA's. Mrs. Welch requested that the Council of the City of Port Orchard sponsor public awareness and a policy of involvement in the V.I.V.A., by adopting her husband Major Robert Welch, Missing In Action. Passed on motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried unanimously. Clerk informed Council of the two bids received on the repairing of existing bulkhead on Perry Avenue North. (1) Jack Thorburn, Inc. 4716 46th SW Seattle, Wash. in the amount of $23,175.60 and (2) Blossom Brothers Inc., Suquamish, Wash. in the amount of $41,308.58. Both bids were referred to Street and Alley Committee and Engineer for evaluation and review and will make recommendations at the next meeting. Mayor Powers reported on meeting with other public officials of the County and stated the City will assist in funding the County -wide program of Alcoholism Information and Referral Center with the required 2% of the liquor profit and tax disbursement as ordered by Senate Bill 29. Mayor also reported that 70% of those spending the 28 days at Ridegemont Referral Center have not had a drink since their discharge. Engineer will contact Hammond, Collier and Wade, Consulting Engineers and obtain all information relative to Progress Payment ;J12 in the amount of $6309.71 and report at next meeting. Mayor Powers and Engineer will arrange a meeting with Mrs. Lieseke to discuss parking spaces on the proposed parking lot, as well as during construction of marina. Discussion on proposed animal ordinance continued. Mrs. Harris, manager of the Kitsap County Humane Society will be invited to join the Council on a discussion pertaining to proposed amendments. Chairman Caldwell of the Street and Alley Committee reported that the recommendations as proposed by Mr. Dahlke of a right turn lane at Sidney and Bay is not feasible at this time. It appears that this may create a pedestrian traffic hazard. Problem of the visibility at Tremont and Port Orchard Blvd. continued pending installation of traffic buttions. Cedar Heights Lift Station continued. Matter of agreement with Port Commission relative to leased lands continued pending further information from Mr. Walgren. Matter of recording devise continued. Engineer reported that the approval has been given by the State Arterial Board for the use of z0 gas tax monies for preparation of shoulders on Port Orchard Blvd. Engineer reported that work has commenced on the water line running across the property under questionable ownership in the area of C. W. Adams. May 8, 1972 Page Two Engineer also reported that the contractor on the new jail facilities has the building sewer line about half completed and they are doing very good work. Chief reported that the new police car has been delivered and will be in service soon. Councilman Van Zee reported on his trip to Vancouver, B. C. for the meeting of the Outdoor Recreation Society. Stated that it was a very interesting and informative meeting. Monteith requested that the tape recording taken by Russ Noerenberg of a speech given by the parks director of Bellingham be obtained and played for the Council. Also that the regular monthly inspector of buildings for cleanliness also inspect the Active Building. Councilman Van Zee reported that the Parks Committee will study the rates for use of Active Building with the thought of upgrading the rental fees to represent current costs. Also requested Clerk to prepare list of users of the Active Building. Councilman Geiger stated that in his opinion the uniformed employees of the City should purchase their prescriptions within the City, mainly because the City is paying the bills and that it is the policy of the City to purchase within the City whenever feasible. General feeling of Council is that it would encourage the above practice but that it appears the employees should have the right to buy wherever they desire. Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported that the request of Mr. Deal to raise the street level to that of the drive in level and move the parking dividers fronting his warehouse on East side of Water Street could not be done at this time. Clerk instructed to notify Mr. Deal of this action. Matter of sidewalk repair at Givens School and fencing along Sidney near the intersection of Division continued. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council approved the removal and the disposal of the old shed located South and East of the Taylor Street Fire Station. Councilman Fulton reported that he had checked the Municipal Building and other City buildings and found them to be generally clean and also reported that the janitorial service is adequate. Bills in the following amounts were pregented to the Council, Current Expense $6733.12, Water $2302.54, Street $2738.80, Sewer $1384.54, Parks $1253.31, Garbage $866.03 and UAB and W & Sw Construction LID 7#64 Account $1377.73 for a total of $16656.07. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved the bills be allowed and Vouchers #8152 through 8226 be paid. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. / MAYOR CLERK Port Orchard, Washington April 24th, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee and Grable. Also present Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief Dow, and Fire Chief Weatherill,also Attorney Sexton. On motion by Grable, seconded by Caldwell and carried, minutes of April loth, 1972 approved as circulated. Mayor Powers presented Fred Best with a certificate of appreciation for his dedication and service as member and Chairman of the City Planning Commission. At this time Mayor Powers requested the "Special Committee" appointed to interview and recommend those aspiring for appointment to the vacant position as Councilman to complete the unexpired term of Louis Molzahn, to make their recommendations, if any. Chairman Geiger reported that all the applications were of excellent Council material and that many hours of discussion and soul searching was done by the Committee in arriving at the name of Lloyd Berg of 1748 Sidney. On motion by Councilman Fulton, seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried, Lloyd S. Berg was confirmed as City Councilman. Mayor Powers administered the oath of office and Councilman Berg took his seat at the Council table. Mr. H. B. Hartvigsen, representative of the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency presented himself to the Council and elaborated on the "no burn" ban as it effects the City of Port Orchard. All areas within the City limits except West of Port Orchard Blvd. are considered to be within the 2000 per capita per squre mile, and the no -burn ban restrictions are in effect. Several pointed questions were asked of Mr. Hartvigsen and only suppositions and "maybes" were received by the Council. There is some question re: natural vegetation burning at the sanitary landfill and according to Mr. Hartvigsen, this will not be allowed. Councilman Monteith moved that the Mayor write a letter to the Air Pollution Control Board requesting definite decisions as to the burning of both natural vegetation and demolition. Also that no action be taken on the no -burning ban within the City until this is also clarified by the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Board, and that a copy be sent to the Air Pollution Control Agency. Motion seconded by Grable and carried. Engineer suggested that for public relation as well as practicability the entire City be placed on a no -burn status rather than segregating burning and no -burning. Fire Chief reported that there have been less than 100 permits issued for burning within the City in the past several years and that there had been only one complaint. Chief Weatherill seems to think that there is no area of one square mile that contains 2000 persons or more. Engineer reported that the fountain is being installed at the corner of Sidney and Bay and will be completed this week. Traffic channelization at Bay and Port Orchard Blvd. has been transferred to the State Highway Maintenance Department for completion. Both power and telephone crews will begin moving poles this week. Bids have been prepared and notice of opening set for May 8, 1972, on Perry Avenue North retaining wall. Engineer, Fire Chief and Fire Marshal met with the Eagles and found that they are complying with City Codes. Engineer reported that there were 64 12-hour parking places originally allocated for the ferry patrons and recommended that this figure be used instead of the 100 spots as requested by Mrs. Lieseke. Engineer and &AMSe will meet with Mrs. Lieseke. Engineer reported that culverts have been installed in West Street and that the street has been raised accordingly. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried, Ordinance #894, amending Port Orchard Municipal Code Secion 15.12.010 approved after the second reading. Mayor Powers reported that there will be a meeting at the City Hall, Bremerton, on April 26, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. in the Mayor's Office to discuss the 2% liquor profits and tax distribution. Councilmen are urged to attend. Chief Dow reported that the 1972 Dodge Polaris (pursuit car) is ready for delivery and that it will be picked up on Tuesday April 25, 1972. April 24, 1972 Page TWo Attorney Sexton presented Council with rough draft of a proposed animal control ordinance. Mayor Powers referred the ordinance to Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee. There will be a work study session of the Council and Committee at 7:30 p.m., May 4, 1972 in the Council Chambers. Port Orchard Independent, Bremerton Sun and KBRO informed. Attorney Sexton reported on meeting with attorney for Mr. Adams and that Hammond, Collier and Wade instructed their attorney to negotiate a settlement with Mr. Adams relative to the property line problem. Also reported that this may take some time to finalize. Attorney reported no definite answer as yet in the charge to the School District for sewer lift station at the Cedar Heights School. Councilman Van Zee reported meeting with Dr. Davis of School District IJ402 relative to some sort of program where NYC youths could be used to work and clean various park areas as well as assist with groups, both in park areas and in 'various school buildings and in other areas of recreation. There is a need for finances to pay for a leader or supervisor of the above youths, and hopefully, the City coul assist in this