01/01/1971 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington December 27, 1971 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Councilmen present: Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee and Carr. Molzahn and Monteith excused. Also present, Chief of Police Dow, Engineer Knobbs, Attorney Donald He Thompson, Fire Marshal Weatherill and Assistant Chief Caldwell. Minutes of meeting of December 13, 1971 approved with additions and corrections. Addition to Page 1, paragraph four as follows: Chairman Caldwell of Street and Ailey Committee requests that his position on harbor area improvement be recorded thus: that he strongly recommends and urges continued planning and groundwork toward eventual construction of the proposed by-pass street on 60 feet of right of way between the present parking lot and the planned marina, with exit onto Bay Street in the vicinity of DeKalb Street. Corrections as follows: Page 2, paragraph 5 in reference to Engineer Knobbs report on Port Orchard Blvd* lighting, third line should read - "however, they (refractors) are a standard light and are available for purchase". Page 2, paragraph 13 last sentence to read as follows - "Van Zee also reported that he could get juniper plants for $1.00 each to plant in rockery on bank facing field". Mayor reported on the impounding, by City Police, of a delivery truck owned by Mr. T. W. Heckel, stating that the truck had been returned to Mr. Heckel and matter of determining area for traffic control on parking lot is continued for further study. Chief Dow stated he is anxious to have this determination made, and urged it be done as soon as possible. Chairman Carr of Fire and Light Committee reported on lighting on Tremont Street. Engineer Knobbs reported that he had talked with the resident at 1314 Flower Avenue in regard to having a wrecking yard business in operation, and had advised that this was not zoned for such an activity. He also stated that Fire Marshal Weatherill had advised resident of the fire hazard connected with this type of business. Engineer Knobbs gave notice to resident to "cease and desist" operation of wrecking yard. Councilman Caldwell, Chairman of Street and Alley Committee reported that his committee had investigated site for proposed carport at 504 Sidney Avenue, residence of Larry Mikelsen, and had given Mr. Mikelsen approval for construction, provided the posts for carport are set in line with front porch and an over -hang of carport roof not to exceed distance on direct line with bottom step of front entrance. Engineer Knobbs reported that progress In being made in formation of a sewer local im- provement district in the area of Herb Theisen Insurance Agency. Councilman Powers, Chairman of the Finance Committee, stated that a meeting was held with Bill Collier of Hammond, Collier & Wade, Consulting Engineers regarding the bill submitted by them for the month of October In -the amount of $2,321060, and it was deter- mined that the bill should be paid. Engineer Knobbs reported on matter of proposed vacation of First Street and stated that the petition is to be sent to the State of Washington to determine if they will vacate the triangle. Matter continued. Fire Marshal Weatherill reported that two fires had occured within the City, one at the Port Orchard Yacht Club involving a smaller type yacht, with loss not determined as yet, and a residence fire on Tremont Avenue, with loss not determined as yet. Chief of Police Dow reported that he had placed an order for a new patrol car with Valley Motors in Auburn for a 1972 Dodge Polara with delivery date scheduled for mid - February or later. Vehicle is to be purchased under State of Washington contract. Chief of Police reported on the Police Chief's and Sheriff's Conference which he recently attended. He stated efforts were underway to promote legislation to increase probation- ary period for police officers from 6 to 12 months. Also, in regard to the LEFF Retire- ment System, and the participating medical benefits which are of great concern to cities because of expense, a pension and legislative committee was formed to work with the State Pension Committee toward the goal of more stringent physical requirements. In other matters discussed at the conference was the creation of a State ID bureau. Attorney Thompson reported that it is hoped the zoning ordinance under preparation by Tom Lowrey would be completed by the and of February, 1972, and during the interim any emergencies which plight arise can be handled by ordinance. He stated that in many Decmnber 27, 1971 Page Two contested cases now, old conventional type zoning ordinances are found to be unconstit- utional because they are not based upon sound exercise of police power. He further stated he does not recommend any interim ordinance to be enacted, such as the "Daly ordinance" referred to in the minutes of previous meeting - Engineer Knobbs stated that he advises against any dumping of fill material at the foot of Harrison Street until permit for parking lot is obtained. Mayor requested that he acquire for future use, any rip -rap material available to the Citye Matter of drinking fountain continued. Engineer reported that he had made a final inspection of the Bay Street arcade (LID 65) and he noted 2 discrepancies, a meter post by Parks Furniture not installed yet, and a leak in front of the Port Orchard Independent. Continued. Engineer reported on condition of Prospect Alley and also Kitsap Street, advising that there was some sinking in the alley due to settling of the materials used in restoring road bed, and that a k" crack had opened up on Kitsap Street, and had been resealed again - Engineer stated that for public information, the City will continue garbage pick-ups during the inclement weather, they are running late, but all routes will be serviced. Also, Christmas trees cut into 3 to 4 ft. lengths and tied together will be picked up at not extra charge. Chief of Police Dow recommended to the Council that speed limit on Port Orchard Blvd. be upped to 30 mph. Engineer stated that he wants the road shoulders restored and com- pleted, and all construction signs removed before speed is upped. Letter read from Almeda Harris, Humane Society manager in regard to animal control ord- inance, and the recent complaint of Mrs. Evelyn Rogers that dogs are annoying her as she walks on City streets. Matter referred to Councilman Carr, who has been working on the ordinance. Request for final payment from Sentinel Industrial Electric (balance of retainage) in the amount of $1,357.29 approved for payment on motion by Powers, seconded by Cam this to be paid after receipt of UAB 90%. Ordinance No. 891, establishing salary schedules for 1972 and repealing Ordinance No. 870 passed on motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Ordinance No. 890, creating a fund for handling receipts and disbursements under the Emergency Employment Act passed on motion by Carr, seconded by Powers and carried. Councilman Van Zee, Chairman of Parks Committee reported that Mr. Berger of the City Park Commission would like to supervise or lay -out plantings at the Active Bldg. at Givens Field, and requests a meeting with the Junior Women's Club representative, Super- intendent of Public Works Knobbs and others. Mayor Repanich expressed thanks and appreciation to Mr. Donald Thompson, City Attorney, on behalf of tNe City for the many years of service and dedication in his appointive position as City Attorney. Attorney Thompson expressed regret in leaving the employ of the City of Port Orchard and stated he had enjoyed his association and the friend- ships he had made. Councilman Carr and Councilman Caldwell expressed thanks and good wishes to all upon completion of their term of office as Councilmen. Mr. Caldwell stated he felt highly honored to have been a member of the "city family" and enjoyed the associations he had made over the years. Upon request of Lorraine Carraway, City Treasurer, and in behalf of City Clerk's Office, a vote of thanks was given to Mayor Repanich, Councilman Ve Be Caldwell, Councilman Carr and Attorney Thompson, officiating at their last City Council meeting. Bills in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense; $1,734.08, Water $907.80, Street; $1,179.15, Sewer; $1,386.75, Park; $249.69, Garbage; $42.58 and Library; $4,684.96. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved the bills be allowed and Vouchers #7794 thru #7837 be paid. Meeting adjourned at 9:02 on mqLtion by Powers, seconded by Geiger and carried. "�, �C lark Mayor Vort Urchard, Washington December 1.3th, 1971. Council of the City of sort Crehard, Washington called to regular session by Eayor Rick J. Repanich. Councilmen present: rowers, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee and Carr. Councilman bolzahn excused. Also present Chief Dow, Engineer Rnobbs, Attorney Tom hrilich, Fire i•arshal Weatherill and Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell. Minutes of meeting of November 22, 1971 approved as corrected. Corrections are as follows: Reference to paragraph four from the bottom of page two)the ladies referred to are representatives from the Junior domens Club. Reference to paragraph seven trom the bottom of page two, the intent of Councilman Carr was to find out what can be done about the passage of this legislation, if any, and what this will cost the public in dollars and cents. The matter of the 70OU lumen lighting change on Tremont, from Sidney to ,oland Avenue referred to Street and Light Committee. The Council, acting as issuing agency for the City of fort :orchard in the Port Of Bremerton's application for a permit for substantial harbor improvement to include a small boat marina, approved permit for development on motion by Powers, seconded by Carr and carried. Councilman Van Zee voted yes. Councilmen, Geiger, Monteith and Caldwell voted no. Mayor Nick J. ;epanich voted yes to approve the permit. Councilmen Caldwell and Monteith opposed the proposed marina on the basis of traffic congestion and traffic hazard. Councilman Cieger opposed the marina on the basis that the existing view would be eliminated. This being the date set for hearing on proposed garbage rate increase and there being very little protest, Council approved Ordinance #888, which increased the residential garbage _pick up rates and added a new section for the disposal of tires, on motion by Powers, seconded by Garr and carried. Council will study the requests of residents that while on extended vacations, the garbage charge should be stopped. Attorney Dudley Perrine, representing Mr. T. W. Heckel, protested the impounding of his delivery trucX which he stated was taken by the City of Port Orchard Police Department from his pri.vatp property. Attorney requested that the truck be released and returned to his client. This incident purportedly occured on the evening of December 10, 1971. The reason given by Mr. Perri.ne for the truck to be parked parallel to the sidewalk and not on an angle, was that the complete section of parking area belonging; ` ) Ar. deckel was filled with unauthorized cars. Attorney also questioned as to why nr. Heckel was not notified of this action. Attorney also stated that the driver of the truck, Aon Williams, when reporting that the truck was stolen was informed that the truck had been impounded because it was a hazard to traffic and was left in a City street. n r. Heckel stated that it was his opinion that the ,property line was 30 feet from the building, and the U hief stated that in his opinion, the distance north from the building to the northerly boundary of the property line, was 20 feat. Chief of Police stated that about a month ago a similar parking incident occured with nr. Heckel., and that at that time Ar. Heckel was informed that the distance from the building to the boundary of the property line was 20 feet. The truck was not impounded at that time.. i_ayor• Aepani.ch stated that if hr. Heckel wanted his truck Track, all he had to no was pay the impounding fee. tvelyn Rogers of 1722 Sidney Avenue requested Council to do something about numerous large dogs snipping, jumping and barking at her as she walks along Sidney Avenue in the area of Tremont, also stated that at first she used a spray but this has no effect as of now. Clergy: will contact Humane Society as some remedy. N rs. Rogers also stated that she could not identify the dog or dogs as they were to numerous. irs. George dalffman of 1.320 Mower, complained to the Council regarding the adjoining property owner at 131.4 slower Avenue, having; a wrecking yard business in operation. Engineer requested to investQate and take appropriate action. Application of Sam Belcher for variance of approximately three (3) feet approved on motion by hontei.th, seconded by Powers and carried. .Manning Commission recommended approval. Matter of encroachment by the City as stated by C. W. Adams, over 30 feet of his property referred to the City's insurance carrier. Application of Larry Nikelsen of 504 Sidney Avenue for variance to construct a carport, referred to Street and Alley Committee, with power to act. Application recommended for approval by Planning Commission. On sotion by van Zee, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved City entering with the Kitsap County Soil and 'Water Conservation District and the payment of a 025.00 fee. Clerk will contact iammond, Collier and Oade, Sonsultinc Engineers, to arrange for possible meeting either at 5;OU or 7:0U p.m. Wednesday, December 1.5, 1971 for the purpose of December 13, 1971 Page Two discussing the engineering bill for the month of October in the amount of $2,321..60. Newer LID for the area near Theisen Insurance Ap ency is still in progress and may be ready for action by the next meeting. Council was informed that the claim for damage suit filed against the City, and others by cars. Spear has been completed and judgement was in favor of the plaintiff for the sum of $7.6,5OC�.CC: and against the City, County and Texaco. Attorney Tom rrilich will get a firm date from Tom Lowry as to when the comprehensive plan being prepared for the City will be completed and turned over to the City. Councilman Van Zee remarked that the City should adopt the Daly flan at this time in order that the City could apply for State and Federal Park funds. Engineer knobbs re;orted that the refractors on the lights on Port Orchard Boulevard are not the same standard light being used by the Puget Sound Power and Light Company in this area, but that where they were manufactured, they are of a standard nature. Fire Harshal Weathei-ill reported he received two bids Lor the gravel base and for the blacktopping to be done at fire station #2, one in the amount of $1.480.00 from Ace Paving and the other in the amount of $1.351..60 from North Kitsap Sand and Gravel. On motion by Carr, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Weatherill authorized to accept low bid and proceed with project. Weatherill reported that the base material will be laid at this time and after proper settling the blacktop will be put on. Lngineer reported that the petition for vacation of a ;:portion of First Street abutting the northerly sides of Lot 1, 2, and 3, Block 5, Wheeler's Add to Sidney is not in proper order as to location and that S & 1 Engineering Company will rerun the lines and submit a corrected petition. Engineer reported that the Port Orchard Boulevard has been striped and Mr. Siegfried of 1'Sl' & L will have the lights on 'Tremont ready by opening of the Boulevard. Chief Dow requested permission to purchase new 1972.Dodge Polaris from Valley Dodge Co, in the amount of $381.1.90. This car is fully equipped and is of the special police type. On motion by Powers, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Chief was given permission to make the purchase. Lonteith opposed. On motion by t-ionteith, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council rejected any proposal to allow the County to build over the existing sewer line whic4 xins along Austin Street. This line serves in excess of 200 families and the risk is t9WATt to take any chances. In addition to the foregoing, this is in direct conflict with both the uniform Plumbing Code and also with the State Code. Clerk instructed to write letter to County of this action. Ordinance #889 adopting the Budget of the City of Port Orchard for the year 1.972 and to set the levies of the applicable departments. Passed on motion by Powers and seconded by Caldwell. Engineer reported that the major portion of the discrepancies found on the Say Street �l marquee have been corrected and a final inspection will be made this week. Van Lee reported that the Junior Womens Club has $77.00 with which they want to purchase Flowering shrubs for planting near the curbs ar the Central Field. He also stated that either flowering plum or cherry would be used. It was the concensus of the Council that the plum would be the best to plant. Van "Lee will check with fir. Gresseth as to the possibility of the root growth cracking the concrete sidewalks. Van Zee also reported that he could get Juniper plants for $1.kJO each to plant along; the sidewalk on the bank fronting Tacoma Street and that they (Junior Womens Club) also would be purchasing 4 foot high fencing at $2.00 oer foot to help protect the trees. Geiger suggested that the City find some group to set up a program within the Active Building for young people under groper guidance to include for recreational use such as; Pool table, ping pong, dances, parties, acquire juke box and other items to give the younger people something constructive to ao. Iayr)r lepanich reported that Councilman Monteith did not attend any of the 3udget meetings and did not attend the hearing on the final Budget. Bills in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense $5505.44, �;ater °?2006.26, Street $1.165.26, Sewer $826.50, Park $364.73, Garbage $1.850.47, UAB $82.32. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, and carried, Council approved the Hills be allowed and Vouchers ,i7717 through #7793 be nai_d. Also that November Payroll in the amount of $20,583.34 be approved. Adjourned at 12:25 A.M. on motion by Monteith, seconded by er and ca�ied. /_..eel It �: •, j IIAYG t _ f = '�/� -' Cil :.l: Port Orchard, Washington November 22nd, 1971. Council of the City of tort Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor ,Nick J. Eepanich. Councilmen present: Powers, (;aldwell, Geiger, ionteith, Van `Lee and Carr; N olzahn excused. Also present Chief Dow, Engineer knobbs and Attorney Thompson. Ninutes of ovember 8th, 1971meeting approved as read. yirs. Dale rlaggemeier and volunteer director of Taylor House informed Council of the activities there and the desire of the special education teachers of the South Kitsap school District to use Taylor House as a drop in center for the drop outs in this area. They reported that there would be a maximum of two at any one time in the building and that there would be one student to one instructor. Engineer reported that there is machinery stored on the lower floor and that the building should be insulated for fire Protection. On motion by honteith, seconded by Caldwell and carried, use of building for drop out center tabled until District #402 officials are contacted as to alternative facilities. Nr. Dale Davis and Cr. Charles Atkinson, representing the Port Orchard Yacht Club, presented to the Council a plan for enlargement of their existing facilities with new parking area and large new club building, sewer facilities, bulkheading and filling for area of approx- imately 50,0100 square feet. Thev also requested application for permit for substantial development under the ShorelineMaragement Act. Monteith stated that the proposed marina under Port Of Bremerton should be in the area adjacent to the Yacht Club, and that no survey was made to see where the best place was to have a marina. Contact will be made with the City of Bremerton to discuss possible water contract. Application of Sam Belcher for variance on South and Canyon referred to Planning Commission. Sam 3elcher request for vacation of portions of Flower Avenue denied on motion by rowers, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Attorney Thompson reported that the survey taken by Hammond, Collier and Wade, engineering firm of the C. W. Adams property appears to be correct and will be discussed at a later date. Clerk wilt write a letter of thanks to the Bremerton Board of rdealtors for their offer to assist City with inventory of Shorelines. On motion by Lonteith, seconded by Carr and carried, Council approved the ' -sa garbage rate schedule and set date: of public hearing as of 7:30 December 1.3, 1971. Application of Larry Likelsen for variance from both front and side yard referred to Manning Commission. Address of applicant 504 Sidney. Van Zee recommended that the Council join the Soil Conservation rater District at a fee of �25.00, This would also make available to the City technical information relative to drainage and other allied ;.problems. Council referred application to Attorney for review and recommendation. Ordinance #886 providing that on vacations of streets to other municipalities,no compensation to the City shall be required.Passed by Council on motion by rowers, seconded by Carr and carried. Ordinance OS7 vacating portions of Sweany and Austin Streets passed by Council on motion by rowers, seconded by Carr and carried. Petition for vacation of street called First Street abutting the northerly sides of Lots 1., 2 and 3, block 5, i4heeler's Addition to Sidney referred to Engineer for more ir,formati.on. Engineer will review the request for sewer connection outside City Limits in the Wilkins Oil area as to possibility of creating a LID. On motion by Nonteith, seconded by Powers and carried, bill presented by Hammond, Collier and Wade in the amount of $2321.60 for inspection, construction engineering and mileage be held pending verification of hours being charged by time sheets or similar data. On ;notion by rowers, seconded by Carr and carried the date of hearing for the application for permit by Port Of Bremerton to conduct substanial development set for 7:30 p.m. December 13, 1971. Letter relative to linen Ileeting Law from uremerton Sun was read. Novanber 22, 1971 Page Two Un motion by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell and carried,Council approved the transfer of a8000 from Park Fund and ?6000 from Current Expense Fund to Street for reimbursement for the costs incurred in the construction of the small boat launch. On motion by Carr, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved the Clerk to create a new fund called Emergency Employment fund for the purpose of receiving and disbursing emergency employment funds. Set- date--c>f publ-ie- hear- ng on the- prcap-osed garbage -ra-te- Deeember Engineer reported that the light refractors on the poles on ?ort Orchard Blvd. are not standard. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell and carried that a letter be written to Mr. I`chullen of Hammond, Collier and Wade requesting explanation as to why this occured. Engineer reported that the County is still waiting to stripe the Blvd. and will probably get this done this week weather permitting. Engineer reported that Ralph Rerslake,District Engineer for utate Highway Department has looked over the intersection at Bay and Port Orchard ;lvd. and stated the closing of Dekalb is alright and that they will take a traffic count and do some planning on the ;)roject and will probably start this week. Engineer reported that the legal for the Theisen LID would likely be ready by next meeting. Engineer instructed to repair damaged drinking fountain fronting Geiger's drug store and it was suggested that a fountain suitable for both large and small persons be installed. Chief Dow was told to hold off having the carpets in the police Department cleaned at this time. Amount quoted for cleaning wasI.4(1..;u. Lee Caldwell,,Assistant Fire Chief requested Council to appoint a temporary chief for the interim, pending appointment of a permanent chief. Chief Dow reported that a. sale of the bicycles will be held at 2:U0 p.m. Saturday, 1,ovember 27th, 1971.. tatter of the vent system for furnace in City Hall continued. Councilman Carr informed Council of legislation being prepared for the upcoming legislature relative to the retirement system and suggested that this City do something to promote the information to the public. Clerk was instructed to contact AWC to find out in what manner the Association is taking to inform the public. 1ouncilman Carr is the official representative of the City for the civil action being; brought against the City by i.rs. Smear who was injured in a auto mishap in the area of 'wil'cins Oil Delivery. The case is being tried in the chambers of Judge "Wbert Bryan. Gn P.,iotion by Carr, seconded by Nonteith and carried, Council approved the upgrading of tho, lights on Trei,.iont Street from Sidney to Roland Street in that the six open reflector li_thtswill be replaced with 700u lumen vapor lights and two new lights will be T._.C)C lumen vapor lights. The additional cost to the City will be approximately �]..(it) ner ,r1anth ner_ light. Councilman Van Zee reported on nark committee w eeting with the ladies and that the committee would like to assist them some by scraping the gravel from a designated area at the small park near the Hi -Joy cowl. Engineer stated he would accommodate them when requested. attorney will check with ',r. Lowry relative to the proposed comprehensive plan and will advise the l rk as to the prot,ress. Councilman Geiger questioned the lack of restrictions on smoking in the Active Building stating that there should be no smoking in the building primarily because of the fire hazard. Also stated that NG STOKING signs should be posted. 'Natter referred to ri_re L:arshal for recommendations. Li.11s in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense $949.1.8, .rater. :4262.42, Street 7.0i']..I.4, Sewer $1.70.33, Parks �329.59, Garbage �1.368.70 in the total amount of Y-8U8I..36. On motion by rowers, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved the i>ills be allowed and Vouchers 7694 through 771.6 be paid. vouncil adjourned at 1.1.:1.5 p.m. on motion by Geiger, seconded by '.onteith and rried. �,-. / i AYO Port Orchard, Washington November 8th, 1971 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Acting Mayor Paul Powers. Present: Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee and Carr. Excused Molzahn. Mayor Repanich on emergency leave. Also present: Chief Dow, Supt. of Public Works Knobbs and Attorney Ron Thompson. Minutes of meeting of October 26th, 1971. approved as read. Mr. Dick Warren, representing Kramer, Chin and Mayo, Consulting Engineers, discussed the short money problem with HUD and it appears that no money will be available within the near future. The application of the City is being held by HUD, for future funding if available. Mr. Warren suggested that the City consider the exclusion of the additional water storage facilities at this time and concentrate on the main water transmission line connecting with the Bremerton Water Department. If this is not financially feasible at this time consider possibly contracting with Annapolis Water District if they have a surplus. Mr. Warren recommended that the City answer the letter from HUD of date October 22nd, 1971. stating the City would prefer that the application for funding of the Water Plan be retained and that consideration be given if and when funds are available. Mr. Warren also recommended that the City meet with the Annapolis Water District and discuss the above items and negotiations begin between the City and Bremerton to finalize a contract with appropriate rate for water at this time to insure sufficient water at a future date. On motion by Carr, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council approved the City's entering into the County's Solid Waste Plan with the stipulation that the City will not expend any funds or become active within the Plan under January 1, 1976 or later, authorized the Layor to sign into force Resolution #1.I.08. Mr. 'Powell invited the Council and City officials to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony to officially turn ct the downtown street lights and marquee lights at 7:00 P.M. Thursday, November 1.1th, 1971. Mayor was requested to officially cut the ribbon. Chief Dow informed the Council that the insigne for the police vehicles will be on within the next couple of weeks. Application from Sam Belcher for vacation of twelve (1.2) feet of City street at South Street and (�anyon Lane referred to Engineer for investigation. Letter. from Boundary eeview board as to annexation by Kitsap County Sewer District #5, and Annapolis Water District (File #22, #23 and #24) referred to Engineer. Letter from Attorney hyron H. Freyd relative to C. W. Adams was read to Council and referred to Attoney Thompson. Letter from fort Of Bremerton informing the City of possible funding through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the outfall extension in connection with the Small Boat Narina. The amount of the funding available is 30% of costs from EPA and additional 1.57. from the Department of Ecology. A summary of funds that may be available is as follows: Outfall Extension Cost $25,000. Engineering, Tax, Contingencies $ 5,000. Total. Eligible Facilities $30,000. Participation: EPA 30 x $30,000. State 1.5% x $30,000. 4,500. Total Participation $1.3,500. The balance of the cost would be borne by the Port Of Bremerton. Council instructed the Clerk to contact the Fort Manager for assistance from i�eid, Middleton & Associates in preparation of the application. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Carr and carried, Council passed Ordinance #885 setting the speed limit on the Port Orchard Blvd. and confirming the name of the new blvd. as Port Orchard Blvd. A motion by Carr and seconded by Geiger proposed a rate change in the Garbage Department as follows: Existing rate of $1.40 per can per month to $2.50 and additional cans to be increased proportionally, containers to be increased by 50� per cubic yard and to dispose of tires, the charges would be 25(; per tire. The new rate to become effective January I., 1.972. Original motion amended, on motion by Caldwell, that there be no increase on the containers and that the rate on tires be 50q for individual tires, $1..00 on large equipment November 8, 1971 Page Two tires and 1.0n, each on bulk disposal when placed on approved site by customer. Amendment to original motion seconded by Geiger and carried. Amended orginal motion carried. :ngineer reported that the contractor on the Port Orchard Blvd. (Select Contractors) has completed the repairing of the culvert and that clearing of the shoulders is now being done. It appears that the City will have to restore the shoulders according to Mr. Knobbs. Mr. Knobbs also reported that the striping will be done this week, weather permitting. Committee on buildings and the Engineer will investigate and recommend on a vent needed for the furnance room (City Hall). �:ngi.neer reported that he signed another contract with the Department of Employment Security for a period of thirteen (1.3) weeks for the ESP program. Chief Dow reported that at this time he has not received costs of the radio control installation. Council instructed the Clerk to research both the KPS medical i.nsruance and the AIDS tt( � statewide medical program relative to the increased coverage given by the last Legislature. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Carr and carried, Council approved the Engineer to purchase a 1.965 Chev pickup for the price $11.00.00 and to transfer the 1.962 Dodge pickup to the Park Department for a resonable amount. Meeting set for November 17th, 1971. at 7:30 P.M. at the request of Councilman Carr to hear his proposal of a dog leash law. Council instructed the City Attorney to write a letter to the South Kitsap School District #402 relative to the lift station and allied costs incurred at Cedar Heights Junior iligh School. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Carr for City to purchase sand blasting equipment,lost on vote. Bills in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense $4,372.36, Water $687.84, Street $1.,292.62, Sewer $1.,878.98, Park $282.68, Garbage $971..,08, Arterial Street I-69 $37.47, Total $9,523.03. 0n motion by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger and carried, Council approved the bills be allowed and Vouchers #7664 through 7694 be paid and the Payroll for the period ending October 31.st, 1971. in the amount of $9,976.45 be approved. Neeting adjourned at 10:30 V.M. on motion be Geiger, seconded by Monteith and carried. klAYOR `� `Eo' �' d ! � CLERK —��� — Port Orchard, Washington October 26th, 1971. Council of the City of Port Orchard called to order by Nick J. Repanich. Councilmen present: Powers, Geiger, Monteith and Carr, Absent excused: Molzahl,Caldwell and Van Zee. Also present Engineer Knobbs and Attorney Thompson, Chief Dow excused. Minutes of October 1.2, 1971. corrected to read "Port Orchard Development Corporation" instead of Downtown Merchants Association". Approved as corrected. Mr. McMullen reported contractor was repairing the broken culvert and a visual inspection was being made of the other culverts. Also reported that the contractor was responsible for the materials and labor repairing the culvert and that in his opinion the materials used were not up to specs. Mr. McMullen also reported that the money is available for the improvement of intersection at Bay and Port Orchard Blvd. and that the State has indicated that they will do the work. Mr. Shepherd of the "Lewis and Clark" presented a revised plan for the park equipment at Central Playfield and reported that approximately 70% of the material and equipment has been received as of this date and that they are ready to begin the project. Engineer Knobbs will remove the backstop as soon as possible so the group can begin the project. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Powers and carried, Council approved tabling any action on County Solid Waste Plan until Council can review new data relative to costs on hauling, expenditures as capital outlay and additional labor. Meeting set at Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. November 4, 1971. Engineer reported that contractor of Bay and Rockwell Professional complex appears to be complying with letter from the Engineer relative to violation of building code. Clerk read letter from Shiers, Kruse and Roper notifying the City of possible liability relative to damage done to their client Mr. William W. Ferguson. Upon approval by the Planning Commission and on motion by Carr, seconded by Monteith and carried Council approved rezone from R-1. to R-2 (Multiple Unit) for construction of a six unit apartment house at 1,35 Farragut Street. (Lots 10 and 1.1, Block 20, Plat of Annapolis). Petition of Kitsap County for vacation of portions of Sweany and Austin Streets within the County complex approved by the Planning Commission and on motion by Carr, seconded by Powers and carried, set date for hearing as of November'12, 1971. On motion by Powers, seconded by Monteith and carried the City Attorney instructed to prepare amendment to Ordinance #861. exempting Municipal Corporations from compensating City of one-half of the appraised value. Councilman Geiger reported of a meeting with the Fort Orchard Development Corporation and that group will assume responsibility for the lighting of the streets and marquee, they would possibly collect from the owners on a pro -rated basis for a three month period. City would make a contribution to the group basis in the approximate amount of $42.00 per month based on a annual amount of $500.00 for the payment toward the street lights. Clerk will furnish a list of property owners within the LID to the group. It is intended that the group will disconnect the south side street lights until other lines are removed leaving the north side street lights and marquee lights on. Councilman Monteith stated that the Council should meet to discuss the lighting of the Bay Street area at the same time as the meeting on County Solid Waste Plan, November 4, 1971..at 7:30 P.M. at the Council Chambers. Mr. Siegfried stated he will explore the using of some sort of spot lights to lighten up the crosswalks. On motion by Carr, seconded by Monteith and carried, application of Northwest Mortgage Investors Corporation tabled pending contact with property owners abutting Lots 1,2,3, 4, 5 and 6, Blcok 4, Sroufe's Addition to Sidney, rezone from R-1, to Commercial. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Carr and carried,statement from Kramer, Chin and Mayo, Consulting Engineers for Domestic Water System Investigation for the City of Port Orchard approved in the amount of $3,000.00. Application from Betty J. Watson for rezone from R-1 to Commercial of Lot 1.0, Block 5, S. M. Stevens Plat of Sidney held pending applicants obtaining statements from property owners in the immediate area as to their feelings of a commercial zone within the R-1. area. On motion by Powers, seconded by Carr and carried, Council instructed Clerk to notify the Chief Clerk of the Kitsap County Boundry Review Board that the Council has no objections to the annexation of the areas into the Annapolis Water District and into the Kitsap County Sewer District #5. File Numbers 1.8, 20, and 21. On motion by Carr, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council approved installation of October 26, 1971 Page TWo mercury vapor light on the south side of Tremont Street across from its intersection with Port Orchard Blvd. Councilman Monteith brought to the attention of the Council that none of the patrol cars have any insigne on the side to indicate that they are police vehicles, mayor will discuss this with Chief of Police. Councilman Carr would like to set a meeting with the Council on possible dog leash ordinance. Bills in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense $2,231.23, Water $1.,536.56, Street $2,260.35, Sewer $467.02, Parks $42.1.1, Garbage $276.46, Arterial Street $745.56, UAB $11,507.78, and LID ##65 $4,750.00. On motion by Powers, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council approved the Bills be allowed and Vouchers ##761.6 through #7663 be paid and Payroll for October 15th, 1971. in the amount of $10,047.51, be approved. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. on motion by Geiger, seconded by Powers and carried. L MAYOR ! ✓ CLEIIt� Port Orchard, Washington October 12th, 1971 Council of the City of Port Orchard called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Councilmen present: Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Molzahn and Carr. Van Zee excused. Also present Attorney Krilich, Chief of Police Dow and Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs. Minutes of meeting of September 27th, 1971. approved as read. Mr. McMullen field engineer for Hammond, Collier and Wade, reported that the contractor of the Port Orchard Blvd. will begin clean up this coming Monday on the Blvd. The culvert near the Mashburn property will be cleaned as well as all other culverts that are in need of cleaning and will be left in acceptable condition as determined by the City Engineer. Also the banks on the roadside of the ditches will be completed and the turn off areas will be finished. On motion by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell and carried. The Fire and Light Committee and engineer will inspect the lighting on the Blvd. and will have power to accept the complete lighting installation by Sentinel Electric. The Fire and Light Committee will inspect the lighting at the intersection of Tremont and Port Orchard Blvd. and will make recommendations at the next meeting. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Geiger and carried, the application for rezone on Bethel Avenue from fire zone #1 to fire zone #3 denied. Mr. Jones, representing Hill, Ingman and Chase Company, reported on progress of Kitsap County study for Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan and related the part Port Orchard would play. He stated that Bremerton and Winslow has adopted the plan by resolution and that only Port Orchard has not. Mr. Jones presented Council with a summary and recommendation brochure. Council will study the plan before the next meeting. Mr. Fergusen residing at 1.01.5 Coles Lane reported that the contractor building the complex at Rockwell and Bay Streets had excavated to -close to his and his neighbor's property and the bank had caved taking a portion of their fence and property with it. Mr. Fergusen asked if something could be done. Attorney Krilich stated that as long as this occured on private property the only recourse would be by private suit. Engineer reported that the contractor did not follow the plans as submitted when applying for the building permit and that he could stop the job if necessary. Council instructed the Engineer to write letter to the contractor informing him that the City's building code had been violated and that the contractor has two week (October 27th, 1971) to either repair or eliminate the excavation or embankment to eliminate the hazards. Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners presented a petition to the City for the vacation of a portion of Sweany and Austin Streets which lie within the County Courthouse complex. Referred the Planning Commission. Mr. Heckel representing the downtown business district asked the Council what can be done to l get the lights turned on at the marquee. Also he stated that Puget Sound Power and Light would turn them on for testing only and that perhaps the Council and other responsible people should be there to see the amount of illumination that can be expected from the new lighting system. Geiger reported that Puget Sound Power & Light stated they would bill the association but would not prorate the costs to the individual owners. Geiger stated that the owners had indicated willingness to pay the bill. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Carr and carried (Geiger opposed) Council approved an amount of $500.00 per year toward the payment of street lights in the downtown area from Frederick to Harrison Street, providing that the new lights are adequate and comparable to the existing lights and that the �y maintenance of the street lights will be the obligation of the Downtown Merchants Association. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Powers and carried, Clerk instructed to prepare and mail statements to owners of all property within the area of LID #65 for their consent to be billed by Puget Sound Power & Light for costs of lighting on the marquee. City Engineer reported that there is no change on the status of the sidewalks on the north side of Prospect Street. On motion by Powers, seconded by Carr and carried, the Council approved the density factor for unsewered area at .05 and of sewered area at 7500 square feet. This was recommended by Mr. Lowry. Fire and Light Committee Chairman Carr moved that additional street light be approved for placement on last pole to the south on Pottery Avenue near the south entrance to Cedar Heights Junior High School. Seconded by Monteith and carried. Clerk instructed to write letter authorizing the above to Puget Sound Power & Light. Engineer Knobbs given authority to install second entrance to the Lieseke property as stipulated in the RJW deed. On motion by Powers, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council approved progress payment Dumber 3 and 4 of Sentinel Electric for payment when UAB funds have been obtained. October 12, 1971 Page Two On motion by Powers, seconded by Molzahn and carried, Council approved progress payment to Solie Construction for final payment on marquee (LID #65). On motion by Powers, seconded by Carr and carried, Council approved payment to Hammond, Collier and Wade for inspections and engineering on Port Orchard Blvd. Application for rezone from Rl to 1112 from Charles Sorensen of 1,35 Farragut Avenue North for six unit apartment house referred to the Planning Commission. On motion by Powers, seconded by Monteith and carried, statement of canvas of primary election held September 21.st, 1971, within the City of Port Orchard accepted. Councilman Carr moved that the South Kitsap Playgroup be allowed to use the basement of the Activ4, Building until there is a conflict with other eligible groups, seconded by Geiger. Councilman Monteith moved to amend the original motion to their use until June 15, 1972, seconded by Molzahn. Amended motion approved on motion by Monteith, seconded by Molzahn and carried. Original motion approved on motion by Carr, seconded by Geiger and carried. The South Kitsap Playgroup will contribute $50.00 per month toward costs for utilities. Engineer Knobbs reported: 1. Prospect Street has been paved and that some work will be done on the water line from Kitsap Street this week. 2. Requested name for Pottery Blvd. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Powers and carried, the new name will be Port Orchard Blvd. 3. Requested Council approval to close portion of Dekalb Street and reroute traffic on the entrance into Bay Street due to congestion and possible dangerous zone in the area of Port Orchard Blvd. Request approved on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Monteith and carried. On motion by flolzahn, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council approved recommendation by Chief of Police that the speed limit on Port Orchard Blvd. be decreased to 35 miles per hour. Mayor reported that the Junior Women's Club had cleaned the park area at the Manchester "Y" and now need a load of gravel. They are going to plant juniper on the bank fronting the Active Building. Also they want to plant flowering cherry trees at Central Playfield. Clerk instructed to write a letter of appreciation to the Club. On motion by Carr, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council granted leave of absence to Councilman Molzahn from this date through the month of March, 1972. Opposed Monteith and Geiger. Cleric instructed to contact maintenance contractor for the City and inform them of Active Building and Library where the maintenance has been neglected. Bills in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense $1,931..02, Water $536.50, Street $641.81, Sewer $1,876.63, Parks $266.28, Garbage $286.35, and LID #64 $3754.70. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved that the Bills be allowed and Vouchers #7588 through #7615 be paid and the Payroll for September 30th, 1971. in the amount of $1.0,355.47 be approved. Adjourned at 1.2:35 A.M. on motion by Carr, seconded by Geiger and carried. & MAYOR CLERK Port Orchard, Washington September 27th, 1971. Council of the City of Port Orchard called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Councilmen present: Powers, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee, Molzahn and Carr. Caldwell excused. Also present: Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Attorney Thompson, Chief of Police Dow, and Fire Chief Hacker. Minutes of meeting of September lath, 1971 corrected as follows: Second paragraph from bottom page two, second line to read "adequate as there are lights on every other pole". Fifth paragraph from bottom, first page to include "City will not assume responsibility for maintenance or repairs to the marquee". Corrected minutes, approved. Mr. Shepherd, :•epr•csenting the Naval vessel "Lewis and Clark" presented Council a plot plan for playfield and equipment to be located on a portion of Central playgrounds, which will be completely furnished by the personnel of the Lewis and Clark as a memorial to the late shipmate Michael Clayton who was killed a short time ago. Also informed the Council of pledges in the amount of $5,000.00 Committee on Parks and Playgrounds will work with Mr. Shepherd. Council heard request from Mr. Fred Best For a variance in building height. Beason for request being that by the addition of a basement apartment to the three story building planned, some costs would be recovered by the owner. Also the contour of the land blends in with the above planned construction. Fire Chief Hacker and Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported they were in favor of the variance. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Carr and carriedthe request was approved. Mr. Gehring, owner of A & W Drive -In, requested further infromation relative to the petition which had been presented to Council to charW the present fire zone #1 to fire zone #3 in the Bethel Avenue area. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee and carried the petition was tabled until all property owners in the area have been contacted and further information relative to insurance, fire protection and other matters would be understood by the petition signers. Fire and Light committee, Building Inspector and Fire Marshal will meet with the petitioners at a meeting which Clerk will set up at 7:30 P.M. October 5, 1971, at the Council Chambers. Attorney Thompson recommended Council to pay bill for purchase of materials and costs incurred by Thorburn Construction Company for the sewer pipe obtained to relocate sanitary sewer line adjacent to C. W. Adams property. Final responsibility for the above bill will be determined upon the outcome of the problem in this area. Attorney Thompson advised Council that Mr. Collier of Hammond, Collier and Wade had been advised that they should retain counsel. Above action approved on motion by Carr, seconded by Geiger cand carried. Monteith and Powers opposed. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Attorney requested to write a letter for Mayor's signature to Hammond, Collier and Wade that any and all action taken by them involving expenditures not expressly authorized by the Council will be obligation of Hammond, Collier and Wade. Clerk instructed to research the minutes to determine if Council had approved the relocation of the sanitary sewer line along Melcher from Manhole #14 to Manhole #14A in the amount of $3300. City's insurance carrier Safeco Inc. reported that the sidewalk problem on Prospect Street is the responsibility of the City. Sup't. of Public 'Works Knobbs will get property ownership and Clerk will notify all owners of their responsibility regarding damaged sidewalks. Mayor reported that Red Beck and Bob Randall District ��23 representatives were the only legislatures present at the AWC district meeting at the Hearthstone that Were questionable as to their stand on elimination of ther termination date of the 2% sales tax now enjoyed by the cities. Chief Dow reported that patrol was being conducted through out the day at the peak activity time at the High School in a trial type program to discourage traffic congestion and other items as stated by the principal of the High School. Mayor set date for the official opening of the Boat Launch Ramp at 9:00 A.M. October 2nd, 1971. Clerk will arrange for the presence of dignitaries. Attorney Thompson reported that the proposed zoning ordinance is keyed to the Arterial Street and Sewer Main system. Engineer Knobbs will supply Mr. Lowry with a up to date City Street Arterial map and Sewer Main map. Attorney Thompson advised Council that they will have to determine what density factor will be used for both sewered and unsewered areas. Council set the evening of October 5th, 1971, after the meeting with petitioners on the fire zone petition, for discussion on density factors. Council receivedand accepted application from Port of Bremerton for permit to develop boat marina. September 27, 1971 Page Two Engineer Knobbs will work with the Fire and Light Committee relative to request of Ridgemont Terrace Nursing Home for street light at end of Pottery Avenue. Council referred to Planning Commission application from NW Mortgage Investors for rezone from R-1. to Commercial on property between Short and Grant streets fronting Bay. Ordinance #884 setting the levies of the City of Port Orchard for the year 1.972 for 7a mills to raise $1.03,640.00 which is based on assessed valuation of $13,818,757.00 was approved on motion by Powers, seconded by Geiger, carried. Council approved the use of the Active Building for a thirty day period for the South Kitsap pre-school children for four days per week Tuesday through Friday in the forenoon. Utility costs will be paid by the above group. Motion by Molzahn, seconded by Monteith and carried. Engineer reported Pottery Blvd. to be completely paved and some curb laid. Contractor does not want any traffic on Blvd. for at least two weeks. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee and carried, a full striping job will be done by the County under the existing municipal agreement. Engineer further reported that Mr. Lieseke wanted a second entrance to his property pursuant to R/W agreement. Council instructed Engineer to have contractor complete the work. Attorney will study the above to see who is responsible. Chief Dow stated that the 45 mile speed limit on Pottery Blvd. is to fast and recommended the speed be reduced to 35 miles per hour. Engineer reported the stop bar is now at Wetzel and Bay Streets. Chief Dow, coordinator for City on the EEA, reported the two men requested, communications and park men has been approved and hiring could commence as of now. Council approved the hiring on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and carried. Monteith opposed. Councilman Van Zee reported on various park and recreation activities and of the Junior Women's Club who are desirious of planting shrubs and trees at the various park areas. Councilman Carr reported that the District #7 and ambulance companies would use the signal light being controlled from the Police office more than the other departments and perhaps some assistance could be forthcoming from them. Chief Dow and Clerk instructed to get together and prepare a letter to the highway department relative to the control. Bills in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense $1.391.21, Water $1.58.77, Street $41.78.22, Sewer $1.678.37, Parks $84.49, Garbage $1.87.63, UAB $35,045.86. On motion by Powers, seconded by Geiger and carried Council approved that the Bills be allowed and Vouchers 7542 through 7587 be paid and the Payroll for September 1.5th, 1971. in the amount of $1.0,169.81. be approved. Council adjourned at ll.:10 P.M. on motion by Powers, seconded by Geiger and carried. MAYOR% 'f,`` CLERK Port Orchard, Washington September 13th, 1971 Regular session of the Council of the City of Port Urchard called to order by Mayor Dick J. Repanich. Councilmen present: Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee, Molzahn and Carr. Also present Chief of Police Dow, Fire Marshal Weatherill, Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell, Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs and Attorney Ron Thompson. Minutes of meeting of August 23, 1971. approved as read. Mr. Vick, Airport Manager, Port Of Bremerton, presented Council with maps and a outline of ten year program for additions and improvements to the Kitsap County Airport. It is anticipated that the number of aircraft presently using the airport will double in the next ten years, also that in less than ten years this airport will accomodate approximately jet cargo of about five flights per day. The runway will be extended from the present length of 5200 feet to 1.1,000 feet within the period of the program, this will (the airstrip) handle the larger type aircraft. The projected cost of the ten year program is approximately $1.0 million dollars of which a portion will be from federal grants. Petition from residents in the Bethel Avenue area was presented to Council requesting that the area now in Fire Zone #1. be reduced to Fire District #3, petition stated that Zone #1 is to� restrictive for this area and limits the use and construction on their properties. Petition referred to Fire and Light Committee. Ron Thompson reported that Mr. Rector, Chief Surveyor for Hammond, Collier and Wade, could not be present at this meeting but had all supporting data and recommended that the Engineer and Mr. Adams get together and discuss the problem and then come to the Council with the recommendation. On motion by Carr, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Council approved being a participating member in the Kitsap County Traffic Safety Coordinator program and to the in-service contribution of $2,000.00 for the period July 1., 1971. thru June 30, 1972. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Molzahn and carried, Council instructed Clerk not to pay Voucher #7538 in the amount of $1.,516.74 to Jack Thorburn, Inc., for the material and costs for the proposed relocation of the existing sanitary sewer line on Melcher Avenue, adjacent to the Adams property, and to table the matter until the City Attorney has investigated the City's position. Chief Dow reported that there were no problems at Ocean Shores over the Labor Day weekend. Engineer reported that he had made contact witht the contractor relative to the back of the Western Auto Supply and it appears that the proper bulkheading material will be completed. Engineer reported that the inspection by the City's insurance carripr,,,as .sgm eted and that e wi the sidewalk between Sidney and Frederick Street on the north sidil��alvet o be repaired. Clerk instructed to contact insurance carrier and find out who shall initiate the petition if needed. On motion by Powers, seconded by Molzahn and carried, the Council stated that there will be no responsibility to the City for the maintenance or the cost of operating the lights which are being used as sidewalk lights, also that there will be no responsibility to the City for main- tenance or for the cost of operating the new street lights until the old street lights are removed. Letter from Association of Washington Cities relative to the possible attempt of Legislature's to recapture the z cent sales tax for the use of the state at the next session was read. It is necessary for all members of the cities of this state to contact their representatives and instruct them that this money is critical to the operation of cities. Also the letter requested Councilmen to attend their district meetings and get full information as well as plan some strategy to combat this possible loss of revenue. Letter from Washington Building Code Advisory Committee inviting all elected officials to attend one of several meetings to become informed on the legislation which will be presented to the Legislature at the next session for the need of a statewide building code. Letter from Safeco Insurance Company informing cities of their reponsibility as an employer under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1.970. Clerk instructed to obtain copy of complete text of the act. On motion by Powers, seconded by Molzahn and carried, Council approved thenewal of the Police Professional Liability Insurance in the amount of $309.75 with the James F. Jackson & Associates, Inc. Septmiber 13, 1.971 Page Two Chief Dow is preparing a schedule by which he will give members of the Council a tour of the Police Department and explain what types of procedure and other items peculiar to Police Departments. Letter from principal William Gallacher of the South Kitsap High School requesting assistance of traffic problems at the high school such as.,unauthorized cars creating hazards for the students and for the buses was read and Council referred the action of this letter to the Chief of Police, Engineer and Street Committee. The Committee was given power to act,on motion by Powers, seconded by Molzahn and carried. On request of Foreign Stock Car Association for the use of a portion of Taylor Street Building, Council denied the request on the reason that their is no available space. Engineer and Chief of Police were requested to investigate the possibility of a white stop line at the intersection Wetzel and Bay Streets. Matter of claim of A. L. Snyder of 410 Givens Street continued. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried, the Council will not enter into the agreement with the highway department to revise the overhead suspension at Sidney and Bay. Ordinance requiring the registration of all business and business activities within the City of Port Orchard with a annual fee of $1.0.00 was not adopted on motion by Geiger, seconded by Monteith and carried. item relative to District #7 dispatching fire calls for the City and monitoring of business houses continued. Engineer reported that the blacktopping of May and Roland streets has been completed. On motion by Carr, seconded by Monteith and carried, the 1.952 Chev pickup was declared as surplus and as salvage and Engineer instructed to dispose of truck for the best offer. Engineer reported that the County historical Society has purchased the old log house near Division on Sidney and will completely renovate the house. Engineer reported that the final concrete will be poured at the boat launch in a couple of days. Street and Alley Committee will inspect the bulkhead at the intersection of Tracy and Bay along with the Engineer. Council reaffirmed the policy that all conditions relative to remodeling as well as building, shall conform with the building code and also the fire code. Any deviations from this policy will be only by Council action. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Carr and carried, Council instructed a letter be written to the contractor of the new business complex at Bay and Rockwell that both entrance and exit is permissable on Rockwell and that entrance can be made at the west side of complex but the only exit would be with right hand turns. Engineer and Chief of Police will reinspect the complex before letter is written. Chief Dow reported that the estimated costs of radio control of fire alarm and lights at the two intersections, Westbay and Bay and Sidney, would be $1500.00. Chief also stated that possibly the County and District #7 may share in this cost. Above matter referred to Fire and Light Committee to work with the Chief. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Carr and carried, Council instructed a letter be written to highway department relative to the cost. On motion by Geiger, seconded by flan Zee and carried Council approved progessive payment to Select Construction for work on Pottery Arterial when funds are received from Urban Arterial Board. Carr reported that the lighting in the area of 507 Sroufe Street is not the best but is adequate as there are lights on every pole. It appears that as the house sits back a considerable distance from the street the owner should probably have some sort of outside light. Chief Dow will check on burglary in that area. On motion by Carr, seconded by Monteith and carried, Council approved one additional street light in the Theisen area and one additional light between the apartment house and Mitchell Point. Both lights shall match existing lights. September 13, 1971 Page Three Monteith requested that Council set a 3% per year amount of the budget to be allocated for Parks and Recreation. No action taken. Attorney will check with Tom Lowry relative to a comprehensive plan for Parks and Recreation so that application can prepared for matching funds. Bills in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense $3,81.5.97, �--" Water $1,446.87, Street $11,153.37, Sewer $419.39, Parks $330.44, Garbage $284.90 and LID #65 $1.3,965.UO. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council approved that the Bills be allowed and Vouchers #7495 thru 7541. be paid and that Payroll for August 31, 1971 in the amount of $1.0, 764.1.2 be approved. Moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. Adjourned at 11:40 P.M. MAYOR % CLERK Port Orchard, Washington August 23, 1971 Regular session of the Council of the City of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present Councilmen Powers, Monteith, Van Zee and Carr. Molzabn and Geiger absent (excused). Also present City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell and City Attorney Donald Thompson. Minutes of meeting of August 9, 1971 corrected to read, "Mr. McMullen further reported that the mulching of the slopes has been recommended by the State Highway Department, and that the contractor will complete this sometime in the month of September." Corrected minutes approved. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Carr and carried approval for Pacific Northwest Bell to hang their cable from the water main crossing Blackjack Creek was granted provided all expenses incident to the hanging and any future expense resulting from the attached cable will be borne by the telephone company. Mrs. Mary Lieske of Horluck Transportation Company reported that they had not been contacted relative to the proposed marina, and that if the rumor is true that it is anticipated to move the launches to the east side of the dock then it would be necessary to dredge the area. Mayor informed Mrs.Lieske that Mr. Lloyd Nelson of Reid and Middleton should have made contact with them by now, also that Mr. Nelson will contact them in the near future. Henry Cragerud, County Safety Engineer, reported to the Council progress on Kitsap County Traffic Safety Coordinator Project. Mr. Cragerud requested the Council to approve City participation in the project and stated that funds have been received and that the program commenced July 1, 1971 and will terminate for this grant on June 30, 1972. The Citys share for matching purposes is $2,000. this amount can be made up in service contributions. Mr. Cragerud further informed the Council that the objective of the program is to organize City and County resources in a multi jurisdictional traffic safety program. Further stated that cities under 1.0,000 population are automatically within the program if the County instigates such a program. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith and carried that the program be tabled for further study. Meeting set up for September 9, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers for a study session. Mr. Cragerud will attend. Mr. McMullen, Staff Engineer for Hammond, Collier and Wade, reported that a meeting was held with sub -contractors and contractors on the Pottery Arterial relative to holding completion of the highway until next spring in order for roadbed to to drain and stabilize. The decision of the Council present at the meeting was to lay a 1� inch mat at the present time and lay the wearing mat in the spring. During the winter months the contractor will continue maintenance and before laying wearing mat will level out any area that needs it and the final mat will result in a level and clean road surface. Contractor will lay a plastic tape which sticks to the road surface as a temporary center line. Also recommended that if during the interim breakage appeared due to overweight vehicles, load limits be posted. Mr. McMullen requested that additional amount of funds be approved ($13,000.) to cover the costs of the above items. Recommendation to complete arterial in two stages and request for overrun approved on motion by Carr, seconded by Van Zee and carried. Monteith opposed. Mulching, fertilizing and seeding will be completed during September. Request of Jack Thorburn, Inc. for payment on materials purchased but not used for sewer line in vicinity of C. W. Adams held in abeyance for time being. Amount of request $1,516.74. City Attorney Thompson reported that Gordon Rector, Chief surveyor for Hammond, Collier & Wade informed him that a complete comprehensive report on the Adams survey will be presented to the Council at the next meeting along with serial photos showing connecting streets. Van Zee reported on meeting with the County on Emergency Employment Act. It appears that the cost for wages and fringe benefits are matched on a 90/10% basis. Van Zee requested that application be submitted for a combination park and building maintenance man and for one radio dispatcher for the police department. Above request approved on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and carried with reservation that City Bould withdraw if necessary. Monteith and Carr opposed. Chief Dow instructed to notify owner of bicycle padlocked to wall next to Wyatt's Printery on Bay Strret, that the bicycle must be removed. Chief Dow reported that the Police Chief of Ocean Shores has requested assistance from September 1. thru 6 of a police car and policeman as there is expected to be a very large crowd at the Shores. All costs and damages to City car will be borne by Ocean Shores except the deductable on damage. Above action approved on motion by Powers, seconded by Carr and carried. August 23, 1971 Page Two City Engineer Knobbs reported that the floats for the boat launch will be in next week and that the entire project will be completed by the second week in September. On motion by Monteith, seconded by Carr and approved bill from Surf and Sound Mfg. Company in the amount of $4,700. plus tax in the amount of $235. Clerk instructed to clear procedure for payment with the Port Commission. City Engineer reported that no further work can be done on Prospect alley until additional drain tile and bull rock for support is placed behind the Westen Auto store. City Engineer also reported that the slopes and banks at Rockwell and Bay Streets are in a stable conidtion at this time. City Engineer reported that the Telephone Company broke a 10" water line at Sidney and Lippert as they were jacking a line under Sidney Avenue. Mr. Knobbs gave them a tentative cost of $500. Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell reported difficulty in getting hoses dry during hot weather and that there was some mildew present. Suggested that a large fan would help by keeping the air circulating. Also hose has been draping between the 2/4 and this prevents proper drying. Suggested additional metal bars or possibly mesh to stop this. Fire Department will investigate advise. Fire Department and Council discussed the possibility of registering new businesses and the possibility of a $1.00 permit. City Attorney will research and report at next meeting. Council on motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell approved request for variance by Sam Belcher on 1339 Garrison Street. A meeting was set up by the Council for 8:00 P.M. September 9, 1971 with Dick Warren, (Kramer, Chin and Mayo) and with representative of Annapolis District relative to water transimission main. Also set meeting with Mr. Cragerud to 7:00 P.M. instead of 7:30 P.M. same date. On request of Library for Council to pay for installation of mat for carpet tabled for further discussion. On request by Dow to repaint and dedent 1968 Plymouth in approximate cost of $200., Council approved request. Councilman Carr informed Council of District 7 proposal for the monitoring and dispatching for the City of Port Orchard, The monitoring units will be installed in the business houses who so desire and the installation and line lease will be borne by customer. The cost to the City for 7 day, 24 hour dispatching would be $140. per month. Some discussion was made relative to contract of all fire service within the City. Matter continued. On motion by Powers, seconded by Monteith and carried, City will not enter into the contract with the Kitsap County Housing Authority. A request for additional street light in the vicinity of 507 Sroufe Street was reported by Councilman Carr. Chief Dow instructed to investigate and report. Clerk read proposed gambling ordinance prepared by the City Attorney and on motion by Powers, seconded by Carr and carried, Ordinance #883 adopted. City Engineer Knobbs informed the Council that the Safety Engineer for the City's insurance carrier will be in the City next week to inspect the area on the north side of Prospect between Sidney and Frederick Streets as to need for sidewalks and as to whether this should be City initiated or public initiated. Letter from State Highway Department relative to Arcade lighting system read. Council instructed Clerk to contact business district representative to arrange a meeting with Mr. Green and the Council to discuss the lighting problem. Bills in the following amounts were presented to the Council: Current Expense $2,303.77, Water $980.44, Street $4,081,34, Sewer $1,784.96, Parks $36.45, Garbage $249.53, Arterial Street (UAB) Phase #2 $26,986.02. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried that the Bills be allowed and Vouchers #7454 thru 7494 be paid and also Payroll for August 1.5, 1971 in the amount of $9,932.94 be approved. Moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. Adjourned at 12:45 A.M. X'MAYOR Port Orchard, Washington August 12, 1971 The regular session of the Council of the City of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor Nick J- Repanich. Present Councilmen: Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, Van Zee and Molzahn. Also present Engineer Knobbs; Chief Dow; Assistant Fire Chief Caldwell and Attorney Don Thompson. Molzahn excused by Mayor for meeting of August 23, 1971. Minutes of meeting of July 26, 1971 approved as read. Mayor Repanich took this opportunity to explain the Pottery Avenue Arterial project to the news media present. Dave McMullen, Field Engineer for Hammond, Collier and Wade, informed the Council that con- struction on Pottery Ave. Arterial is approximately 85% complete, leaving the finish grade work, paving and street lighting to be done. He also informed the Council that his firm has verbal approval of the Urban Arterial Board, State of Washington, that the project could be temporarily terminated until next Spring so that the wet spots can drain and stabilize. He also requested Council approval to contact contractor and sub -contractors to discuss the problem and decide to what extent the City should proceed to protect the roadway from the weather until next Spring. Council instructed Mr. McMullen to obtain in writing, from all parties concerned, their approval and agreement to the temporary ter- mination of the project. Mr. McMullen further reported that the mulching of the slopes will be done sometime in the month of September by the State Highway Department. Attorney informed Council that no portion of the retained fee could be released until completion of the project. Mr. tcMullen stated that he would have the information, and hopefully, the agreements by the next meeting. ��ir. ',cnullen further informed the Council that the chief surveyor of the firm of Nammond, Collier and Wade, Gordon Rector, is compiling all the data concerning the Adams (C. W.) property for Attorney Tom Krilich, and will be delivering this information some time In this next week. Attorney Don Thompson informed the Council that the A. L. Snyder claim against the City has been referred to the Engineering firm of Hammond, Collier and Wade, the Contractor, and the Contractor's bonding firm. Attorney reported that entering into an agreement with the Kitsap County Housing Authority as per their proposed contract, creates a very complicated arrangement. It appears that the City would relinquish some of its jurisdiction to the County. The building and zoning codes would be affected, and it appears that the City would have to cooperate with the County on matters of condemnation. Claire Voss of KCHA gave the Council a short presentation on economics and reasons why the City should participate. Matter was tabled for further study and consideration. Letter was read from Northwestern Mortgage Investors relative to their commercial building complex to be located at the corner of Rockwell and Bay Streets. Mr. Ron Wagers showed drawings of the complex, to the Council and answered questions relative to same. Engineer Knobbs reported that he had inspected the preliminary plans and is completely satisfied that all City codes are being complied with. Engineer reported that the Department of Ecology of the State of Washington will not allow Pacific Northwest Bell Co- to place underground cable across Blackjack Creek, and that the cable may have to be attached to City water mains- Engineer also reported that telephone lines can be placed in City streets without easements. Chairman Powers of the Finance Committee reported that the Signal Overhead Suspension Revision Agreement is being held in abeyance until further study can be made. On motion by Powers, seconded by Molzahn, request for City authorization by Cascade Natural Gas Corp. to pledge their assets to Chase National Bank approved. Engineer reported that there is approximately thirty more feet of concrete needed to bring the ramp of the boat launch up to normal high water. He stated that the City could and would do the work, and recommended to the Council that this be done. Recommendation approved and authorization given Knobbs to proceed with project on motion by Monteith, seconded by Powers and carried. Matter of new portable radio units for Police Department continued by Finance Committee. Letter read from Port Orchard Yacht Club relative to installation of sewer line from main to property line. Referred to Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works for action. August 12, 1971 Page Tlfii b Ass1t. Fire Chief Caldwell reported that the Fire Department will have a meeting at the new Fire Station #2 to view the fire alarm system. He also reported a 2500 watt generator is missing, presumed stolen. Engineer requested approval to purchase 1966 Ford Camper Special for $1,500000 plus tax. Request approved on motion by Molzahn, seconded by Powers and carried. Engineer reported that blacktopping on Prospect Street will not commence until repairs by Western Auto on the rear of their building are finished. Engineer reported all taps have installed on both May and Roland Streets to the main sewer line, and the streets will probably be blacktopped later this month. Attorney will review conditions relative to service charge in ordinance for LID #64. Engineer reported a leak in the 12-inch water line in the area of the Port Orchard Carpets building on Bethel Avenue. Engineer also reported that Annapolis Water District has repaired the sidewalk adjacent to their property on Mitchell Avenue. Police Chief Dow reported that the funding request for purchase of portable units should be submitted in the next few months. Finance Committee Chairman Powers has instructed Chief Dow to apply for the LEA funding. Attorney Thompson gave a brief report on the Shorelines Management Act for 1971. On motion by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Council authorized Attorney to pre- pare an ordinance regulating gambling within the City of Port Orchard, as it appears in the statute. Mayor informed Council of the comprehensive plan for the entire County, regulating and im- plementing solid waste materials by using transfer stations and central disposal pits. It is assumed that the present City disposal area will be used as the transfer station for the south end of the County and is expected that the City will be using the existing site for at least the next two years. Van Zee reported that the meeting with the school and county representatives was fruitful, and that a plan of unity can very well be accomplished. It was suggested that each mun- icipality choose a representative to streamline the meetings, and that the South Kitsap Recreation Association will be the logical group to spearhead the operation. There will be another meeting at 7:30 p. m., August 19, 1971 in the Council Chambers. On -motion by Carr, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Council authorized the appointment of a representative, and approved City participation in a joint park and recreation effort with South Kitsap Schools and Kitsap County. Van 7ee reported that the drinking fountain at Central Playground has been stolen. Chief of Police instructed to proceed with investigation.to locate the missing fountain. Van Zee reported that he will arrange for a meeting with the Port Orchard Lions Club to explore the possibilities of their request for a City project to undertake. Geiger, requested Council action to have sidewalks constructed on the north side of Prospect Street, as this is a dangerous place to walk, in his opinion. Engineer directed to inves- tigate and report at the next meeting. Clerk instructed to check upon City responsibility to initiate such action. Chief of Police requested approval to purchase approximately $150.00 worth of tapes for video cameras. City may use County cameras, but has to furnish the tapes. The above tapes will last for about 4 months. Approval given on motion by Powers, seconded by Molzahn & carried. Clerk presented bills in the following amounts: Current Expense $5,340.34; Water $585.71;,•--')) Street $1,154.99; Sewer $740.42; Park $314.79; Garbage $194.67; LID #65 (Downtown Arcade) $24,322.00, for a total of $32,652.92. Motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried that bills be allowed and Vouchers #7419 thru #7464 be paid, and also payrolls for July 31, 1971 in the amount of $10,542.32 be approved. Moved, seconded and carried that meeting adjourn. Adjouurr�nee/d� at 11:15 pfo m. c_': _{ l Clerk - Mayor F. Port Orchard, Washington July 26, 1971 The regular session of the Port Orchard City Council called to order by i!'Iayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Molzahn and Carr. Monteith on excused absence and Van lee absent because of illness. Also present, Superintendent of Public Works Knobbs; Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell and Attorneys Tom Krilich and Tom Lowry. Minutes of meeting of July 12, 1971 amended to show Molzahn on excused absence and then approved. Mr. A. L. Snyder of 410 Givens Street submitted a claim for reimbursement in the amount of $52.50 for repairing damage claimed done by contractor when Givens Street was re- constructed. fie stated that driveway was lowered to the extent that his car could not get off the street and onto his property. Engineer Knobbs stated that before street work, the area on the west side of property was nearly level from street to parking area. Moved by Carr and seconded by Geiger that claim be referred to Attorney to determine if the liability is with the City or the contractor. Motion carried. Clerk instructed to mail application for a variance to Mr. Snyder, relative to his request to build a cover to his driveway. The cover will extend toward the street and will not conform with the set -back requirements. Mr. Adams (C. W.) of 1185 Sherman Street inquired when the City will remove the sewer line which he claims was placed on his property by the City. He also stated that two local engineering firms have verified that the above is correct. Engineer Knobbs stated that there is some question relative to this problem, and that Mr. McMullen, Engineer for Hammond, Collier and Wade, has accumulated a large amount of data and is in the process of preparing a complete statement of facts and this will be referred to the City Attorney for review and recommendation. I'his being the time and date set for bid opening for boat launch, Clerk opened the one bid received. The company of Surf and Sound offered two alternates to the specifications of the proposal; No. 1 for $10,370oOO plus tax and No. 2 for $9,424.00 plus tax. Engineer Knobbs stated that he had discussed the alternates with the bidder, and recommended that alternate No. 2 be accepted. Mr. Davis, bidder, showed the Council a sketch of each on the blackboard. Alternate No. 2, in the amount of $9,424.00 plus $471020 sales tax, for total amount of $9,895.20 was accepted and approved by Council on motion by Powers, seconded by Geiger and carried. 'w` 11 Mr. Tom Lowrey (who is in the process of preparing a comprehensive plan for the City) pre- sented a time table on the possible completion of the plan. He stated that it would be two or three more months at the earliest, and maybe six months before completion, depending on the amount of time he can allot to the project9 and he needs approximately two weeks working full time to complete his portion of the plan. When asked if something could be done for the purpose of securing State and Federal funds for acquisition of park lands, he stated that the committee should get their information together and contact him, as a specific plan could be prepared rather quickly. Mr. Lowrey also stated that the cost so far, to the City, would cover about one-half of the overhead incurred. Mr. Dick Warren, representing Kramer, Chin and Mayo, Consulting Engineers, informed the Council that Form #101, Preliminary Application for 90/10 matching funds has been submitted to HUD in the total amount of $1,230,000.00. This covers costs for both storage areas and transmission lines. Mr. Warren stated that priorities were given on the basis of need and economic factors. The City of Port Orchard and surrounding areas to be served by the proposed water system produced a rating of 74.5 of a possible 100. He stated that this rating is very good, as seldom do ratings exceed 80. Several decisions will have to be made at a later date relative to storage facilities and funding between the two areas, and depending on the extent of funding from HUD. "Jr. Jet, purchaser of the Huth Building, 511 Bey Street, requested an additional thirty (30) days extension of time on razing the building, giving several valid reasons to support his request. On motion by Molzahn, seconded by Powers and carried, extension was granted for thirty days to begin razing the building. (From July 31, 1971 to August 31, 1971) Claire Voss, representing the Kitsap County Housing Authority informed the Council that the down of Poulsbo had joined the County agency and suggested the City might now consider this. On motion by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell and carried, the contract was referred to City Attorney for review and recommendation. July 26, 1971 Page Two Attorney lom Krilich stated that upon request of Ass't. Chief Caldwell of Fire Dept., he had determined that Mortgage Investors, owners of the former Broughton property on Spy Street, have the authority to request the Fire Department to burn the building. Assistant Fire Chief Caldwell reported that the department now has the Visual Training Program. Mayor and Council are urged to attend meeting in Council Chambers at 7:30 p. m., August 4, 1971, called by the Park Committee with South -end County Commisioner, and South Kitsap School Superintendent Doctor Davis. The agreement prepared by the State Highway Department for the revision of the signal head suspension at Bay and Sidney (#C S 1807 SR 160 - GC - 2823) referred to the finance Committee for further study. Mayor reported he will inform Port Commission manager Robert Meyers that the Council has not had sufficient time to thoroughly study the proposed Marina Project, and that the Council would like a meeting at some time in the future. Engineer Knobbs reported that the Pottery Avenue Arterial is 82% completed and that the Consulting Engineer for Hammond, Collier and Wade informed him that the paving should begin August 23 and should have opening too public by September 1, 1971. Engineer Knobbs also stated that he did not think the Arterial should be paved at this time, because it should have sufficient time to settle and stabilize, which might take until spring. Man- holes will be protruding if underground springs are found and that water is at this time, coming though the ground -and may be following the sewer lines. In his opinion, this water should be drained from the road -way and ditching should be accomplished on either side of the road. He also stated that the Urban Arterial Board be contacted to see if the funds allocated for this project could be held in abeyance, possibly until Spring, in order to get the best results from the dollars spent. Engineer Knobbs stated that duplicate time sheets (Pottery Avenue Arterial construction) for June and July and succeeding months wilt be furnished to him by the consulting firm of Hammond, Collier & Wade. Clerk instructed to review contract with above firm relative to their firm charging City inspection time, when inspectors are not on the job. Engineer reported elevations were shot on area near Herb Theisen Insurance Agency for possibility of sewer service to six residences in that area. All can connect to the sewer line, and there would be approximately 1300 feet of sewer pipe needed. Robert McGinnis will be the design engineer for the proposed " I.D. Engineer Knobbs further reported Prospect Street seems to be stabilizing and will probably be restored this week. Engineer reported 24 taps have been installed in May Street sewer, and that there are three more to be installed. Also, the City will prepare May Street for blacktopping, and a private contractor will balck-top some time this month for the approximate cost of $10,000000 Engineer also reported that three ticket meters for 12-hour parking, installed, would cost approximately $1,200.00, Engineer reported the approximate cost to hang tables and benches out over the water on the area in back of business district, would be $10e00 per square foot or about $1,000.00 per table. Attorney Tom Krilich directed to prepare a form letter which will be used when notifying service customers that certain items must be corrected, le; water drainage into sewer lines, etc. Letter from Cascade Gas Company relative to pledging their assets to the Chase National Bank referred to Attorney for review and recommendation. Request of Samuel C. Belcher of 1339 Garrison Street for a variance referred to the Planning Commission. On motion by Powers, seconded by Carr and carried, the recommendation of approval by the Planning Commission to allow a reduced set -back for Dale C. Plaggemeier of 1112 Spokane Avenue was ratified. July 26, 1971 Page Three Since there is some question if the City has given Pacific N. W. Bell Co. an easement across Blackjack Creek from Sidney, for the purpose of an underground calbe, the Council forestaid any action until further review has been made. The application from Pacific N. W. Bell Co. to bury cable on the west side of Sidney St. from DeKalb Sto south to South Street approved as follows; motion by Carr, seconded by Powers that approval be given, provided installation of cable is within existing right-of- way. Motion amended on motion by Geiger, seconded by Carr, that approval be given, provided the application is compatible with existing agreement, and when said existing agreement has been reviewed and approved by City Engineer, and if no easement is in evidence, a new one would be negotiated before approval. Vote on amended motion carried unanimously. Vote on original motion carried unanimously. Ordinance #882, amending Section 105 of Ordinance #694, and Section 18 of Ordinance #783 (Section 10#20,060 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code) and establishing the speed limit on Pottery Avenue Arterial approved and adopted by the Council on motion by Powers, seconded by Nlolzahn and carried. C.S. 1807 SR 160, Signal Head Suspension Revision Agreement #GC-2838 held in abeyance for further discussion. Chief of Police requested permission to trade in old base station radio, two (2) mobile units for five (5) portable units on a 75/25% cost basis, leaving a balance of $2,000.00. Chief reported that the could be paid off at $50.00 per month for five years on a lease - purchase agreement. Also stated that this would give the department new equipment and availability for two extra frequencies. Referred to Finance Committee for study and recommendation. Clerk presented bills in the following amounts: Current Expense $827.89; Water $754.44; Street $10,000,73; Sewer $180.04; Park $240,72; Garbage $294.91; Arterial Street (UAB) $81,627.75, for a total of $93,926.48. Motion by Powers seconded by Caldwell and carried that bills be allowed and Vouchers #7392 through #7418 be paid. Also, payrolls for June 30 In the amount of $12,018.45 and payroll for July 15, 1971 in the amount of $11,337.91 be approved. Motion carried. Moved, seconded and approved that meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:40 p. m. Mayor Clerk Port Orchard, Washington July 12, 1971 The regular session of the Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor (Pro-Tem) Powers at 7:35 p. m. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Ron Thompson, City Engineer Knobbs, Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell, Fire Chief Hacker and Chief of Police Dow. Absent Molzahn..�.­'..- Minutes of meeting of 6/28/71 approved as read. Mr. Richard Robertson representing KCCA as well as Kitsap County Housing Authority presented several points in favor of the City ,joining the KCHA and explained method of funding, the procedure relative to being eligible for subsidized rents and/or payments on new purchases of property. Also stated that the plans at this point are to have scattered homes instead of projects. Mr. Robertson stated that the only way at this time that funds can be secured with any degree of assurance is if the City would join with the larger authority as there is a priority on money and the larger authority would be in a better position to be a recipient than a small authority. According to the authority'survey, there is a demand for 31 units at this time in the City. City Engineer was instructed to board up and make the Broughton house on Bay Street secure from those who would vandalize and/or use the building, as it is a hazard and violates the safety code. Also, Engineer instructed to compute and bill the cost to the responsible party. City Engineer reported that some progress has been accomplished on Prospect Street, and that the ground appears to have stabilized. There is yet perforated tile to be installed. City Engineer also reported that the app lication for the water resources study by Kramer, Chin and Mayo should be available for the Mayor's signature within a few days. City Engineer Knobbs submitted detailed drawing of the proposed parking lot north of Bay St. and explained the map in detail. Also reported on the cost of the various types of meters available, such as slot type or ticket type. Monteith stated that the consensus of the downtown merchants is that there be no parking meters on Bay Street, but to allow a two- hour parking, then ticket the offenders. The hours for parking in the proposed parking lot would possibly be some 12, some 9 and possibly some 3-hour parking. Monteith will present the map to the merchant's committee and discuss the possibilities, with report to be presented at next meeting. City Engineer will procure an expert in this field to assist In ideas for the parking area. City Engineer further reported that there has been very little additional work on Pottery Avenue Arterial. They are going to let the road -way set, so that the soft spots will stabilize. City Engineer reported that the progress on the launch ramp is on schedule. Clerk reported that contractor on the small boat launch, Surf & Sound Mfg. Company, cannot qualify for performance bond, therefore could not legally complete or fulfill the contract. Monteith moved that bid award be revoked, for the reason that low bidder could not obtain the required performance bond. Seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously. Van Zee moved to advertise for new bids to be opened at 8:00 p. mo, July 26, 1971. Seconded by Geiger and carried unanimously. City Engineer reported that the Sanitation Department would keep the sanitary land fill disposal area open on Saturdays, from 9:00 a. m. until 5:00 p. m. It was brought to the attention of the Council that the engineering staff employed by the City was not performing adequate service for the City on the Pottery Avenue Arterial. It was moved by Monteith and seconded by Van Zee that a letter be written to the firm of Hammond, Collier and Wade, informing them of the Council concern and that the Council will expect adequate engineering in the future, and that the personnel on the job check with the City Engineer in order that all the problems and data be mutually known. Carried. Discussion was held relative to the comprehensive plan, and Ron Thompson, Acting City Attorney reported that at the next meeting, he would have further information concerning the plan. Clerk was instructed to locate possible highway comprehensive plan of State Highway Dept* projected programs for use by City in comprehensive plan. The Arterial Street Study may be acquired though the office of Ralph Kerslake. Chief Dow reported that his department was in need of a new patrol wagon, and with the increase in cost, the probable amount would be about $4500.00. He stated that Fire District #7 has a 1970 Plymouth that they would sell to the City for about $2400.000 Chief asked the Council to app ove purchase, as he feels that he may have that amount as a balance in his 1971 budget. some discussion, Van Zee made a motion, seconded by Geiger, that Chief negotiate a�fter rice with District #7 for the used Plymouth. Motion lost with 2 yeas and 3 nays. July 12, 1971 Page Two Chief Dow requested that the speed limit on Pottery Avenue Arterial be 45 miles per hour on all that portion 500 feet from the intersection with Highway #16, and 500 feet from the intersection with Tremont Ste Monteith moved that Attorney prepare an ordinance establishing the speed on Pottery Avenue Arterial at 45 miles per hour. Seconded by Caldwell and carried. Van Zee reported that a meeting of the Park Committee, South -end Commissioner and Doctor Davis, of South Kitsap Schools is to be held on August 4, 1971 at 7:30 p. me in the Council Chambers, and requested the Mayor and other Council members attend. City Engineer reported on the possibility of approximately 53% Federal funds and possible use of �i� gas tax monies on parkway improvements, under a program called "TOPIC". Engineer will do further research on this. Also, Councilman Monteith requested that Engineer investigate possibility of placing tables and benches along the edge of the parkway, and how this could be accomplished. Engineer to report at next meeting. Clerk read card from Mrs. D. Me Chilstrom of Sumner, Washington, complementing the City on the "FATHOMS OF FUN" celebration and also on the politeness of the City Police. Letter from South Kitsap School District #402 relative to the sewer at Cedar Heights was read, which informs the Council that the bill was forwarded to the District architect, Mr. Bassetti. Also, that the bill will be referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for legal counsel. Letter from Employment Security Department informing Council of the special works project for recipients receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children was read. Letter sets forth the criteria to be used, and the conditions of employment for the project. Also contained in letter is a list of the managers of the respective districts involved. City Clerk reported he had received the original and two copies of the proposed agree- ment of C.S. 1807 SR 160, City of Port Orchard, Sidney Street at Bay Street, Agreement No. GC-2823. This agreement is the revision of the signal head suspension. The quarterly allocation from the Urban Arterial Board for Project #8-2-153 (02) received in the amount of $168,151e00 and for project #8-2-153 (01) in the amount of $39,160.00. City Clerk assigned Council posiitions for the forthcoming filing period as follows: Position #1 Held by incumbent Paul D. Powers Position #2 Held by incumbent Vern Be Caldwell Position #3 Held by incumbent Robert Go Geiger Position At Large Held by incumbent Ce Adrian Carr Clerk presented bills in the following amounts: Current Expense $5567.61; water $1309.21; Street $1297.08, Sewer $905.85; Garbage $589,83; Total $10,188.08. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that these bills be allowed and Vouchers #7347 through 7391 be authorized paide Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:30 po me l MAYOR r r CLERK V Port Orchard, Washington June 28th, 1971. A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor (Pro-Tem) Powers. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Ass't. Fire Chief Lee Caldwell, Mr. Jim Walters representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Seabury Blair, Jr. representing Bremerton Sun. Chief Dow absent, (excused). Minutes of 6-1.4-71. read and approved. Mayor Powers recognized Mr. Dave McMullen of Hammond, Collier and Wade, Consulting Engineers who gave a brief report on the status and progress of Pottery Avenue Arterial construction. Mayor recognized Mr. Claire Voss, representing Kitsap County Housing Authority who was present to discuss the proposal of that authority (see minutes of 5-24-71) to enter into a cooperative agreement to provide its services to the City. Mr. Voss offered certain factual and statistical information in support of this offer and discussed various aspects of it with the Council and others, at length. Continued for further study. Mayor Powers reported on the meetings (6-15 and 6-25-71.) of members of the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee and Commissioners of Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 re: the operating agreement between the City and the District (see minutes of 6-1.4-71.). Clerk read a proposed renewal of this agreement which provides for processing by the City sewage treatment facility, of sewage of a portion of the District which the District cannot serve. Discussed briefly. Moved by Carr, seconded by Geiger that the proposed agreement be accepted and the Kayor authorized to sign for the City. Approved, 5 yeas and 1. no. Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on an inspection of the situation reported in minutes of 6-14-71. wherein Mr. Snyder of 41.0 Given Street requested partial reimbursement for costs involved in rebuilding his driveway after the street was lowered by the contractor for Pottery Avenue Arterial. Discussed briefly. Mr. Knobbs gave his opinion on the circumstances. Clerk directed to write a letter to Mr. Snyder requesting him to make a claim on the City in the stated amount, which will be considered by the Council. Matter continued until claim is received. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that the totem pole, (see minutes of 6-1.4-71) will be erected and the protecting concrete posts in place this week. Mr. Knobbs also reported on the proposal to remove utility lines and poles from Bay Street between Orchard and Harrison Avenues. Clerk reported receipt of approval of a request to use `o gas tax (Arterial Street Fund) monies for this purpose. Mr. Knobbs reported on the status of the study of water resources by Kramer, Chin and Mayo (see minutes of previous meetings). Mr. Knobbs requested serious consideration be given to opening of the sanitary land fill for public dumping at least one day per week. Discussed at length and moved by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell that the sanitary land fill be opened to public use by bona -fide Port Orchard residents only from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays. Approved, 5 yeas and 1. no. Mr. Knobbs reported no progress in correcting the slide situation in Prospect Alley (see minutes of previous meetings). Mr. Knobbs reported need in the near future to lay a new storm drain under Lippert Drive to drain surface runoff from the area of theipew nursing homes into the natural drainage area north of Lippert Drive, instead of the area west of Pottery Avenue, in view of contemplated of filling in that area by School District No. 402. Clerk read a proposed 6-year Construction Program portion of the 6-year Comprehensive Street program required by RCW and explained the urgency of its adoption. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that this 6-year construction program be adopted. Approved. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would formally adopt this program. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1.106 assigned. Mayor Powers recognized Dr. Howard Minor who was present to discuss his plan for improving the property at Division and Austin Streets if the requested re -zone (see minutes of 6-14-71.) is approved. Dr. Minor gave a detailed explanation of his intentions. Discussed briefly and the matter of off-street parking discussed. Continued until the next meeting at which time Dr. Minor will present sketches and drawings, and the Building Committee will meet with Dr. Minor in the meantime. June 28, 1971 Page Two City Attorney Thompson reported on certain legal He particularly questions the legality of waiving the City in return for a signed agreement not to at length and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr contained in 9th paragraph of minutes of 6-14-71. 2 nos. matter which have come to his attention. the 50% surcharge for water users outside oppose annexation when proposed. Discussed that the words "sign an agreement" be deleted. Approved with 4 yeas and Mr. Thompson also reported on the legal aspects of the proposal contained in the minutes of 6-1.4-71. that parking control (meter) devices be installed in the 1.2 hour parking area of the Merchants Parking lot, and that the parking meters then be removed from the streets of the City. Discussed at length and continued for further study. City Engineer Knobbs will provide cost information. Clerk read a letter from Mr. R. W. Kerslake, District Engineer of State Highway Department re: the City's request for consideration of restriping of Highway 1.60 (Bay Street) to permit vehicles to cross the double lines to pass double-parked vehicles or vehicles which hold up traffic while maneuvering into parking areas. This is not possible under present laws of the State, and cannot be given favorable consideration. Clerk read an application of Mr. Herb Kruger of 51.8 Division Street for a variance of the front yard set back requirements of Ordinance No. 71.9 from 25' to 10' to permit construction of a carport. Planning Commission has studied this application on 6-21-71. and recommends approval. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the variance granted. Approved. The Clerk presented information re: the new system of street lighting which will be installed in Bay Street between Frederick and Harrison Avenues a part of LID #65 (marquees over sidewalks). It appears that the electricity to operate these new lights will cost more than twice as much as the existing lights and that the lighting at street level may be less than adequate. Discussedbriefly and continued for a meeting between Mr. Greene of Gilman and Greene, members of the Council and others. Councilman Carr reported on a tour with several interested citizens, of the Blackjack Creek canyon from its mouth for several blacks south with a view to possible development of the area for recreation purposes. Discussed briefly. Councilman Monteith requests consideration be given in preparation of 1.972 and future budgets to allocation of a stipulated percentage of the total revenues available, excluding utility funds revenues, to the Parks Fund Budget. The Clerk presented the Payroll for 6-1.5-71 in the amount of $1.0,157.94 and Bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $607.93, Water Fund $777.51., Street Fund $3,002.99, Sewer Fund $403.37, Parks Fund $407.92, Garbage Fund $8,421.50, Library Fund $7,818.89, LID #65 Construction Fund $20,406.00, UAB Arterial Street Fund $24,569.77, Total $66,41.5.88.,--" Moved by Monteith, seconded by Geiger that this Payroll and these Bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 7308 through 7346 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:00 p.m. r 10 MAYOR 1�'� G`� CLERK Port Orchard, Washington June 7.4th, 1971. A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Ass't. Fire Chief Lee Caldwell, Chief of Police Dow, and Mr. John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of 5-24-71. read and approved as corrected. Mayor recognized Mr. John Atkins of Port Orchard Independent who introduced a new member of the staff of that newspaper, Mr. Jim Walters who will assist in covering the meetings of the Council in the future. Mayor recognized Mr. A. L. Snyder of 410 Givens Street, who was present to protest the City's failure to properly restore his driveway after the street level was lowered recently in the reconstruction of High Avenue. He requested the City to reimburse him for costs of 4A2.50 incurred to partially restore the driveway. Discussed at length and moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that the Street and Alley Committee study this matter and make recommendations. Approved. Mayor Repanich reported that bids were opened at 3:00 p.m. June 1.4th for the installation of street lights in the Pottery Avenue Arterial. Two bids were received as follows: Pacific Electric Company, Bremerton, Wash. $26,629.00, Excluding State Sales Tax. Sentinel Electric Company, Seattle, Wash. $24,678.00, Excluding State Sales Tax. Mr. Dave McMullen, of Hammond Collier and Wade, Consulting Engineers, stated that he had examined the bids and found both to be in compliance with the specifications, and recommended that the low bid, that of Sentinel Electric Company, be accepted. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Geiger that the low bid be accepted, but that the cost of painting the light fixtures a bronze color, (about $300.00) be deleted from the contract. After further discussion the motion was withdrawn by the maker and the Councilman who made the second. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Carr that the low bid of $24,678.00 by Sentinel Electric Company of Seattle be accepted and the contract awarded. Approved. Clerk reported receipt of approval by Urban Arterial Board of the request for a 10% increase in project costs for the Pottery Avenue Arterial, amounting to approximately $50,000. (see minutes of 5-1.0-71). Mr. McMullen reported on the overall progress of the project. Mayor recognized Mr. J. P. Jenkins and Mr. Lloyd Brock, Commissioners of Annapolis Water District. Mr. Jenkins spoke for the Commissioners and requested the City to consider removing the 50% surcharge for users of City water who are outside the City limits and within the area normally served by Annapolis. That District has removed the surcharge from City residents who receive their water from the Annapolis District. Discussed at length and moved by Monteith, seconded by Molzahn that the premium charge of 50% imposed on water users living outside the City be removed if the person will t not it oppose annexation to the City when such is petitioned for. Approved. Clerk reported that the meeting between Commissioners of Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 and members of the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee, to discuss the operating agreement between the District and the City (see minutes of 5-24-71.) was scheduled for 7:30 p.m. 6-1.5-71. Mayor informed the Council of the opening of bids at 3:00 p.m. 6-10-71 for the construction of a boat launch ramp at the foot of Water Avenue, (see minutes of previous meetings). One bid was received, from Surf and Sound, Inc. of Port Orchard in the amount of $9,170.49, excluding State Sales Tax. Discussed breifly and City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs recommended that this bid be accepted, and the contract awarded. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that the bid of Surf and Sound in the amount of $9,170.49 be accepted and the contract awarded. Approved. Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell reported no fires in May. Chief Caldwell reported on the matter of improving part of the Sidney Avenue Fire Station property for Parks and Recreation facilities. Discussed briefly and referred to respective committees for study. The matter of requiring an occupancy certificate of new businesses prior to commencement of operation, discussed briefly. June 14, 1971 Page TVio Mayor requested information from Street and Alley Committee re: the situation in Prospect Alley (see minutes of previous meetings). Chairman Caldwell reported his personal recommendation to be to wait until the soil is completely dried out before starting any repairs or restoration work. Discussed at length and several possible courses of action considered. Referred to Street and Alley Committee to meet with property owners to discuss sharing costs. Mr. Knobbs reported on preliminary conversations with residents of West Street (see minutes of 5-24-71.) re: improvements to that street. Discussed briefly and continued for further study. Clerk read an opinion of Attorney Tom Krilich acting for the City Attorney concerning the desirability of entering into a cooperative agreement with Kitsap County Housing Authority to include Port Orchard in the scope of operations of that authority. Discussed briefly and determined that the various factors involved must be considered at length before a decision can be reached. Continued for further study. Clerk will provide a copy of applicable portions of RCW to members of the Council. Chief of Police Dow reported on the request of Dr. Davis, Sup't. of South Kitsap School District No. 402 to establish "No Parking" between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the west side of Mitchell Avenue opposite South Kitsap High School, (see minutes of 5-24-71). Discussed briefly and determined that this parking restriction has existed in the past and that signs have disappeared and not been replaced. This area will be posted as requested prior to school re -opening in September, Mr. Knobbs reported on the problems being encountered with the new refuse packer unit, and that the suppliers will replace parts and modify the bulk container mechanism to permit satisfactory operation. Clerk read a request of Ass't. Fire Chief Lee Caldwell for authority for himself and Fire Marshal Weatherill to attend a Fire Chief's Association Convention in Ocean Shores, September 9-11, 1971,. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that this be authorized. Approved. Clerk presented a request of Mr. Vern Hoskins, dba Vern's Roofing Service, for permission to maintain an office and park trucks in connection with the business, in a residential area at 2246 Sidney Avenue. Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Powers that this authorization be granted on the condition that any nuisance arising out of this operation must be corrected or the permit will be withdrawn. Approved. Clerk read an application for re -zone from R-2 to Commercial of Lot 7, Block 15, Stevens plat of Sidney, the Christian Science Church property opposite the Municipal Building. This has been purchased by Dudley Perrine, Attorney, for establishment of law offices. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this application at a special meeting of 6-7-71. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that the action of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the request granted. Approved. Clerk read an application for re -zone from R-1, to Commercial of Lot 4, Block 18, Stevens Plat of Sidney, at the northeast corner of Division and Austin Streets. This application was submitted by Dr. Howard Minor who intends to demolish the existing building and construct an office building if approved. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this application at a special meeting on 6-7-71.. Discussed at length and continued for presentation of plans and intended use, parking etc., at the next Council meeting. Clerk presented Statement of Progress No. 7 and request for partial payment by Select Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $21.,137.64. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this progress report be accepted and the payment approved, when the UAB funds are received. Approved. Clerk reported receipt of approval of request for additional State and Federal Funds in the amount of approximately $9,000. for increased costs of the Bay Street Interceptor Sewer. Clerk reported that the totem pole being completed for the Chamber of Commerce would soon be ready for erection and reminded the Council that they had agreed to erect this pole in the "turn -around" at the north end of Sidney Avenue when it is ready. Discussed briefly and referred to Mr. Knobbs for action. Clerk read a proposed ordinance, (second reading) authorizing an increase in taxi rates. This was first read on 5-24-71.. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 88I. assigned. June 14, 1971 Page 'Three Mr. Knobbs reported the progress in construction of LID # 65, (marquee over sidewalks) and � informed the Council that some of the knee braces on the wooden poles appear to be low enough to cause some problems to pedestrians. The architect will be on site on 6-15-71 to inspect. Mr. Knobbs also reported that the application for use of half -cent gas tax Arterial Street funds to remove utilities from Bay Street in the downtown area was almost completed. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee requested authority to purchase small tools for the man now engaged in lawn maintenance and care of the athletic fields. Determined that this is a budget item not requiring special action. Councilman Monteith requests consideration be given to removing parking meters from Bay Street and installing meters in the 12 hour area of the Merchants Parking lot. Discussed at length and continued for study by City Attorney as to feasibility. Councilman Geiger reported that an abandoned house at Rockwell and Bay Streets is a possible attractive nuisance to undesirable elements and could represent a hazard to small children playing in the area. He requests that the owner be requested to board it up or otherwise secured to deny access. Mr. Geiger also requested that consideration be given to authorizing organized baseball games on Central playfield for "bush league" teams of 8 and 9 year olds for two nights per week. Discussed at length and moved by Monteith, seconded by Geiger that this be authorized. Approved. Mayor recognized Dr. William E. Davis, Sup't. of Schools for South Kitsap School District No. 402, who was present to discuss the possibility of a cooperative effort by the County, City and School District to improve and develop athletic and recreational facilities for use of the youth of the area. Discussed at length and referred to Parks and Playgrounds Committee to meet with School and County officials to develop recommendations. Mayor discussed the interviews on candidates for position of City Clerk to replace Mr. Woodward on his retirement June 30. Mayor has detertnined, as a result on interviews conducted, and after consultation with members of the Council that the most qualfied and desirable of the candidates is Mr. Robert G. Lloyd, who served as Clerk from 1,959 to 1.964. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that Mr. Robert G. Lloyd be appointed to the position of City Clerk effective July 1, 1971, with his employment to commence June 28, 1971. Approved. Mayor announced that he would be absent from the City from 6-21, to approximately 7-12-71. and suggested the appointment of a Mayor Pro-Tem to act in his absence. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that Councilman Powers be appointed Mayor Pro-Tem for the period stated. Approved, 6 yeas and one no. Mayor further announced that he will not be a candidate for re-election to the office of Mayor in the September -November 1.971. elections. Clerk presented the Payroll for May 31, 1971 in the amount of $1.0,541,.21. and Bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $8,772.37, Water Fund $989.85, Street Fund $7,1.63.43, Sewer Fund $1,374.77,_ Parks Fund $367.58, Garbage Fund $10,255.97, UAB Arterial Street Fund $62,420.41.,,LID #65$19,1.65.00 Total $1.20,509.38. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this Payroll and these Bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 7245 through 7307 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 1.1:35 p.m. MAYOR C�-� ��r < CLERK Port Orchard, Washington May 24th, 1971, A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn and Monteith. Powers and Van Zee absent (excused). Also present: Attorney Thomas Krilich substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Ass't. Fire Chief Lee Caldwell, Mr. John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of 5-1.0-71. read and approved. Mayor welcomed three young ladies of the Girl Scouts, who were in attendance to witness City Government in action. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would increase taxi rates by 1ft, per mile. This being the first reading, the proposed ordinance continued for a second reading and passage at next Council meeting on 6-14-71. Mayor offered any person in attendance with a specific matter to bring before the Council, an opportunity to do so, and recognized, Mr. Frank Gelsleichter, representing Veteran's of Foreign Wars Post No. 2669, requesting information of the feelings of the Council and Police Chief on the matter of Bingo games in view of the legislation recently passed and signed by the Governor. Attorney Tom Krilich reserved any opinion until he has read the law. Others in the audience spoke on the matter. Attorney Krilich spoke on the pitfalls which might arise if the City were to permit such activities to be resumed, prior to August 1.0, the date which the legislation becomes effective. Mr. Harold Reanier representing Port Orchard Eagles spoke on behalf of that organization requesting a statement of opinion on whether the City would prosecute if Bingo games are re -started prior to the effective date$ of the law. Discussed at length and continued until an opinion is received from City Attorney Thompson. Mayor recognized Mr. Dave McMullen of Hammond, Collier & Wade who reported on the progress of Pottery Avenue Arterial construction. Mayor recognized Mr. Richard Warren of Kramer, Chin & Mayo, Consulting Engineers, who was present to discuss with the Council the Basic Consulting Engineering Service Contract originally presented on 3-22-71. and not signed at that time. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that this Basic Consulting Engineering Service Contract wi h Kramer, Chin & Mayo be accepted and the Mayor authorized to sign for the City.,P;� e t/C)(Y Mr. Warren gave a report on the inventory of the water resources and water consumption of the City, and pointed out deficiencies in storage facilities. He pointed out that a possible alternative to drilling new wells, etc, might be to consider negotiation with the City of Bremerton to purchase water from that source, and he also reminded the Council that other water districts to the east might also wish to participate. Matter continued for further study by Kramer, Chin & Mayo. Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell reported on matters involving the Fire Department. The Kitsap-Mason Firemen's Ass'n. annual picnic was announced for June 6 at Jarstad Park at Gorst. Mr. Knobbs reported on the progress of providing the improvements to the Bay -Grant -Short Street area requested by residents of the area (see minutes of 5-10-71). An LID may be formed for the sewer portion of this project. Mr. J. P. Jenkins, Commissioner of Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 was present re: the operating agreement between the City and that District to accept and process sewage from a portion of Retsil. This agreement was entered into on 10-9-67 for 3 years and has now expired. Discussed at length and moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that a letter be written by the City Attorney to the Commissioners of the Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 that the agreement between the City and the District has expired and is non-existent and that the sewage will continue to be accepted and processed, pending the finalization and ratifying of a new operating agreement no later than 7-I.-71. Approved. Clerk read the agreement between the City and Kitsap County Council on Youth for rental of the upper floor of the Taylor Street Fire Hall (see minutes of 5-10-71). Discussed at length. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Molzahn that this agreement be accepted and the Mayor authorized to sign after completion of necessary modifications required by the Building Inspector. Approved. Mayor reported on an executive session of the Council on 5-17-71. where the street lights for Pottery Avenue were explained by Mr. McMullen of Hammond, Collier & Wade. Discussed at length and the proposed contract examined. Continued for further study and information from the Engineers. May 24, 1971 Page Two Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on a visit and inspection by a soils and foundation engineer of the situation in Prospect Alley as involvE the sliding of the alley (see minutes of previous meetings). Discussed at length and continued for further information. Clerk informed Council re; population for 1.971. This is a reduction of 4 persons from 1.970, and has been protested but to no avail. Clerk read a letter from Virgil Parks resigning from the Civil Service Commission for Police. Clerk presented a claim from Mrs. Margaret Mashburn of 101.1 Hull Avenue for $273.00 for replacement of a septic tank drainfield at the above address. Moved by Carr, seconded by Caldwell that this claim be referred to the City Attorney. Approved. Clerk read a letter from the Kitsap County Council on Youth thanking the Mayor and members of the Council for their cooperation in arranging for use of the Taylor Street Fire Hall. Clerk informed the Council that specifications and other documents were ready and authority was needed to call for bids for construction of the boat launch ramp. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Molzahn that the call for bids be authorized with bids to be opened on 6-10-71. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Harriett Norwood thanking the City for its cooperation in the recent "clean up litter" project. Clerk read a letter from the Fathoms 0• Fun Committee of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce requesting permission to bring a carnival into the City 7-1 through 7-6-71.. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that this request be granted. Approved. I Clerk read a letter from the Rodeo Committee of Fathoms 0' Fun Committee of the Chamber of Commerce requesting hanging of a banner over Bay Street. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that this request be granted. Approved. Clerk read a letter from six residents of the 1100 block of West Avenue requesting completion of improvements in this street. Discussed at length and determined that the City would restore the street to its original condition without cost to the affected property owners, but if additional improvements are desired they would have to be financed by the property owners. Mayor reported receipt of a proposal of Kitsap County Housing Authority that that agency service the needs of Port Orchard in low cost housing matters, which normally would require a Housing Authority in Port Orchard. Discussed briefly and the proposed agreement referred to City Attorney for study. Mayor reported a request from Dr. Bill Davis, Sup't. of Schools, from SK District No. 402, that the City install "No Parking 8 A.M. - 4 P.M." signs on the west side of Mitchell Avenue opposite the High School. Discussed briefly and referred to Chief of Police for study. ' Matter of Cedar Heights Junior High School sewer lift station discussed briefly and determined that the School Disrict will be held responsible for payment in full for these costs. Mayor Repanich reported on a proposal of Pacific Northwest Bell that a joint project be undertaken to place telephone lines under ground. Discussed at length. Matter of electric power and wires and how they could be removed also discussed. Continued for further study. Mayor announced that he would be out of the City over the Memorial Day weekend. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported dissatisfaction with the new garbage -refuse packer because of a change in the mechanism which handles the bulk refuse containers. Mayor Repanich reported on a proposal of the South Kitsap School District No. 402 to construct a park and playground facility at Cedar Heights Junior High School, which would be available to the City for City use after it is completed. Continued for further study. Clerk referred Council to the revenue and expenditure statement of the Garbage Fund for the 3 month period, which Vas furnished to the Council. Chairman Molzahn of the Water, Sewer Health and Sanitation Committee, recommends that the Sanitary Land Fill be opened to the public at least one day per week. Discussed at length. May 24, 1971 Councilman Carr of Fire and Light Committee reported on a study oVNSe n end for additional street lighting on West Bay Street in the Grant -Short Street area and recommends no improvement in this service until fall. Clerk presented Payroll for May l5th, 1971. in the amount of $1.0,029.20 and Aills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $1,738.83, Water Fund $956.57, Street Fund $1,064.98, Sewer Fund $1.3,660.49, Parks Fund $3,444.52, Garbage Fund $332.02, Total $21,197.41. Moved by Carr, seconded by Geiger that this Payroll and these Bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 7208 through 7244 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:45 p.m. MAYOR �I*Wr-ef —it -e _ CLERK Port Orchard, Washington May 1.0th, 1971 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Caldwell absent, (excused). Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell, Mr. John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent, and Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 4-26-71 read and approved as corrected. Mayor recognized Mr. Herb Thiesen of 100 Bay Street, who was present along with other residents of the Bay -Grant -Short Street area to make several complaints. Clerk read a letter signed by several residents of the area requesting, among other things, an improvement in water service, access to the new interceptor sewer line, improved street lights. Discussed at length and questions asked and answered. Mayor informed Mr. Thiesen and the others present that such water and sewer service improvements are made at the expense of the property owners whose properties are specially benefited. After further discussion, continued for further study by City Engineer and the Fire and Light Committee. Mayor recognized Mrs. Vikki Plaggemeier and Mr. Steve Whitman representing Kitsap County Council on Youth in the South Kitsap area, who were present re: the request of that group for permission to use the old Taylor Street fire hall for a "teen-age drop -in" center, (see minutes of 4-26-71). Clerk read a written opinion of City Attorney that the City cannot legally furnish a building or facility for this purpose except at a fair rental value. Discussed at length. Building Inspector stated that, with minor changes, the building could be used for this purpose. Councilman Geiger reminded the Council that the building was acquired through donation for the specific purpose of welfare of youth. After further discussion, moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that the group be authorized to rent the upper floor of the building for a fee of $30.00 monthly with the group to assume responsibility for utilities. Approved with the condition that the arrangement may be terminated by either group on 30 days notice. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Carr that the above action be submitted to the City Attorney for opinion and preparation of necessary agreement. Approved. Mayor recognized Mr. Dave McMullen representing Hammond, Collier & Wade, Consulting Engineers for the Pottery Avenue Arterial Project. Clerk read a written report of Hammond, Collier & Wade on certain specific phases of the project and the need to apply for additional funds amounting to about 5% of the total project costs. This request and other matter3 discussed at length. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee that the Engineers be authorized to submit a request to the Urban Arterial Board for a project over -run of 10% or about $51,600. Approved, 5 yeas and one no. Mr. McMullen reported considerable vandalism on the project in the form of stolen cast-iron manhole covers and survey stakes removed from surveyed areas. Police will make periodic checks of the area. Mr. McMullen reported on the need for action in the near future, on the sub -contract to install street lighting on Pottery Avenue Arterial and requested that the Mayor be authorized to sign this contract when it is ready. Discussed at length and determined that when the contracts are ready the Mayor will call a special meeting for the necessary action. Mayor recognized Mr. J. P. Jenkins a commissioner of the Annapolis Water District who was present re: the proposal to improve the facilities of that district, which was referred to the City for comment and on which no action was taken (see minutes of 3- 71 and 4-26-71). Mr. Jenkins explained why he feels the City should approve the proposal. After further discussion moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee that the request of Hill, Ingman & Chase, Consulting Engineers, dated 3-15-71, requesting a letter stating "no conflicts" be addressed to Annapolis Water District, be authorized. Approved, with 5 yeas and one no. Mayor requested a report of the number of accidents which have occurred at the intersection of Bethel Avenue and Highway #160, (see minutes of 4-26-71). Police Department records indicate three (3) in the past 5 months. Discussed briefly. Discussion developed on the channelization of traffic in Bay Street and the double yellow lines which were used by the State Highway Department when it was striped. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Van Zee that a letter be written to the Highway Department requesting a review of this striping arrangement to determine if some other patterhmight be used which would permit crossing of the yellow lines to permit passing of parking cars, double parked truck, etc. Approved. Nlay 10, 1971 Page TIt Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend the Mobile Home Ordinance (No. 720) Chapter 1.7, POMC,to remove the authority to burn refuse in Mobile Home Parks. Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr, that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 880 assigned. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported no contact with the person responsible for bulldozing on Flower Avenue (see minutes of 4-26-71). Mr, Knobbs reported that the new garbage -refuse packer truck had been received by the local Ford dealer, and would be ready for delivery in the next day or so. Matter of the request of the County Auditor dated 4-21-71 that the number of voting precincts in the City be reduced from seven to four, discussed briefly, and a report received from the City Attorney that this is within the authority of the Auditor. Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that this request be granted and the Clerk directed to commence compliance. Approved. Chairman Carr of Fire and Light Committee reported on a meeting with the Fire Chief of Kitsap County Fire District No. 7 on the matter of the proposed annexation of an area west of Sherman Heights, near Gorst, (see minutes of 4-26-71). Moved by Carr, seconded by Monteith that a letter be written to the Kitsap County Boundary Review Board indicating that the City has no objections to the proposed annexation. Approved. Councilman Carr also reported on the need for a monitoring system to give warning when fire sprinkler systems in tiarious parts of the City are activated. Continued for further study. Chairman Molzahn of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reported on the operation agreement between the City and Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 and asked Mr. Knobbs to report on the results of a study he has undertaken. It appears that about 40 services have been added to the City's system in this area. Continued for further study and a meeting with commissioners of the sewer district. The utilization of the ground floor of the old Taylor Street Fire Hall discussed. Moved by Carr, seconded by Molzahn that the Public Works Department be authorized to use the lower floor of this building, at such time as it is vacated by Clearview TV Cable Co. Approved. Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell reported on various matters of the Fire Department. Clerk read a request of Kitsap County Planning Commission for an expression of opinion on an application of Mr. Michael Dick for re -zone of a small parcel of property on Highway #160 across from the National Guard Armory to Business General to permit the construction of an office building. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that the City go on record as having no objections to this re -zone. Approved. Clerk presented invoices from Hammond, Collier and Wade Consulting Engineers, in the amount of $4,454.1.3 for inspection and field surveys on Pottery Avenue Arterial project and Statement of Progress and partial payment estimate No. 6 from Select Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $57,966.28. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers that these bills be authorized paid when the 906 UAB funds are received. Approved. Cleric presented a revised contract for consideration between the City and Kramer, Chin & Mayo, Consulting Engineers for a study of the City's water resources and supply system. This revised plan has been approved by the City Attorney. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn seconded by Van Zee that this contract be accepted and the Mayor authorized to sign for the City. Approved. Clerk presented a request of the City Treasurer that she be authorized to travel to Everett on June 14-15 to attend a Governmental Accounting workshop, at a cost, for mileage and ferry fare of about $30-$35. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this be allowed. Approved. Clerk read a request from George Snyder, LPA on behalf of Blue and Gold Taxi Company for consideration for a rate increase. Discussed at length and moved by Carr, seconded by Molzahn that this request be granted and the City Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance effecting this increase for presentation at the next meeting which will be the public hearing. Approved:. Clerk reminded the Council of the need to exercise the option on the 3/4 acre of property on Tremont Street. The option expires on 5-31-71. The necessary title insurance has been requested by the City and the cost will be deducted from the balance due, ($3,000.00). Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that payment of the remainder due on this option be authorized. Approved. May 10, 1971 Page Three Clerk reminded the Council of the need to authorize the increase of minimum water consumption from 5,000 gallons to 8,000 gallons monthly for June, July, August and September. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that this increase in minimum water consumption be authorized. Approved. Clerk presented an application of the Lions Club of South Kitsap for a permit to discharge fireworks from a barge in Sinclair Inlet on July 4th. Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that this request be granted. Approved. City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on the situation existing in Prospect Alley east of Sidney Avenue, where the alley has slid off onto private property, rupturing an 8" water main, (see minutes of previous meetings). The repairs to the alley and the water main will be quite expensive and the responsibility of the private property owners has not yet been determined. Discussed at length and moved by Monteith, seconded by Geiger that the matter be referred to Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for study and recommendations. Approved. Mr. Knobbs reported that about 1.300 cubic yards of loose garbage -refuse per month is being picked up by the garbage utility and that labor to haul refuse and operate the dump is increasing to the point that an additional man will be required at least half-time. Discussed at length and continued for further study as to a rate increase. Chief of Police Dow requested that a study be made to determine the speed limit which should be established on the new Pottery Avenue Arterial when it is opened for traffic, and suggested a 45.MPH limit with reduction at each end to allow for deceleration. Discussed briefly and continued for further study. Attorney Ronald Thompson reported on an opinion of the City Attorney that the File Chief and Fire Marshal could only issue citations for burning ordinance violations after swearing ,to a complaint in court. He suggests that such citations be left to the Police Department. f� Councilman Geiger reported personal dissatisfaction with the new marquee (arcade) over they� Bay Street sidewalks. He feels that the wooden poles being used are unsightly and are likely to increase the obstructions in the sidewalks. Discussed at length. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on several mattersof concern to his department. Clerk presented Payroll for April 30, 1971. in the amount of $10,165.72 and Bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $2,989.37, Water Fund $595.28, Street Fund $500.52, Sewer Fund $349.15, Parks Fund $423,83, Garbage Fund $937.50, Arterial Street Fund Proj. 1.-69 $68.92, Total 5,864.57. Moved by Powers, seconded by Monteith that this Payroll and these Bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 71.70 through 7207 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:45 a.m. a > . MAYOR l� CLERK ,-� , Port Orchard, Washington April 26th, 1971 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell , Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Ass't. Fire Chief Lee Caldwell, Fire Marshal Alvie Weatherill, Mr. John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of 4-12-71 read and approved as corrected. Mayor recognized Mr. Danford Moore, Commissioner of the Annapolis Water District who was present to request reconsideration of matters previously brought before the Council and concluded without action (see minutes of 3-22-71). Mr. Moore first explained the matter of a proposed annexation by Annapolis Water District of a small area south and east of Bethel Avenue and Melcher Street, and presented reasons why the annexation should not be resisted by the City. Mr. Moore then presented the matter of the proposal of the Annapolis District to expand the facilities of that district by line extensions, and tank and well development in the East Port Orchard area. Mr. Moore also presented the problem of City residents who are being served by the District at premium rates and residents outside the City who are paying premium rates to the City for water service and suggested that both the District and the City remove the premium surcharge_ from the rates involved and allow the customers service at the same rate as those within the respective service areas. Discussed at length. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that the matter of the annexation described above be continued for further study. The matter of the capital improvements of lines, tank, well, etc., discussed at length and determined that the "no action" conclusion of 3-22-71 would stand. Mayor recognized Mr. Richard Parks of Tacoma who was present to offer information re: a proposal by himself to construct two modular duplex dwellings on a parcel of property west of Bethel Avenue north of Vista Motel (see minutes of 4-12-71). Discussed at length and continued for further study, with Mr. Parks to consult with the Fire Marshal and Building Inspector. Clerk informed the Council that bids had been opened at 3:00 p.m. on 4-19-71 for the City's insurance needs for the next 3 years beginning 5-1-71. Bids received were as follows: Allstate Insurance Company, Total annual premium $9,410. including crime coverage (bonds, burglary, etc.) and $9,090. without crime coverage. Safeco Insurance Company, Total annual premium $6,313. including crime coverage, and $6,073. without crime coverage. These bids and other insurance matters discussed briefly and the City Attorneys opinion to the effect that the bid of Safeco Company should be accepted, read. Moved by Powers, seconded by Monteith that the bid of Safeco in the amount of $6,073. excluding crime coverage be accepted. Approved. Mayor recognized Mr. James F. Rouse who was present re: an application for re -zone from R-1 to R-2 of a parcel of land on the west side of Mitchell Avenue directly across from South Kitsap High School (see minutes of 3-22 and 4-12-71). Discussed briefly and drawings of Mr. Rouse's proposed multiple dwelling complex examined. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that the recommendation to approve of the Planning Commission on 3-15-71 be concurred in and the requested re -zone granted. Approved. Mayor recognized Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Christine of 416 Harrison Street who were present to request the moral support and cooperation of the City in an effort to recycle waste glass materials in the interests of ecology. Discussed at length. Mrs. Christine informed the Council that there was a market for such waste materials and that the schools and churches and other non-profit organizations were already cooperating. She suggests that a downtown pickup site be established on private property. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that the City Council go on record as supporting this worthy endeavor and encouraging the participation and cooperation of the residents of the City. Approved. April 26, 1971 Page Two Mayor recognized Mr. Clarence Dahlke who requested information re: the number of accidents which have occurred at the intersection of Highway 150 and Bethel Avenue since his last appearance on the matter several, months ago. Continued with the Chief of Police to furnish the requested information. Mayor recognized Mrs. Vikki Plaggemeier of 1112 Spokane Street who was present to request City cooperation in finding a suitable building for use as a "teen-age drop -in" center and suggested that the old fire station on Taylor Street might be available. Discussed at length and questions asked of Mrs. Plaggemeier and answers given. Matter continued for further study by City Attorney and Building Inspector and Fire Marshal. Mayor recognized Mr. Dave McMullen of Hammond, Collier & Wade, Consulting Engineers for the Pottery Avenue Arterial Project. Mr. McMullen has been assigned as Project Engineer and will be in attendance at Council meetings in the future. He was present to discuss various matters involving Pottery Avenue Arterial and reported tw specifically on the reconstruction of High Avenue between Bay Street and Givens Street. Mr. McMullen requested authority to make application for a $25,000 increase in project costs with 90% to come from UAB funds. Discussed at considerable length and continued pending receipt of a written request. Mayor Repanich recognized Mrs. Ralph Larman representing the Western Little League who was present to request that garbage -refuse service be provided without charge to the Little League. Discussed at length and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Geiger that the Western Little League and Babe Ruth Leagues be furnished garbage service without charge during the season. Approved. Ass't. Fire Chief" Lee Caldwell reported only one fire alarm in April to date. Fire Marshal Alvie Weatherill requested that a procedure be established which would require all new businesses to register with the City Clerk and be issued a certificate by the Building Inspector or Fire Marshal prior to occupancy, in order to permit the Fire Department to review the structure and the nature of the business as involves fire zoning and other matters. Discussed briefly and referred to the Finance and Auditing Committee, for study and recommendations. City Attorney reported that he had not yet prepared the amendment of the Mobile Home Ordinance re: authority to burn, (see minutes of 4-12-71). Continued. Mayor requested information re: the request of Mr. Herb Thiesen for the costs involved in connecting his property at 100 Bay Street to the Bay Street Interceptor sewer line. This information has been relayed to Mr. Thiesen. Mr. Knobbs reported on the matter of water service and pressure in the 500 block of Smith Street (see minutes of 4-12-71). Discussed briefly and determined that any improvements in the service in that area would have to be at the expense of the property owners. Continued for further study. Clerk reported re: the electric power water pumping contracts which were presented for renewal at the 4-12-71 meeting and continued for further information. Discussed at length and moved by Carr seconded by Caldwell that these contractsbe accepted and Mayor authorized to sign for the City. Approved. Mr. Knobbs reported that the bulldozing on the east side of Flower Avenue in the vicinity of the 2200 block (see minutes of 4-12-71) was definitely of a nature to cause drainage problems in the future. He will contact the persons responsible. Mr. Knobbs also requested that he be authorized to appoint Fire Marshal as a deputy building inspector. Mr. Knobbs reported that the new garbage -refuse packer truck combination is ready for delivery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and will be delivered here about May 10, 1971. April 26, 1971 Page 'Three Mr. Knobbs brought up the matter of the operating City and Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 which October 1967 whereby the City accepts sewage from Retsil area for processing and agrees to maintain $1.50 per month per service. This agreement has re -negotiated. Continued for study by the Water, Sanitation Committee. agreement between the was entered into in a portion of the Annapolis the lines involved for expired and must be Sewer, Health and Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs gave a detailed report of the problems involved in the damage by slide to the alley immediately south of Western Auto and the old theater building. There will be considerable expense to the City in this project, including water main restoration. Chief of Police Dow requested consideration for the purchase of a new police patrol car prior to 5-1-71 in order to take advantage of state contracts. Discussed at length. Clerk reported possible need for reduction in expenditures if Pottery Avenue Arterial costs increase. Clerk read an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 692 (Section 5,60.040, Port Orchard Municipal Code) authorizing one additional fireworks concession in the City. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 878 assigned. The Mayor directed the Clerk to inform the South Kitsap Music Boosters that their application for a fireworks concession was now approved. Clerk read an ordinance establishing an emergency to exist in the Water -Sewer Fund (Sewer Dep't.) requiring appropriation of $4,198.75 to provide funds for the department's share of the costs of the wheeled loader recently purchased. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that this ordinance be adopted. Approved, and No. 879 assigned. Clerk read a letter from Mr. D. Theodore Wright, County Auditor requesting the City to consider consolidating voting precincts from 7 as now exists tQ-4L the interests of more economical operation. Discussed briefly ttor iuher consideration. Clerk informed the Council of the receipt of a claim from Mr. and Mrs. James J. Griffiths former franchise holders for the Garbage -Refuse Collection service, which was terminated on January 31, 1971. This claim was in the %/ amount of S97,100. for various grievances alleged to have been inflicted on them. Moved by Carr, seconded by Monteith that this claim be rejected and referred to the City Attorney and the Cityts insurance carrier. Approved, Clerk read a letter from Kitsap County Boundary Review Board of Notice of Intention by Kitsap County Fire District No. 7 to petition for annexation into that district's area of respnsibility of an area immediately south of Sinclair Heights near Gorst. Referred to Fire and Light Committee for study with the Fire Chief. Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Helen Graham Greear, an Attorney, calling attention to the observance of Law Day on 4-30-71 and asked members of the City staff to attend in the Superior Court courtroom of Judge Johnson. Clerk informed the Council that he had recieved a request from the VFW for permission to sell poppies in Port Orchard on 5-21 and 22. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that this request be granted. Approved. Clerk read a letter from the Board of Commissioners of Gaffner Tracts Water District in Retsil for authority to replace two City street Lights (incan- descent) with mercury vapor type on Arnold Avenue, the costs to be borne by the Water District. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the request be granted. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Samuel Belcher of 1339 Garrison Street protesting the requirement that the garbage charges be paid by the person paying water service charges. Councilman Molzahn requested that consideration be given to converting the old Fire Hall on Taylor Street to a storage and maintenance building for Public Works Department. Continued for further study. April 26, 1971 Page Four Clerk re -presented the Notification of Intent by Sleavin and Kors, Professional Engineers (on behalf of Roland and Roland) to Petition for Annexation of a roximate 100-acr f,,pro in the general area of Sedgwick RoadantHigh�'�`I;�{��itslae�+-12-71)Moved by VTr Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this letter of intent be acknowledged and that the proposed petitioners be notified that the City will not resist this annexation. Approved. Clerk presented the payroll for 4-15-71 in the amount of $9,934.99 and bills in the following amounts Current Expense $3,729.93, Water Fund $1,186.63, Street Fund $1,896.73, Sewer Fund $649.94 Parks Fund $76.50, Garbage Fund $930.51, Arterial Street Fund, UAB Proj. $8,100.00, LID 65 $8,615.09, Total $25,185.33. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this payroll and these bills be allowed and vouchers No. 7110 through 7169 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:15 a.m. MAYOR Port Orchard, Washington April 12th, 1971 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Also presents Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Ass't. Fire Chief Lee Caldwell, Mr. John Atkins and Mrs. Maureen Smith representing Port Orchard Independent, and Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of 3-22-71 read and approved as corrected. Mayor offered any person present with a specific item to bring before the Council, an opportunity to do so. Mayor requested representatives of Lions Club, South Kitsap Peewee Association and South Kitsap Music Boosters Association, who were present to offer information re: their applications for Fireworks Concession stands. Mr. Frederick Perry spoke on behalf of the Lions Club, Mr. Sherril Murley on behalf of South Kitsap Music Boosters, and Mr. Russ Noerenberg on behalf of South Kitsap Peewee Ass'n., and each explained the reasons for need for funds by their organization. Mr. Jeff Mitchell, vocal music director of South Kitsap High School, also spoke in behalf of the Music Boosters. After discussion at length, moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that two concessions be awarded by vote of individual Councilmen for the two organizations of their choice, and that a third concession be awarded to the remaining organization if laws and ordinances do not prohibit it. Approved. On tabulation of ballots, the PeeWee's and the the Lion's Club were awarded the first two concessions. Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell reported that approximately 100 persons were in attendance at the dedication of the new fire hall on Sidney Avenue on 4-4-71. Discussion developed re: converting part of the Sidney Avenue fire station property to parks and recreational uses. Ass't. Chief Caldwell re -opened the matter of issuance of citations for violation of the ordinance prohibiting burning or requiring burning permits, (continued from 3-22-71). Discussed at length and moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that the Fire Chief, Ass't. Fire Chief and Fire Marshal be authorized to issue citations, with police patrolman to issue citations when violations directly observed. Approved, and City Attorney will prepare an amendment to "burning ordinance" (No. 849) and specifically authorizing the Fire Chief, Ass't. Fire Chief and Fire Marshal to issue citations. Mayor requested Mr. Knobbs to report on the application for re -zone from R-1 to R-2 of a parcel of property on Mitchell Avenue, across from South Kitsap High School (cont'd from previous meeting). Mr. Knobbs had nothing to report at this time. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Carr that the action of the Planning Commission of 3-15-71 recommending approval of the request be concurred in. Motion disapproved, 3 yeas and 4 nays, The applicant for the above requested re -zone, Mr. James Rouse, will be requested to appear at the next Council meeting with sketches, etc., and the matter will be reconsidered at that time. Mayor requested Chairman Carr of Fire and Light Committee for information re: the requested street light on Bay Street between Westbay and Mitchell Point, (see minutes of 3-22- 71). Mr. Carr has not firmed up his recommendations and the matter continued. Mayor reported on a complaint of Mrs. Margaret Mashburn of 1.011 Hull Avenue, re: the status of her property lines and possible damage to her property during Pottery Avenue Arterial construction. Mr. Collier of Hammond, Collier and Wade, Consulting Engineers will be in Port Orchard in the next day or two on this matter. Mayor Repanich also reported receipt of a request for information re: costs of sewer service by Mr. Herb Thiesen of 11.0-118 Bay Street. The property fronts on the recently completed Bay Street Interceptor sewer line. Clerk will contact Hammond, Collier and Wade for costs in lieu of assessment. A request for information re: improved water service in 500 block of Smith Street, from Mr. Cecil Brewer, .eAeferred to City Engineer for action. i Clerk read a letter from Mr. T. L. Stephens, Business Manager of South Kitsap School District requesting that the City consider extending the 12" water main from its present termini Opposite the entrance road into the campus to a point about 360' south for the purpose of providing additional water capacity to the High School. Discussed briefly and determined that the City has no intention to make such an improvement to this system nor the funds to do so. Clerk directed to inform Mr. Stephens by letter. April 12, 1971 Page TWo City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs informed the Council that Mr. Warren of Kramer, Chin and Mayo, Consulting Engineers, had submitted a pre -application for HUD funds, on behalf of the City, for the completion of a water resource and supply study. It appears that this letter may have been pre -mature, in -as -much as the agreement between the engineering firm and the City has not been signed. Clerk informed the Council that the Mobile Home Ordinance (No. 720) Section 10.5, (Chapter 17.40.050 and 17.40.070, of Port Orchard Municipal Code) provide for burning of refuse and garbage in incerators approved by the Health.Lbpartment. This should be modified in view of other burning restrictions adopted more recently. City Engineer Knobbs also recommends that consideration be given to requiring that all mobile homes be provided with skirting. Discussed briefly and continued for further study. Moved by Carr, seconded by Caldwell that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an amendment to the Mobile Home Ordinance (No. 720) to 'remove the authority to burn refuse in incinerators, unless they meet the Puget Sound Air llution Control regulations. Approved. Mr. Knobbs reported on his attendance at a meeting in Olympia, on 3-29-71 re: solid waste disposal problems and possible solutions. Chief of Police Dow reported that plans for the Loyalty Day parade on May lst, were proceeding satisfactorily. Mayor Repanich reported receipt of a complaint from Mr. Kenneth MacGeorge of 1024 Mitchell Avenue re: cigarette vending machines in the City and their availability to minors. Discussed briefly and determined that publicity will be requested in newspapers. The Chief of Police will also make contacts with the various establishments involved and remind the proprietors of the situation. Clerk read a letter from Curtis,Butler and Fisher, Attorney's in Seattle, that informed the City of a claim for damages on behalf of Mrs. Margaret Mashburn for the costs of a new septic tank drainfield required due to the erosion of her property caused by the construction of Pottery Avenue Arterial. Moved by Carr, seconded by Geiger that this claim be rejected and referred to the City Attorney for action. Approved. Clerk informed the Council that Mr. Danford Moore, a commissioner of the Annaplis Water District would appear before the Council on April 26 to request reconsideration of the two items concerning that district which received disapproval at the 3-22-71 meeting, (the annexation of property outside the City near the Catholic Church, and the capital improvement project involving main extension and tank and well work which were referred to the City for comment). Clerk requested information from the Council re: status of Fire Hall No. 2, and revenues which may be received from it through rentals or other means. The records of the City indicate that this structure was donated to the City by the Howe family specifically for the use of youth activities. Discussed briefly and determined that such revenues should go into the Park Fund. Clerk read a reminder letter from the City Attorney that the Mayor must appoint a "Housing Advisory and Appeal Board" in compliance with the provisions of Volume III and IV of the Uniform Building Code, 1970 Edition, which has been adopted on 3-22-71. Continued with members of the Council to make recommendations as to the membership of the board. Clerk reported that the copies of the Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Constitution have been received from the U.S. Government Printing Office and are being framed, and will be hung on the chamber wall by the next meeting. Clerk read a proposed ordinance changing the name of licensee (franchise holder) of CATV franchise from Teletronics, Inc. to Clearview TV Cable of Port Orchard. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Geiger that this ordinance be adopted. Approved, on the condition that Clearview TV Cable pay the publication costs. No. 877 assigned. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Arnold Carraway, Manager of Deal's Plumbing Supply congratulating the City on the quality of refuse collection service since February 1, when the City assumed responsibility for this utility. A copy will be provided to Mr. Knobbs for the personnel involved. Clerk recommended that a close examination and evaluation of the contract between the City and Kitsap Regional Library prior to the preparation of the next budget. The costs of this service increased by more than 50% between 1970 and 1971, Clerk read a letter from Sleavin and Kors, Professional Engineers of Tacoma (on behalf of Roland & Roland, Realtors) stating an intent to petition for annexation to the City of a parcel of land of about 59 acres, southeast of the present City limits in the vicinity of the intersection of Sedgewick Road and Highway 16. Discussed at length and maps and April 12, 1971 Page Three drawings examined. Continued pending an informal meeting with the engineers and the developer to resolve certain matters. Clerk will inform interested parties. Clerk presented power contracts for the two water pumping stations. These contracts are for ten years, and will replace previous contracts which expired on 3-22-71. Continued until further information is received from Puget Sound Power & Light Company. Chairman Molzahn of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee recommends that the garbage utility be added to the Classified Utility Accounting System now in operation for Water and Sewer utilities. Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Molzahn that the garbage utility be included in the Classified Utility Accounting System, effective February 1, 1971, the date the City started operation. Approved, 6 yeas and one no. Mayor Repanich opened discussion on the matter of the beginning salary for a new City Clerk when the present Clerk retires on 6-30-71. Discussed at length and determined that the salary range will be $9,000. to $1.1,000. annually and that applications will be received until 5-1.0-71. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgounds Committee reported on various functions and matters of his Committee and the Department. He requested authority to place either bark or sawdust on the planted area of the triangle at Highway 160 and Bethel Avenue to control weeds. Determined to be routine matter not requiring Council action. Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported that bull dozing activity on the east side of Flower Avenue north of Fireweed Street is beginning to jeopardize natural drainage, and may create problems. Discussed briefly and Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs requested to investigate. Clerk reported receipt of an application from Mr. Richard Parks for permit to construct two duplex residences on property about 400 feet west of Bethel Avenue just north of the Vista Motel. This propertydoes not have satisfactory access to a public thoroughfare and could result in problems for tenants. Discussed briefly and fir. Parks will be invited to bring his plans to the Council. Clerk presented estimate No. 5 and Statement of Progress on the Pottery Avenue Arterial by Select Contractors, requesting partial payment in the amount of $8,100.00. Discussed briefly and moved by Caldwell, seconded by Powers that this be approved and payment authorized when the Urban Arterial Funds (90%) are received. Approved. Clerk presented the Payroll for 3-31-71 in the amount of $10,248 'lls in the following amounts: Cur ��j1 nse Fund $7,596.04, Water Fund , Street Fund $3,21.1.17, Sewer Fund $dr Parks Fund $455.56, Garbage Fund $5,1.28.74,Total $23,583.91. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Powers that this Payroll and these Bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 7053 through 71.09 be authorized paid. Approved. Mayor informed the Council that he would be absent from the City from 4 -13- to 4-25-71 and suggested that a Mayor Pro-tem be designated. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that Councilman Powers be designated Mayor Pro-tem for the above period. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:20 p.m. -� MAYOR �lL�s^- f i.:�..G_ CLERK Port Orchard, Washington April 6th, 1977. Brief resume of meeting held between the City and S.K. School representatives on April 6, 1.971, City Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Those present were Nick Repanich, Mayor, Adrian Carr, Louis Molzahn, William Monteith and Vern Caldwell, City Council members, Dr. William Davis, Sup't. of S.K. Schools, Tyman Stephens, E. E. Maxwell, representing the S.K. schools. Larry Wade, Engineer, representing Hammond, Collier and Wade, Sewer Construction Engineers, Richard Stern, architect for Cedar Heights Junior High School, and Tom Hollenbeck, former City Engineer and former School Board member. The meeting was scheduled at the request of Dr. William Davis. The purpose of the meeting was to review why a sewer lift station was required at the Cedar Heights Junior High School. Richard Stern, architect, contended that sewer plans were not available at time of construction and that in discussion with Mr. Hollenbeck he was informed of this. Mr. Hollenbeck stated he never talked with Mr. Stern and if he had he certainly would have informed him that plans were available as they were completed in February, 1967 Plan #WS6-480029. Mr. Hollenbeck stated these were the plans submitted in .tune, 1967, to and approved by the Housing Urban Development for funding the construction of the sewer. Mr. Wade produced plans showing that the same plans developed by Mr. Hollenbeck were used in the drawing of the construction plans. The depth of the sewer lines in the street at the school were the same if anything a fraction of a foot deeper. Plan LID #64 #1663-1.7. Mr. Wade stated he had a copy of a print from Mr. Bassetti's office showing the elevation of the physical education builing he thought to be 277 feet. If available a copy of this print will be sent to the school district. Mr. Hollenbeck stated he warned Mr. Norton several times that the figures Norton was using were off. Mr. Hollenbeck insisted on using U.S.C.G.S. elevations. Mr. Hollenbeck confirmed when he was City Engineer that at a meeting (before school construction) in his office at which Nick Repanich, William Davis, Ty Stephens, and Engineers for the construction of the school were present. Mr. Hollenbeck stated the depth of the sewer line at the school would be 222.81. At this meeting it was agreed by all present that the school sewer line would be constructed to meet this depth on gravity flow. It was established that the school sewer line is at a level of 217.5 where it meets the City sewer line, approximately four and one half feet too deep to enter the City sewer system. Since the school line was below the City line a sewer lift station was require to lift the school sewer into the City line. After considerable discussion and review of plans it was determined that the depth of the City sewer line at the School site was determined as shown on the plans drawn by Mr. Hollenbeck in 1.967, and that these figures have not been changed. William Davis stated they would review this with the school construction engineers. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. V 2Ly NICK!-J. REPANIC Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 22nd, 1971 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, Powers, Van Zee and Molzahn. Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Ass't. Fire Chief Lee Caldwell, Mrs. Lorraine Carraway, substitutin, for City Clerk Woodward, Mr. John Atkins, representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 3-8-71 read and approved. Mayor offered any person present with a specific item to b)iing before the Council an opportunity to do so. Mrs. John Bruckart, Mrs. William Hardman and Mrs. Mark Steichen, were present as members and officers of the newly formed Sidney Museum and Arts Association, Inc. an organization working toward preservation of the old Sidney Hotel as an historic site, and for improvements and beautification of the downtown area by efforts to acquire a lot in the 700 block of Bay Street (south side) for use as an adult park and access to the Sidney Hotel on Prospect Street. Mrs. Bruckart, explained that their immediate need is for funds to purchase the lot. Mayor informed her that the City has no funds available at this time for this purpose, and to obtain any HUD monies which might be available, the City would be required by HUD to have a comprehensive plan, which the City does not have at this time. Mrs. Asa Norwood presented a request from the South Kitsap Junior Women's Club to hold a "United Roadside Clean -Up" on April 17, 1971 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon. Permission was requested for groups to clean up the areas of the tennis courts, Active Building, parks area, ball field and Tremont Avenue, and cooperation of City Departments would be appreciated. All businesses, churches, public buildings, etc. are urged to participate. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that April 17 be set aside as "Port Orchard Clean -Up Day", and that the request of Mrs. Norwood on behalf of the S.K. Junior Women's Club be granted. Approved. Russ Noerenberg and Robert Gehring representing S.K. PeeWee Association were present to express the interest of the Association in regard to letter of application for the fireworks stand at Westbay Hut. Mayor advised them that their letter of application, and letter of application from the South Kitsap Music Boosters are on file and will be considered when City publicizes a call for fireworks stand applications. Moved by Molzahn,seconded by by Van Zee that a call for applications be publicized for consideration at the next meeting 1N-12-71. Approved. Russ Noerenberg also expressed interest in the Park Fund budget and informed the Council that funds may be available from the Parks and Recreation special levy for assistance to the City in design and lay -outs of.park properties. Discussion ensued regarding sprinkling systems and determination made to allow a qualified engineer explain and recommend suitable installations. Matter of LID #65 (marquees over Bay Street sidewalks)discussed as relating to negotiating contract between Solie Construction Company and the City. It was determined that ownership be governed according to RCW (same as sidewalks), and maintenance and repairs be made at the property owner's expense. Also, the lights under marquee will be owner's metered lights, not an expense to the City. Letter read by Acting City Clerk from Kitsap County Brnk, advising the Council that the necessary funds are available if and when needed for the completion of LTD #65 in the amount not to exceed $21,000.00 (difference between amount of bonds and construction costs). Moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract between the City of Port Orchard and Solie Construction Company for the construction of the marquees in the amount of $97,1+80.00 plus Sales Tax. Approved. Mr. Richard Warren, from the engineering firm of Kramer, Chin, and Mayo., Seattle, was present to answer any questions and explain a proposed "Domestic Water System Investigation" analysis proposed to be made by his firm. Acting Chairman Powers (in the absence of Chairman Louis Molzahn) the Mayor and Supt. of Public Works Knobbs had met with Mr. Warren and determined that such a study and survey would be imperative at this time, as this is a pre -requisite to an application for obtaining HUD monies available for water improvement programs. The cost of such a study would be not to exceed $3,000.00. Attorney Thompson also advised that such a study -survey, is mandatory if HUD funding is to be obtained. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Monteith that Mayor be authorized to negotiate contract between the City and Kramer, Chin and Mayo, Consulting Engineers in an amount not to exceed $3,000. for a Domestic Water System Investigation and accompanying general contract for consulting engineering services, after approval of City Attorney Thompson. Approved unanimously. Ass't. Fire Chief Lee Caldwell reported that Fire Chief Hacker is progressing satisfactorily but is eager to be "out and about". March 22, 1971 Page Two Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell also recommends enforcement of "No Burning Ordinance". After discussion, responsibility for enforcement to be determined later. Ass't. Fire Chief also requests consideration be given to a pressure activated sprinkling systems alarm. Fire Committee to meet with Fire Department officials for investigation and report. Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell extended an invitation to Mayor and City Officials to attend an "Open House" at the new Fire Station on Sidney Avenue from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 4. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on findings re: elevations at Cedar Heights Junior High School (continued from 3-8-71).rHe states that in his opinion, the contractor and architect for the school are at fault, as elevations remain the same as indicated from previous records. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that a second billing be authorized to S.S. School Dist. #402 for the cost of the lift station. Carried with 6 yeas and 1 no vote. Matter of claim of Sidney Lodge #85, Knights of Pythias for damages to their property from broken water line (see minutes of 3-8-71)continued pending further study by City Attorney. Chief of Police Dow reported that the request for a parade by Cedar Heights Junior High School (see minutes of 3-8-71) had been withdrawn. Chief Dow advised Council that the 1968 Plymouth patrol car may be having fuel problems and not need an overhaul at this time, as discussed in previous meetings. It is being tested now. City Attorney requested more information concerning preparation of ordinance limiting the number of excused absences to four (4) in any one year period, not including absences for illness, or for City business (see minutes of 3-8-71). Discussion ensued, and moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee tijat previous motion directing City Attorney to prepare the ordinance be reconsidered. Approved 6 yeas, 1 no vote. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee that we adhere to provisions of RCW 35.24.100 concerning vacancies at Council meetings which states that "if a member absents himself for three consecutive regular meetings thereof, unless by permission of the Council, his office may be declared vacant by the Council." On the discussion, Councilman Monteith requested a record of the last 12 month attendance of each Councilman. Acting Clerk read the record as requested. Approved, 6 yeas and 1 no. Councilman Van Zee asked to be excused early from the meeting on April 26, 1971. Permission granted. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on progress of Ridgemont Terrace Nursing Home, and Port Orchard Convalescent Center which is moving rapidly toward completion. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs informed the Council that his office has not received any solid complaints on garbage, and that the compactor is doing a very efficient job at the sanitary land fill. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs requested permission to install sewer laterals to property lines of residences on May and Roland Streets in the Roland Addition before resurfacing streets in LID #64 area. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers, that the City be authorized to install laterals on May and Roland Streets. Approved. Sup't. pf Fublic Works Knobbs reported on proposed Plumbing Code revisions regarding venting and check valves on hot water heaters, which he deems advisable and are recommended by the Plumbing Inspector of the K;tsap County Health Department. Matter continued for further study and report in written form from Sup't. of Public Works. Mayor reminded the Council that this was the time and date set for the opening of bids for a used wheel loader, and requested the Acting Clerk to open and read any bids received. The Acting Clerk opened and read the bids as follows: Hatton Machinery Company, Seattle, Washington, 08,950.00 plus Sales Tax. One (1) Hough Wheel Loader, Model H-90, Serial No. 27AC1345; equipped with 3 cubic yard standard bucket, GMC 4-71 diesel engine #4A79546 with Allison Torque -Convertor, 16:OOX24 recap tires, enclosed operator's cab. Upon recommendation of Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, that the bid be accepted, moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that the bid of Hatten Machinery Company in the amount of $8,950. plus Washington State Sales Tax be accepted and purchase authorized. Approved. Acting Clerk presented a Zoning Application of Mr. James F. Rouse, P. 0. Box 571, for re -zone from R-1 to R-2 (for multi -residential) a portion of Government Lot 1, Section 25-24-1E March 22, 1971 Page 'Three which is located at 512, 514 and 516 Mitchell Avenue,to the Council for action. This had been approved for re -zone to R-2 by the Planning Commission on March 15th, 194. Moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that application be given to Engr.