area as well as the School District. Councilman Van Zee will contact Dr. Davis and/or Harvey Kaul of Special Services to further this program. Councilman Van Zee reported that the Junior Women's Club has completed planting the various flowering shrubs in the area, of the Active Club Building. Also requested a letter of appreciation be written to the above group. Engineer will take care of furnishing sign stating: "Do Not Park on Ball Field". e Counckman Van Zee reported that he would attend the Washington Outdoor Recreation Society seminar in Vancouver B. C. on May 2, 1972. Councilman Van Zee reported that the fencing along the south side of the horseshoe pits will be completed by the group in the near future. Councilman Monteith, Chairman of Fire and Light Committee, reported on long range, upgrading of street lights throughout the City. Committee has completed inventory of approximately 2/3 of the City as of this meeting. The improvements suggested on this portion of the City are as follows: Four new lights on Sidney near SR 16. Longer brackets on light at Sidney Fire Hall. Light by Baptist Church. New relocate light by S & S Auto Rebuild. New light at dead end of May Street. New light Pottery Avenue. New light at Roland and Tremont. Upgrading of light at 1050 Hull. New light at Givens and High. Upgrade and move pole at South and Sidney. New installation at Sroufe and West. Upgrade light at Melcher and West. Relocate and divide lights between Guthrie and South, on west side. Request PSP&L to replace bulbs at South and Guthrie; Morton and Rockwell and at 921 Hull. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Council approved the immediate action on the following: (1) New light installed at Fireweed and Sidney; (2) New light at Hull and Melcher; (3) New installation at West and South, South side at dead end. Chief Dow responded to Councilman Monteith's question as to why there is identification only on one car, when this was ordered by the Council several months ago with the following; that the patches were extremely hard to get and he had to reorder from a different supplier. Councilman Geiger advised that there will be a meeting of the Finance Committee on May 3, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall. Councilman Caldwell, Chairman of Street and Alley Committee, reported that the City can do nothing to improve conditions as far as drainage is concerned on Sweany Street, Lots 6 through 12, Block 2, W. F. Smith's Addition. Also reported that there is an 8" drain now in operation. Councilman Caldwell also reported that the Committee could not see where any improvement could be made re: traffic control on Tracy Avenue. Councilman Caldwell reported that the recommended traffic control on Sidney and Bay, by rerouting traffic, is still under study by Committee. On recommendation by Chairman Caldwell, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council approved as priority street upgrading, the following; (1) Sidney from Melcher to Tremont and (2) Tremont from Sidney to Pottery. Aloril24, 1972 Page Three Chairman Fulton of Water Committee reported that contact was made with Stoican Well Drilling Company and that a test hole would run $4.00 per foot for a total cost of about $2400.00 for an 800 foot hole. If water was available, a 12" well with casing and screen would cost about $30,000.00. There would be about another $20,000.00 to complete the job. Councilman Van Zee reported that there appears to be no monies available for purchase of recreational properties at this time, but that funds are available for development. Clerk instructed to call Mr. Tom Lowry relative to deliverance of comprehensive plan and allied papers to City of Port Orchard on May 1, 1972. Mayor informed Council that Kitsap County Safety Council Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m.. May 1, 1972 at the office of Mayor Glen Jarstad of Bremerton to discuss signing and striping as well as other highway safety items. Clerk instructed to write letter of appreciation to the Junior Women's Club, attention Mrs. Norwood. Mayor set date of work session for Council to discuss proposed animal control ordinance for 7:30 p.m. May 4th, 1972 in City Hall. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council approved the appointment of Alexander Roos of 1032 Garrison to City Planning Commission to fill the vacany created by the appointment of Lloyd Berg to Councilman. Read letter submitted by Joe Simpson relative to proposed Marina expansion. Councilman Caldwell reported that two volunteers (Mrq. Herrick and Jack Weatherill) will handle the flag at the proposed flagpole site near the Hi -Joy Bowl on holidays only. Clerk instructed to notify Junior Women's Club. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved the Ed and Jo's Chuckwagon to sell popcorn and cotton candy on the streets, downtown May 6, 1972. They will be held responsible for any debris created an not picked up by them. Letter rescinding their objection to the small boat marina by Kitsap County Health Department was read. Progress report #12 from Hammond, Collier and Wade, payable to Select Contractors in the amount of $6039.71 being held for further investigation as to additional work performed. Clerk read letter from Kitsap County Civil Defense setting the annual contribution from the City in the amount of $581.00. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. on motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried. n lr + MAYOR CLERK Port Orchard, Washington April loth, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee and Grable. Also present, Fire Chief Weatherill, Police Chief Gale Dow, Engineer Knobbs and Attorney Sexton. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved minutes of March 27th, 1972 as circulated. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Council approved the granting of Fireworks Permits for the following organizations at the designated places: South Kitsap Music Boosters Hi -Joy Bowl Port Orchard Lions Club Thriftway Store Area South Kitsap Pee Wee's West Bay Area Mr. Woodward, representing the South Kitsap Music Boosters, thanked the Council and informed them that the Boosters are in the process of buying approximately $7000. worth of band uniforms and that if the levy fails, and fundsare cut from the band activity, the Boosters will see that the activity will continue with private funds. Mr. Payseno, representing the South Kitsap Pee Wee's, reported that 60% of the funds used in that activity came from the sale of fireworks, and that about 1200 kids are assisted in their activities. As there were no objections on the application for a variance of Jack Tryon, for a two foot set back on the back side of his property at 1420 West Street, the application was approved on motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Mrs. Heng presented herself to the Council and again requested that storm drains be installed along the front of her property on Sweany Street. Council is still studying the area and will come to some decision at a later date. Mr. Clarence Dahlke presented Council with several ideas as to easing traffic congestion in the downtown area. Ideas and recommendations referred to Street and Alley Committee. Clerk read letter from Gilman and Green, Architects for the new County jail, addressed to the County Commissioners and suggesting that the Commissioners request the City to allow the County to leave the existing clay sewer transmission line under the jail. Also a letter read from Mr. Richard Warren, of Kramer, Chin and Mayo on their suggestion that the County reroute the sewer. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously that the County relocate the sewer main outside the boundaries of the building. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved joining the Puget Sound Governmental Conference for the balance of 1972 for the prorated cost of $208.00. Mayor Powers appointed a special committee of Councilmen Geiger, Monteith and Fulton to interview the applicants for the vacant position created by the resignation of Louis Molzahn. Councilman Geiger appointed Chairman. Applicants are as follows: Lloyd S. Berg, Lester F. Nelson, Frank Gelsleichter, David A. Libby, Barry Mahon, Alexander Roos and Doris Stewart. Engineer reported that the fountain has been received and that it will probably be installed at Bay and Sidney this week. Map for channeling of the lanes at Port Orchard Blvd. and Bay Street is complete and the moving of the power and light poles will be started in the near future. The prospectus for the North Perry Avenue retaining wall for the use of 10 gas tax has been approved by the Highway Department and that bids will be out at the end of the month. Street and Alley Committee, Street Foreman and Engineer will meet to prepare objectives for the coming summer. Engineer reported that a prospectus must be prepared and approved before any 10 gas tax is used. The above committee will recommend at the next meeting the items in accordance with their priorities that should be completed. Engineer reported that the owner of the ambulance and wrecker service on Tacoma Street will park his vehicles on the opposite side of Tacoma Street from the Active Building. �-/O - 77,---' April 10, 1972 On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Counci19%pprooved Alvie Weatherill, part time Fire Chief to be appointed to full time status with annual salary of $8000.00 effective May, 1972. Chief Dow reported that the traffic lights at the intersection of Tremont and Port Orchard Blvd. do not give proper visibility in the center of the intersection. Referred to Fire and Light Committee. Chief Dow requested permission to purchase shoulder patches in the approximate amount of $175.00. On recommendation of Police Committee, Council approved the expenditure on motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried. Attorney reported contact with Mr. Evans, Assistant County Prosecutor, relative to the Sewer Lift Station at Cedar Heights Junior High, and stated that some reaction would be forthcoming this week. Attorney also reported that he has a meeting set for 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, the llth of April with Mr. Freyd and with Mr. Adams, relative to the property line disagreement. Ordinance No. 893, amending the Uniform Building Code by adding new section 15.04.040 and repealing 15.04.030, was read and approved by Council on motion by Grable, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Clerk read first reading of Ordinance No. 894, amending Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 15.12, Fire Prevention Code. Second reading will be completed on April 24, 1972. Attorney Sexton recommended that a public hearing be held and a comprehensive plan be adopted as soon as possible. Clerk will notify City Planning Commission of this and publish a notice of hearing for May 15, 1972 by the Planning Commission. The Fire Chief, Police Chief and Building Inspector will meet with the representative of the Eagles Club, relative to alterations of the building to comply with criteria set forth by the License Division, State of Washington to retain Class H license. Will Councilman Van Zee reported that he A attend the District Conference of the Washington Recreation and Park Society at Vancouver B. C. on Tuesday, May 2, 1972. On motion by Van Zee and seconded by Grable, claim in amount of $788.14 from Lester R. Helm for water damage at his home (618 Kitsap Street) caused by City storm drain being plugged from the excess rainfall on March 5, 1972, rejected by Council and referred to insurance carrier of the City, Safeco. Request by Port Of Bremerton of the City to grant Mrs. Mary Lieseke 100 parking spaces in the proposed parking area, for the patrons of Horluck Transportation Company and for the guarantee for sufficient parking spaces during the construction period of the marina, referred to Engineer for investigation and recommendations. On recommendation of Police Committee Council denied the request of Chief of Police to change the rank of Sergeant to Captain on motion by Grable, seconded by Van Zee and carried. Police Committee reported on the complaint of Mr. Albert C. Kleffner of 1130 Bethel Avenue relative to receiving a $10.00 citation for improper parking and a charge of $10.00 to redeem his vehicle from an impound yard. Findings of Committee were that the car was parked in a hazardous place and that the citation is proper, that the officer did attempt to contact the owner of the car and also, that the area is not signed for the information of the public. Recommended that the Street and Alley Committee investigate and recommend at the next meeting. Clerk instructed to supply Attorney with a copy of appropriate ordinance so an amendment can be made to regulate the parking of trailers and boats. Also, Attorney will review proposed dog ordinance amendment as prepared by Councilman Grable. Van Zee reported that the Junior Women's Club will buy the shrubs and also plant them. Councilman Van Zee requested them to submit plan for approval before planting. The question of whether or not the backstop at Central Field will be re -installed was continued. Matter of protective fencing at the horseshoe pits continued. Monteith reported that the comprehensive report being prepared by PSP&L will be finished by the end of the month and will show location of lights, numbers, wattage, cost and type. April 10, 1972 Councilman Geiger reported on his inspection of City Buildings ` & VMItted report to Clerk for compliance and those items criticized. Councilman Geiger reported on Finance Committee meeting with the City Treasurer, stating that considerable information was received concerning the internal operation of the cash account as well as budget control. Councilman Caldwell inquired as to what had been done on the repair of sidewalks fronting Givens School and repairing the fence along Division at Sidney. Clerk instructed to follow up the orginial letter with a second one. Councilman Fulton stated that as the water situation (as to supply) is of a serious nature, the Council should come to some conclusion as what we are going to do. Meeting set for 7:30 P.M., April 17th, 1972 at City Hall to discuss the water plans. Clerk instructed to inform news media. Matter of caretaker of the flagpole at Hi -Joy Bowl area continued. On motion by Grable, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the Resolution to renew contracts with the Puget Sound Power and Light Company for Municipal Water Pumping Power for a period of ten years beginning February 8th, 1972. Agreement as to leased lands of City and Port Of Bremerton continued. Matter of recording device continued. Bills in the following amounts were presented to Council: Current Expense $4374.75, Water $1621.32, Street $1930.80, Sewer $1093.11, Park $565.64, Garbage $809.18, Arterial Street $484.36, for a total of $10,862.16. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved the bills be allowed and Vouchers YA8077 through $8151 be paid. Meeting adjourned.at 10:30 P.M. on motion by Fulton, seconded by Geiger and carried. e titi MAYOR - ° .. CLERK Port Orchard, Washington March 27th, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee and Grable. Also present, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Dow, Chief Weatherill, Fire Marshal Erdahl and Attorney Sexton. Councilman Molzahn absent, unexcused. On motionby Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved minutes of March 13th, 1972 as circulated with the following correction: first paragraph, third line, change "excused" to "unexcused". Mrs. Harriet Norwood, Secretary of the South Kitsap Junior Women's Club requested Council to approve the four following items: 1. To proclaim Saturday, April 22nd, 1972 as "Port Orchard Spring Clean Up Day", and set the hours of clean up from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon. 2. Would like the charge for dumping garbage at the City dump between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. suspended. 3. Permission for groups to police the area of Active Building, Tremont Street and in the "Y" area. 4. The assistance of the Police Department with the use of signs and removal of the refuse. Mrs. Norwood also reported that the Department of Ecology will supply them with 100 plastic bags for the refuse. The above requests were approved by the Council on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee and carried. Mrs. Norwood further requested Council permission for the Port Orchard Lions Club to erect a flagpole on the park area adjacent to the Hi -Joy Bowl, and if the City would be responsible for raising and lowering the flag. Referred to Park and Recreation Committee. Mr. Dick Warren, representing the engineering firm of Kramer, Chin and Mayo, reviewed the Water Improvement Plan with the Council, emphasizing the long range spectrum for the City, the need of additional water, the need of additional storage and that the cooperation of the Annapolis Water District in construction of a transmission line appears to be more favorable than in the past. He recommends that contact be made with the City of Bremerton to formate a contract for water and that contact should be made with the Annapolis Water District to discuss possible joint venture in the project. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried, Council authorized Mr. Warren to prepare the schedule to submit by the 31st of March, 1972 for funds under the "Jobs Now" program. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, William Mahan, gave Council a short presentation as to the operation of the PSGC, who the members are, how voting is conducted and the purpose of the Conference. Mr. Mahan requested that the Council consider joining the Conference and that if the City Should join by May 1, 1972, the annual contribution would be $208.00 for the balance of 1972. Council took this matter under consideration. All that is necessary to become a member is a resolution passed by the Council and submitted to the Conference. Mrs. Neda Heng addressed the Council relative to unequal assessments on some of her property as compared to property adjoining hers, also complaining that she had been charged interest in the approximate amount of $149.00 in error. Mrs. Heng also requested that the City install storm drains along Sweany Street fronting her property. Matter referred to Street and Alley Committee. Albert C. Kleffner of 1130 Bethel Avenue reported that the Police Department towed his car away from the front of his son-in-law's residence at 216 Tracy Street for improper parking. He wanted to know why they did not come to the house and inform him, as the car was parked within twenty feet of the stairway. He also stated that there are no signs indicating no parking on Tracy, that all residents park along the street and wanted to know why he was singled out. Also, he paid a $10. towing charge and was issued a $10. ticket. Matter referred to Police Committee. Mr. Gail R. Taylor, plant representative for Doxol Gas Company, presented Council with a short informative talk on the advantages of converting the City's vehicles to propane gas. If three or more are converted, there would be a 90 exemption on each gallon of gas. Also stated that it is possible to get 50,000 miles per set of plugs and also 200,000 miles on engines. He requested permission to present a lease figure to the Council and was given the go ahead to do so. March 27, 1972 Engineer reported the following items: Page Two Meeting was held with Mr. Shiers, Mr. See, and the Fire and Light Committee and Fire Chief relative to the proposed construction of a building by Mr_ Shiers at 720 Bay Street. The discussion boiled down to two courses for Mr. Shiers to take. (1) Build a two story building or (2) placing a 4 hour roof on a single story. Meeting concluded with complete understanding by all parties. The neighborhood problem in Garden Grove subdivision has been somewhat abated as Mr. Hunsaker is constructing a driveway from Flower Street to the disputed duplex along the twenty foot right of way. The City can burn natural vegetation and some demolition materials(that amount needed to keep the vegetation burning) at the sanitary landfill, with a permit from the Department of Natural Resources, but the burning of demolition items can be done only with the permission of the Air Pollution Control Agency. Notified that it will probably be at least a month before the Puget Sound Power and Light Company and Pacific NW Bell will be able to coordinate on the light at Bay and Port Orchard Blvd. Specifications for the improvement of Perry Avenue North are completed and the prospectus is ready to forward to the Highway Department. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved Resolution 111109 declaring Perry Avenue North as an Arterial Street. Matter of fountain at Bay and Sidney Continued. Gas tax can not be used for the correction of the drainage area at the north end of Austin Street gully. Mr. Fitzmorris stated that even though he would not approve the project, he would forward the prospectus to the Attorney General's office for their review. Fire Chief reported 2 small fires with very little damage. Requested approval of Council to attend Arson School at Eugene, Oregon during the week of May 5, 1972. Council approved the trip on motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Chief Dow reported that the traffic problem in the Bethel Avenue area from approximately the Peninsula Lockers to intersection of Bay and Bethel will be completed in the near future by the Highway Department. They will install on the downhill side a speed zone and move the 35 mph sign on the uphill side about 100 yards to the south. Water, Sewer and Garbage Committee recommended the excess water bill of Mrs. Stella Paxton caused by her hose running is not the responsibility of the City and that her request for assistance be denied. The two cases of Mrs. Honey and Mrs. Myers, relative to sewer service charges while the two women are in rest --homes continued. Committee will do further research on the problem of sewer service charge while residences are vacant. Attorney Sexton reported that Claire Voss of the Kitsap County Housing Authority stated that they are still desirous of an agreement with the City. Attorney reported that a meeting is being arranged with C. W. Adams and his attorney. Attorney also reported that he has discussed the Cedar Heights Sewer Lift Station bill with Mr. Evans who represents the School, and had informed Mr. Evans that it is our opinion, with the information available, that the contractor or the architect appears to have made the error. Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. read letter from Councilman Louis Molzahninforming Council of his resignation as of March 31, 1972 due to health problems with both himself and his wife. Resignation accepted with regrets by the Council,on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Grable and carried. Platter of the building code amendments continued. Matter of zoning ordinance continued. Councilman Van Zee reported that the Little League is expanding their ball field, installing new fencing and 2 new light poles. March 27, 1972 Page Three Councilr►&an Van Zee also reported that some Juniper shrubs will be planted in front of the Active Building. Also, that the SK Junior Women's Club will ask for small plants and vines which would be thrown away as residents thin their flower gardens this time of year. Also requested approval of Council to install additional 50 feet of fence on the North side of sidewalkito the tree line. Request approved on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee and carried. Van Zee also requested that Mr. Knobbs, when possible, level up Central Field so grass can be planted. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried, Clerk instructed to write a letter to Mr. Tom Lowry, requesting that the completed comprehensive plan the City has contracted with Mr. Lowry to prepare, be delivered to the City Council not later than May 1, 1972 and that the Mayor sign the letter. Matter of some protective barrier around the horse shce pits was discussed by Council. Matter referred to Parks, Playground and Building Committee. Council briefly discussed the City's cost of the street lighting now that the Marquee -` is completed and in operation. Clerk instructed to secure costs of lighting from Puget Power. Council informed by Councilman Caldwell that the Youth Council has started activities in the basement of the Active Building and that Rod Albertson has been elected the President. On April 10, 1972, next regular meeting of the Council, members of the Soil Conservation District will meet with the Council at 7:00 p.m. on the matter of the City's application to enter the District. Mayor Powers informed Council of the resignation of Fred Best, Chairman and member of the City's Planning Commission. Clerk instructed to write letter to Mr. Best thanking him for his time and effort given to the City. Agreement between Port Orchard and Port Of Bremerton re: marina continued. Matter of recording device continued. Change of rank from sergeant to some other more impressive rank continued in Committee. Two requests for fireworks permits received, one from SK Music Boosters and one from the Port Orchard Lions Club. Council will determine which will be allowed to sell fireworks at the April 10, 1972 regular meeting. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried. CLERK > MAYOR ✓ l Port Orchard, Washington March 13th, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith and Grable. Van Zee and Molzahrnexcused. Also present, Attorney Sexton, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Dow and Chief Weatherill. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved minutes of meeting of February 28th, 1972 as circulated. Frank Shiers, of Shiers, Kruse and Roper, approached Council regarding a one story concrete block building which they would like to build on their property at 720 Bay Street. It appearnthat the upper story of the building of the west side of the property had been condemned several months ago and that according to the Building Code and Fire Code some sort of protection must be included to protect the public, such as a steel roof, fire wall or erection of a two story building. Mayor referred the matter to the Fire & Light Committee who will work with the Building Inspector and Fire Marshal. Mr. Shiers also reported that negotiations have been completed with the renter and plans have been prepared. Mr. John Noble, representing Robinson, Roberts and Associates, Consulting Engineers, gave Council a brief summary of their report to the City relative to the use of surface water (wells) rather than the purchase of water from the City of Bremerton. He stated their proposal would be less expensive and a better product. Mayor stated that a decision by the Council would probably be forth -coming at the meeting of March 27th, 1972. Mr. Arthur Mikelsen presented a map of the Garden Grove Plat approved by the Council, read the covenants of the plat and requested Council to assist the property owners within the plat to eliminate the use of Lot 5 as a street extension of the cul-de-sac. Mr. Farrell Hunsaker has purchased a lot behind and outside of the plat and has erected a duplex on the lot, and is using Lot 5 of Garden Grove as ingress and egress. Mr. Mikelsen asked why Mr. Hunsaker should not use the easement from South Flower Street to the back lot, as this is now being used for the water main to the property. Attorney Gary Sexton stated that there may be a violation of the zoning laws, and that it appears not to be a City problem, but one of civil nature. The parking in Lot 5 may be a violation, but the use as a driveway would be no violation. Matter referred to Street and Alley Committee with Attorney also giving additional guidance on the problem. Matter of excess water bill of Mrs. Stella Paxton in amount of $27.20 referred to Water, Sewer and Health Committee. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council rejected the request of the Ki.tsap County Housing Authority of the City to join. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved the amending of the Uniform Building Code by the Repeal of Chapter 15.04 of the Municipal Code Section 15.04.030 and adopt Volume 1, Section 303, Table A of the 1970 Uniform Building Code. Add to Chapter 15.04 Section 15.04.10 of the Municipal Code the words "with appendices of all Volumes and also include the 1971 Supplement to the 1970 Uniform Building Code". Add to Chapter 15.04, Municipal Code, a section to read "all dwelling units, custom built homes, prefabricated homes, mobile homes, modular homes and any other types classed by the Uniform Building Code as a dwelling unit, will be equipped with two (2) doors to provide a reasonable degree of safety for persons living or sleeping in the dwelling unit". On exit door thresholds at a height of over 5 feet from the ground, a suitable landing shall be provided with a stairway built according to the UBC. Add to Chapter 15.12 Section 15.12.010, adoption of the 1971-1972 Edition of the National Fire Code, Volume One through Ten with appendices. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried, Attorney Sexton requested to prepare a summary of the existing City Zoning Ordinance and present to the Council at the March 27 meeting. Engineer reported the following items: The heavy rain recently nearly wiped out the sanitary fill. Had a rather serious slide on Grant Street. Slide of Division Street across Fort Orchard Blvd. Prospect alley is settling. Slide on Bethel Avenue. Matter of fountain at Bay & Sidney continued. .� Arcade lights are all now in operation. Mr. Shepard of the Lewis and Clark stated that Central Playground is nearly completed and that the dedication will be about the 1st of June. Progress on the inventory of the Shorelines is being accomplished with a joint effort of the City, County and UW students retained by the Port Of Bremerton. March 13, 1972 Page Two Estimates are being solicited on the repair of the Perry Avenue Bulkhead. It is not feasible to drain Givens Field via the Kendall Street culvert due to elevations. The only means would be to open ditch to Division, then on down the gully. This is the right time to secure property owners financial assistance or LID. Engineer also reported that approximately 300 feet of 30 inch storm drain is needed to alleviate the slide potential in the area south of manhole and behind the residence of Les Helm thence running in southerly direction to Dekalb Street. The approximate cost would be $5000.00 and probably 14 gauge aluminum would be used. Engineer also reported that the "no burning" ban is still in effect and that no further information will be forthcoming from the Air Pollution Board until their next meeting on April 12, 1972. Attorney reported that R.C.W. 35.24.100 establishes the boundaries for declaration of vacancy by the Council, and it would appear that passing an ordinance with restrictions other than those set forth, would be without authority. Councilman Monteith requested the Attorney, to acquire definite opinion from the Attorney General's Office as to the City's authority to pass a resolution which would apply only to this City. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried unanimously, Council declared Louis Molzahn as being unexcused fronthis meeting. R.C.W. 35.24.100 states as follows: "If a member of the City Council absents himself for three consecutive meetings thereof, unless by permission of the Council, his office may be declared vacant by the Council". Matter of Sewer Lift Station at Cedar Heights Junior High School continued. Clerk will furnish information relative to this to the Attorney for his consideration. Ordinances for disorderly conduct and towing continued. Engineer reported that Select Contractors had paved High Avenue. Monteith moved that City delay the laying of the seal wear lift. No action taken. Notice from State Highway Engineers of presentation of preliminary plans for SR 16 leg from Olympic Drive to Tremont Road read. Meeting will be held at the Bethel Grange Hall on Bethel Road at 7:00 p.m. March 22, 1972. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council delayed authorization to purchase Wayne Sweeper from Fray Equipment Company in the amount of $3750 until a later date. Mayor reported on meeting with Mr. Don Munro, representative of Stevens, Thompson and Runyan, Inc., Engineers and Planners, and asked Council if they would care to meet with the representative to discuss their agency and capabilities. Clerk will contact the company and set date of either 3/29 or 3/30/1972 for the meeting at the pleasure of the company. Monteith reported that the Fire and Light Committee is completing a comprehensive plan of the City lighting system with inventory of existing light fixtures, showing size, type and making recommendations as to changes needed to update the system. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the updating of street lights beginning at Dekalb and ending at Melcher Streets to Mercury Vapor type with 7000 Lumen. They will be centered over Sidney Avenue at each crosswalk. Monteith reported the additional monthly cost would be $1.00 per fixture. Monteith presented Council with pictures taken at the Boat Launch showing the dignitaries present with Ex -Mayor Repanich and Whitey Domstad cutting the ribbon, with request that some of the pictures be sent to the main dignitaries present. Geiger brought to the attention of the Council the hardship imposed on certain citizens of the City due to the compulsory garbage and sewer charges. Referred to Water, Sewer amd Health Committee. Geiger also suggested that some thought should be given to supplying a building similar to Retsil-type for senior citizens. Agreement between City and Port Of Bremerton relative to Small Boat Marina continued. Attorneys Walgren and Hanley are working this up. Matter of recording device continued. �- Sewer Lift Station continued. Attorney is researching this transaction. Map to be presented to City by PSP & L continued. Matter of change of rank (Police) still in committee. Attorney and Mayor are still deliberating on the Adams property line dispute. March 13, 1972 Page Three City received request for fireworks stand from Lions Club. Bills in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense $5527.04, Water $1434.611, Street $9269.73, Sewer $1639.68, Parks 907.26, Garbage $665.5411 LTD #65 9748.00, UAB $73008.00 for a total of $102,199.86. On motion by Grable, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the Bills be allowed and Vouchers 7992 through 8076 be paid and February Payroll in the amount of $21034.81. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. on motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried. - / I iiiOi1 •✓�^ r� pyc e.,- CLERK Port Orchard, Washington February 28th, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee, and Grable. Molzahn excused. Also present: Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief Dow, Chief Weatherill, Fire Marshal Erdahl and Attorney Walgren. As the minutes of February 14th, 1972 were distributed to the Mayor and Councilmen several days prior to the meeting of February 28, 1972, the minutes of February 14th, 1972 approved as circulated on motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried. Mr. Robert Meyer, Manager of Port Of Bremerton addressed the Council and explained the proposed agreement between the City and the Port relative to the construction of the small boat harbor. Upon questioning by Fire Chief as to protection measures on the moorage, Mr. Meyer stated that Mr. Nelson of Reid, Middleton and Associates will contact Fire Chief. Councilmen Monteith moved and Geiger seconded that water and sewer service to be furnished to the marina be considered on the basis of priorities and should not be installed until the other current extensions have been completed. Ex -Mayor Nick Repanich informed Council that at the time of the preparation of the current budget, the costs of the extension had been considered and that the funds would be available as this program would extend in to the following year. Engineer Knobbs reported that the estimated cost of the extension would be approximately $20,000. of which about $5,000. would be out-of-pocket funds or cash. Councilman Fulton opposed the motion. Motion lost with six Councilmen voting, four ayes with Monteith and Geiger dissenting. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Monteith that Port Commission be considered as any other organization requesting extension of service, and fin- ance the entire cost of the proposed extension, motion defeated with six Councilmen voting; four ayes with Monteith and Geiger dissenting. Mr. Lyman of Park Shore Realty stated that the marina is not just a City function but will be used by the entire south district and that the cost of the marina is and will be borne by all the citizens and taxpayers in the south district. Monteith stated that he was not in disagreement with the marina but that the timing is wrong, locations should be studied, the City has a dire need for additional water, sewer plant is working at capacity, streets need repair and maintenance and that the citizens of the City are being hurt just to satisfy a few. Fulton moved that the agreement with the Port be completed, seconded by Van Zee and carried. Monteith and Geiger opposed. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council approved the Regional Library using the Council room for films on Wednesday evenings on a trial basis and that the door not be installed at this time. Engineer reported that double swinging doors of aluminum with safety glass would cost about $500.00 and that the labor cost to install them would be about $250.00. Agreement to join the Kitsap County Housing Authority continued. Matter of recording device continued. Matter of guardrails at Sidney and Division continued. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried, Council instructed Attorney to meet `--�, with legal counsel of the School District relative to the sewer lift station at Cedar Heights Junior High School and bring recommendation back to Council. Engineer reported that there is about 130 feet of fence to be related at the Stewart Lloyd residence on Sherman Avenue according to agreement made with City. Engineer reported that study is still being conducted relative to the broken fountain at the corner of Bay and Sidney. Engineer reported that the map being prepared by Mr. Siefried of Puget Sound Power and Light Co. will probably be completed by next Council meeting. Engineer reported that contractor has cleaned debris from Rockwell Street. Street and Alley Committee along with Engineer will inspect the retaining wall at West Bay behind the car wash, Tuesday morning the 29th of February, 1972. Engineer reported that the second driveway has been installed on the Lieske property, culvert in, but the curbing will not be removed until Mr. Lieske has blacktopped the driveway. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the Fire Chief to purchase a new vehicle. Probably will be purchased through State bid. February 28, 1972 Page Two Chief Dow requested the Council to change the title of Sergeant to that of Captain as there are certain schools that will not allow officers to attend unless they rank as Lieutenant or better. This was referred to the new Police Committee which was authorized by the Council on motion of Monteith, seconded by Grable and carried. Chief Dow reported that he had appointed Allen Sibley as the fourth member on the new Safety Committee. Chief Dow also reported that he would probably pick up the new patrol car this coming Wednesday. Clarence Dahlke presented Council with four possible traffic changes which may have merit. Mayor requested that Mr. Dahlke present the plans to the City Engineer for consideration. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council referred the Reid, Middleton and Associates letter of investigation and recommendations relative to C. W. Adams, to the Mayor and City Attorney for conclusion. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried, Ordinance #892 (an ordinance of the City of Port Orchard, Washington ordering appropriations from revenues received in excess of anticipated revenues for the budget year 1971) was approved and becomes a part of these minutes. Van Zee reported that a bid was received from McCormack Fence Company, in the amount of $279.00 for 11 gauge and $300.00 for 9 gauge fencing for use at the Active Club Recreation Building. Engineer instructed to prepare estimate for costs of correcting the drainage problem in area of Givens School. Matter of amendment to Building Code and or Fire Code discussed, Engineer and Fire Chief will prepare a list of desired changes for Council. Letter read requesting a meeting on March 1, 1972 at 10:00 a.m.. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall with representatives of Port Commission, Department of Ecology, Attorney General's Office and City, relative to the small boat marina. Letter read on Communications Upgrading from Planning and Community Affairs Agency stating City application has been received and that #678 has been assigned to this project. Proposed Ordinance on defining the offense of disorderly conduct continued. Attorney and Chief will continue review. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the payment of $390.00 to the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency for the City's share of the 1972 costs. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved Attorney to prepare ordinance for controlling Council members excused and unexcused absences from meetings. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. on motion by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried. MAYOR CLERK Port Orchard, Washington February 14th, 1972 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee and Grable. Excused Monteith and Molzahn. Also present Chief Weatherill, Chief Dow, Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs and Attorney Sexton. Minutes of January 24, 1972 approved as read. Mrs. Irene Heninger, Driector of Kitsap Regional Library reported to Council on the strides made by the local library during the last year, such as the very large increase in activity in the use of books, new programs such as "Out Reach" which goes into nursing homes and retirement homes and also residences for invalids, (bringing in books and reading to them). They are now starting a film program covering all phases of literature such as safety films, environmental films and children's films. This will be using approximately 70 films per month within the County library system. Mrs. Heninger requested the use of the Council Chambers for one night a week preferably Wednesdays, to show films. She also requests that the City install a double solid door between the Chambers and the Library. The door would be furnished by the Kitsap Regional Library. Also, would like to hang a curtain which would screen the Council table and chairs. Several interested citizens were present to lend their approval of the request. Mayor referred the matter to the Building Committee in conjunction with the Engineer as to costs, fire safety conditions and report back at the next meeting. Mr. Claire Voss, representing the Kitsap County Housing Authority, again presented himself to the Council with another request that the City join in with the County program. He stated that as we have a different City Attorney, the interpretation would probably be right, as the former City Attorney did not give the proper interpretation to the agreement. Agreement referred to Attorney for study and recommendation at the next meeting. Matter of recording device for the Council continued. There will be a meeting of the Fire Department at 8:00 p.m. February 22, 1972 at Fire Station #2, at which time a discussion will be held relative to the possible change of fire drill night. Attorney reported that the letter attached to the right of way deed of Stewart Lloyd is not legally binding upon the City, but that the Council should also consider this in the moral sense as well as the legal sense. Recommendation of the City Planning Commission for approval of the rezone from R-1 to Commercial of Lots 7 & 10 Block 5, S. M. Stevens Plat of Sidney as requested by Schultheis, Maddock and Fox, approved on motion by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Engineer reported that the safety engineer for our insurance carrier will inspect the guard- rail at Sidney Avenue and Division Street and advise. Engineer reported that the pre-school group has vacated the basement of the Active Club Building and moved to the Catholic Church. Engineer reported that the condition of the Taylor Street Building is very bad. The doors are broken the lavatory full of refuse, and the equipment of the Council on Youth is still in the building. Windows are also broken. Matter of fountain still continued. Engineer reported that perhaps within the next thirty days, some decision will be made by the Pollution Control Agency relative to burning natural vegetation. Engineer reported that the light, telephone and TV cable and lines have been raised on the O light standards in the area of the Marquee, and that the engineer for the City's insurance carrier will make an inspection in the near future. With his approval, the lights will be put into operation. Engineer reported that the sanitary sewer line to connect with the Yacht Club must be processed under the guidelines of the Shoreline Management Act. Engineer reported that the meeting with the representative of the cities in the County, and the County was a fruitful one and that there is $7000 available for the shovi.ines inventory. Also, the professional planners of Bremerton will prepare some guidelines for the respective municipal corporations to follow and each will prepare the inventory as a joint venture. In this matter, their completed inventory will be uniform. Phase I will be shorelines only and Phase II will be administrative. No action was taken at this time by Council toward a joint venture program with the County. February 14, 1972 Page Two Letter regarding a willow tree which was instrumental in the back up of sewage in the Webb residence at 1113 Spokane Street, was written to Mrs. Wanda Carmean instructing her to remove the tree. On motion by Fulton, seconded by Caliwell and carried, Engineer authorized to purchase a 1963 Studebaker van for the amount of $675.00. Engineer reported that Mr. Siefried of Puget Sound Power and Light Company is preparing a map showing the positions of City lights, type and wattage. When the map is completed Mr. Siegfried will present the map to the City. Engineer reported that there is available, 2150 pounds of sodium flouride which was salvaged from a wreck, and the price delivered to City is 1510 per pound, 1610 less than the regular price. Council approved the purchase. This amount will last about if years. Chief Dow reported that the communications position has been filled. Chief Weatherill introduced Don Erdahl to the Council and reported that he would like to hire Erdahl as the City's Fire Marshal if Council would tender approval. Council approved the hiring of Don Erdahl as Fire Marshal. Councilman Grable will prepare a rough draft of dog control ordinance and copy will be sent to each Councilman to study and make recommendations. Councilman Fulton reported that the School Board and Finance Committee are having discussions relative to the settlement of the City's bill for the installation of a sewer lift station in the vicinity of Cedar Heights Junior High School. Van Zee reported that they are now preparing the ground along the sidewalk fronting the Active Building for the planting of the Juniper trees. He also informed the Council that it would probably be less expensive to have the fencing installed by private enterprise than by the City. The cost privately would run about $1.15 per foot. Engineer will contact the contractor of the building installation at Rockwell and Bay as to cleaning the sidewalk. Van Zee reported that progress on the recreation facilities in the Active Building was somewhat slowed by the inclement weather. It appears some joint program is being worked out with the School District. Van Zee pledged $100.00 toward the purchase of a pool table. No further information on the recreation equipment which is to be installed at Central Field by the Lewis and Clark group. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council approved the placing of a sign on the front of the Active Building (Active Ce3creation Building). Councilman Van Zee, Councilman Caldwell and Engineer will decide on the size and type. Councilman Caldwell reported on a complai t regarding the wrecker vehicles parked on Tacoma Avenue in the area of the Active �tgcreation Building. Matter of enforcement of traffic laws in the Westbay and Bethel Avenue area was discussed. Possibly a deceleration sign is needed. Dow reported that the Highway Department must approve any change. Clerk instructed to contact President Jones of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce and see if City can do anything to help in establishing the shellfish lab. Clerk instructed to notify those interested in obtaining fireworks stands within the City, by notice in the Independent that City will receive applications until April 24, 1972 and will approve three applications at the meeting on April 24, 1972. Letter from Safeco Insurance Company stating that the sidewalk fronting Givens School on Sidney between Kendall and Sroufe is settling and should be repaired or replaced as necessary. Copy of letter was read written to U.S. Army Engineers from the Kitsap County Health Department stating that toilet facilities, refuse disposal facilities and holding tanks should be given consideration on the request for permit to construct a marina. Letter read from Reid, Middleton and Associates, which stated facts concerning property lines on the C. W. Adams property and recommendation as to how the disagreement should be handled. February 14, 1972 Letter read from South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce expansion of the Port Orchard Yacht Club. Page Three stating they are in favor of the proposed Letter read from Kitsap County Sheriff's Department requesting approval to set aside three more parking spaces for law enforcement cars only,, by extending the yellow line from the driveway of the engineering office to about the center of the courthouse. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried, request granted on condition that all expense attached thereto be born by County and that this approval will terminate at the close of construction of new jail facilities. Letter from Port of Bremerton read requesting City to negotiate an agreement with the Port relative to providing an entrance to the parking area, authorize the exclusive and unrestrictive use of lands leased to City by State Department of Natural Resources for the purpose of a small boat marina, extend water and sewer lines, establish ordinances appropriate for the public use of the facilities and for traffic control during construction. This is under consideration by Council. Mayor Paul Powers Jr., appointed the following to the City Planning Commission: Lloyd Berg 1748 Sidney Avenue Term to expire 12-31-73 Ronald Heuer 822 Division Street 14" 12-31-75 John Hokanson 915 Kitsap Street to If12-31-76 Daniel Seelye 512 Taylor Street 12-31-77 Arthur Mikelsen 2358 Garden Drive 12-31-78 Mayor Paul Powers Jr., appointed the following to the Safety Committee: Lee Caldwell, Randolph Carlow, Donald Erdahl and a member of the Police Department. Bills in the following amounts were submitted to the Council: Current Expense $8707.53, Water $2694.04, Street $3276.27, Sewer $1057.67, Parks $641.73, Garbage $1142.92, and Arterial Street $7.77 for a Total of $17,527.93. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Fulton and carried, Council approved the Bills be allowed and Vouchers 7898 through 7991 be paid and January Payroll in the amount of $20,776.41 be allowed. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. on motion Fulton, seconded by Grable and carried. MAYOR CLERK Cort Orchard, `.pia shington January 24th, 1972 Council of the City of tort Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Nayor Paul J. Forgers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caiuwell, Geiger, ,,ont(?ith, Van wee and Grable. Councilman ^iolzahn excused. Also present Attorney Sexton, Chief Dow and Engineer Knobbs. Minutes of January lt), 1972 meeting approved as corrected. Page paragraph 1,3, should be 'ee i�ees instead of Parr. District. i.ayor cowcrs recognized the following four members of the eolice Department and congratulated there for using very little or none of their sick leave. (1.) homer Barrett, (2) Terry Luber, (3) Irene Chance, (4) wscoe Goodenough. uss roerenber�, requested Council apPr.oval to use either the basement or one of the upstairs rooms of the :active Building for a youth activity and recreation center. Also, perhaps the City could assist in this venture by acquiring a pool table, yin; gong table and any other type of games for the center. Committee for Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings will r€eet with i`ir. 1,,oerenberg to finalize the action,an.a on motion ey Lonteith, seconded by Grable and carried the Council approved the committee have power to act. Cn :r.oti_on by t.onteith, seconded by Grable and carried, the Darning area ir.isunderstanding was tabled for further study. Engineer knobbs reported on the claim of rir. Ray Webb of 1.113 Spokane Street in the amount of $27..Fii! that. the City is responsible for the backur, into their basement of sewage, and stated that a tree located on the adjoining; property belonging, to a 'anda Carmean is the apparent cause of clof.,ging the ;ewer line. Engineer stated that the City should pay the claim this tine, out pay no future claims. tin ineer will. contact ianda ;armea.n and instruct that the tree be removed. On motion by r,onteith, seconded by Caldwell. and carried, the above action approved, and that a letter be sent as a iolloW up to document the. above. -n.',ineer rp sorted that he has contacted glen Greseth of i'ort Urchard i4ursery relative to a single unit concrete water )`ountai.n (ijrecast but has no price as yet. He stated that most all units run bets eon Y25i:,,i ; and �3uCi.0;.i. nt;inee.r will contact sNestern rdashington Fairs in Tacoma as to a fountain similiar to the one used at the Fair. Council will meet at 7.3(; p.rri. January 31., 1972 to discuss ,uiaeli-nes relative to excused and unexcusea absences of Council members. Uri motion by Councilman i;onteith, seconded by Caldwell and carrieo, A k'eat.herill was a);)ointea ,)art -time lire Chief for the City at an annual salary of aAM.a It is the intent of the Council that i-,'eatherill Will work approximately 2�; hours per week. Weatherill will replace retired Fire C'hlei i:en Haci;er .i`;nt(-ith recur renr)cc, that a qualified person be appo.Llited as Fire Narshal to continue the )�og;raF;is in progress throughout the City, i? s there a�,.)ears to be no one available at this til;ie and as the sire t:arshal also is involved in building inspections, r,.onteith woved that the engineer be. authori2ed to hire an assistant inspector or an hourly basis in the interim. joti.ou seconded by 'r'ulton and carried. t,onteith recomil-iended that the City nurcha �e a to -se recorder to facilitate the recording of the rF:i.nutes and al.�.o to be able to secure accurate statements from those present during i'(g,ular iacetinls as well as controversial meetings. 'norteith reported that a cassette -type with 2 hour tapes suitable for this type of o)eration would run about ;1.25. For the recorder and about Y75. ;)er year for thn tape;. un motion by Galewoll, seconded by Grable, Council a;)drove6 ,,urcha,,e of some ty,,e of set which ,,rouln oo the above and that the Finance i:o;mnittee would chec ;_ arouna for the ;;roper set. ire ano isht 'OmFiilttEe will meet With the Lire. i)e.iarLrte.nt ano other officials to see v!at, ig anytllhirw' could be accomplished relative to chant in; the drill nil ht from 1 onday to other ni �ht. :ngineer reported on attending Tacoma along w th ether ;;artie vef;etation. The object o-' the the :r mint_° ;lit w"li ch i s about the air curtain cri_von circuiati rig the srrlolce and poll a presentation of an air curtain burning at the L'ort of s Concerned with restrictions on the burning, of natural air curtain is to contain the residue and pollutients within eight Feet wide by eight feet deers and about fifty feet in by a to h.p. i�iotor with fan blowing, across the pit, stients back down into the pit. n;ln''-er re"E)Orte.d t:rlat a ir. illit Llkniey, representing .ltsap Group Homes requested information relat .ve to buildings a -',ic:ili.ty for about 6 youngsters and a cou_)l(, to act aS house :)ar_ents or, a fi vp-�aci.e tract at the east end of iothvell Street. Also informed the L'n ,ineer that this Is a program. The, facility will be simila-r.' to a residential. unit, rr_gi7ecr will have the gentleman l:,r_esent his story to the Council January 24, 1972 at a later date. page 'I�No__ Engineer reported that the bulkhead at Annapolis has been repaired. Matter of the fence of Stewart Lloyd continued for investigation by Attorney. Engineer reported that Ron Nelson has started a development across from the Peninsula Lockers and that there will be installed by Nelson a large catch basin, and that a 36 inch culvert will be installed parralell to the road along Cedar to the south approximately 300 feet. Engineer reported that the van type unit that is for sale by the postal department for $600, meets with his approval and would like Council approval to purchase the unit. This will be used as a emergency vehicle as well as portable trouble truck being equipped with generator for welding, portable water pump and smoke blower as well as many other uses. Engineer reported that the request for vacation of a portion of First Street will be re -submitted to the Council by Mr. Perrine as the State Highway Department has approved the vacation also that a 10 foot easement will be included in the re -submitted request. Engineer reported that the street crew dug 18 holes at Central Playfield on January 15 and that 18 Cherry trees had been planted by the Junior Women's Club with the assistance of the Boy Scouts. Chief Weatherill reported that the department has purchased a new portable gas operated water pump that would pump 100 gallons per minute at 50 pounds pressure. Chief Dow reported that the Highway Department had notified the Chief that they approved the closure of Bay Street for the Loyalty Day Parade. Attorney reported that the proposed ordinance on definition of disorderly conduct is being studied and will be ready for Council action in the near future. Following letters were either read or a copy was presented to Councilmen= From Mayor of DuPont, Washington, relative to HB #106 and SB #67. -"`From Don Thompson relative to Cedar Heights Sewer Lift Station. —From Puget Sound Governmental Conference relaying their approval of Water System Development Plan. From South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce extending invitation to Council to attend the dinner for Nick Repanich, Vern Caldwell, Adrian Carr and Ken Hacker on 1-27-72 at Myhre's. From Association of Washington Cities thanking Council for their recommendation to consider Mr. Foreman to fill vacancy on Board of Directors. From Port Orchard Yacht Club expressing their approval for small boat moorage. Information of Revenue Sharing. From Robinson, Roberts and Associates: Proposal on Water Improvement Systems Plan. Council accepted Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, Heating and Stove Oil contract awards for the year 1972 the following prices: Phillips Petroleum Company, Heating and Stove Oil Ps-200 Philheat #3 .132, Ps-100 Philheat #1 .155, Mobil Oil Corporation DF-2 Diesel .1261, Premium Gasoline .24, Regular Gasoline .2148. Council withheld action on application of Schultheis, Maddock and Fox for rezone from R-1 to Commercial on Lots 7 and 10, Block 5, S. M. Stevens Plat in order to see plans of building and to determine if sufficient room is available for off street parking. Planning Commission approved the rezone and recommended that the Council concur on their action. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Grable and carried, Council set termination date for the janitorial service being performed by American Building Maintenance as of 2-29-72, and instructed Clerk to inform the company by letter. Mayor will prepare a rotating list of Councilmen for the purpose of routine inspections of the City's buildings as to their cleanliness and upkeep. Councilman Monteith suggested that a weekly report on information be published in the local paper to inform the public of ways and methods of acquiring help in City services. Also information as to procedures when dealing with the City. Engineer will inspect the guard rail at Division and Sidney as to the hazard that appears to exist and a letter will be written to the owner or owners informing them that a dangerous condition does exist and should be corrected. January 24, 1972 Page Three The condition of the sidewalk at Givens School will be referred to the City•s insurance carrier. Some discussion was held concerning the possibility of a Police Committee. No action taken. Chief informed Council that if they would contact him he would arrange for them to look around. Mr. McMullen representing Hammend, Collier and made reported to Council that at the final stage of Port Orchard Blvd. there will probably be no UAB funds remaining. The reason for this was attributed to emergencies caused by heavy rainfall, having to place 2k inches of blacktop instead of 1�, additional work not in contract on both High and Tremont Streets and the relocation of a water line plus other items. It appears that the City will have to find local funds to complete the paving, stripping and shoulder work. Councilman Monteith wants all the supporting data related to the project such as progress reports, UAB payments, City contribution and any other items be prepared in order of their happening for further study. Councilman Geiger stated that he was satisfied as to the authenticity of the billing and related to the Council the items as they had been reported to the Council at the work session and the amounts involved. With the above information Council approved the payment of progress billing #11 in the amount of $77,525.00 less retainage in the amount of $3,876.25 for a net amount of $73,648.75, on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee and carried. Council adjourned at 10:15 p.m. on motion by Geiger, seconded by Grable and carried. MAYO CLERK Port orchard, Washington January 1.0th, 1972 Council of the City of port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by AAayor lick J. &epani_ch. Councilmen present; Powers, Caldwell_, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee, and Carr. Iiolzahn excused. Also present; Sup`t. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of police Dow and Attorney Sexton. LinuteS of December 27th, 1971. approved as corrected. Page 2, paragraph eleven, third line to read Central Field instead of Givens Field. I,ayor announced that the first order of business would be administering the oath of office to the newly elected members of the Council, who have been duly certified by the County Auditor. Clerk informed the Nayor and others present that Councilman Geiger, gable, Fulton and Caldwell had executed oaths of office and filed them with the Lounty auditor as required by law and have been formally certified as having been elected. �.ayor tepani.ch administered the oath of office to the above named Councilmen, and they were seated in office. Eayor :epanich then presented to the members of the City Council a list of items which should be contemplated for future completion and handed a copy to the Clerk with instruct- ions that the list become part of the minutes of this meeting. -ia I;ayor :epanich then administered the oath of office L�ayor-elect Caul 1). rowers, Jr. who had been duly certified by the County Auditor and had been formally certified as having been elected. bayor. Faul D. powers, Jr. then replaced Ex-hayor Repanich as the Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Port Orchard. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council retained the legal services of the firm of Walgren, Sexton and hamps, located at 245 Fourth Street building, i;remerton kashington for the amount of $50C. per month. A>r. Arthur Pikelsen, on behalf of himself and Iirs. Mikelsen, expressed appreciation to Mr. Repanich for the long years of dedicated service to the citizens of Port Orchard, and also congratulated the new Payor Paul 1). Powers, Jr. The Matter of City jurisdiction over the area north of bay street, between Frederick and Sidney Streets adjacent to the business house continued. Engineer Knobbs reported that the final inspection of the Arcade (Lill #65) has been made and tht: arcade is now acceptable. Letter of resignation of Warren Williams from the Planning Commission was accepted by the Council. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved the recommendation of tichard I?. Foreman for the vacant position on the :Board of Directors of the AWC re,)resenting the Seventh District to serve until the successor to that postion is elected at the annual meeting of the AMC. Councilman Van Zee stated that he may be able to attend the Conference being held in Seattle at the Edgewater Inn on January 2O, 1972 which is being programmed by the Washington State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. 'equest,by John Spellman, for resolution calling for passage of federal revenue sharing during this current session of Congress, referred to Finance and Auditing Committee for report. Letter read from Mr. Webb of 1.1.0 Spokane Street requesting reimbursement of funds in the amount of $21.00 for roto-rooter to clean their sewer lines. Claims that the City caused the backup of sewage into their basement because of clogged lines. Referred to Water and Sewer Committee for study and report. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council approved the contract with the hitsai) County Humane Society in the amount of $225.55 per month for the year of 1972.. ,roDosed Ordinance #892 defining the offense of disorderly conduct was referred to Attorney Sexton and Chief of Police to study and present at the next meeting. Statement of Progress of Select Contra.tors for the port Orchard Blvd. continued until Council could meet with Engineering firm of Hammond, Collier and Wade for clarification and discussion. 6everal questions were raised, such as: Where does City stand legally? Does action taizen by Council as to no more extra expenditures unless with Council approval, have a firm and legal stand? What are the over -expenditures and who authorized them? Above action_ approved by Council, on motion by Monteith, seconded by Grable and January 10, 1972 Page Two carried. �,lerk instructed to arrange a meeting with rir. Collier for one of the following dares; Monday 1.-1.7-72, Tuesday 1-18-72 or Wednesday 1.-1.9-72 at 7:30 i'.N. in the Council Chambers. attorney, Engineer and Council will attend. Engineer i.nobbs reported on meeting of the UA3 on January 1.3, 1972 relative to the possi- bility of additional funds on overruns. Engineer further reported that the wrecking yard on Flower ,Street has been cleaned up and that the wrecking yard no longer exists. Fatter of rountain at corner of Sidney and Bay coninued. Engineer reported that refuse pickup at Cedar Heights School began on January 1., 197/-. Attorney requested to explore and report to Council on the legaility of committment in writing by Clerk, without the approval of IIa.yor or City Council, to replace fence with equal or better fence inthe case of Iir. Stewart Lloyd on Sherman Avenue. bequest for vaction of portion of first Street continued, awaiting further information from State Fsighway Department. i,roposed L11l for sewer in the Theisen area continued. Chief Dow reported that the VFW requests permission to hold the Loyalty Day parade on =ay 6, 1972, beginning at 11.:00 A.Ii. Chief would like to close Port Orchard Blvd. and have the parade form in that area rather than on hitsap Street as this would create less traffic congestion and provide more room to form an orderly parade. Chief gave Council a run down on the department's operation for 1.971.. Chief requested approval for the Sergeant and himself to attend an 1.8-hour seminar for better management, at a cost of �295.00 each. On motion by honteith, seconded by Fulton and carried, requested denied. Van Zee and Grable opposed. Geiger stated that some sort of guideline should be set up for future educational -type or betterment training whereby the City would or could participate with the employees on a matching basis. ontei.th stated that employees should donate their own time and use their own funds for this type of training. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved the expense of $295.00 for Sgt. McGee to attend the seminar, but he must do so on his own time. Fulton and Nonteith opposed. Van Zee reported on meeting of Parks Committee and Junior W,)mens Ciub. Flowering Cherry trees have been ordered for Central Playground and Boy Scouts will assist with the planting, the City to furnish other material. Also reported that along the bank fronting the t'kctive building several kinds of shrubs will be planted, and along building and sidewalk, flowering juniper will be F?lanted. Van Zee made a motion that approval be given for planting at Central i'layfield and that a letter be written to the Junior _oi:;ens Club ex,uress'.i.ng Council's appreciation for their endeavor. I�oti_on seconded by Caldwell.. and carried. 'Jan Zee reported that a te]_Pohone has been installed at the Active building and that the 'ark District is paying the bill. Also, that there are few minor alterations necessary at the Active iui_ldint to make facilities more convenient. ionteith moved to adhere to the existing statute which stated that any Councilman absent from three consecutive meetings without being excused, may be requested to forfeit his position. Also, that only four excused absences be allowed :Per year, with the exception of il_lnes,. or those unavoidable. Seconded by Van Zee. Lotion and sec,snd withdrawn for the :c:rsnn r,F a study sc-ssion to be held to formulate guidelines based on the above request. onteith, as Chairman of the Fire and Light Committee recomiaended that a new Fire Chief be appointed as the Department is now standing still and if not a permanent Chief, a temporary Chief until_ a Permanent one can be appointed. Councilman Grable stated he ,could like to discuss this with the Department. Neeting set for Wednesday, January 1.9, 1972 in C,ouncil Chambers with-ounci.l members, i'ire Larshal, Engineer and Ex --Chief to be present. r'olicty adopted by Council on use of Council Chambers is that only City meeting and City busiless functions will be allowed, other Groups shall meet at the Active Builing. The reasoning is that the iity is finding itself having more meetings during the day as well as evenings, and also the Mayor has no other place to meet. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Van Lee and carried, Council approved payment of 1972.dues to :south i,itsap Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $25.00. January 10, 1972 Page 'Three On ;boti,on by Geiger, seconded by Grable and carried, Council approved payment in amount of $5.00 to outh i:itsap improvement Council for 1,972. Lee Caldwell stated he would be member. On motion by �.ontei.th, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council concurred with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approved the rezone from R-I. to 11-2 of 14. J. Everist of 61.6 Sidney Avenue for Nultiple Dwelling Units. Bills in the following amounts were presented to Council: Current Expense $2723.22, Water a4792.32, viewer *3578.40, Street 521.27.92, Parks $21.4.69, Garbage $299.04 and Arterial street �1.357.29. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Monteith and carried, approved the Bills be allowed and Vouchers #7838 through 7897 be paid and that December fayrol7 in the amount of $20,04057 be allowed. neeting adjourned at 10:.« i.Ai. on motion by Fulton, seconded by :ionteith and carried. _r myoi3 r CLERK