-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs for study and recommendation at next meeting. Approved. Acting Clerk read a letter from Kitsap County Boundary Review Board regarding proposed Annapolis Water District annexation of property located between Mitchell Avenue and Bethel Avenue, outside of the City limits of Port Orchard. After discussion, moved by Carr, seconded by Caldwell that the City of Port Orchard reject the proposed annexation. Approved. Moved by Powers, and seconded by Carr that Resolution No. 1103, authorizing the lease of property by the City of Port Orchard to the United States of America, Dep t. of the Navy, as a site for a calibration station of periscope systems be adopted. Approved. Moved by Powers, seconded by Monteith that Ordinance No. 876, amending Ordinance No. 737, Section 1, and Ordinance No. 768, Section 1, (RCW 15.04.010) and adopting the 1970 edition of the Uniform Building Code, Volumes 1, II, III, IV, V and VI, and the 1971 supplement to the UBC be adopted. Approved. Mayor announced that a Conference on Aging will be held at St. Martin's College, Capitol Pavillion on May 3, 1971. Governor Evans will be the speaker. Also, the Lep't. of Ecology, State of Washington has scheduled a Solid Waste Management and Disposal meeting for Monday, March 29, 1971, 10 a.m. in Olympia. Proposal of Bob & Dick's Custom Housepainting to paint interior abeas of the Municipal Building and Library,referred to Finance Committe, with power to act. This action on motion by Molzahn and seconded by Van Zee. Approved with 6 yeas and 1 no vote. Council was informed that no other proposals were received, after several contacts were made by City Clerk Woodward and Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs to secure same. Acting Clerk read letter from Hill, Ingman and Chase, Consulting Engineers for Annapolis Water District, regarding Water Supply System Improvements. Chairman Carr of the Fire and Light Committee reported that he had been requested by City Clerk to investigate a complaint of inadequate lighting between Westbay Shopping Center and Annapolis. Upon investigation, he recommends placing one additional street light between Tracy and Mitchell Point. Committee to make recommendations and report at next meeting. Councilman Carr expressed a personal desire to see a "dog leash law" implemented in the City of Port Orchard. Mayor suggested he secure all information necessary and plan a study session with the Council. Chairman Van Zee of the Parks and Recreation Committee informed the Council of plans to construct playground equipment in the area of the new fire hall on Sidney Avenue and Central Field Playground. Matter referred to Committee to meet with Fire Department regarding location of playground equipment in area of the new fire hall. Acting Clerk presented the Payroll for 3--15-71 in the amount of $9,689.40 and Bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $1,847.66, Water Fund $1,948.32, Street Fund $2,306.89, Sewer Fund $1,416.72, Parks Fund $92.66, Garbage Fund $1,768.47, Water and Sewer Construction (LID #64) $124-93, Arterial Street Fund (UAB Account) $9,962.93, Total $19,468.58. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this Payroll and these Bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 7007 thru 7052 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:34 a.m. Port Orchard, Washington March 8th, 1971 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, Powers, and Van Zee. Molzahn absent, (excused). Also present: Attorney Ron Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell, Mr. John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent, Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun and Mr. Bruce Johnson representing Tacoma News Tribune. Minutes of 2-22-71 read and approved. Mayor announced that another police patrolman, Officer Terrance Zuber had graduated from a Basic Law Enforcement course at Olympic College. Officer Zuber being present, Mayor Repanich delivered to him a certificate of graduation and commended him for his desire to improve himself. Mayor requested City Engineer Knobbs to make a report on his examination and evaluation of the bids received on 2-22-71 for a garbage -refuse packer truck combination and for a wheeled loader. Mr. Knobbs gave a brief report on the various bids received on 2-22-71 and the equipment offered and recommended that the bid of Howe Motors for a Ford C-750 truck with Heil Mk III garbage packer unit be accepted and the contract be awarded. After a brief discussion, moved by Carr, seconded by Powers that the bid of Howe Motors Company as described above, in amount of $15,357.31 including the forward mounting option and seat belts, without radio and without sales tax, be accepted and the contract awarded accordingly. Approved. Mr. Knobbs reported on the bids received 2-22-71 for the used wheeled loader. These proposals involved equipment not meeting the specifications (below minimum weight range) and recommends that these bids be rejected. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith that these bids be rejected. Approved. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that a new call for bids be issued for the used loader, to determine if acceptable offers might be received. Approved. Mayor offered any person present with a specific item to bring before the Council an opportunity to do so. Mr. Gene Twiner, Field Installation technician for Clearview Cable TV Company was present to report on the progress of the installation of cables, etc. and estimated that the first service would be provided about April 1. Mr. Glen Brincken of Puget Sound Power and Light Company was present to answer questions re: the street lighting on Pottery Avenue Arterial when it is completed. Mayor Repanich reported that the maintenance of the proposed Sodium Vapor type lighting will cost almost twice as much as the Mercury Vapor type used elsewhere. Discussed briefly and recommended by Councilman Monteith that mercury vapor lights be used on this facility when completed, in the interest of economy. Mr. Brincken offered additional information re: the possible desirability of using a greater number of mercury vapor fixtures to provide additional lighting at critical points. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Geiger that the Council go on record as favoring the more economical mercury vapor type lights. Approved. Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell reported that Chief Hacker was home from the hospital and recovering satisfactorily. Mr. Caldwell strongly recommends that the 1970 Edition of Uniform Building Code be adopted without further delay. The City presently is operating under the 1967 edition, and this sometimes hampers the fire inspector in his duties. The Clerk explained the City Attorney's feelings that the new code should not be adopted until the new zoning and subdivision ordinance is adopted. Mr. Knobbs, City Engineer - Building Inspector very strongly recommends the immediate adoption of the 1970 UDC. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Geiger that Ordinance No. 737 be amended to adopt 1.970 Edition of the UBC, including Volume I, Basic Code, Volume II, Uniform Mechanical Code, Volume III, Housing Code, Volume IV, Dangerous Buildings, Volume V, Signs, Volume VI, Dwelling House Construction, and 1971 Supplement to the Uniform Building Codes. Approved. Clerk read a claim in the amount of $273.00 from Mrs. Margaret Mashburn of 1101 Hull Avenue for costs of replacing a septic tank -drain field, which she claims was damaged due to earth slippage of her property due to the construction work in progress for Pottery Avenue Arterial. Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that this claim, along with the report of the City Engineer, be referred to the City Attorney for study. Approved. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that all Gilman and Green Architects for the project, meeting on 12-14-70. Approved. March 8, 1971 Page Two bids be referred to Mr. Robert Green of for study and recommendations at next regular*' Mayor recognized Mr.ELTwiner representing Clear -View Cable Co., which has purchased the interests of Telet onics, Inc. Holder of the Cable TV franchise. Mr. Twiner reported on the current status of the installation of the TV cable system in the City and County, and anticipates that about 10 wiles of cable, serving about 800 customers will be in use by next spring. Mr. Twiner answered questions directed to him by members of the Council. Mayor Repanich reported that the Council, Planning Commission and himslef will meet with Attorney Won Lowry and City Attorney Donald Thompson at 700 p.m. on 11-30-70 for additional briefing on the proposed comprehensive plan and development ordinance. Mayor requested an opinion from the members of the gouncil re: the proposal of the Assn of Washington Cities that he (the Mayor) issue a press release expressing criticism of the intent of Initiative #43 (Shoreline Protection Act),(see minutes of 11-9-70). Discussed at length and moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that the Councik go on record as being in accord with the content of the proposed news release authorizing the Mayor to issue it. Approved, 4 yeas and 2onos. City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that the installation of the flouridation equipment to be complete and awaiting final inspection and approval of the manufacturer after which the State Health Department will make an inspection. Clearance and commencement of operation is expected about December 15. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend ordinance No. 647 (Section 6.04.060 of Port Orchard Municipal Code) (the Garbage -Refuse ordinance) to the extent that the maximum weight of filled garbage cans would be set at 65 poinnds. Moved by Molzabn, seconded by Monteith that this proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved, and No. 867 assigned. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Orrin E. Burke of 916 Kitsap Street commending Chief of Police Dow and the Police Department for the excellent service rendered in checking his home while he was absent -from the City for three weeks. Clerk read a letter from the Port of Bremerton informing the City of Port Orchard of its willingness to underwrite $89000. of the cost of construction of a boat -launching ramp. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith seconded by Carr that this proposal be accepted and the Mayor authorized teeemeeute the necessary agreement with the Port. Clerk read a letter from six (6) business men in the area of Deal's Plumbing Shop requesting consideration for improiring the illumination of the crosswalk on Bay Street at this point, where an elderly pedestrian was severely injured. Discussed briefly and Chief of Police Now directed to investigate the possibility of placing a "dautioe sign or lighted crosswalk sign. Street and Alley Committee will also study the situation. After further discussion, moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that the Street and Alley Committee be authorized to take corrective action as determined necessary and feasible. Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would determine an emergency to exist and authorizing an increase in the 1970 budget and appropriating or loaning funds to meet the emergency. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Molzahn that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 868 assigned. Clerk read a proposed option -purchase agreement which would affect the purchase of approximately 3/4 acre of property on Tremont Street for use for parks and recreatioial purposes. Discussed at considerable length and moved by Carr, seconded by Monteith that this agreement be forwarded to the owners of the property foo execution and return. Approved. Councilman Molzahn opened discussion on the necessity of securing an option on another parcel of about 5 acres contiguous to the above parcel (see minutes of previous meetings) which is desired to improve the overall parks program. Discussed briefly and continued. Clerk read a letter from the County Assessor requesting the City to establish fees for application for classifying property as "open space" under RCW 84.34 in order to place them in a lower use and tax classification. Discussed at length and continued for action until next meeting, with City Attorney to research the matter and report. Clerk requested authority to issue a revenue warrant in amount of $13,298.20 in final payment to E. J. Rody & Sons for retained percentage of contract for the Bay Street Interceptor Sewer project. Moved by Carr, seconded by Powers that this warrant be issued and final payment of the contract authorized. Approved. March 8, 1971 Page Three Clerk informed the Mayor and Council of an inspection of the Bay Street Interceptor project by representatives of Federal Water Pollution Control Commission on December 2, 1970 at 9:00 a.1s. prior to final approval and determination of amount of the grant still eligible. Chief of Police Dow reported that he would be in Ellensbhrg attending the )id -Winter Conference of the Association of Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs, �.e q l i Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that work is proceeding, at request of the South Kitsap School District to repair broken fire hydrants at South Kitsap High School. Mr. Knobbs also reported on the progress of construction on the Pottery Avenue Arterial. Mayor reminded the Council and other members of the City official "family_"- of the annual City Christmas party and dinner scheduled this year Thursday, December 100 and encouraged all to attend. Councilman Carr of Fire and Light Committee reported on the possible need for a street light or other improved illumination in Ciles Lane, west of Rockwell Avenue. Discussed briefly and continued for further study. Clerk distributed Income and Expense Statements for the Water and Sewer Funds, for the semi-annual period Jan. 1 - Jun. 30 from the records of the Classff6dd Utility Accounts and compared these totals with the totals of the first quarter previously distributed. Clerk reminded the Council of the special meeting scheduled for 700 p,m. December 1st, for preliminary budget hearings, as required by law. Clerk presented the Payroll for 11-19-70 in amount of $8,382.73 and Bills in following amounts: Current Expense Fund $2,121,16, Water Fund $1,097.76, Street Fund $1,287.49, Sewer Fund $444.720 Pakk Fund $105,86, Miscellaneous $45,056.68, Total $50,113.67. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this Payroll be approved and these Bills be allowed, and Vouchers No. 6638 through 6671 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:55 p.m. MAYia CLERK Port Orchard, Washington February 22, 1971 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee.) Molzahn absent (excused). Also present: Attorney Tom Krilich substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Ass't. Fire Chief Lee Caldwell, Mr. John Atkins, representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of February 8th meeting read and approved. r Mayor reminded those present that this was the time and date set for opening of bids for a garbage packer truck and a wheel loader for the garbage utility 6perationf Clerk opened bids as follows for the packer truck combination: E Howe Motor Company, Port Orchard, Fo5d C 750 truck $15,214.31 with Heil Mk III packer unit. Forward mount option $102.0d/without Sales Tax, FOB Port Orchard, Jon Swanson Chevrolet Company, Port Orchard, Chevrolet truck $15,903.74 with Heil Mk III packer unit. Forward mount option $102.00, two way mobile radio $859. all without Sales Tax. Haselwood Buick Company, Bremerton, GMC truck $15,436.12, with Heil Mk III packer unit. Forward mount option $102.00, radio $940., all without Sales Tax. Haselwood Buick Company, Bremerton, GMC truck $15,784.97 with E-Z pack packer, without Sales Tax. Discussed briefly and referred to City Engineer for study and recommendation. Clerk opened one bid for the wheeled loader (used), from Northwest Roads, Inc. for a 1962 Loarain loader, 10 ton range, $8,500. without Sales Tax. Discussed briefly and referred to City Engineer for study and recommendation. Mayor recognized Mrs. Margaret Mashburn of 1011 Hull Avenue who was present to complain about erosion of her property, due to the dislocation of a creek during construction of Pottery Avenue Arterial. Mrs. Mashburn reported steady erosion of considerable consequence on her property during periods of rainy weather, when the creek rises. She feels that serious damage to her property will result unless the situation is corrected. Discussed at length and determined that Hammond, Collier and Wade, Consulting Engineers will be requested to come to Port Orchard at the earliest possible date, evaluate the situation and meet with members of the Council and the Mayor as to what corrective action might be indicated. After further discussion moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that the City's Consulting Engineers, Hammond, Collier and Wade, be directed to make an immediate study of the problem and report to the Mayor and members of the Council on the necessary corrective action. Approved. Mayor announced that this was the date for the hearing on the final assessment roll as required by law, on LID #65, (construction of marquees over Bay Street sidewalks), and called for any protests as to the amount of the assessments. Mr. Jack Skelton of VFW Post #2669 was present to protest the amount of the assessment on the VFW Club property at 736 Bay Street. Mr. Skelton stated that this assessment had been increased from an original quotation of about $800. + to the final Aigure of $2,250. Discussion developed that the $800. figure was probably in error and a "hearsay" amount. Mr. Fred Hannah of Port Orchard Development Corporation spoke at length in support of this project and stated that a few property owners would voluntarily subsidize the excess costs of about $21,000. over the $75.00 per front foot costs to which the LID is limited. City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs requested that 4-go on record that he was in opposition to some of the features of the plan as presented, i.e., elimination of the flashing between the marquee and the wall, the elimination of the fascia trim under the canopy, the use of corrugated roofing, and the allowing existing canopies to remain in place. Matter continued until the Council or a committeeof it can examine the one protest and: evaluate it. Various question were asked of Mr. Robert Greene of Gilman and Greene, Architects. Mr. Greene made rough sketches of the proposed construction on the blackboard. February 22, 1971 Page Two a letter of commendation and good wishes to the team and Coach Anderson might be in order. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that a letter of commendation and good wishes for success in the finals, be written. Approved. Clerk presented the Payroll for 2-28-71 in the amount of $11,133.21, and Bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $3,907.03, Water Fund $783.67, Street Fund $6,845.00, Sewer Fund $4,993.32, Park Fund $61.31, Garbage Fund $3,266.77, UAB (Pottery Avenue Arterial) $44,683.39, Total $64,504.49. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this Payroll and these Bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 6951 through 7006 (6953 voided)authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Ajourned at 12s15 a.m. . MAYOR G�-�� J CLERK Mr. Skelton delivered to the Clerk, a written protest from VFW Post #2669 as to the L/ amount of the assessment, as required by law. The protest was read by the Clerk. The Mayor requested the Council to consider the protest, and to determine, if in their opinion, the assessment exceeded the benefits derived by the property. Discussed briefly. The Clerk read a portion of the proposed ordinance to confirm the roll and a portion of Ordinance No. 856 which formed the LED and ordered the improvements. Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that the protest be disallowed and the property involved determined to be benefited to the same extent as the other properties of equal size and location. Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would approve and confirm the assessment roll for LID #65. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 875 assigned. Mayor then requested of Mr. Fred Hannah of Port Orchard Development Corporation, how r his corporation would contract to underwrite the difference between the LID total assess- -' ments, and the total project costs. The method of accomplishing this will be worked out with the City Attorney. Ass't. Fire Chief Lee Caldwell reported that Fire Chief Hacker was recovering satisfactorily from a recent heart attack. Ass't. Chief Caldwell requested authority to purchase four (4) Plectron home radio receivers, as authorized in the 1971 budget. Determined that this is a routine authorized purchase, not requiring Council action. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that there were two items which needed correction in the new fire hall, and which should be done by Ron Nelson Construction Company. Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that Ron Nelson Construction Company be put on written notice to correct faulty roof gutters and faulty rear door installation within a certain time or the City will effect the repairs and bill the cost to Mr. Nelson. Approved. Councilman Monteith requested information concerning the debris which resulted when an old condemned dwelling was burned on Bethel Avenue for volunteer firemen's training. This dwelling was in a City street and it is unlikely that the owner will voluntarily clean up the area. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs directed to remove the debris, and clean up the mess remaining after the fire. Sup't. of Public Works reported that he is studying the recommendations of Councilman Monteith that the building code be amended to require that all glass doors, (storm) sliding, etc.) be of safety glass (see minutes of 2-8-71). Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported that his committee has investigated the request by proprietors of Western Auto Store for additional on -street parking near that store. His committee was unable to determine any means by which this could be accomplished and has no recommendations. Mayor reported receipt of a request from Dr. William Davis, Superintendent of South Kitsap School District No. 402 for an executive session of Council re: the bill for the costs of the sewer lift station at Cedar Heights Junior High School. Discussed briefly and determined that such a meeting will be held on March 4th at 1.Os00 a.m. Mayor Repanich reported that a meeting of Puget Sound Governmental Conference would be held at 7s30 p.m. March 11, in the County Courthouse for the purpose of discussing land use and transportation problems. Clerk read a request from the U. S. Naval Facility, San Bruno, California for the lease by the City of a small parcel of unused street right of way at the north end of Austin Avenue adjacent to the north boundary of Dwight Street, for a submarine periscope range Station. Discussed briefly and referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendations. Clerk read a letter from U. S. Army Corps of Engineers enclosing applications forms for a permit to construct the boat launch ramp (see minutes of previous meetings). Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that the Mayor be authorized to sign the application forms for the City. Approved. Clerk reported that a final invoice and request for payment for the balance of Public Law 660 funds for construction of Bay Street interceptor, had been forwarded to the Department of Interior, Water Quality Office, in Portland for payment. Clerk reported receipt of a claim for $98.80 in damages to Knights of Pythias building due to a broken water line. Referred to City Engineer for study and recommendations. Clerk request authority f6r payment of $4,250. from Sewer Fund to Current Expense Fund in payment of 1970 City B & 0 tax which was not paid in 1970. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that this payment be authorized. Approved. Clerk read a request from Mr. Robert Peters, of Kitsap County Council on Alcoholism that a letter be written to District legislators protesting the possible closure of Olympie Center. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee that a letter be prepared for the Mayor's signature protesting this closure. Motion died for lack of a second. Clerk reported that garbage -refuse collection problems have been almost completely eliminated and that the utility is operating very smoothly. The Clerk informed the Council that Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs and Water -Sewer Foreman Lester Helm were deserving of all of the credit for the efficiency of the operation. Moved by Carr, seconded by Powers that the Council go on record as affording a vote of commendation to the -Sanitation Department and to Mr. Knobbs and Mr. Helm. Approved. Chief of Police Dow reported availability of some used photographic equipment from the Sheriff's Department at a very nominal price for use in investigative work, and requested authority to purchase it. Discussed briefly and determined this is a budgeted type of expenditure not requiring Council action. Chief Dow reported that the 1968 Plymouth patrol car is using a considerable amount of oil and is fouling spark plugs quite badly. He recommends consideration of an engine overhaul at a cost of about $250.00 minimum when it becomes a little more critical. Chief Dow also reported that a new patrol car will now cost $4,000.00 as compared to $2,600.00 for the last one, due to the removal of the manufacturers support of these sales. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported a sharp upsurge in building activity in the past few weeks. Mr. Knobbs also reported that a waterproof paper garbage bags for use by customers of the City garbage service can be purchase in large lots for about 90 each in car load lots, if such a service is determined feasible. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on attendance at a two-day seminar, along with Charles Rowden, Sewage Treatment Plant Operator, on bacteriological testing of treatment plant effluents, and discussed several new requirements regarding water quality standards which may be imposed on the City in the near future. Clerk presented the Payroll for 2-15-71 in the amount of $10,605.32 and Bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $1,563.95, Water Fund $1,110.93, Street Fund $1,146.81, Sewer Fund $350.89, Park Fund $20.38, Garbage Fund $1,192.25, Total $5,385.21. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this Payroll and these Bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 6924 through 6950 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:30 p.m. t MAYOR `��� CLERK Port Orchard, Washington February 8, 1971 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen presents Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, and Powers. Molzahn absent (excused), Van Zee absent, (excused). Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. John Atkins, representing Port Orchard Independent, and Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 1�-25-71 and special meeting of 2-1-71 read and approved, as corrected (minutes of 1-25-71). Mayor referred to the minutes of 2-1-71 and the call for bids authorized there.n for one 20 cubic yard garbage -refuse compactor unit and one tandem axle truck chassis. He V reported on a visit to the Pierce County Refuse Company facility in Tacoma and the strong recommendations of representatives of that company that the 16 cubic yard packer and single axle truck be utilized rather than the larger unit proposed. Discussed at length, and moved by Barr, seconded by Powers that the action of 2-1-71 be modified to provide for procurement of a 16 cubic yard packer unit and single rear axle truck chassis in lieu of the equipment originally authorized and that the specifications and call for bids be changed accordingly. Approved. Mayor Repanich reported to the Council that a garbage -refuse packer truck had been procured on a rental basis from Pierce County Refuse Company until the new equipment is received. Discussion developed in various matter of operation of the garbage collection utility for the past week. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported very satisfactory progress in bringing the sanitary land fill back into acceptable conidition. Mayor recognized Mr. Robert Greene of Gilman and Greene, Architects, who have prepared the plans for the marquees over Bay Street sidewalks, and who was present to discuss the status of that project and to offer a copy of the construction contracts for examination. Discussed at length. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that the survey of the 4 acre parcel of property under consideration for purchase for parks and recreational purposes, had been completed and that a legal description had been developed which would be the basis of an option -purchase agreement. Discussed briefly and City Attormy requested to prepare necessary agreement. Mayor Repanich reported on a meeting with Mr. R. W. Kerslake, District Engineer and Mr. Robert Truitt, Traffic Engineer, both of the State Hi€,hway Department res the traffic congestion problem on Highway 160 (Bay Street). Several means of relieving this situation were discussed and Mr. Kerslake was very impressed with the Mayor's proposal to provide for one-way traffic through the portion of the business district most affected by congestion. Discussed at length. Two other possible means of relieving the situation also discussed. Fire Chief Hacker reported five fire alarms in the City during January, with a total loss of $10.00. Mayor reported on an offer of Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Thompson of Route 6 Box 326, Port Orchard to donate a live balsam fir tree about 5' tall, for planting on City property. Mr. Glen Greseth of Port Orchard Nursery has offered to plant the tree. The Clerk read a proposed ordinance declaring an emergency to exist requiring funds not otherwise available, to assume operation of the garbage -refuse collection service and authorizing the issuance of emergency warrants to provide the funds, and amending the 1971 budget ordinance (No. 869) to include a Garbage Fund and appropriating the monies for its operation,. Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 874 assigned. Clerk read Statement of Progress No. 3 and request for partial payment, from Select Contractors, Inc. for work performed on the Pottery Avenue Arterial. This report has been examined by the City Engineer and found to be in order. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this report be accepted and payment authorized when fundsare available. Approved. February 8, 1971 Page Two Clerk read a letter from The Department of Fisheries and Department of Game (jointly) giving the authority of those departments for the construction of the proposed boat launch ramp at the north end of Water Avenue. Clerk read a letter from City Attorney Donald Thompson rel the statement for services x of Mr. Tom Lowry for the development of a planning and zoning and development ordinance. Discussed at length and continued for further study and meetings with Mr. Lowry and for a clarification of exact amounts obligated. Clerk reported that the final 1970 federal census indicates the population of Port Orchard to be 3904 as of April 1, 1970. Clerk read letters of Mr. Lloyd Baker, Director of Public Employees Retirement System and the Law Enforcement and Firefighters Retirement System, opposing the proposal of the Governor of the State to withold contributions to these systems for a two year period to balance the budget of the Statd. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that a letter be prepared to the senatorsand the representatives for this district to be signed by the Mayor opposing this proposal. Councilman Monteith opened discussion on the desirability of an ordinance amending the building code to require patio doors, entrance doors and storm doors to be of safety glass to reduce injury potential. Discussed briefly and referred to Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs for study and recommendations. Mr. Knobbs reported on a proposal of Mr. Robert Gans, Manager of Westbay Shopping Center properties, whereby he will, at no expense to the City, beautify the triangle at Bay and Maple Streets when the intersection is re -designed and a signal light installed. Mr. Knobbs reported on the progress of the Krueger Nursing Home on Pottery Avenue and that the first stages of construction on the Ridgemont Terrace Convalescent Home adjacent to the Krueger Home, was under way. Chief of Police Dow reported on the curriculum of the personnel management school at Providence Heights Training Academy which he and Sergeant McGee have attended recently. Chief Dow also reported that the teletype machine is in full operation and the operators are being trained. Councilman Carr reported &n a recommendation of the Association of Washington Cities that the legislation which establishes the Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters Retirement System be modified to protect the employer against certain inequities of the law as it now exists. Mayor requested the Street and Alley Committee to investigate the possibility of improving the parking situation near the Western Auto Store on Bay Street. Mayor reported on a meeting with Mr. William Collier of Hammond, Collier and Wade, and Dr. William Davis, Superintendent of South Kitsap School District on 2-4-71 to resolve the matter of the responsibility for the need for a lift station at the Cedar Heights Junior High School. The City Attorney had recommended one alternative method of making the decision to be that of securing the services of a disinterested engineer to eialuate the situation and make a professional determination of the responsibility. This method is acceptable to both Hammond, Collier and Wade and to the School authorities. Discussed at length and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the School District be presented with a bill for the costs of the lift station at Cedar Heights Junior High School and that the proposal that the matter be resolved by a disinterested engineer be rejected. Approved. Clerk presented the Payroll for January 31, 1971 in the amount of $10,423.14 and4ills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $3,057.33, Water Fund $2,572.77, Street Fund $711.63, Sewer Fund $313.57, Garbage Fund $209.50, Park Fund $94.82, Water -Sewer Construction Fund $27.33, Total $6,986.95. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, that these Bills and this Payroll be allowed and Vouchers No. 6881 through 6923 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:15 p.m. MAYOR CLERK f r Port Orchard, Washington February 1, 1971 A special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, and Powers. Molzahn - and Van Zee absent (excused). Also present: City Engineer-Su:p't. of Public Works Knobbs. Mayor announced the purpose of this meeting to be to discuss the matter of garbage -refuse collection in the City, in view of the termination of the gatbtgavcontract existing ✓ since June 1, 1969, (see minutes of 1-25-71). Mayor Repanich reported on a visit by himsetf, Mr. Knobbs and the City Clerk, to Poulsbo on 1-27-71 to observe the operation of the municipal garbage collection operation there, and along with Councilman Powers, to Bothell and Marysville on 1-28-71 to investigate the same operations in those cities. The Mayor described the equipment and methods of operation being used in the cities named above and the problems arising, as well as the rates which those cities charge for the service, and compared these rates with those of Port Orchard. Various other matters in this connection discussed at length. Mayor offered those present in the audience an opportunity to discuss any matter under consideration, and several offered comments. Members of the Council and others, discussed the feasibility of the City entering into the business of collecting garbage -refuse and some of the problems which might be �✓'� encountered. Councilman Monteith recommended that the City strongly consider calling for bids for private operation of the utility rather than for the City to undertake to operate it, in view of the necessity for heavy capital outlay. Discussed at length. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that the City of Port Orchard enter into the garbage -refuse utility operation. Approved, 4 yeas and one no. The Mayor then opened discussion on the matter of calling for bids for purchase of equipment required and the various types of equipment which might be desirable and which would do the best job. Discussed at length. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that the City Engineer-Sup•t. of the the Public Works be authorized to prepare specifications for a 20 cubic yard garbage -refuse packer unit, a six wheel, tandem drive truck chassis and a used wheel type bucket loader, 14-17 ton gross eight, and to issue the necessary call for bids for this equipment. Approved. Further general discussion on tle;.=matter of operation of the garbqge utility developed. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 9:45 p.m. -� �� CLERK Port Orchard, Washington January 25, 1971 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 705 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen presents Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Molzahn absent (excused). Also presents City Attorney Donald Thompson, Sergeant of Police McGee, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen Ross representing Tacoma dews Tribune, Mr. John Atkins, representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 1-11-71 read and approved. Mayor recognized Sergeant McGee and Patrolaa Benton of the Police Departmestt awd introduced Patrolman Benton, a one year member of the force who recently graduated from the Providence Hieghts Police Training Academy at'Issaquah. Mayor Repanich gave a _rief summary of the curriculum of the school and extended to Patrolman Benton his congratulations and commended bin of his efforts to i��rove,„his ,e f e�tcy. Mayor recognized Mrs. Mary Ackley of 1083 Hull Avenue, who was present to request information re: the status of the garbage -refuse collection contract. Her questions were answered by Mayor Repanich. Mrs. Ackley also complained about the burxkxg of tires and oit wastes by the contrac*or in the Pottery Avenue Arterial area. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs will report this to Air Pollution Control authorities. Mayor recognized Mr. Henry F. Muyskens�of 248 Tracy Avenue and Mr. Carl Schroeder of 267 Farragut Avenue who were present res the request of a neighbor, Mrs. Ardis Mills, for the relocation of the intersection at the northeast corner of Tracy and Dekalb Streets to remove the street from her property and create a 900 turn instead of the gradual curve which now exists. Both Mr. Muyskens and Mr. Schroeder spoke at length on the severe traffic hazard which now exists at this intersection, (see minutes of 1-11-71). Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee and Councilman Geiger recommended that the corner of the property (now in the roadway) be located by the City Engineer and the intersection be re -aligned to provide no more than a ten foot radius curve at the corner to permit school buses to make the turn. Discussed briefly and moved by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger that the intersection be re -aligned to restore to the property owner, the property upon which the street has encroached. Discussion developed on the possible need for a stop sign at this point. Councilman Monteith moved that the original notion be amended to provide for the installation of ,stop sign on Tracy Avenue at its intersection with Dekalb Street as a temporary measure, after the street is re -located. Amendment to motion approved, 4 yeas and 2 nos. Original motion approved. Mayor Repanich opened discussion on the matter of the garbage -refuse contract and the action to be taken at the end of the 30 day period (see minutes of 1-11-71), City Attorney Thompson read a resume' of items in the bill of particulars provided to Mr. Griffiths on 12-23-70 which still have not been corrected as required by the contract. Discussed at length. Several Councilmen discussed various items contained in the report. Councilman Monteith requested an opinion from the City,,Attorney as to the direction the City should take in view of the contents of the report (above) submitted by Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs. Mr. Thompson informed the Council that,ibiview of the contents of the above report, the City has legal grounds for the grounder-fer-tire termination of the contract. Discussed at length. Councilman Geiger gave a detailed recapitulation of his feelings about the garbage -refuse situation as it has existed in the City for the past 8 or 10 years, and the very numerous meetings and study sessions he has attended in garbage collection matters, where all the problems and complaints re: the operations were discussed but Where in few, if any, of the complaints were ever actually settled. Mr. Geiger moved, seconded by Monteith that the City Attorney be authorized and directed to prepare the necessary correspondence to Mr. J. J. Griffiths, dba J & F Buccaneer Refuse Service terminating the garbage -refuse collection contract immediately. Miss Mary Griffiths, (daughter of J. J. Griffiths) asked several questions at this point. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Carr that the effective date of the termination of the contract be established as January 31, 1971. Approved. Fire Chief Hacker reported the intention burning, for training, of an old abandoned and condemned dwelling on Bethel Avenue on 1-24-71. Chief Hacker requested permission to remove the large overhead doors and certain lighting fixtures from Fire Hail No. 2, when it is finally vacated and prior to disposal. Clerk reported that the hearing on the final assessment roll on LID #65, q (mar uees over sidewalks on Bay Street) is scheduled for 2-22-71. January 25, 1971 Page Tv7o Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported no recommendations re: the "caution light" at the approach to the Highway 160-Bethel Avenue, intersection (see minutes of 1-11-71). Continued for further study. Mayor Repgnich reported on a meeting with EDA officals re: funds for Public Works projects. It appears very unlikely that any Port Orchard projects would receive favorable consideration at this time. Sup't, of Public Works Knobbs reported on the progress and status of the boat launch ramp (see minutes of previous meetings). City Clerk also reported on a meeting res this project with representatives of the State Game Department re: possible funds from that Department to assist in financing this facility. No dunds would be available unless the completed launching facility were deeded to the Game Department or leased on a long term basis. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on the progress of construction of the Krueger Nursing Home on Pottery Avenue and Lippert Drive. Clerk read a letter'from Mr. Robert Gans, Manager of Westbay Shopping Center properties, commending the Mayor on the proposal to create one way traffic on Bay Street, (see minutes of 1-11-71) and discussed,ithbeadverse effects which would be the result of the passage of Initiative 43 (Shoreline Protection Act). Clerk read a letter from the City Attorney res the matter of the lien the City has placed on property owned by Mr. Joseph B. Showalter, Jr. to protect the investment of $555.52 (approximately) which the City paid to the Department of Internal Revenue to satisfy a claims against the property. This was done to protect the eitjrds interests in a Right of Way which was purchased from Mr. Showalter, but which postdated the claim of the Internal RevIlue Service. Clerk read a letter from the State Department of Ecology, informing the City of a Bourse in techniques for measuring of bacteriological content of sewage treatment plant effluents. Sup•t. of Public Works Knobbs and Sewage Treatment Plant Operator Charles Rowden will attend At the class in Kent, Washington on February 18 and 19.. Clerk re -presented the matter of the proposed ordinance amedding the City's leave and holiday ordinance (see minutes of 12-14, 12-18 and 1-11). Councilman Monteith reported on leave accrual policies of small businesses of Port Orchard and concluded by recommending that the leave accrual foe employees be reduced to six days for the first year and nine days for the second year, and twelve days for the third, fourth and fifth years,id lieu of the straight twelve days per year for the first five years as now authorized. The Clerk reminded the Council that the leave accrual system does not cost the City budgeted funds, except in the case of the radio dispatchers in the Police Department and in case of terminations in the first two years, since v ation relief help is not hired and the vacation increases in workload are absorbed tte remaining employees. Moved by Carr, seconded by Caldwell that the proposed ordinance be adopted as originally -presented. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that the motion to adopt be amended to provide that employees be required to be steadily employed for twelve months before being authorized to use accrued leave, or to be paid for unused accrued leave on termination. Amendment approved, 5 yeas and one no, (Monteith). Original motion approved 5 yeas and one no, (Monteith) and Ordinance No. 873 assigned. Clerk reported receipt of a proposal by Mr. Richard Parks for the construction of two duplexes on property on Bethel Avenue north of Vista Motel. These units would be about 300 to 400 feet off Bethel Avenue, with a separate parcel of property between them and the street, with only a 20 feet easement for access. Mr. Parks was informed of several reasons why this would be undesirable. Mr. Knobbs reported on the status bf the survey of approximately 4 acres of property near Tremont Street, under eonsideration for purchase as Parks and Recreational property. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playground Committee reported need to purchase several plantings of shrubs at the triangle at Highway 160 and Bethel Avenue, and one rhodadendron at the Active Club Building. Clerk presented the Payroll for January 15, 1971 in the amount of $10,368.96 and Bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $2,840.22, Water Fund $979.53, Street Fund $6,806.74, Sewer Fund $427.75, Park Fund $7.77, Arterial Street Fund (UAB Phase 1) $54,191.47, Total $65,327.48. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these Bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 6843 through 6880 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:20 p.m. C . � 6 /L ��`'- �' G� �- � .. CLERK January 25, 1971 Page Three Councilman Mikelsen, Chairman of Water, ;ewer, Health and 7anitation Committee also reported on the need for the purchase of sewer cleaning cleaning equipment to facilitate cleaning out plugged sewer mains, He described one such machine of rotating tool type which is available with 350 feet of cable and recommends the purchase of such item of equipment to obviate the necessity of renting it with operator when required. This equipment complete, delivered, would cost about S800,00 plus tax. moved by ':ikelsen, seconded by Powers that the Clerk, in cooperation with Acting City Engineer Itendricks and Mr. Helm, Sewer Foreman, order one of these machines. Approved, City Attorney 1"hompson referred to a claim for $300.00 presented by Attorney Paul Fisher on behalf of four (4) property owners in the area where the sewer line and arterial will be constructed, because of trespass on their properties by surveyors of 9ammond, Collier and Wade. Discussed at length by Nr, "'hompson and i;rs, Basil Ackley of 1083 Full Street, Continued for study by the City Attorney, Councilman Polyahn, of ."ire and Linht Committee reported on a need for additional street lighting on Bethel Avenue from a point near the Vista Motel to the City Limits and also poor or insufficient street lighting on Sidney Avenue from Sroufe Street to ,';elcher Street, In the latter case, the tights are spaced approximately correct, but are of insufficient Intensity to properly lieht the street, These situations, and street lighting in general, discussed at length, �?oved by "Ikelsen, seconded by Powers that any extension of the street lighting system of three or more lights will be of mercury vapor type of at least 4000 lumens. Approved, Bills were read in the amounts of: Current Expense Fund $3,979.12, Water Fund $10,326.50, Street Fund $2,619.21, Sewer Fund .S1,322.74, Park Fund S743,25, Total 918,990.82. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and vouchers No. 4705 through 4773 authorized paid, Approved, ?roved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn, Adjourned at 11:45 p. m. C ��ti Clerk Payor Port Orchard, Washington January 11, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 ps as by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Carr, Geiger, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Caldwell and Molzahn absent (excused). Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Supt. Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. John Atkins, representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Boyd Hagen, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of meeting of 12-28-70 read and approved. Mayor Repanich offered any person in attendance with a specific item to bring to the Councils attention, an opportunity to do so and recognized Mrs. Alan Barger of 229 Tracy Avenue, who was present to complain, very strongly about garbage service, both failure to pick up cans, and charging for service not received, and that very rude profane language had been dir- ected at her by Mrs. Griffith, the wife of the garbage -refuse contractor. Mrs. Blanche Marcello of 249 Tracy Avenue also protested that garbage service to her res- idence had been unsatisfactory, that her new garbage can had been damaged, and that refuse had been strewn around the can by the collector and not picked up. Various matters involving garbage -refuse collection in general discussed at length. The f Clark informed the Council of receipt of several complaints, in writing, of garbage service. These were referred to Councilman Powers, Acting Chairman of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee. Mrs. Ned& Hang of 640 Retail Road No- was present to request the Council to consider some method of controlling the number of cars driven by South Kitsap High School students, which enter the City via Bay Street each day about 3:00 po a. causing traffic congestion. Dis- cusded at length, and the Chief of Police requested to study the matter to determine if this action was practicable. Clerk reported no new information re: the final assessment roll for LID 65 (see minutes of 12-28-70). Councilman Carr, Chairman of Fire and Light Committee, reported that the matter of an add- itional street light on Tracy Avenue north of Cbester Street was still under consideration. The matter of installation of four (4) mercury vapor street lights on Bethel Avenue in re- placement of incandescent type (see minutes of 12-28-76) re -opened for discussion. Council- man Monteith suggested that perhaps all of the existing incadescent lights on Bethel Avenue (semen (7)) should be replaced to improve visibility on this main entrance into the City. After further discussion, moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that four additional mercury vapor type street lights (in addition to those authorized in minutes of 12-28-70) be auth. orized for this area, three (3) on Bethel Avenue and one on the southeast side of the tri- angle at the Bethel Avenue -Highway 160 intersection. Approved. Mayor Repanich reported on attendance in a meeting on 12-29-70 at Olympic Center re: closure of that €acuity. He discussed the various uses for which the center is being utilized. Discussed at length. The possible need for a caution light at the approach to Bethel Avenue from Highway 160 discussed,griefly and referred to Street and Alley Committee for study. Mayor reported on a meeting with representatives of Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment on January 8 in Seattle, on possible availability of Federal funds for various public works. It appears that some funds may be available for improvement of water supply and storage facilities. Referred to Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for study. Mayor Repanich also reported that HUD fund might be available in the future for development of recreational facilities. Mayor Repanich requested that the matter of the Leave and Holiday ordinance (see minutes of 12-14 and 12-28-70) be re -opened for discussion. Councilman Monteith recommended that the annual leave accrual for new employees be reduced to 6 days after the first year, 9 days after the second year and 12 days for the third through fifth year, with accrual thereafter to be the same as in the present ordinance. Discussed at considerable length. The Clerk informed the Council that the present leave accrual policy does not cost the City out -of - budget funds, except in case of the radio dispatchers in the Police Department, since no other department adds to its payroll for vacation replacements. In case of termination after 6 months, the only cost would be the difference between leave taken and leave accrued, which is paid in lump sum. After further discussion, moved by Carr that the proposed amendment January 11, 1978 Page Two .Cas T- to the present leave ordinance be adopted as originally presented. Motion by lack of a second. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Geiger that action on the proposed ordinance be postponed until 1-25-71 meeting. Approved. Fire Chief Hacker gave a statistical report on the operation of his department in 1970. He reported that burning permits issued in 1970 were only about 4 the number issued in 1969, probably due to the enactment of air pollution control regulations. Total fire alarms answer- ed were 45, with 11 of these resulting in actual loss estimated at $6,300, and replacement loss of $9,000, or about $2.83 per capita. It appears that the per capita loss was about � the national average. No fires were reported in December. Chief of Police Dow reported the installation of the teletype machine in his department and that the radio dispatchers are being trained in its 6peration. Chief of Police Dow reported assignment of Officer Sibley to training in case investigation with the Seattle Police Department for 4 weeks. Mayor Repanich reported that Chief Dow and Sergeant McGee would be in attendance at training sessions at Providence Heights facility near Issaquah in personnel supervision. Supt. Public Works Knobbs reported on progress of Public Works projects and also in problems Involved in operation of the sanitary land fill. He reported that part of the foundation for the Krueger Nursing Home on Pottery Avenueehad been poured. Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Ardis Mills, who owns property at the northwest corner of Tracy and DeKslb Streets, requesting that the City consider relocating the street at this point to remove it from hies property where it is encroaching. Discussed briefly and con- tinued for further study. Clerk requested that the Council consider authorizing the discontinuance of a maintenance agreement on three pieces of office equipment at a cost of $96.00 annually. This equipment is quite old and has not required any repairs in a number of years, and the annual cost of the agreement is excessive in consideration of the value of the equipment. The Clerk recom- mended substitution of another agreement at a cost of $63.00 annually on the new printing calculator, which is a sophisticated piece of equipment and will require adjustment and pos- sible repair from time to time. Moved by Carr, seconded by Monteith that the maintenance agreement on Burroughs equipment be discontinued and an agreement be entered into for main- tenance of the Monroe calculator. Approved. Clerk read a letter from the Sophomore Class of South Kitsap High School requesting permission to erect a sign at one of the entrances to the City, publicizing Port Orchard as the "Home of the South Kitsap Wolves". Discussed at length. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that this request be approved with location limited to street rights -of -way and not the islands or triangles requested. Moved by Van Zee that the size of the sign be limited to 4' by 40 instead of the W by 8+ requested. Amendment to the motion disapproved, three Nos and two yeas. The original motion approved, 14 '},e ') > Clerk informed the Council of the need for a resolution authorizing City Engineer Knobbs to sign the final requisition and vouchers required for the City to receive the balance of the HUD grant. The Clerk read a proposed resolution to accomplish this and moved by Carr, sac- onded by Monteith that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1102 assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance to affect certain budgetary adjustments to close out the 1970 budget and balance appropriations to expenditures. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 872 assigned. Mayor Repanich directed attention of the Council to a large sketch of a possible re-routing of traffic between Harrison and Orchard Streets to provide one-way traffic eastbound on Bay Street and westbound on a new facility which would be constructed north of the liquor store and Postoffice, and along the seaward side of the existing fill and parking lot. Discussed In detail. Continued for further presentation to downtown business men and to the State Highway Department for consideration. Clerk presented the payroll for December 31, 1970 in the amount of $9,041,99 and bills in following amounts: Current Expense Fund $4,720.39, Water Fund $2,504.47, Street Fund $1,501.53, Sewer Fund $1,787.47, Park Fund $117.28, water Construction Fund $2.75, total $10,6330890 Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos. 6796 through 6842 authorized paid. Approved. Attorney Ronald Thompson reported on latest developments in the "gambling tolerance" policy as it exists in various parts of the state in view of the recent court decision in Pierce Co. and the 1970 Omnibus Crime Bill of the U. S. Congress. January 11, 1971 Page Three Discussion developed on the situation involving the sewage lift station at Cedar Heights Junior High School and on Whom the responsibility for the situation requiring it, should be placed. Matter continued for further communication with the school officials. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:50 p. m. Clerk Mayor